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Nasa baffled by soil properties on mars in latest photo.

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posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by THENEO

see my above post regarding temperature extremes on Mars surface. There are seasons and locations where the temperature reaches 27 degrees C.

seems rather hospitable to me...

Well 27C isn't bad by far. Of course I wouldn't want to be there. It gets a little colder in the winter and at night, but the worse would be no oxygen.
I'm addicted to breathing.

Also Mars has higher Cosmic Radiation levels then earth. Its magnetic field is much weaker. And the only thing worse then suffocating to deth, is suffocating to death with a sun burn.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 05:13 PM
Although the picture was build of many little pictures, the next two images show cuttings wich should not be necessary to unite them:

One more thing, i have found a strange looking stone near the horizon:

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 05:21 PM
squished alien? i don't know

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 05:25 PM
Very interesting..definately interesting indeed. Perhaps we will find out, perhaps not. I agree with SkepticO, though. It looks like some form of "shrub" or "mold" on that looks sort of greenish/gray..

Wonder what that is ???


posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 05:25 PM
Unlike some people I still don't trust Nasa to tell the truth, I know who really runs it and they don't tell the truth any other time so why would they now?

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by MarkLuitzen

I'm too late. You already posted what I found.

It's really looking like a glass. But a glass on the martian soil ?

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 05:45 PM
Call me crazy or maybe it's because I'm just a dumb female but that wierd rock pattern looks like some sort fabric or material (hence the ripples and folds).

Maybe its really, really heavy protective stuff, like from a weather ballon kind-a- thingy, that is probably denser than tarp or something like that, so it survived all this time?

hey I am not synthetic fabric material expert,what do i know, but of course this could some superior alien fabric from a crashed ship or something?

don't have much to say about all the other stuff, I mean i can see possibilities of other things...but I can't be sure of what I see yet until we get better images or more enhanced pictures.

so what do you think about the fabric/synthetic material theory?

[Edited on 6-1-2004 by worldwatcher]

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 05:48 PM
A dumb female? Why are you so hard on yourself, lol. No one is dumb...(I'm sorry, Im on a whole "everyone is equal" track tonight) looks like it could be magma, hence the folding, too. Interesting stuff, I'll look into it more.


posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 06:02 PM
Maybe they're just rocks. Lots of places have rocks...

Anyway, I thought that looked like some sort of fabric too, but I don't want to assume anything. Usually when people make assumptions it leads to less than favorable things. Cooled magma would probably fit the profile of the "fabric" too, as others have already mentioned.

[Edited on 6-1-2004 by CarrierAnomaly]

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 06:12 PM
With that amount of rocks on mars you are bound to find firmilar shapes, especially if you're looking for them. I'd love us to find something up there but it's going to take more than this to start pumping my nads.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 06:47 PM
i looked at a few pics of cooled magma...yeah it could be just that.

but i like to imagine that it some strange artifact that we can't quite comprehend.

wonders..... does anyone know if there are any martian anomalies written about on any of those other sites that may be in the area that Spirit and Opportunity are supposed to be in?

it would be nice if they were....

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 08:27 PM

Take a good look at this... Doesn't that look like a face on the side of that rock, i know it probably isn't but then again, who knows... Just a lot showing up in these pics... Could possibly be some sort of statue?
[Edited on 6-1-2004 by Dravenn]

[Edited on 6-1-2004 by Dravenn]

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 08:33 PM
could it be a partially buried artifact? could that Spirit thing dig it up or dig around it??

Do you think if NASA investigated that particular rock and had more details and it turns out to be artifact, would they tell us??

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 08:37 PM
Good question, I really do not know what they would do. I seriously think this might be something other than a weird rock formation...

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 08:40 PM
I just see a big rock to be honest

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 09:06 PM
Upon closer inspection, you'll notice that there is indeed something weird about the soil.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 09:08 PM
So who did nasa hire to create these pics?

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 09:53 PM
Well, there definitely looks to be some sort of haze there. Look at the low rolling hill on the horizon the large picture. You will see the hill appears to be faded due to haze of some sort.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 10:11 PM
I think I heard on the NASA chanel that it is due to the martian winds blowing dirt around...

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 12:11 AM
Wow- nice pics....this is interesting. The surface reminds me of glacier silt, which is a very fine ,powdery substance- and the grains are the shape of diamonds, it almost causes it to appear liquid.

[Edited on 7-1-2004 by Journey]

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