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Red Orb ?!

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posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by TheDarkFlame
Tow days ago, I was visiting my family in Colombia. My brother and I where sitting in our tv room playing video games at about 10 pm when I started to feel watched. Then came the shock, these red orb (a little bigger than a basket ball) was floating outside the window. As I pointed at it to it rouse about half a meter and disappeared. It made no noise and gave of the kind of light that doesnt bother your eyes when using it in the dark. As I told my father what we had seen he said it kinda sounded like these foo fighters from wwll. Any other opinions on this weird happening? (sorry for the spelling)

[Edited on 5-1-2004 by Kano]

Out of curiosity, what part of Colombia? I grew up in Bucaramanga, and spent several "freaky" nights with friends on La Mesa de Los Santos. Heard lotsa strange things, saw a couple of glowing "objects" down in the canyon where the waterfall used to be. The locals there had lots of tales and legends about duendes and such.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 05:19 AM
Bogota, witch is kinda weird because its such a big city. I have also heard allot of stories about lightsin the sky and duendes (elves) from a friend of my grand mother that lives in a smaller town.
I have also seen UFO's on trips but nothing this close and personal.

By the way today everithing fellt realy normal till now except I did have one phone call with nobody there and I am hoping it to be a coincidence (spelling?).
The video I took shows nothing out of the ordinary, but I will keep doing this until frustration stops me (wich will not be soon after the things I have seen this week.)

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 07:47 AM
Bogota? You're right, for a big city it would be unusual to see --or in Bogotas case-- even notice that out and about. Weird. Bogota still noisy as ever? Hey you don't think that someone made a miniature "Globo" do you? But then you said it stopped then moved on, so they would discount that.
I have been tempted to make one here in the States and launch, see how many UFO reports are in the news the next day.

HAve a funny day

[Edited on 6-1-2004 by NetStorm]

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 08:07 AM
Remember this thing was not very far away and moved much to precise to be a globo. Yep its still as noisy and poluted as it used to be but the trafic is a little better.

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 01:15 AM
Quien sabe entonces. No esta insinuando que era un globo, era una idea.
Que tenga buen dia.

posted on Jan, 7 2004 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by NetStorm
Quien sabe entonces. No esta insinuando que era un globo, era una idea.
Que tenga buen dia.

No yo se, ya que en lost estados no sabrian que es un globo se clasificaria bajo un ovni. Me imagino que en una cidad si esta de noche la gente se preguntaria que es la "luz" en el cielo que se mueve como un baloon. Y no estaba diciendo que es una mala idea y si lo has entendido haci te ofresco mis disculpas.

Besides that part that I know realise should be a U2U the calls have kept coming and I'm wondering about going to the police about this. No more orbs but yesterday I had one ear (left) ringing strongly for about half an hour.

A ti tambien un buen dia

posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 11:09 AM
Well the phonecalls have stoped now and no more weird things have came into my life since the so I guess its over. Although it was one of the strangest things thats ever happend in my life and hope will happen again as long as it dosen't hurt me or brings somthing bad into my life.
Thanks for your atention and if anything else happens I'll keep you updated but as I said I don't think it will.
Well thats it for now from me I guess, have a nice day
(ohh and forgive my bad spelling)

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