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c2c Drone alien text deceiper

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posted on May, 30 2007 @ 10:38 PM
Why can't you just tell us here if you know the language?

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 11:17 PM

Don't try to solve this with human alphabet. I know the language spoken send me an email here

Originally posted by Lexicon Devil
Why can't you just tell us here if you know the language?

Cuz he is full of #!

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 11:25 PM
cleaned up picture of alien text closeup... part 1 of 4

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 12:04 AM
part 2

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 12:26 AM

[edit on 31-5-2007 by hiii_98]

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 01:14 AM
Looks similar to the predator letters.
There's a new AVP coming out i think at the end ofthe year.
If its a viral promotion.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 01:24 AM
I got to go to bed wasting an insane amount of time on this. So far the fonts i'm leaning towards are the citrusfruits / Katakana / mCode15 (The Matris font)

I'm now heavily leaning towards THe Matrix font as being the origin of this text. Need more font types to prove it however.

*update* the majority of code can be compared to the XMatrix XScreensaver fontstyle for the MacOS.

maybe someone can give it a spin here

as of yet i DO NOT have this TTF font downloaded into my computer for analysis maybe someone can put the pieces together?

[edit on 31-5-2007 by hiii_98]

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 02:40 AM
does anyone have a picture of the text running across the aliens monitors from the movie independence day. I'm fairly sure this is a hybrid mix of the Matrix Digital Rain font type, and i want to compare all known text to the independence day film text...which if it lines up might make this even more interesting....

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 02:40 AM
[edit on 31-5-2007 by hiii_98]

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP I once made an alphabet that my brother could never decode but it was so easy for me that I could write using that alphabet any time I wanted and I still remember it after more than 20 years.

Nah, it would NEVER hold up to any real analysis. This is due to the redundancy of human languages. Given a sufficient amount of text, there will be patterns that will emerge, enabling the decipherer to pry into your message, and build up your alphabet one letter at a time. After all what you describe is a simple monoalphabetic substitution cipher, that even a ten year old should be able to solve. (Given an ample amount of text, and of course knowledge of cryptanalysis)

Sorry for the off-topic, just thought I would throw my 2 cents in here when I saw this.

edit to add... (and to get back on-topic

hiii_98, I think you are very close with some of your last examples..

[edit on 5/31/2007 by Mechanic 32]

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 06:03 AM
Could all the people saying "Nah, you'll never find out..." piss off to another thread? Sorry for the strong language but sheesh! It's like saying "Look, I'm really really smart. If I can't work it out in 5 minutes you never will". I'm glad you guys aren't in charge of finding serial killers! And by the way 2 cents is all the info is worth and in Australia our smallest currency is 5 cents. So you admit you bring nothing to the thread?

Please don't make people think the hoaxers are smarter than everybody else because they know how to use photoshop.

[edit on 31-5-2007 by DuncanIdahoGholem]

[edit on 31-5-2007 by DuncanIdahoGholem]

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 05:47 PM
I just spent some time on comparing the inscriptions to mCode15 and various Aurebesh (Star Wars) fonts. A lot of letters do indeed match pretty well, others do not exist in either font.

I now believe Chad or whoever did this did not only mix more than two fonts, he also merged different symbols, making them look as a single one. Other symbols taken from either font are probably tilted by 90 degrees left or right. That makes me believe the 'author' does NOT want his puzzle to be solved. There's probably no "Gotcha!" message, it's meant to look 'real'.

Still, for my taste there's way too many letters clearly originating from mCode15 for this to be some sort of alien language.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 11:49 PM

Still, for my taste there's way too many letters clearly originating from mCode15 for this to be some sort of alien language.

Thats my opinion as well. I really wish someone could watch that independence day movie, and freeze it at the part where it shows the alien computer screen. Supposedly the text is the same font type as what is on the bottom of the drone. I dont have the movie handy plus i cant find any pictures on the internet for comparison.

Also i think there may be other versions of the matrix rain font . I think the one i posted (mCode15) is only one users personal interpretation of it. I'd like to find others for comparison. Whats unique about the matrix font is that it incorporates several other languages into it and makes it own symbols. It also relies heavily on the Katakana font.

[edit on 31-5-2007 by hiii_98]

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 04:23 PM
Greetings, ATSers!

Well, another couple of more days research on this - and thanks to a great deal of help from new friends around the world, I think we may be getting close.

Last time, if you'll remember, the consensus from experts was that this is quite possibly the work of some software programs that can design/create/manipulate a new font/language of your choosing, often by simply inputing a few characters from existing writings/glyph symbols that interest you from which a new character set can be derived. Through interpolation algorithms, a correlation can be established to any other established language/character set you wish.

