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Killtown Explains Why They Didn't Crash Planes into the WTC

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posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Selfless..there were only 3 survivors ABOVE the point of impact. They are all witnesses to the PLANE hitting.

Where is proof of this?

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
All these no plane fake threads should be locked IMO

Because you don't agree with the theory?

That's harsh.

[edit on 5-6-2007 by selfless]

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 08:52 PM
I have no problem beleiving two planes hit the towers.

I would not even require video of the event to beleive it.

Simple question - why shouldn't I?

The new set of points "killtown" raised on his website are easily rebutted.

But I would rather see him here presenting them.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by SteveRThe new set of points "killtown" raised on his website are easily rebutted.

Anxiously awaiting.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 09:12 PM
I feel so bad I cant give you an award for this post. You are right on target OP. I know you must feel frustrated trying to convince ppl on what it looks so obivous. I can't beleive ppl do not realize how those "planes" went through those towers. Keep up the great job you are doing. We are listening.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by Killtown
Anxiously awaiting.

Post them here.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 09:47 PM

AHHHHGGGGG. I cant stand it anymore.

Continue your fake plane theory in the other 5 threads you have posted about the SAME FREAKING THING.

Also, why do you only play a TINY clip of your PROOF VIDEOS OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

Please mods shut this dude down already. I believe we should be able to post threads on any topic but my GOD, if its about the SAME FREAKING THING than CLOSE THE THREAD AND DELETE IT.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 09:51 PM
I took the time to read the blog...

And now I'm convinced more than ever that humanity is doomed. Doomed to sheer stupidity.

I prefer to believe that there are pygmies on the moon, because.. I hear they like cheese.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 09:52 PM
This thread gives you a logical explanation on why planes where not used.
Why don't you close down all the threads about demolition, pentagon, etc... they are all the same as well.
Gr8 job OP.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 09:57 PM
Piazena- His previous 6 threads posted in the last 2-3 days say the SAME THING!!!!!!!!!

He can wait a month or too after his threads go to the bottom page and he has something new to offer. But in the meantime he can post his information in one of the OTHER 6 THREADS HE HAS STARTED.

Geez. Is this such a hard concept to understand????????

Im done.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by hoochymama
Piazena- His previous 6 threads posted in the last 2-3 days say the SAME THING!!!!!!!!!

This thread is about killtown's article.

There is absolutely no reasons why there shouldn't be a thread on it.

It's like when someone posts a video, are we to stop making threads that shows a video just because the thread would show another video?

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by Killtown
Anxiously awaiting.

Hello Mr. "Killtown" --

I respect the body of early work presented by you to the conspiracy theory community. Some of your preliminary work is responsible for many people becoming more aware of the possibilities of serious questions surrounding the events of 9/11/2001.

However, unfortunately, it appears you, a once prolific and influential contributor, have fallen under the prey of Nico "Conspiracy Fakery" Haupt's fraudulent contrivances. I'm not sure how or why, but perhaps through an increasing need to be a focus of attention, as overall interest in 9/11 conspiracies appears to be waning.

From your blog posting --

So if crashing large aircraft loaded with fuel into the WTC was enough to make most people believe that planes crashing and fire caused the Twin Towers to collapse, what logic is there to argue no planes crashed there? It's actually quite simple.

No, it's actually infinitely more complicated. If we are to imagine the multitude of camera angles that portray the second impact, and the thousands of people that witnessed it, the prospect of simulating the impact to the point where eyewitnesses and all possible moving and still images corroborate the event approaches infinite difficulty. All it would take is for one witness to record an out-of-place anomaly to blow the plan wide open.

You also ask --

What if the planes hit, but they mostly blew up on the outside?

An absurd question. There is a significant global knowledge base of airline impact events that one can safely assume the observed effect would happen.

There is a long litany of much more simplistic explanations that fit the scenario observed on 9/11/2001, compare well with known false flag operations, and offer a minimal risk of discovery.

I must say, with all due respect, that I believe you have made an erroneous transition from "conspiracy speculator", to what I call, a "Conspiracy Tycoon".

In my mind, "conspiracy speculators" are researchers and theorists who are looking for notions that "stick" -- scenarios that withstand a degree of scrutiny. Speculators are not interested in attention, they're interested in accountability.

What I call, "Conspiracy Tycoons" are those looking for ideas to which people will stick -- extravagant and sensational ideas that are more focused on attention than reality. "Conspiracy Tycoons" may be interested in profit, such as Alex Jones or the Loose Change boys, but they may also be interested in the currency of attention (James Fetzer) or the buzz of disruption (Nico "Conspriacy Fakery" Haupt).

