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But Chavez also announced in that same program the creation of PetroAmerica, which like other massive oil projects in South America will likely cause massive environmental destruction and human suffering.
Venezuela’s Environment Under Stress
Tuesday, Mar 01, 2005
By: Jeroen Kuiper -
Water pollution, gold, diamond and coal mining, oil drilling, gas exploration, wood logging, soil erosion: it all exists in Venezuela, and according to three environment NGOs in Caracas, the pressure on Venezuela’s environment under the rule of the Chavez government is increasing.
The third interviewed NGO, Amigransa (Amigos de la Gran Sabana), has a more activist profile. “By principle, we don’t have employees”, emphasize Alicia Garcia and Maria Eugenia Bustamante, two of the activists of Amigransa. The activists pay for their activities themselves; they want to stay totally independent. “We are about ten active people, depending on the issue”, says Alicia Garcia. One of the successes that Amigransa is proud of is their successful campaign against British Petroleum (BP) a few years ago in the Orinoco delta: after a campaign of Amigransa, in which they proved that BP polluted the Orinoco Delta with its testing drills, they left. Amigransa seems to have the best overview on the overall state of environment in Venezuela.
Why don't you talk about the claims of Chavez, among some other revolutionary/Communists like yourself, who claim "the world will be destroyed because of Capitalism and hence Capitalism must be overthrowed"?...
Originally posted by pepsi78
I don't think Souljah is a comunist, you are begining to sound just like bush, labeling people as one.
Originally posted by sbob
If the majority of the people want to peacefully replace him by referendum or election in the future.....His real worth as a man will be seen. And maybe the majority of the people in Venezuela in the future will like him more.
Hugo Chavez Suggests Holding Power For 25 Years
(AP) CARACAS, Venezuela President Hugo Chavez said Saturday that Venezuelan voters should have the chance to decide whether he should govern the country for the next 25 years.
Speaking at a stadium packed with supporters in central Lara state, Chavez said he would hold a referendum to put the question of his remaining in office to Venezuelans if the opposition pulls out of upcoming presidential elections.
"I am going to ask you, all the people, if you agree with Chavez being president until 2031," he said.
The Venezuelan people tried that, more than once, and everytime there were excuses given for not taking him out of office, even though the number of Venezuelans who voted to take Chavez out far exceeded the amount needed to do so according to the "new Constitution".
I just showed videos of Chavez stating clearly he will not be taken out of office, nomatter what the referendum outcome is, despite him claiming the contrary when he began to take control of Venezuela.
U.S. have never even gotten close to a million protesters.
Also, in the U.S. police officers don't shoot to kill civilians for "peacefully protesting", yet in Venezuela it has happened.
Originally posted by Muaddib
I have not always agreed with everything the administration has done, but are trying to derail the topic...
BRT, all i ask is that if you are going to incite violent revolts, after all you are a "revolutionary", at least have the balls to stay on topic and instead of blaming everything on the U.S. like you always do "stay on topic and blame those where blame is due"...
Originally posted by pepsi78
How do you know that is the majority of the people, acording the the Eu and the UN the election was clean and the majority voted for chaves.
If venesuela wants chaves let them have chaves, it's their choise and no one else.
I personaly don't like chaves, but if the venesuelans want him then who are you to say it should be otherwise.
Originally posted by pepsi78
I don't know what referendum you are talking about, and I don't think you know what a referendum is.
UPDATED: 09:48, August 16, 2004
Referendum against Hugo Chavez to be held in Venezuela
Originally posted by pepsi78
That is your opinion, the vietnam war says something else, in fact it was above one milion.
Originally posted by pepsi78
They were returning fire.
Originally posted by Muaddib
How about you "concentrate on staying on topic" and post about Chavez's involvement in "spreading the "Global Permanent Revolution" through "violence and has called for the violent overthrow of every Capitalist system in the world...including and foremost the United States...
Why don't you talk about the claims of Chavez, among some other revolutionary/Communists like yourself, who claim "the world will be destroyed because of Capitalism and hence Capitalism must be overthrowed"?... To Chavez it doesn't matter if the environmental laws in Venezuela have actually gotten worse since he has been in office... He uses anything and everything, like some members around here, to blame Capitalism and seeks the "overthrow of Capitaslim."
But Communists/Revoluitionaries like souljah always claim "it is only Capitalism that wants to overthrow poor people like Chavez, yet he says nothing about the ultimate goals of the "Revolutionary/Communists" on overthrowing Capitalism in every nation through a violent revolution...
I have given in the past links to "Revolutionary websites" of Venezuela where Chavez's speeches can be read and shown that he has called for the violent overthrow of Capitalism, and the first country to go according to Chavez must be the U.S....
But i guess according to our resident "Revolutionary/Communist souljah", as long as it is the "Revolutionaries/Communists" doing the overthrowing it is alright...but if any Venezuelan group in "Venezuela" decides in large numbers to stand behind Capitalism and instead to accept funds from the U.S. or other Capitalist countries, because Chavez will not give them money for this, and decide to make "peaceful" demonstrations against the "Revolutionary/Communist Chavez" and other such systems, it is the end of the world, the U.S. is evil for giving money to Venezuelans and other "working people" who don't want to be ruled by Communism/Revolutionaries"....
Originally posted by Souljah
But you have always protected them - in almost ANY thread that had to do against them - in almost EVERY way possible, which just showed me, that you certainly agree with ANYTHING they do.
Originally posted by Souljah
Excuse me - but I am not diverting the topic to a completly different subject;
Originally posted by Souljah
And if you REALLY think, that he has the politica, economial and military power to "OVERTHROW EVERY CAPITALIST SYSTEM IN THE WORLD" then you should have you head examined for a very serious case of Socialismophobia.
Originally posted by Muaddib
It does not matter what you think...the truth of the matter is that Chavez has made such calls to overthrow Capitalist countries, and again "THIS THREAD IS ABOUT WHAT CHAVEZ IS DOING IN VENEZUELA, NOT ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL VENDETTA AGAINST THE UNITED STATES"....
I find it very enlightening that again you don't want to discuss what Chavez is doing to shut down media programs that are critical of him, or even about the demonstrations of Venezuelans who opose this move, and these demonstrations have lasted over a week now...
Second Venezuela TV is under fire
Venezuela's government has accused a TV station of inciting a murder attempt on President Hugo Chavez, hours after taking another network off the air. It said footage shown on Globovision implicitly called for Mr Chavez to be killed. The station denies the claim.
Originally posted by the_sentinal
Yep, a second TV station is being targeted by the Chavez regime, but the charges sound bogus too me.
The Chavez government is also filing a suit against CNN for linking him to Al Qadea apparently Chavez is going after anyone who says anything negative about him.
Originally posted by the_sentinal
It baffles me, why the Venezuelan's voted this guy in?? or did they, it's not hard to rig an election if you can stir enough fear in the hearts of the election officials.
a political or economic theory in which community members own all property, resources, and the means of production, and control the distribution of goods.