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Dulce Again... looking for the entrance, what if...

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posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone
for arguements sake lets pretend the base does exist, I'm still wonder what everyone thinks of what or where the entrances might be?

According to Phil Schneiders videos, all of these bases underground are all connected,(hundreds, according to him) with full cities underground to go with them. Theres no need to look for entrances, the workers are already underground before they get to work!

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 03:56 PM
this was put out by the goverment who would be hiding the information anyway most of the earthquakes in new mex occur in the soccoro valley near albequerqe ((and interestingly enough near las alomos where theres supposedly tunnels leading to many underground facilities)) but thats the only MAJOR one that has occured outside of this area of activity and in the same time when construction supposedly began i find it a wierd coincidince there are even tunnels that go underneath my town ((clovis/ cannon afb)) when i get off house arrest ill try to get some pictures for everyone i have family that lives in dulce weve talked about this and they say there are wierd things that occur like waste management trucks in large numbers that come through on a regular basis and sometimes at nigh you can see carlights driving around out in the forest ((well as close as we get to forests in new mex anyway)) and then they just dissappear and there have been occassions where my uncle ((who thinks the whole ufo thing is stupid)) has seen things in the sky that he cant explain

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 04:02 PM
Well assuming a base does exist under Dulce, the entrance isn't anywhere within sight of the town. Having grown up in a small town, I can attest to the curious, nosey nature of these creatures. When you drive into Dulce, rest assured someone is taking note of you. And then there's the problem of where to park your car during your extended undergroud assignment.

It's a different matter however if the residents themselves are the ones working there.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 04:04 PM
Whoa, Realyweely.
Why are you such a negative nellie? I KNOW there are underground facilities in my home county. Government owned and Catholic Church owned. Further more, I don't NEED to prove it to anybody on a website forum just because they don't believe the exact same thing. There is interest in the subject. Opinions were voiced and anybody can comment on how they feel on the subject. It really sounds more like the OP was "thinking out loud" more than claiming any fact. Why jump on him? There IS a secret base in Nevada that no-one's allowed to enter without specific clearance. That HAS been proven with lawsuits and Good Ole' Billy Clinton renewing the "Secret" Status of the base. Dulce may or may not exist AS WE'VE HEARD, but, I'm not going to say it doesn't exist because no-one has proven otherwise. There is no point in the whole website existing if everyone here followed your example. You sound angry that the OP is following his judgement and mind-set. Regardless of the subject, let's be a little more supportive that outright critical.
As for John Lear, I agree that his credibility is low. Who cares? Listening to John Lear on C2C was one of the motivating factors of my interest in Conspiracy Theories. I've since learned quite a bit more than I knew before. Mainly from listening, and not from speaking. I listen, I investigate myself, I converse with others in a like mind and I try to reach a conclusion. It's not always what I want to hear. But I'd never attack a position someone else takes if I disagree with it. I'll listen and shake my head and maybe suggest a few different route they might take. I don't need proof of anything from the OP. I've made up my mind on certain theories and even discussed a few here. Getting mad isn't gonna accomplish anything but to alienate the OP.
Please don't bully.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Cuhail
Whoa, Realyweely.
Why are you such a negative nellie? I KNOW there are underground facilities in my home county. Government owned and Catholic Church owned. Further more, I don't NEED to prove it to anybody on a website forum just because they don't believe the exact same thing.

Then you cannot expect anyone to believe you.

There is interest in the subject. Opinions were voiced and anybody can comment on how they feel on the subject. It really sounds more like the OP was "thinking out loud" more than claiming any fact. Why jump on him?

I was voicing my opinion. The op posted on the basis that a supposed base exists, when there is no evidence to prove it

There IS a secret base in Nevada that no-one's allowed to enter without specific clearance. That HAS been proven with lawsuits and Good Ole' Billy Clinton renewing the "Secret" Status of the base. Dulce may or may not exist AS WE'VE HEARD, but, I'm not going to say it doesn't exist because no-one has proven otherwise.

Unfortunatley you are in a minority. The problem is that there are some wild stories about Dulce and a supposed base and unless people like myself an other put forward another answer then weaker minded people will just assume it does exist

There is no point in the whole website existing if everyone here followed your example. You sound angry that the OP is following his judgement and mind-set. Regardless of the subject, let's be a little more supportive that outright critical.

