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PSYOP Stock Footage Shown on 9/11

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posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:50 AM
Originally posted by bsregistration

I think you're a liar actually. You're talking about what your friends saw and what you "would have" seen if you had actually been there. But for calling my girlfriend a liar I'll call you a a #ing asshole who is making up a bull# eyewitness account.

Bsr, as I told you in my U2 you probably have some good information but you are not going to be able to pass it on if you conduct yourself in the manner above. You will be gone shortly so let me strongly advise that if they ever let you back you are going to have to change your method of presentation.

Just believing strongly in your evidence does not give you the right to insult or use language like you have used. As I say, I think you have some intertesting points and I would like to hear more but this is probably not going to happen now.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by bsregistration

I think you're a liar actually. You're talking about what your friends saw and what you "would have" seen if you had actually been there. But for calling my girlfriend a liar I'll call you ________________________________ eyewitness account.

I'd stop insulting the moderators if I were you, unless you want to be banned. Part of the process of getting a decent theory anywhere is not losing your temper when someone points something out to the contrary.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:13 AM
Look, John Lear. I didn't attack him, he called my girlfriend a liar. Was he with my girlfriend when she saw what she saw with her own eyes?

If you're going to run a dunking tank here where you allow onesided attacks from a bunch of thugs I want absoultely no part of it. I'd rather go to ------------------------- and look at pictures from Abu Ghraib.

Why don't you censor and ban the guy who called my girlfriend a liar?

Is it your role to allow posters to call me a fraud and a liar, a "moron", "idiot", "paranoid" etc, and I accuse one guy of lying and you jump down my throat.

What is this? I'll tell you what it's not. It's not fair and it's not a level playing field here.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:15 AM
OK, how do you know my girlfriend is a liar.

First of all, Moderator, when did my girlfriend lie to you?

Second of all, how well do you know her?

Thirdly, what did she lie to you about?

And forth, if you're going to be a MODERATOR HERE, you might consider not attacking people you've never even met.


posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by bsregistration
OK, how do you know my girlfriend is a liar.

First of all, Moderator, when did my girlfriend lie to you?

Second of all, how well do you know her?

Thirdly, what did she lie to you about?

And forth, if you're going to be a MODERATOR HERE, you might consider not attacking people you've never even met.

Sorry but isn't this abit hypocritcal this is not the first time you've brought this up either it's in other threads you've tried to downplay and basically disrespect peoples eyewitness accounts but yet we're meant to believe just because you have a girlfriend who saw what she saw that your theory is foolproof and absolute
it seems you can give it yet not take it
I'm not getting involved either i'm just stating you should think more about how your potraying yourself when stating your cases.

If you just keep chanting the definition until it fits specific parameters you want then the whole argument is pointless.

[edit on 6-6-2007 by SR]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:24 AM
I wasn't attacking you, I was attacking your theory. You accused me and thousands of people of not seeing the planes hit the towers and you used your girlfriend's story as the reason. I said the thousands are probably right and your girlfriend would be the one who is lying, not the thousands.

you then asked me to explain, in further detail individual words in the story I gave you and you called me a blankety blank.

I admit to this being a touchy subject for me as I lost friends and was emotionally touched by the events that took place in my home town and which I saw firsthand, with my own eyes. if you want to discount every one of the friends and family members I can name who saw it live and in person and not on tv, then I shall discount your girlfriend who is the only person you can offer up who saw something other than an airplane hit the towers.

so, my eyes as a witness against your.....videos?
someone who saw, someone who lived thru it vs......someone who wants to profit from it?

even if I was claiming outrageous nonsense that I saw with my own two eyes, I'd garner more respect than a guy trying to milk the tragedy wagon.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:24 AM
I'm trying to get the basic facts of an eyewitness account so that we have something to talk about. I don't want to waste time on someone who saw the attacks on TV and has friends who saw something in person.

It would be a lot easier and better for EVERYONE if we just got the details from an actual eyewitness and left out all the namecalling.

Usually when I talk to someone who was an eyewitness it turns out they saw something in the sky, and they didn't see it crash into any building, but they later saw the plane crash on TV and they assume what they saw was "the plane" that crashed.

The videos they showed on TV are fake. That doesn't make the eyewitness accounts fake. This is a thread about 9/11 CONSPIRACY THEORIES. How are we going to talk about a conspiracy if we can't get the facts about WHAT PEOPLE ACTUALLY SAW and not what they saw on TV?

[edit on 6-6-2007 by bsregistration]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:28 AM
Well, BS, the answer to your girlfriend problem is simple;

Give the information out for us to validate her eyewitness account, like you demanded of crakeur. He gave you his street location down to the floor and building, and told you what he saw. Now, could we please hear every detail of what your "girlfriend" experienced, including where she was standing, etc.?

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:37 AM
He hasn't told me what he saw, he's told me a bunch of stuff about various friends of his and he called my girlfriend a liar. Let's get all the details he can remember.

