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Pictures of huge entrance in Utah mountain

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posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 11:43 AM
I want to agree with the previous theory that it is a cave. Actually at first I too thought it was a cave. It was only until I looked at Flash Earth and zoomed in to see the large traces of excavated material at the entrance that I wondered, as someone said earlier if it was a man-made entrance. It still could be a cave though.I wouldn't let the cave idea go quite yet. But look again the cave is BIG. And I am a part of the caving community and have never heard anything about this. Maybe I have the wrong circles of caving friends? I guess that is a possibility. More likely however is that this was an entrance to some sort of storage facility for one of the two companies nearby or maybe even one which preceeded them. It may have been a cave originally, but then it was widened or cleared out to make it larger. All this is just supposition and I can claim none of it as fact. I am still really interested in finding out though. Did I mention it is really BIG. I am also of the opinion that it may just be a type of illusion, or by that I mean it may not be as big as it seems. Who knows. I need to find out.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 04:04 PM
It is kennecott, Alot of old mine shafts that were abandoned years ago, I'm not trying to dampen the thread, but utahbigfoothunter, on your way to Tooele, taking 201 from West Valley, the curve in the " S " turns, there a small cave on the right had side of the road, We normally deer hunt right above Kennecott, there is some private property you have to pass through to get to BLM Land, in the those old water mark area's left by lake bonneville, we have found ALOT of caves during the hunts, and over 12 mines that are all abandoned. They are mining again at the top of Butterfield pass, now doing everything but preventing you to get to the copperpit look out. May just be a cave, but there is alot of digging going on up there so unknown reason.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 06:04 PM
Dawgjay, I hear ya. Those hills are like swiss cheese! What I find interesting about this one id the size. It's pretty big. But I think it may just be a cave that has been excavated out some. Not sure why though.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:34 PM
It looks to me from your picture, there may have been an existing road going to it, on the left going to right, at least a border or bench mark that you can't see above it, but Kennecott is the last place i would trepass, their prosecution is like 99% for Trepassing, ask my friends!

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 02:08 PM
From an extraterrestrial standpoint, where would be the safest place to live?

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 03:07 PM
Just a wonderin', how far is this from Dugway Proving Grounds? I haven't installed Google Earth oin my downstairs computer yet, so I thought I'd ask.


posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 04:44 PM
Originally posted by Dawgjay:

It looks to me from your picture, there may have been an existing road going to it, on the left going to right, at least a border or bench mark that you can't see above it, but Kennecott is the last place i would trepass, their prosecution is like 99% for Trepassing, ask my friends!

You are right. I'm freaked out anbout trespassing. They are really serious there, you can just tell by the way people were looking art me just taking pictures. I also think there is an existing road there. I will try and find out.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 05:24 PM
Sorry Utah, I'm just a bit shaky on the perspective of the pictures, or maybe I missed one, so I just want to clarify... Is there a road that goes near it (and possibly that ramp/entrance goes from it to the road)? Is that as close as you can get on public land? How far would you estimate you are from it in the pictures?

This is a really neat lead though, don't let it drop! I really want to figure out what this is

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 05:47 PM
Originally posted by Granoladude:

Sorry Utah, I'm just a bit shaky on the perspective of the pictures, or maybe I missed one, so I just want to clarify... Is there a road that goes near it (and possibly that ramp/entrance goes from it to the road)? Is that as close as you can get on public land? How far would you estimate you are from it in the pictures?

I'm not sure if that is a road or not that goes near it. To be honest I gained about just as much perspective of the "cave" or whatever from flash earth as the rest of you. The pictures I took are actually closer than I could physically get, they are zoomed in with a 300mm telephoto lens. I think I could get a little closer, but haven't gone back and tried. I don't doubt it is probably a "cave" of some sort. Dawgjay is usually fairly right on point in respect to a lot of these things. And, from what Dawgjay says, he knows that area pretty well. I am just so freakin' curious though that I don't know if I will be satisfied until I actually go in. What's crazy is if it is a NO TRESPASSING area, then I doubt many people have actually looked into it and know what it is exactly.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 05:56 PM
Ahh okay, thanks.

