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Pictures of huge entrance in Utah mountain

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posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 06:35 PM
That could be an entrance to a Reptillian stronghold! That would explain why the locals are
Mind control I say! I will check back later to see if you got the pictures...Be careful...

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by yuefo
Also, if you live nearby and can easily research this, wouldn't a logical first step to be to go to the nearby facility previously mentioned and ask whether it would be permissible for you to hike in the area?

What do you think of this? If you go with a backpack and camera and ask, you might be surprised at the answer. I have fished for years in areas posted no trespassing by simply walking up to farmers'/ranchers' houses and asking whether I could cross their land to access the river. I think after 2 weeks, this thread has reached the stage where not a lot will be deduced short of some kind of direct approach to the problem. All this speculation without even trying the most obvious course of action doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by yuefo
I think after 2 weeks, this thread has reached the stage where not a lot will be deduced short of some kind of direct approach to the problem. All this speculation without even trying the most obvious course of action doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

I agree... someone take a camera and walk up there during daylight and take some closer pictures. Take a friend with you and keep a friend watching you from a distance to keep an eye on you.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 08:49 PM
Hi Nisurastar, It's cool to see someone local here on the board as always.

I wish the area was up in your neck of the woods, I'm sure your hiking and adventuring could have payed off here a little. By the way I love Northeastern Utah, I have a house up in Northeastern Utah I enjoy getting away to. Anyway, unfortuneately this area is west of SLC, and Magna. It is of closest proximity to Kennecott copper. It would have been cool if you knew what it was. If you are familiar with flash earth, check this link and it will show you exactly where it is:

As far as your comment negating the fact that there is a 'special' branch of the un-named religious organization's security establishment (just to remain politically correct). I must offer you some proof I have found myself to be true. If you don't believe there are security forces in place in downtown Salt Lake City with 'fully' automatic weapons permits. I have a test for you. If you are familiar with what is widely accepted as the 'Church Office Complex' just to the northeast of the Temple grounds. This area and main building is the epicenter and foundation for most all of 'Church business'. This building is the foremost public display of 'Church' financial business practices. Investing, stock-spreadsheets, and even tithing go through this buildings CPA's in one form or another.

As far as the test. Aside from business, this building has an immense underground 'secured' parking facility. I emplore you to try and run 'physically', not in your car (for safety reasons) down the gradient leading to just the first parking level of many, (past the first guard post)and see the reception you get from the security on hand. I have witnessed this myself and seen the outcome. Not to mention the questioning one gets for simply being a witness to an 'incident.' It isn't pretty. Although the weapons are amazing! My point is, there is some serious firepower required it seems to make sure everybody's vehicles are 'safe'. And, although this may seem odd to an outsider, this is amazingly the case.

Their has long been legend, tales, or call it rumor, with which I personally have a bit of a hard time believing. However, everytime I bring up 'underground' anything it comes at me like a barrage of information from members, ex-members, and just plain folk here locally. That rumor is that there are a wide array of underground activities taking place here in this valley. Again I personally have a hard time believing it all, and it is a bit of a stretch. However it is common conversation when someone brings up the term undergroun here in SLC and with good reason. There is a long, long, history of underground activity 'documented ' however unformally through the decades. Take for example the fact that this entertainment based 'secret service' issue of the united states offered an artist's rendition/depiction of the a 'fictional' incident known as the Brady's incident. Forgive me for the following link which is a bit on the dramatic side, however was the tone of it's time, and goes to show how long these "rumors" have been around:

Full link:

As far as the reality of contracted "elite" security force on the premises of SLC downtown and other significant areas nearby that have undergound potential at least from an 'entrance' standpoint, note the caverns at little cottonwood canyon. I highly recommend you read into the security force up there. There is a wild "reality" taking place here nearby us. Again I have no problem with any of this and find it ok. People should not be trespassing into an area they don't belong. I truly believe in obeying all laws. They are there for a reason. However, when the enforcement of security seems to be over-kill for the given situation, the masses tend to wonder. Again, I feel the type of security in Little Cottonwood canyon makes sense, since there is 'claimed' gold and money as well as important 'church' documents. However when the same type of security is upheld for a 'parking' garage, I believe tthe reality of the situation has been distorted.
Below is a picture of the big cottonwood canyon caverns:

