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Dulce Again... looking for the entrance, what if...

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posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 11:25 PM
Anyone heard of Paul Schnieder? Geologist and Engineer, who had an altercation with underground base occupants below Dulce.

He died, a mysterious death. His hand was apparently shot off, during a raging gun battle between around 50 military personell.

according to wikipedia, the most reliable website known to man, he was found with a rubber hose wrapped around his neck. however his death is listed as suicide. and the stuff he showed off (a rock that is harder than a diamond etc) was missing. but yea he was missing acouple of fingers on his left hand. he got zapped by some grey fool he claims, and his hand got the blunt of it and lost his fingers. some army dude pulled him onto an elevator and saved his life. But i think the strongest(maybe not the strongest but definately most interesting regarding philip) evidence is the fact that he got killed and its listed as suicide.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by DollyDagger

Anyone heard of Paul Schnieder? Geologist and Engineer, who had an altercation with underground base occupants below Dulce.

He died, a mysterious death. His hand was apparently shot off, during a raging gun battle between around 50 military personell.

A nice fairy story, but if you want to believe it fine.

according to wikipedia, the most reliable website known to man,

I beg your pardon ?? "The most reliable website known to man" If you truly believe that then there is little point in continuing any discussion with you. Wikipedia is written by anyone, any fool that wants to contribute and its validity is completely questionable.

he was found with a rubber hose wrapped around his neck. however his death is listed as suicide. and the stuff he showed off (a rock that is harder than a diamond etc) was missing. but yea he was missing acouple of fingers on his left hand. he got zapped by some grey fool he claims, and his hand got the blunt of it and lost his fingers. some army dude pulled him onto an elevator and saved his life. But i think the strongest(maybe not the strongest but definately most interesting regarding philip) evidence is the fact that he got killed and its listed as suicide.

You really should stop believing what people say and start thinking about WHY they say things.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Deaman88

Anyone heard of Paul Schnieder? Geologist and Engineer, who had an altercation with underground base occupants below Dulce.

He died, a mysterious death. His hand was apparently shot off, during a raging gun battle between around 50 military personell.

Originally posted by realyweelyA nice fairy story, but if you want to believe it fine.

fairy story? I know when I see a liar, and Phil was nothing like a classic liar, he was just a plain JOE, telling his experience, risking his life to do so, and for what? Reay weely to turn around and say its a story made up by fairies? Pffff.

Try to refute my points with real hardcore fact and evidence weely, rather than your limited knowledge and equally rivalling one-liner comments that don't even form the basis of a sound opinion.

Until then, many others stand firmly by what Phil said, and alot of what has been discussed since his death regarding aspects of subterranea (see underground bases at the website, David Icke etc.), can be found in the enimitable words of Phil and others.

There is also a written statement available on the net, from Phil's wife, which says he did not commit suicide, based upon the information alone found at the sceen and the way in which he had 'died'.

[edit on 4/6/2007 by deaman88]

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 02:31 AM
Once you mention David Icke as a reference your argument totally loses any credibility. Reptilians?? Oh Yeah !!!

Werent you the one who stated
"according to wikipedia, the most reliable website known to man,"
Whoops !!!!

I dont have to prove anything. Im not the one spouting stuff about "Alien Underground bases" without any evidence. THOSE are the people that need to prove the substance of their allegations.

Simply because someone says something exists, doesnt make it so, it needs to be proven beyond doubt by either with solid evidence or good old fieldwork. In the case of Dulce, neither has been presented, merely some vague drawings and some wild speculation.

[edit on 5/6/07 by realyweely]

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 07:27 AM
I must agree with RW on this one, about wiki that is...

However, just my view on Phil and his story, I'm not so sure that I don't believe it, or at least part of it.

I don't know if I believe he was at Dulce, but might be passing the story along that it was him, when he got the information from someone else?

Just a thought...

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by DollyDagger

Anyone heard of Paul Schnieder? Geologist and Engineer, who had an altercation with underground base occupants below Dulce.

He died, a mysterious death. His hand was apparently shot off, during a raging gun battle between around 50 military personell.

according to wikipedia, the most reliable website known to man, he was found with a rubber hose wrapped around his neck. however his death is listed as suicide. and the stuff he showed off (a rock that is harder than a diamond etc) was missing. but yea he was missing acouple of fingers on his left hand. he got zapped by some grey fool he claims, and his hand got the blunt of it and lost his fingers. some army dude pulled him onto an elevator and saved his life. But i think the strongest(maybe not the strongest but definately most interesting regarding philip) evidence is the fact that he got killed and its listed as suicide.