How much is the area enforced for trespassing? I mean, do they actively mine up in those parts, so limited access is for safety, or is it mostly just stay off our land? You could always personally talk with the company and request permissions to day-hike the area and just talk about being actively interested in local areas such as this one. Hell, you could probably even ask them if they know what the cave/storage area is if you feel like the permission for hiking isn't going anywhere.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:40 PM
Before I begin, I'd like to note that this site seems to a bit on the sketchy side, to say the least. It seems as though many of these listings are tied to the already rumor filled research of Phil Schneider and likewise. I highly recommend to everyone that they read the notes at the top before diving into the information listed. With that stated, however, this is some interesting stuff to fuel the conspiracy fire!

In Utah, the Kennecott Copper Company has been connected to the Illuminati and the KKK. These connections have been exposed in other writings by this author. Kennecott's mine (reported to be owned by the World Bank) in the Salt Lake City area is serviced by Union Pacific, which is reported connected to the Mormon Church. The mine is receiving a heavy volume of big trucks after 11 p.m., for instance, in a normal night over 6 dozen large trucks with 2 trailors each rolling into the mine. In other words, it appears that the heavy train & tractor trailor activity indicates something besides mining."

and here's the site:

So what do you think?

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 11:02 AM
Originally posted by Granoladude:

In Utah, the Kennecott Copper Company has been connected to the Illuminati and the KKK. These connections have been exposed in other writings by this author. Kennecott's mine (reported to be owned by the World Bank) in the Salt Lake City area is serviced by Union Pacific, which is reported connected to the Mormon Church. The mine is receiving a heavy volume of big trucks after 11 p.m., for instance, in a normal night over 6 dozen large trucks with 2 trailors each rolling into the mine. In other words, it appears that the heavy train & tractor trailor activity indicates something besides mining."

Wow Granoladude, way to do your homework. I am way impressed. I had no idea most of what you posted was going on. (I have heard unproven information about the underground base theory in downtown Salt Lake connecting major industrial centers to the main base under crossroads mall and the Mormon Temple, from multiple sources.) But your info on Kennecott, the illuminati, Union Pacific, and the Church are all new to me. Very interesting stuff. And, there seems to be a connection, at least on the surface.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 11:53 AM
Indeed. Along with this, it is interesting to note the size of the vehicles entering that this source cites (tractor trailers, trains, etc.). This could possibly further the need for such a large opening.

Again, I still think a bit more foot work is required, and I'll see whatelse I can find. This source is a bit on the extreme side, but nonetheless, it is a lead.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 10:44 PM
Just wondering? What source are you getting the information from? I think this info is like you say: "a little extreme". However, there may be some truth to it. I have heard crazier rumors and verified them myself here locally. If you get a chance I would like to definitively know more. Thanks for all the info!

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 11:20 PM
Man this is something I would be interested in doin, I've never payed to much attention to keep out signs and privite property mombo jombo. Best time to would to go at night. I look like a good hike to me, but I would take to high country and look around for other Holes of Caves and its a better veiw.

But I live a to fare from that place so you'll have to go it alone or any brave peps who are crazy enough to venture into that place.

on another not it does look like theres a pile of earth at the base of the hole and it looks like a road running right up to it.

I used to live in california and there are a few mines in the mountains and at night you can see the trucks lights going up and down the zig zaged roads never really knew why they do stuff at night.

Any ways stake out the place at night see if you see anything interesting there. If you decide to do something be both careful and careless. lol good luck man hope to see some more pics.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 11:55 PM
A night run would be a lot of fun. However possible it might be, the older I get the more safe and prudent I become. It's really kind of a bummer. But I am never the one to shy away from an adventure, especially when knowledge awaits. I will look into it. I know there must be a way.

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 01:59 PM
Originally posted by Granoladude:

Indeed. Along with this, it is interesting to note the size of the vehicles entering that this source cites (tractor trailers, trains, etc.). This could possibly further the need for such a large opening.

Extreme or not I think there is something to that information Granoladude. I haven't gone there at night. I have gone in the day. There is a lot of traffic near this entrance and someone would surely see me and call the local authorities. I do not know if this is in fact private property, but I would bet the ranch on it. It is also visible from a main highway.

A night-time excursion, however fun it might be could prove disastrous. I'm thinking I am going to continue to ask questions and get as much information on the surface as possible. Those hills are like swiss cheese according to a local friend of mine named Dave who claims there is a base that is centered in SLC (under crossroads mall) and that in the area where this particular opening is, there are just some 'old connections'. Although most of what he says does actually pan out, this one is kind of a stretch for me to believe. A big stretch. But only time will tell.

[edit on 16-6-2007 by theutahbigfoothunter]

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by theutahbigfoothunter
I do not know if this is in fact private property, but I would bet the ranch on it.