Progressing on this premise, my colleagues and I have been digesting and, (if you'll pardon the expression), regurgitating a number of different historic and fictional character sets in an attempt to identify the source, if there is one to be found, of the characters on our little craft. Although many on this thread and others keep pointing to Katakana, most of the experts feel it actually only a small percentage of Katakana/other Asian, and more likely and amalgamation of several fictional fonts from any number of sci-fi video games, movies, comic strips and/or similar popular media.

Interestingly, there is some correlation to characters as depicted by several alien abductees. W. Strieber et al have done some extensive work in capturing the writing in the hand of some people who have claimed to witness or been given writing samples while abducted. Not sure what to make of such claims myself, but the proposition is certainly intriguing if nothing else.

In any case, since some of you had expressed interest in the first collage set I posted, here's a second set with some of the fonts/writings we're working on. Included are some of the abductee samples, a few runic texts, a couple that come from sci-fi games, magic/Enochian sets, a fantasy set or two, some genuine tablet-types, and an interesting one carved into the earth near Tibet from Google Earth (upper left).

Here's the first collage: Glyph/Character Samples ~ Set 1

Analysis continues (geez - I have to get back to my real life here, eventually!), but I'll be sure to post findings as they may come up.


posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 08:40 PM
Awsome work. This is an interesting edeavor sometimes I find myself starting from the premise that is all a hoax, and the more i dig into this the more I'm questioning my origional assumptions. However I'm still sticking to the point that this likely is a human language, although the hoaxer has apparently done his homework.

Also have you checked out the matrix font? Of all the text comparisons i have run across i found this font to have the most consistancy. Did my photoshop enlargement and clarification of the text help or only obsure the text further? Keep up the investigation i cant wait to see where this leads!

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 06:13 PM
Hey guys. Long time reader, first time poster. Love the site and read it from time to time to see what's up in the world.

Anyway, I thought I should put in my 2 cents here, since this is an area of expertise for me.

I've been studying Japanese for two years now and the text on the "craft" is indeed Japanese. It's katakana as someone pointed out. This is the Japanese syllabary for foreign words (and also used for emphasis).

But yes, it does look like gibberish. starting from the right of the photo (reading from the bottom to the top), what I can make out is: wa, n, (backwards), i (in hiragana, which is the japanese letters for native words), and something i cant make out because it's too fuzzy.

On the middle part( reading from the right of the photo to the left), it looks like te, then it gets too fuzzy, wa, and another te.

Finally, on the wing on the left (reading left to right), it's ha, n, i (maybe, its really blurry), wa, and maybe a te.

If I could get a better picture, I could definately make out what this reads as, and what it means. But it has no meaning to me as is.

If this is a real craft from outer space, then the aliens have serious problems figuring out which way they want their letters to be facing. This reminds me of a posterboard project I saw back in college. A student did something about Japan, and posted Japanese lettering on the poster to be creative. However, unbenounced to him, he had posted half of them upside down. I believe that's the case here, the creator of this photo just didn't know what he was doing.

Anyway, if someone could clean up the image for me, I'd love to take a look at what it's trying to say.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 08:12 PM
A problem that just occurred to me...

If someone supposedly knows an alien language, who says that language is on the craft?

I've been into this UFO thing my whole life, and right now I'm pretty sure there are multiple species or 'factions' of some sort of alien alliance. Imagine it from this point of view:

You are a gray. You are stationed on a ship designed for observing the growth of the Human race to determine their economic, social, psychological, and technological status. You must compete with rival factons from different galaxies/solar systems/(maybe even universes, dimensions, times, etc.) to work for the success of your home [whatever].

It seems that aliens from different places will probably have different languages, and, if this thing is authentic, (which I remain open to, but slightly doubtful of) it could represent only one tiny iota of the alien races.

Didn't Whitley Streiber (author of Communion/Breakthrough) say that his abductors spoke Gaelic?

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 02:34 AM
shoot i didn't know this was in capitola i can do some snoopin around i usually go there for memorial day with my family. i go camping about 1 mile away, and we walk to capitola.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by DollyDagger
shoot i didn't know this was in capitola i can do some snoopin around i usually go there for memorial day with my family. i go camping about 1 mile away, and we walk to capitola.

Remember to take a high quality camera, if you dont get access to one then buy one of those disposable film-cameras

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by Syphon02
Hey guys. Long time reader, first time poster. Love the site and read it from time to time to see what's up in the world.

I've been studying Japanese for two years now and the text on the "craft" is indeed Japanese.

Sorry to put a damper your 1st post, but you're about the 10th person in 3 threads to claim it's katakana, then fail to match up the characters. Yes, "fu" is there. What else? I'm not seeing it. It's not katakana just because it looks similar. Katakana strokes are very specific. These don't match.

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