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Concrete Goals for all who actually cares about the truth behind 9/11

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posted on May, 30 2007 @ 03:54 PM
Good posts

I forgot a KEY issue concept the night I wrote this. I came up with the idea durign the frenzy week when the 9/11 videos were still downloadable and I met some new friends who were the toher big players to gather and then torrent their catches with me.

Public ownership of all known 9/11 images and videos

There needs to be a public database (website) where all known 9/11 imagery is present including public ownership of said media. It's simply a matter of COngress creating a fund to buy the rights to all media that isn't already public domain. This may sound daunting, however considering the $1TRILLION that the national debt goes up each year, they can obviosly squeeze that in there somewhere.

For example, the footage gave US the the Washington DC newsfeeds. What I'm talking about is not only doing the same with the NEY YORK footage, which is surely more valuable than DC's, but also obtaining all of the raw video camera feeds and tapes from that day. Next would come the gathering of all of the other tapes and photos out there. And so on.

People or organizations who wouldn't prefer to forfeit their materials to the public for free would obviously get paid a fair rate for their evidence. This would in effect put the ownership of "9/11" in the hand sof the U.S. Public, and would provide all of the evidence ever for all to be able to fully asses the tragic event. Here we're giving "the government" the benefit of the doubt, so obviously full access to the mountain of footage would surely help clear up any would=be conspiracy theories.

[edit on 30-5-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 07:59 PM
Great idea, collect all relavant info and create a place for all to access it. I'm off a baseball game with my kids, will try to come up with a longer post later.

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 08:26 PM

SO long after the 911 Truth Movement was obliterated by the No Planers, and its own unwillingness to get of the polarizing physics type materials, it's time to bring it back with clarity that EVERYBODY can get behind.

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 07:44 PM

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

New Investigation is Needed, and Fast

If anyone can say otherwise, speak up. If you can't argue with that, then try to throw in some ideas on how to get an investigation that we can believe in. The longer we get away from 9/11 the more pointless it becomes. My ideas are:

I agree.

However there will never be a new investigation allowed into 911 as long as we have the same Powers That Be controlling our politicians in Washington DC.

My "opinion" is there never was an investigation into 911, the hard cold facts revile most of all evidence was carted away in a hurry.

The NIST Report was a hypothesis written to support a political agenda and never did NIST concentrated on the real explosives energies that were used to bring down the WTC. The NIST Report is a whitewash, just like the 911 Commission Report, it all reads like the Kennedy Warren Commission Report, it was written to get the government off the hook through deception.

The fact is, most of the 911 evidences supports a major cover up on a grand scale which proves the Powers That Be have something major to hide, my "opinion" is it is their complicity of carrying out a False Flag attack on their own people to Push through the Pentagon paper of the Project The New American Century

The Neocons’ Project for the New American Century: “American World Leadership” – Syria next to Pay the Price?

The United States could never get their new war on terrorism to go unless a False Flag was staged, it is written in the New American Century Pentagon papers that a new Pearl Harbor would be needed to carry out the new Project for the New American Century.

This is not a conspiracy theory this is a documented fact.

The American people would have never allowed Congress to agree to go to war before 911. Yet after 911 we did approve Congress to allow us to go to war, and what bothers most Americans today is we went to war with two counties that had nothing to do with the attacks on 911.

What we were told, was now proven lies.

As for a new 911 investigation, it will never happened unless American will get off their MSM brainwashed properganda behinds and physically remove this corrupt, bought and paid for government, by the outside Globalist and start over again.
edit on 11-9-2016 by Informer1958 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

I am a Trump supporter.

However Trump will never get the Power to open a new investigation into 911, why I say this, is if he tries he will be killed by the CIA.

The Powers That Be will not have their crimes exposed, and it will be death to anyone who tries to exposes them.

I do know this, if the truth would ever be exposed, the American people would be holding trails similar to the Nuremberg trials in Washington DC and death sentences would be handed down to some of Washington political elite and most of our government would be immediately removed.

posted on Sep, 12 2016 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: Informer1958

If They killed Trump for it everything would burn in this Internet Age under this borderline race war reality The Establishment have carefully crafted, and it would be deserved. And yet it would be a disaster. Maybe no coming back from it. And that reality being subconscious in their subscribers they are counting on. They can't go too far beyond the line tho. Don't forget the Democrat's used to believe 9/11 was an Inside Job, whatever version it happened to be for each individual.

posted on Sep, 12 2016 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Something is changing.

In my state in Australia last night on a local (or perhaps its a national) TV station they screened the second edition of loose change.

This program was followed by a doco on the problem of giving kids psychotropic drugs.

Perhaps its permissible to screen these shows in a far off nobody land now because its all too late but perhaps we need politicians who will make treachery, murder and or persecution of citizens a rest of natural a life sentence for the person in charge of the operation.

posted on Sep, 12 2016 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: Azureblue

Of course they did LC2E. That's ones a disaster. Almost entirely visuals/physics stuff. Which is all the "Skeptics" EVER want t talk about on the entire matter. The geopolitical & intel agency stuff that LC Final Cut spent most of its time on is what they DONT want people talking about (and is ALL I'm trying to talk about anymore).

posted on Sep, 12 2016 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: Informer1958
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

I am a Trump supporter.

However Trump will never get the Power to open a new investigation into 911, why I say this, is if he tries he will be killed by the CIA.

The Powers That Be will not have their crimes exposed, and it will be death to anyone who tries to exposes them.

I do know this, if the truth would ever be exposed, the American people would be holding trails similar to the Nuremberg trials in Washington DC and death sentences would be handed down to some of Washington political elite and most of our government would be immediately removed.

Was just reading some random guy on the internet talking about his predictions for 2016, and he said Trump will die this year. Maybe he's CIA... Or just crazy, lol

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