1. What color was it
2. Where was it when he could first see it?
3. Describe it's shape
4. What flight path did it take? Did it circle around?
5. Which face of the building did it crash into?
6. Could you see it enter the building?
7. What could you hear?

There's lots of different possibilities for what they actually used unless we're just going to believe the government and the media, in which case we should just all log off and go to

Let's try to get a decent account from a real eyewitness first and I'll try to answer "what I think he saw" after I found out what he saw. This thread was originally about PSYOP videos they aired, but someone wants to know what I think an eyewitness saw and I'm trying to oblige.

Right now it could be a lear jet, a cessan, a stealth fighter, a russian bomber... we haven't gotten his eyewitness account yet, how can I possibly answer what he saw? I don't know anything about what he saw yet.

[edit on 6-6-2007 by bsregistration]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:40 AM
Originally posted by bsregistration

Look, John Lear. I didn't attack him, he called my girlfriend a liar. Was he with my girlfriend when she saw what she saw with her own eyes?

If you're going to run a dunking tank here where you allow onesided attacks from a bunch of thugs I want absoultely no part of it. I'd rather go to ------------------------- and look at pictures from Abu Ghraib.

Why don't you censor and ban the guy who called my girlfriend a liar?

Calling your girlfriend a liar and using the kind of language you have been using are 2 completely different things. There would be no reason to censor or ban someone who called your girlfriend a liar. I could think of more appropriate terms for her but I am not going to make that call.

Look bsr, I believe you are on the right track but you are not going anywhere with you attitude. I would like to see you continue here because I think you have some interesting ideas but as soon as a Mod sees your use of language and conduct I think you are going to be gone. Too bad for me and those of us who think you have something to share.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:44 AM
What language are you talking about? Liar? Are you rated G here? I think it censors profanity so what's the problem?

[edit on 6-6-2007 by bsregistration]


posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by bsregistration
What language are you talking about? Liar? Are you rated G here? I think it censors profanity so what's the problem?

[edit on 6-6-2007 by bsregistration]

The problem is how is anyone meant to take you seriously and in a respectable manner if you are hurling profanity about that is not needed and raises doubts on the actuallity of being able to have an adult discussion with you. You don't swear at everyone you meet and talk with at work or socially in real life do you? The site has to maintain a user friendly environment and reputation so if bad langauge causes offence then yes it has to be dealt with it's on the terms of joining the site.

*Bear in mind that things are said in the heat in the moment that aren't always meant*



[edit on 6-6-2007 by SR]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by bsregistration
What language are you talking about? Liar? Are you rated G here? I think it censors profanity so what's the problem?

Please refer to the Terms & Conditions you agreed to when you joined

1b.) Profanity: You will not use profanity in our forums, and will neither post with language or content that is obscene,
1f.) Spamming: You will not post identical content, or snippets of identical content, to multiple threads in the discussion forums. You will also not create more than one thread for your topic, or create multiple "slightly different" threads for a single topic.
2) Behavior: You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack anyone.
3) ... LLP has the authority to decide to display your postings or not, and modify your posts to remove offensive material, modify your post title to accurately reflect content, remove vulgar comments, remove insults or delete any other content deemed inappropriate, at our discretion.

I believe you've been offered a wide degree of latitude based on the numerous threads you've started on essentially the same general idea, and in tolerance of an increasingly rude tone.

The latitude ends now.

If you're unable to differentiate criticism of your topics between criticism of you personally (given the rise of your confrontational tone), then is not the best place for you to engage people in your theories.

A significant majority of our members firmly believe in conspiracies, and especially in conspiracies associated with 9/11. However, few blindly accept new conspiracies, and apply critical thought and harsh analysis to all theories in an effort to understand what really happened.

I've asked you kindly, in private messages to tone down your discourteous attitude. Now it's a public request... with any implications you'd like to assign.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:01 PM
After reading the BS posts, the claims about ATS are out of line. I, if any one, should have reason to think the world is against me. ATS is a good place to test your theories. You may not always hear what you want, and you may need to rethink your posture.

As 9/11 goes, to believe a Jet hitting the tower brought it down, it is painfully obvious that we don't know the whole story. I never believed a Jet could cause all that damage. I still don't think it is possible, unless the towers were built to collapse in that manner. The fact is that the towers were built to withstand quite a bit of ground shaking experiences. A plane crashing into it could not bring them down in the manner they say. There would have needed to be some help with that job.

I could see the top falling off, but not a total, crushing, implosion type of collapse. It was too slick for fate.

There have been a lot of worse things done, in the name of freedom. The end result is, are you really free?

It can be frustrating dealing with critics. They are not always correct either. Also, if a statement makes a person uncomefortable, they just reject the whole thing and remain in a comefortable position.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:01 PM
Fine. The moderators here allow people to call me a moron and "paranoid" and "off my meds" and suggest I seek medical help. I guess that's fine but profanity which gets translated into a # automatically is taboo. I can live with that.