I am making no claims as to why there is such a strong presence of security only in areas that appear to be entrances. I don't think that is the point here. The point is, I do know that there is heavy security in certain areas. In reality this means absolutley nothing. "Thinking" that one knows the reason why the security is heavy is just assumption. I rather deal with the fact of what lies in the area of interest. But I am glad you brought up that point Nisurastar, because I too didn't used to believe that there was even a need for security in such affiliated facilities. In the case of the D&D gamers; I think they may have just chosen the wrong area to explore, and were greated the way anyone who worked as security officer would have greated someone trespassing in an underground manner. Nothing against the un-named religious organization's security establishment. As for the rumors, and such, I probably know as much as you do.

But, in the wise words of another, often where there is smoke, there is fire.

As far as the target area I have no idea.

[edit on 18-6-2007 by theutahbigfoothunter]

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 09:09 PM
Hi utahhunter!

It was a little unnerving to see the pictures of cottonwood canyon and the complex center, as I recognize them instanly, and Ive drove through cottonwood god knows how many times! (delicious fruit up there!) It is still my advice to rule out all mundane possibilities first before heading into a conspiracy search. But now that I have that out of the way, I must say I DO agree with your basis for suspicion. Being from Utah, I know, just like you, the strange things that go on in our state! The underground facilities are no suprise to me. Where im from there are actually underground catacombs (which i have illegally explored. Ok I admit it....) that were supposedly built durring the world war to protect everyone from nucular masacre. But who knows?

The 'church' has many strange unexplained actions. And im not afraid to admit I feel unnerved when I walk through temple square and main street. LOL. I try my best to exclude reasons of conspiracy among the 'church', but some things just dont add up...

If you ever do explore that area, give me a call, Ill go infulrate with you

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 04:43 PM
I am in "Zion" too and my gut feeling is it is linked to the underground tunnels at dugway. If you are wary of going out there of ruffling feathers then there is a good reason inside yourself for not wanting to risk it. Can you get a killer camera with killer zoom or something? Just a thought. That way you would not have to get very close. Go at night and use your brains as far as how you attempt it. Best of luck, rage against the machine and the devil worshiping creeps!

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 04:59 PM
If it's a mine, the cave may be where they store mining explosives, if they use any.

Copper is at a very high price these days thanks to Chinese demand, and the mines would be running at "full blast".

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel

If it's a mine, the cave may be where they store mining explosives, if they use any.

Copper is at a very high price these days thanks to Chinese demand, and the mines would be running at "full blast".


hey buddy! I'm not sure where you are at, but copper has skyrocketed in Utah, we even have our own copper theives! Last Summer, Kennecott started mining further out from the " copper pit " and higher, its a 24 hour operation, how do I know? I show up in October after 10pm to, quote unquote cross private property to get to prime deer hunting BLM land, The new mining shut down about November, but kicked back up early Feb, even though the canyon was closed on the Tooele side, known as middle canyon, the canyon on the Salt Lake Valley side, known as butterfield canyon still had plowed access, but was blocked by big boulders daily, we normally snowmoble every year up there, thats how I know, also since we spend the nights up there on the deer hunt, I know they were active 24 hours, The " Pit " itself, we watch the huge dump trucks, some with trailers, work all night long, at any given time you could see at least 3 dozen in the huge pit, that has to be miles across and at least 2 miles deep.

The Terrain up there is steep and rugged, full of thick brush and sudden cliffs, which makes its perfect for big bucks, Kennecott owns ALOT of land around the mountain range, known as the Oqquirhs, You can sneak in at night, as I have done before, but I don't know how far you would get without getting caught, I stay in the extreme high country and in full camo.

If you want to get to the spot were the cave/entrance is, Go in at night, in the high country, hike down to it, sleep in the entrance til daylight, take pictures, all day, out of sight, Hike back out at night, but take a gun, there is alot of cougars up there. Good Luck

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 06:48 AM
Doesn't look man-made to me. I'd suggest getting closer and seeing if there's evidence of water flow through there. If so, then it was made by water.

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