There are two sides to an argument or discussion. The OP put one side, I put the other why should I be supportive when the OP start the post from the standpoint that an alleged base does exist so where is the entrance.

As I said, WHAT base? There is neither proof nor evidence for any base at Dulce, let alone a base containing various Aliens who steal bodies for genetice research

As for John Lear, I agree that his credibility is low. Who cares? Listening to John Lear on C2C was one of the motivating factors of my interest in Conspiracy Theories. I've since learned quite a bit more than I knew before. Mainly from listening, and not from speaking. I listen, I investigate myself, I converse with others in a like mind and I try to reach a conclusion. It's not always what I want to hear. But I'd never attack a position someone else takes if I disagree with it. I'll listen and shake my head and maybe suggest a few different route they might take. I don't need proof of anything from the OP. I've made up my mind on certain theories and even discussed a few here. Getting mad isn't gonna accomplish anything but to alienate the OP.
Please don't bully.

Im not mad and Im not bullying. This is a site for discussion, I was discussing. HE put forwards HIS idea. I put forward MY reasons why his arguments were faulty. Sorry but Ive seen so much BS from Dulce fanatics, most of it put forwards by people to keep theirimage up high in certain circles or to simply keep on the Gravy train.
If someone says something exists and wants others to believe them then they have to provide proof and evidence.
You cannot start a discussion with the presumption that something exists when it doesnt.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 04:45 PM
Buddy, ya make some good points and agree with a lot of it. Dulce is a myth until proven otherwise. As for "believing" me. When and if I ever submit anything here that I know to be fact, I'll bring all the proof I have. As of yet, I haven't. Like I said, I've got nothing to prove. But I read a lot. And I form conclusions in my own mind, fully expecting to hear another side that may change my mind. Take everything with a grain of salt until I've seen it for myself.
I didn't mean to sound like I was coming down on you at all. I'll be the first to say that there is no emotion in forums except those perceived by the reader. Sometimes I hear aggression where there is none. For that I apologize.
As for Dulce? It scares me that it could exist, not that it does. I do follow the interest in the bases and the underground facilities and tunnels. Do I have the end all, be all proof? Hell no, or it wouldn't be nearly as interesting. Ya know? Investigating the unknown is a lot of edge-of-your-seat fun for me. I like looking a heck of a lot more than finding. Finding usually diappoints. For me it's the Journey more than the Destination.

Didn't mean to rag,

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 04:54 PM
cuhail makes a extremely good point i have a lot of evidence that suggests dulce is there but im not 100% hell im not even 20% sure its there i just thought ide share what ive found in trying to uncover if it is real and if half of what ive read about it is true itd propably be better if it wasnt there.......heres something my dad always told me .....believe none of what you hear and half of what you see

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by realyweely

WHAT workers ?
WHAT base?

You fail the prime criteria.
First, prove your 'base' exists.

It doesnt, at least there is no proof anywhere that it does.

Then tell me why, when several of the most famous proponents of this so-called base live no more than a few hours drive away, they dont actually get off their bums and take a damned good look??

Answer? Because they know its all total rubbish.

HEY PAL!! No one here is claiming that dulce is out their, just that "IF" it is where would some of the "POSSIBLE" entrances be located!

If you need proof for everything and anything you post about, your on the wrong website buddy! 90% of the stuff talked about here cant be proven.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 09:37 PM
Hmm I suppose Dulce could exist. I remember a radar station in my hometown that was offlimits. It was "abandoned" as they say, yet there was one AF guy guarding the site. I was able to get on the site, years and years ago before they put up a chain fence. It was on top of a Butte (butte = larger then a hill but smaller then mountain) and had a bunker there as well. I do remember it even though I must of been like 6 or 7 when me and my dad went up there. The tower was falling apart, the whole building was almost like rubble. the one thing that really struck me, was that the tower had an elevator in it. Not one that just went up, but went down as well. Well the shaft was still there, but it was filled with water. For years I thought they might be hiding nuke waste there because of the unmarked white semi-trucks that shwoed up every week. As far as I know, the place has been bought by a chemical company from the government and is now private property. I know your probably wondering what this has to do with Dulce but, I find it very strange that a small town of less then 500 ppl (well back in th day anyways now its 800) would have its very own radar tower. Sure the cold war freaked the military out and they set up sites all over. But there? There are cavern systems all around there. Who knows what it is they hid up there. My vote though is nuke waste.