Hey realy weely, another spectacular failure on your part to incorrectly quote me as saying another man or woman's words. I also notice that you are shooting down just about any comment being made, by any poster.

Either you are finding this so incredulous that you have only just stumbled onto the world of conspiracy theory, or you are trying (extremely badly) to disinform people of the claims.

As for the comments regarding D. Icke, and his beliefs, he is entitled to his opinions and ideas and he has more followers than you have had friends in your entire life.

I never quoted him verbatim, and I may or may not agree with his comments, but he does make mention of underground facilities, and so have many others. If you feel he is not a credible source for subterranea, then I suggest you 'deny ignorance' and do your own research on the net.

And elevated, if you had actually read the posts, you would have noted the erronous ways of really weely.

However, now that I've bitten, you are right about wikipedia being the definitive guide to life, the universe and everything in and out of the net.

ANyhoo, has anyone heard of how they drilled these passages? The rock never caved in, beacause the machines that drilled, melted the rock, then pasted it over, like a smooth glass finish!

[edit on 6/6/2007 by deaman88]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by realyweely

Originally posted by DollyDagger

according to wikipedia, the most reliable website known to man,

I beg your pardon ?? "The most reliable website known to man" If you truly believe that then there is little point in continuing any discussion with you. Wikipedia is written by anyone, any fool that wants to contribute and its validity is completely questionable.

sarcasm bro.

edit #2: im surprised you didn't note the extremity "most reliable... known to man"

edit: hmm it seems like this is in your quote spot dunno how to fix it.

Dolly Dagger

[edit on 6-6-2007 by DollyDagger]

[edit on 6-6-2007 by DollyDagger]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by deaman88
Hey realy weely, another spectacular failure on your part to incorrectly quote me as saying another man or woman's words. I also notice that you are shooting down just about any comment being made, by any poster.

Either you are finding this so incredulous that you have only just stumbled onto the world of conspiracy theory, or you are trying (extremely badly) to disinform people of the claims.

As for the comments regarding D. Icke, and his beliefs, he is entitled to his opinions and ideas and he has more followers than you have had friends in your entire life.

I never quoted him verbatim, and I may or may not agree with his comments, but he does make mention of underground facilities, and so have many others. If you feel he is not a credible source for subterranea, then I suggest you 'deny ignorance' and do your own research on the net.

And elevated, if you had actually read the posts, you would have noted the erronous ways of really weely.

However, now that I've bitten, you are right about wikipedia being the definitive guide to life, the universe and everything in and out of the net.

ANyhoo, has anyone heard of how they drilled these passages? The rock never caved in, beacause the machines that drilled, melted the rock, then pasted it over, like a smooth glass finish!
[edit on 6/6/2007 by deaman88]

I apologise for erroneously misquoting you. Forgive me.

However, your statement about me "shooting down just about any comment being made, by any poster" is utter and total rubbish.

People post their assumptions/ideas/inventive thoughts on a public forum. They should then be prepared to have those ideas either supported or shot down by others.
I comment mostly on the 'Dulce Base' rubbish, The 'Peasmore Base' rubbish and several other topics where absolutley incredible assumptions are being made with no supporting proof at all.
I also post on David Icke. The man who says he is God and that the Queen is a reptilian. Im not a royalist but Im sorry, I really dont think Liz is a reptile at all. Cold clammy hands but no long tongue!

If you dislike my posts so much then hit the ignore button.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:32 AM
Hey, um, RW (and others guilty of humorlessness), I'm sure DollyDagger was BEING SARCASTIC when he said wiki was the most reliable source known to man. Come on man, duh. I'm sure he's just entertaining the idea of this guy and the interesting story that comes along with him.

(Not being rude to you RW, just pointing out some things)

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 11:16 PM
Elevatedone, you could, in my opinion, be absolutely correct. Several people look for conspicious locations/objects/people as a person/object affiliated with top-secret concepts, yet hardly bother to look across their own street.

We are supposed to deny ignorance, yet we ignore the fact that the man we pass on the street while on our way to work, or the hot-dog vender on the street, or even our own friends, could be hiding a nation/international-wide secret from the world.

The recipe for the ink in our american dollar bills is top-secret. How damned would we be if it turns out to be standard ink?

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by elevatedone
another thought of mine is that a possible entrance to the underground "bases", (including Dulce, or at least a tunnel to Dulce) is located at Ft. Knox.

They're guarding something besides Gold and Documents there.