As we approach the six-year anniversary of these criminal acts, we're seeing a marked and noticeable rise in the career "9/11 Conspiracy Tycoons". As general interest seems to wane among those with a proclivity to consider conspiracies, newer and more astounding ideas must be presented to maintain attention. It becomes so important to maintain attention, that contrived hoaxes and fraudulent evidence is beginning to emerge.

Sadly, these actions mirror the "UFO community" with startling accuracy. It's immensely entertaining to observe intense believers in fringe 9/11 ideas refer to the "UFO community" as lunatics or nutters (and visa versa). Hoaxing and fabricated evidence is rampant in the "UFO community". But then... at least as far as we know... UFO's are not responsible for mass murder. (You would be well advised to study the history of UFO conspiracies, disinformation, cover-up, and hoaces.)

I apologize for this lengthy post. When I first placed fingers over keys, it wasn't intended to be this long.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:41 PM
Selfless - No, this thread is about FAKE PLANES HITTING THE TWIN TOWERS.

He can easily include Killtowns article IN THE OTHER 6 THREADS ABOUT THE SAME TOPIC.

If I were to post "Mini Nukes were used on the Twin Towers" than post another thread "ABC denies Mini Nukes were used on the Twin Towers", than started another thread "CNN says Mini Nukes were not used on the Twin Tower", than started another thread "Mini Nukes were used to blow up Twin Towers", than another thread "Killtowns article on Mini Nukes blowing up the Twin Tower"......ALL IN THREE FREAKING DAYS ....... GEEZZZZZZZ I WISH I COULD CUSS ON THIS FORUM.

It gets old real quick. The only reason I am even responding is because EVERY OTHER THREAD where people have opinions are being ignored and I am sure most posters are getting tired of it.


posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by hoochymama

The other threads are about the media and possible media manipulations.

This thread is about killtown's article and the article deals with the physics behind why it's possible no planes were used on 911.

They are clearly 2 different subjects.

Sure they are both associated with the theory that no planes were used on 911 but that doesn't mean that they are the same thing.

With in a theory there are many different aspects of possibilities and different topics can still be about the same theories.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:54 PM

As much as I share your frustrations of this "theory" and suspicions regarding the motives of pushing it, I really wish you would tone down your posts. Vitriol will get us nowhere.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by SteveR
the motives of pushing it

The motives as far as I'm concerned is to advocate open mindedness.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:59 PM
This is absolutely, without a doubt, the most rediculous and incredibly annoying poster ever! Now I know you are just trying to post facts or what have you. But come on man, I said this before. You can put this into one or two threads...BUT YOU DO IT EVERY DAY! It's really sad that you are being allowed so much face time at the front page of ATS. I'm not saying you shouldn't be posting this stuff. Just tone it down a little dude.

Oy Vey!


posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by selfless
The motives as far as I'm concerned is to advocate open mindedness.

It would be arrogant to assume we 'know', and naive to disregard suspicion. As far as I'm concerned.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 11:04 PM
Guys, just because the guy mis stepped when he made like 4 threads about the same thing, let's not let a bad impression make you shut out from the obvious...
There is no reasons why there can't be a thread about killtown's article....

It will be impossible now for bsregistration to post any threads wetter it be about ufo's or 911 with out people telling him he is spamming threads...

It's no longer about the content now, it's about the poster.

Let's forgive this person for spamming threads yesterday but this thread is not part of that wave of spam...

Time to forgive and forget and let bsregistration post what he wishes like any other members here.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 11:06 PM
There are thousands of people who lost relatives on the 2 planes that
were smashed into the World Trade Centers. How in the world can
anyone even imply to these surviving family members that their loved
ones died in some other way. Conspiracy fanatics are always so good
at explaining their conspiracy of the moment, but they don't seem to
think things through logically for some reason. Oh well...God made
no two people alike, so I suppose we need to keep this in mind when
reading far out claims, and not get too worked up over them.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by carewemust
Conspiracy fanatics are always so good
at explaining their conspiracy of the moment, but they don't seem to
think things through logically for some reason.

Well avoiding your flame bate and addressing your point,

There are some reports that the hijackers on the list of deceased form the planes are actually still alive.

This is not proven to me personally since i did not meet them, but it's possible that it's true they are still alive.

[edit on 5-6-2007 by selfless]

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