[edit on 1-6-2007 by Azathoth]

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 09:47 PM
I hate to come off as a serious BLONDE here but I can't help it.

WHERE IS Fort Knox anyway???

I like your train of thought here may be right on the money (pun intended)

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 11:03 PM
This post brings to mind the old L'il Abner comic strip. They had a missile base in the middle of nowhere. You entered it by entering an outhouse; crescent moon cutout for a window. Inside, it was an elevator. Showing my age here.

2 observations: Dulce is not in restricted airspace. Every one of the many bases and test sites I work on is in restricted airspace.

Espanola is the state joke in NM. Blonde jokes are not especially effective in highly Hispanic and incredibly Indian NM, so blonde jokes are told as Espanola jokes. In Espanola, they tell Dulce jokes. Word I get, anybody worth a hoot is gone like a cool breeze on graduation night. What's left is what didn't have the gumption to leave. Everyone from NM says no way there's anything going on at Dulce.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by realyweely
You fail the prime criteria.
First, prove your 'base' exists.

i was under the assumption that this thread is under the pretext that the base existed

anyway, i was watching the history channel tonight and there was a show on how walt disney world was built...

there is actually an underground tunnel system that links the 4 parks (that make up disney world) together...

a navy general (i believe) helped with the tunnel system...

hell, if disney can do it why not the government

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by they see ALL
a navy general (i believe) helped with the tunnel system...

That's interesting that it was a navy general that helped build it, can you confirm if that is factually correct?

Why would a navy general have knowledge of underground tunnel systems? If there is a logical answer to this then please let me know.

It is alleged that the navy are the ones who control the human element of dulce which always made me curious as to why the navy & not the army etc..

If what you say is true then this certainly adds credence to the Dulce story, which at this point is just that..a story.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by they see ALL

Originally posted by realyweely
You fail the prime criteria.
First, prove your 'base' exists.

i was under the assumption that this thread is under the pretext that the base existed

The OP Posted this:
"What if, I know this is a big IF, but, what if, an entrance to Dulce was right under everyone's noses, right in plain sight? "

A Entrance to Dulce?
That, to me, was a foregone assumption that the base already existed and it was simply a matter of finding entrances. Thats the problem with a lot of threads on Dulce. Posters start with a presumption that there really IS an 'Alien base' under Dulce. Yet there isnt the teeny weeniest little piece of evidence of anything.
With a supposed base of the size suggested by some, there would be a hell of a lot of evidence. Air vents, entrances, waste facilities, communications facilities not to mention the millions of tons of spoil that would have come from it when it was being constructed.
Analyse the entire thing and you will see it is all a non starter.
I watched the construction in London of a new underground railway tunnel and the spil that came from that was unbelieveable. The mess made by the access tunnels were also creating havoc.

anyway, i was watching the history channel tonight and there was a show on how walt disney world was built...
there is actually an underground tunnel system that links the 4 parks (that make up disney world) together...
a navy general (i believe) helped with the tunnel system...
hell, if disney can do it why not the government

But tunnelling is old hat, a very well known technique.
Marc Brunel started a tunnel under the Thames in 1825. That tunnel is still in use today. Londons sewers were started in 1844 so Tunneling is very old hat and needs no new technology.
London had the first subway system in the world, the first trains ran in 1863.

I would LOVE there to be something under Dulce, I really would. But, and I have to repeat what I said previously, why dont those people who state they have so much info about the place but no photos or empirical evidence actually go there and get the evidence?. If I lived in the US I would be there every weekend. Some only live a few hundred miles away but havent been there for years. Some who make long trips only stay a day?. I live over 600 miles from Loch ness but go up there twice a year, (still havent seen anything but the Scotch is good).
Ive been all over the supposed 'Base' area suggested by James Casbolt on his website. What did I find? a sleepy little village with no evidence or suggestion whatsoever of any base. No flying saucers no aliens. Interesting that James is writing a book? wonder if that has anything to do with his 'research'?