There hasnt been any gold in Ft. Knox for 75 years. The Federal Reserve took all the gold as collatoral for giving us worthless pieces of paper

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 02:17 AM
I have been told by serveral people in theories and so forth that ETs are accessing the base via intergrated partical dispersion, ( think wonka vision ) they manipulate their craft to pass thru solid objects and that how they get to and from their base.

Skeptics Rant yer faces blue, but all your doing is denying everything. lol

Deny Ignorance, Not Possibility and Speculation, Specialy not a guy thinking about things, I mean I read alot of these post and You Skeptics cant wait to find a typo to exploit or the famous LACK OF PROOF Lol that amazing me, Did we need Proof of computized technology in order to make it? Especialy to THINK about it and THEORIZE about it. Glad theyre werent thousands of people saying your a idiot for thinking data can travel via light, or electricity.

Stop for a moment and ponder the realms of possibility, Member NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE ONLY IMPROPABLE!

So back to the subject matter, What about not needing a entrance, think star trek and beaming. I mean just think, dont destroy becuz you can phathom a abstract idea. Closemindedness only leads to locked doors.

Ever heard your the creators of your reality by thought, then its no wonder you wont ever SEE whats in front of your nose. Theres no proof of GOD yet a majority of humankind believes. Just blows my noodle to see so many closeminded chaps in a anything is possible world.

[edit on 13-6-2007 by Tranceopticalinclined]

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 01:12 PM
reading the skeptic posters posts about there being no base, i was compelled to register and post this.

A friend of mine, who died of a heart attack oh 4 years ago now (RIP), and I talked abit about black ops like A51 and the like. He served in the USAF and was part of a special-ops team (not covert, just special, he had a few stories to tell albeit vague on the personal info), and seemed to know quite a bit about stuff like A51 and dulce, and i remember him telling me to "stay away from there, it's a bad place. stay away from Dulce." Now, i know someones gonna say he was lying about the usaf stuff or was crazy, but that is not the case, I trusted this man whole-heartedly and influenced me quite a bit. I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt there's a base out there.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 01:49 PM
My old grandad always used to whisper to me
"stay away from women lad, stay away, they are trouble"

I should have taken his advice.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by realyweely
My old grandad always used to whisper to me
"stay away from women lad, stay away, they are trouble"

I should have taken his advice.

Blah blah, mock mock, pblthththth.
Is this what you really want to contribute?
Is this what you've been reduced to?
Go ahead and get that last dig in now. I'm ready.

Take a few minutes and really zing me.

And then we can go on supposing anything we want.
I suppose it could happen, so, let's say...we continue our supposition that Dulce is a scary hole in the ground, for arguments sake of course, to discuss a camoflaged or less-than-likely entrance point.
I like the discussion and I will contribute...positively.
I can't vouch for others, though.


posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by deaman88
However, now that I've bitten, you are right about wikipedia being the definitive guide to life, the universe and everything in and out of the net.

This appears to have been 'added' to my reply, as I did not write this, nor do I agree withthe statement.

[edit on 30/6/2007 by deaman88]

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 05:58 PM
Dulce underground is a mysterious place , no one has even given us physical proof that it even exists, there were claims of some worker who got some documents and has explained the base as being a multi-leveled facility housing the greys and various human experiments that were part of some genetic alteration project with certain animal species.Which could be the the explaination of these chupa cabra sitings and other mythical creatures.It all sounds like some great sci-fi movie in the making ,which leaves me thinking that it's a great hoax.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Cuhail

Take a few minutes and really zing me.

(looks at clock......looks again...and again)
ZING !!!

Ok, anyway....
Dulce is an area of myth and legend.

Is there a Dulce base ? At this point, no.

Is Phil Schneider telling the truth ? In my opinion, he
BELIEVES he is telling the truth.

Far cry from actually telling the truth.

And then we can go on supposing anything we want.

And, people do. Then present the supposition as fact, sadly.

I can't vouch for others, though.



posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 02:24 PM
The only way to get to the bottom of this Dulce underground facility is to try to even find the place and gather thousands of people and several news channels to film this place and gain access to the facility ,even if they all die a mysterious death the whole world would no if it's fact or fiction.The same can be done at Area 51 but the people are too scared to go near it and the news channels are already bought off and would focuss more on some wasted celeb who's on drugs.

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 01:35 AM
Good luck with trying to ever prove it. We can all believe, sure, but unless you find a way to somehow take pictures going all the way down, get a heat signature or something, all we can do is believe.

I'd kinda be creeped out if I found something like that.

Oh, and if anyone did find Dulce, they'd probably have an "accident"

[edit on 7/4/07 by DigitalPirate]

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