reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter
well how silly is that....sorry i just had to laugh...please no offense....but ALL conspiracy is speculation.....cause if there was 100% proof of
everythnig...then guess what there would be no conspiracy now would there.
this thread i have been reading from the start...and it is interesting how it is being approached.....can i ask the MODS if there is a side to to
9/11 discussions that is maybe promoting this action...
yes it can be a bit dis concerting when people have strong view points and they personallise the rebuttals...
but if you think about it....the actions of the day have achieve the goals...wether it be from within or with out the govenment.
the term here for it is DIVIDE AND CONQUER....
well has been achieved...and to be achieved on a conspiracy site is amazing.....conspiracy is all speculation as i has i
think...possibly UFOS should be stopped......cause we all know they are REAL....MAYBE JFK threads should be stopped as we know he was shot and that is
that...move on folks nothing to see there...
Chemtrails are a no who has not seen clouds in the i ask again...what side of the fence is this getting pressure i am a
so called truther....and i know how many things i get called by the OSer's but i get on with it....
is the world a warm and fuzzy place...nope...and just because we are all members we all have our own opinions.....but i can say this....the truthers
lose on this the only so called evidence...ONLY comes from one side of the story really...and that is the evidence put out by none other
than FEMA and NIST...because all real evidence was shipped off on a slow boat to china.
but i am not here to dicuss was to make a point.....SPECULATION=CONSPIRACY
so lets speculate side of the membership speaks louder than the other....LOBBYISTS....and the staff get fed up...even though they try
their best to deal with VICIOUS..personal attacks.
but if it comes to the point where topics are not allowed to be dicussed it is a shame.....
My brother has MS...yet i refrain from talking about the M word as it has been deemed off limits....even though i know how much it helps him in his
everyday life.
can you see my point.....this is becoming censorship.....And well i am afraid that is a shame....and i really hope it does not lead to migrations to
other this has always been a decent forum.
I mean just look at Youtube...not a bbs type site but definately a free for all....and you know something people cope.
a freedom of opinion is about to be lost as for the JEWISH gets tiring....people talk about
blacks,muslims,religions,politics,hate,...and all other things that may offend somebody in some way or another......i ask why should jews be
excluded.....not kosher.
now when i speak of Jews i speak of something different....It is not about Jews....many things that occur in this world are about ZIONISTS....and
people are smart enough for the most part to understand the difference...just making a point not here to dicuss it .
also UFOS....hmmmm...that one is a tricky one....i see people coming in on regular basis....bashing people whom try to present anything on the
subject and getting basically beliittled......but you know what....when your on the actual conspiracy side of the fence we expect to get bashed as we
are brave enough to think outside the percieved norm....outside the brainwashed side of the public.
I ask SO why did you create this site in the first place,,,,I assume it was because you thought outside what the mainstream thought.
So i ask the staff of ATS to think hard on what is being proposed and think of all the implications of what you think you might be wanting to achieve
and what you might actually achieve.
from what i am seeing is it will make people fearful to speak freely....and too me personally....such a shame.
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plube because: (no reason given)
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013030p://f58Sunday by plube because: (no reason given)