I am not a skeptic. I am a realist. I believe that beings from other planets have and do visit our planet. But I dont believe there are several different life forms below Dulce, or that there was a 'war' with 44 or 66 (whichever report you believe) special forces were killed.

The Fort Knox thing? Well whenever a Government agency locks a building down, people are going to start imagining things, its human nature. When no answers come out after questions are asked it becomes a conspiracy and multiplies exponentially from that point.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by justanothergangster
If you look at the usgs archives there was a really large earthquake in dulce in 1966 ((this is supposedly when construction began))
whats even more interesting is there havent been any more earthquakes since then atleast not anywhere near this magnitude

Fits in with Project Gnome which was an attempt to use nuclear weapons to excavate. The program began in the late fifties and went on to 1973.

Although I am not sure about the existance of Dulce, some of the government programs during the time frame do indeed show some interest in possessing powerful mining technology. It is also interesting that Project Gnome went on through the time in which Dulce is alleged to have been created. My personal theory is that if Dulce were to be created during this era it would be done through nuclear mining.

Project Gnome could also prove, or disprove, your finding of a large earthquake in 1966. The reason for this is that many of these nuclear weapons that were set off were actually set off in New Mexico. It is not too much of a stretch that the large earthquake was from an underground nuclear test in either Dulce or somewhere nearby in New Mexico. Sadly I do not have the exact locations that any of these test occured so this is speculation from the information I have avalable. I would love to hear someone elses theories on this, even though i think this derails the thread a bit...


If Dulce were to exist, the enterance would be one of two things. It would either be hidden in plain sight, like the opening poster said, or there would be no opening at Dulce and all supplies/ staff would be shipped in via external sources. In truth this could very easly be consistant with the idea that Dulce has train systems from other places in the US. I think it is more than likely that they would keep maximum secrecy by having the acutal enterence be as far away from the base as they could get it to be.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 10:57 AM
Project GNOME would not account for an earthquake near Dulce in 1966.

GNOME was a single, 3 kiloton, underground atomic detonation near Carlsbad (well south of Dulce) on 10 December 1961. It formed a cavity nearly 170 feet across and 80 feet high in a salt dome.

The closest undeground nuclear shot to Dulce was GASBUGGY, in the Carson National Forest, on 10 December 1967. The 29 kiloton yield explosive was part of a gas production stimulation experiment in the Plowshare series.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by mclarenmp4
That's interesting that it was a navy general that helped build it, can you confirm if that is factually correct?

oops, i was talking about disney sorry...

Originally posted by realyweely
The OP Posted this:
"What if, I know this is a big IF, but, what if, an entrance to Dulce was right under everyone's noses, right in plain sight? "

the only way that we can talk about a supposed base is if we assume it exists, right???

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 12:42 PM
Originally posted by theRiverGoddess

I hate to come off as a serious BLONDE here but I can't help it.

WHERE IS Fort Knox anyway???

Not sure if this was intended as sarcasm, but I'm going with not.

Fort Knox is in Kentucky.

Not only is it home to a famous gold repository, it's also the home and
training base of the U.S. Armor Division.

Fun fact : Unless it has been changed, the housing for tankers-in-training
were called the "Disney Barracks". No idea why.


posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 08:12 PM
well two things.

1. as someone else pointed out, it is probably relatively self sutsaining (living quarters, etc)

2. it won't be some boony house. small town, people would notice all the traffic. if there is an entrance it probably is in a nearby town that is bigger probably near a mall or something where traffic won't seem noticable.

on that note, you never know where. some of those buildings for sure go down, to where i don't know. why else would you have a building like that. you should watch em or something.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 08:29 PM

No Base you say? zero information? been to you tube lately?

This video shows an alleged glimpse into Dulce.

Anyone heard of Paul Schnieder? Geologist and Engineer, who had an altercation with underground base occupants below Dulce.

He died, a mysterious death. His hand was apparently shot off, during a raging gun battle between around 50 military personell.

Still cvould all be a load of garbage, but then again, why would someone say such stuff? The entire video makes for some interesting watching

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