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PSYOP Stock Footage Shown on 9/11

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posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by bsregistration
I'll be one of the many people talking about the censorship problem here.

And we will respond as we always do... it's not about your ideas, it's about your attitude. The degree of latitude you've been given should speak volumes for what you erroneously perceive as "censorship."

You'd like to "get back on topic," but couldn't resist a couple jabs. Fine. You seem to have some eyewitnesses stepping forward. Why not use that as an opportunity to do so?

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:28 PM
A couple of jabs... Please. I'd be happy to quote all the insults I've received in the scant few days I've been actively posting here but I'm afraid I can't be bothered.

Eyewitness, please continue. Let's figure out exactly where this plane you saw was coming in from and get all the detail we can. Fair enough?

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 01:41 PM
it's been a while. so please bear with me.

i'm a freelance computer consultant, and at the time i was working working with a brokerage house on the installation and testing of new systems. we did this during late shifts, pretty much midnight to 7am as we couldn't touch the network during peak hours.

i grabbed some food and headed home on the ferry since it was a nice day.

lots of people were talking about a fire at the wtc, so as many people as possible went to the the right side of the boat. when we left the dock we could see the smoke.

time went by fast, so i can't say how long until some people were yelling about another low plane. off to the left, coming in from what would have been south west, over the harbor, a big jet was descending (it was already low) toward manhattan.

the jet engines were really high pitched and sounding like the full speed you hear at take off. at first i thougt it was in trouble, and was trying to pull up at that point.

people started screaming as it was obvious it would hit manhattan. at the last minute it leveled off and banked into the wtc south tower. it hit so hard it seemed like it could slice the tower in two.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 05:58 PM
Which ferry was this? Where you on the ferry with Carment Taylor and Michael Hezarkhani?

[edit on 6-6-2007 by bsregistration]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:17 PM
Very interesting that this 'thread' has been completely dropped by BS. This should be examined more closely, what are multiple threads allowed to be created, all on the same topic, and when serious questions are proposed to the OP, the questions are ignored and the OP just starts a new thread?

Why is this allowed?

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 06:50 PM

The majority of ATS members participating in these TV FAKERY threads have discovered serious problems with the theory. Please use the thread linked below for the ongoing discussion.
SEPTEMBER CLUES exposes 911 TV Fakery

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