I'm confused on this point. You have previously said that it is a no trespassing area, which implies that it is private property. So are you not certain that it's a no trespassing area? or are you asserting it's a no trespassing area and implying that it might be government property?

Also, if you live nearby and can easily research this, wouldn't a logical first step to be to go to the nearby facility previously mentioned and ask whether it would be permissible for you to hike in the area? That's what I would do if I could.

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 06:09 PM
Originally posted by yuefo:

I'm confused on this point. You have previously said that it is a no trespassing area, which implies that it is private property. So are you not certain that it's a no trespassing area? or are you asserting it's a no trespassing area and implying that it might be government property?

Well, that is a good question. Here in this area, every inch of land is owned by some corporation or the government, or both. But you are correct about me not being certain as to what degree it is surveiled. I am fairly sure it is a no-trespassing area.

This area is out by the Kennecott copper mine, and they have been known to have ties with some of the local powers who have their hands into everything secretive. Secretive why, because most of the land that they use for 'publicly obvious' purposes, also have hidden agendas. This has been proven to me a variety of times in other areas around the valley and further.
Although a stretch of the imagination, I fear as the Rivergoddess (who is also a local) said earlier that there may be a 'hidden' agenda, in which case, I really don't want to be caught out there at day, night, or anytime.
Originally posted by Rivergoddess:

What town is this near? What mnt range ect?
It might be something the LDS Church is doing...................they are into building under gound storage facilitys, and hiding them.............

I don't like to name names, but there is a local group of dungeons and dragons kids who were into playing 'the game' in subterrainean tunnels, etc. It added to the fun and intrigue and fun of the game. They found some openings here locally and followed the tunnels for DAYS! They had food and drinks in their backpacks and slept and kept going until they were "caught" and pursued by what they described as: the 'secret service' members of a wealthy/organized religion weilding small automatic weapons.

Anyway, my point being, if you are in a large group and caught that is one thing, but when you are alone and caught it is entirely different. Both are bad. One is worse. I do, but don't like exploring cavernous entrances and the like alone. Luckily, I do have some gun-nut friends who are also conspiracy theorists and have concealed weapons permits. And they are always trying to get me to take them to the latest 'hotspot'.
I personally hate guns and want nothing to do with them for the most part, although I appreciate just about anything of quality. Especially from a distance.

Dawg Jay whom is also a local and has a good grip of this area assured me, that just about everything in this general vicinity is 'No Trespassing'
Originally posted by DawgJay:

It looks to me from your picture, there may have been an existing road going to it, on the left going to right, at least a border or bench mark that you can't see above it, but Kennecott is the last place i would trepass, their prosecution is like 99% for Trepassing, ask my friends!

And I am sure he is right!

I am not sure what the heck this area is exactly and don't want to go out on a limb until I have more proof, or at least a better understanding of the history of the area. Luckily there are a lot of people who have friends who know friends who either work for these places, or it seems more often: used to work for these places. And although sometimes it makes for some tall-tales, the basic undertones behind some of the theories are valid and give a good place to start from anyway.

So I am not making any significant claims, until I can pin down something if anything concrete and get some proof.

However, I am pretty sure at this point that it is a no trespassing area.

[edit on 16-6-2007 by theutahbigfoothunter]

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 06:24 PM
Im from Utah myself!

Where did you take this picture? I may have passed it before.

I live in the north of Utah near wyoming. The moutains and hills here have many, many caves and tunnels in the rocks. I have explored them all my life. Its very natural in the area to have moutains with caves in them, many of them look like honeycombs. Theres many possible explinations for the area you saw, infact there were probably many entrances in the mountain you could not see because you were not close enough and were camoflouged in the mountain side. Its not unnusual to see those sights in Utah. And as far as "no tresspassing" that is quite obvious. The land is probably privately owned acres. Many people own land in Utah because the value is so high, especially in the country, which certainly is what the picture looks like. You should really be more logical before jumping to conclusions of conspiracy from signs of that sort.
In another note. There are also many mines. What you saw could very possibly be an entrance to a quarry or mine which are also very common.

Seriously, and the notion of the LDS church coming out with guns and secret service is far fetched. I dont have a good opinion of the LDS church, but jeez, come on! Those D&D nerds arent exactly top notch investigators. I really must stress that you are hyping up something that is ridiculously likely a mundane prospect. Please. Everything you describe I see all the time!! Its not a conspiracy. Its people protecting their land.

[edit on 16-6-2007 by nisurastar]

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