It would appear to me that one of the fine moderators here may have an eyewitness account, in which case I would like to get that eyewitness account. we could start another thread on emotional reactions to friends who were murdered, which is a worthy topic, but kind of off-topic for this thread.

If we could get back to business, I'd really like to know what he saw. So far it sounds like the plane was coming from his right which would be from the West, correct? Let's try to get a real eyewitness account here so we can get back to the TOPIC which is 9/11 conspiracy theories and not emotional tales of dead friends and loved ones. We all know people who were killed.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:09 PM
I'd like to get this thread back on topic. I'm tired of getting called names and having the moderators allow me to be burned at a stake while they allow name-calling from everyone but me.

If you want to ban me from this forum, go right ahead. I'll be one of the many people talking about the censorship problem here.

If you want to talk about 9/11 conspiracy theories, I'd like to find out what the eyewitness saw. I never said he didn't see a plane. I've said the videos they showed on TV are fake.

Somebody asked me to tell him what I think he saw, and I'd like to find out what he saw.

Let's get back to business, shall we?

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:16 PM

a close friend who visits this site sent me a link to this blog post and thought i could help.

i saw the second impact from the staten island ferry. what can I tell you?

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:16 PM
I told you the direction, I told you what I saw, where I saw it from, down to the floor of the building and the name of the office building.

you chose to question the words "woudl be" and "towers"

you are trying to find a way to distract from the obvious truth that planes actually hit the buildings.

let me give you some additional background, which might help you.

I am 38. I grew up in two locations. One was in the burbs outside of NYC, situated rather close to both JFK International Airport and LaGuardia Airport. My other location was farther east from the city and was situated in a small town that had several small airports in the area. These airports were for smaller planes only. There were 2 seaters to the smaller private jets. There were also plenty of older planes which would often be seen flying around. Biplanes, world war I era stuff. there was an annual air show at the airforce base (now closed) every july 4th weekend. I have lived in NYC for 15 years. There are three major airports servicing this city and several smaller ones along with helicopter and small plane tours of the island of manhattan. As a result of these locations, I have seen old world war I era planes up to stealth planes shooting up and down the west side of manhattan during fleet week. I have seen small planes, large planes, the concord, etc flying the skies around me. Hell, there was even a full scale concord on display over times square for a while.

It is safe to say that I have seen at least one airplane in the sky every day of my life for as long as I knew what an airplane was.

I have flown in (not a pilot, a passenger) planes ranging from 4 seat sea planes to jumbo jets. I had the pleasure of riding shotgun recently on a small (8 or 10 seater) plane. I have flown in planes for a very long time. Well over 100 flights and unknown miles and hours.

I have never seen a missile flying thru the skies, other than on tv or in the movies (and maybe on the net).

I'm guessing that the majority of the people on this planet could look up and see something flying and say "airplane" or "not airplane"

I doubt if there are that many people who can look up and declare, with certainty "missile" or "rocket" or "torpedo" or whatever you want to call what you claim hit the towers.

Did your girlfriend grow up in a war zone? did she spend a lot of time along the Israeli border? Did she spend a lot of time watching military training exercises?

how on earth is she able to look up and determine what I (and countless others) saw as a plane was actually a missile or a rocket or a torpedo?

did the gov't spray some kind of chemical over the city that day and only she was left untouched by it?
was she wearing special glasses?

total, utter, nonsense.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:21 PM
BS - I had, along with fellow employees, a clear view of the trade center and towers. I did not see the first plane hit (I was in the computer room) but others did (Plus the explosion shook the building). Numerous people I worked with watched in horror as the 2nd plane flew into the towers.

If you are familar with NY as you state you are you should be familar with the downtown does not seem as if you are though.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:22 PM
This thread is complete and total tripe with no redeeming value whatsoever and is, unfortunately, a little hard to resist.

Like when you should clean the kitchen but end up on the couch watching a "Flavor of Love" marathon.

bsregistration...our little Flavor trying to make 9/11 a joke by outright denying the most simple and basic tenets of that day.

* Denying that there were thousands of eyewitnesses???

* Pretending not to understand what a camcorder is and why it would be impervious to government tampering???

* Forgoing legitimate debate to argue grammar.

* Completely misrepresenting government documents???

* Responding to personal 9/11 testimony with..."Cry me a river..."

bsregistration does not have a factual leg to stand on and, in lieu of that, has decided to prop himself up with the flimsy crutches of misdirection and insult.

I'll give you one last's a question that you MUST answer if you are going to continue to propogate your no-plane media manipulation fantasy:

How do you explain private (not run through a satellite) video footage of airplanes hitting the towers?

If you dodge that question or ignore it completely, then you will be pretty much admitting that you are the seeping boil on the skin of the Truth Movement that everyone says you are.

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