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An Open Letter to Rosie O'Donnell

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posted on May, 24 2007 @ 01:42 AM
My friends...

We cannot let something like this bring all of this type of chaos/polarity. I'm with Helig, she's trying to sink the ship she's on with all hands on deck. Fan or not, she is at least bringing up the idea of a CD on WTC7...but...she's trying to use it as leverage to bolster her own "career".

Maybe she's bitter about something and is trying to become infamous, who knows? But anyone with two brain cells will look past her late morning rants and take what they learn and at least try to research it, or come to a conclusion that doesn't involve the words: "well if they said (insert phrase here) on the news, it has to be true."

It's people like you guys that can hold credence to the "Truth" movement and it one day making it's way to the ears of those who need to know.

Let her sink her own career. Don't let it get to you guys like this. She's a bitter woman who know's her career is done for. She's pulling out all the stops.

As I like to tell my friends: "Just chiiiiiiiiill babay!"


posted on May, 24 2007 @ 01:53 AM
She has no obligations to the View, shes leaving soon anyways, she has no reason to hold back, and she isnt...good for her, if only she had the courage to tell more Truth.

I mean, lets face it folks, if it wasnt a CD, it would be the first and only time in history that a modern skyscraper has collapsed due to fires. The skyscraper in Madrid, Spain had half its floors covered in smoldering flames, but it stood intact....for 6 days...

But within hours, poof, 3 buildings come down....only a fool would believe fires brought the towers and WTC7 down, and unfortunately, the government thinks we are fools.

Like someone said before, with the Silverstein quote, it was a CD demolition, there is more than enough proof, just looking at how the towers fell are proof enough.

As for Rosie, shes not even saying anything extreme, all shes doing is defending the poor civilians who are being killed in Iraq, and she is rightfully claiming that our government are the real terrorists, which they are, any thinking man can see that.

Her stance on WTC is one that many prominent people have, including Steven Jones, professor of physics at the BYU, and hes come out publically already and said theres no way fires melted those columns that brought down those buildings. No way, its against the laws of physics.

Okay, now add in the fact that the japanese designer of the towers, a man by the name of Minoru Yamasaki, has also come out publically and said I designed the towers to take multiple impacts from a 747 jet, which was the biggest plane of the day.

So, yea fires took down the buildings...I suppose the government loves us and would tuck us in at night if they could....right

Go Rosie. Keep getting the info out there, because whether she sinks herself or not, shes getting the facts out there, shes getting an alternative view out there that is causing big stirs, just like Ron Paul is. Kudos, may more prominent people come forward.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by LightWorker13]


posted on May, 24 2007 @ 01:55 AM
I will try and find a positive spin to this cause i see how she is portraying herself as a nutter and discrediting alot of peoples hard work


Dont under estimate the power of the gay and lesbian community to keep these sort of unmentionable topics mentionable. Im not a lesbian but i imagine rosie would have quite a following amongst the community and it is an international one at that. They are experienced campaigners and freedom fighters and have networks already in existance that can take up the topic.

just a thought

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 02:12 AM
I thought I would just say this here.

Rosie, she used to be fairly funny as a standup comic.
I remember she used to do an Elvis impersonation, not too bad.
She did pretty well in "A league of their own" as an actor too.

But, she has become a screeching banshee.
It occurs to me that her method, is to overpower by bullying.

Then spouting, or parroting, statistics that support her point of view.
Many of these stats are not provable, but have been repeated, in enough circles, so that they now "feel" like truth.

Finally, someone stands up to her. Someone with a different point of view.
Rather than discuss, on equal terms, She bullys her challenger, with more screeching.

There won't be any converts from either side..Each thinks the other is full of it. But I admire Elizabeth Hasselbeck, for taking a stand. And trying to at least present the other version of the truth..
Because, there ARE two versions. Right?

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by LightWorker13

Okay, now add in the fact that the japanese designer of the towers, a man by the name of Minoru Yamasaki, has also come out publically and said I designed the towers to take multiple impacts from a 747 jet, which was the biggest plane of the day.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by LightWorker13]

Wasn't the 707 the biggest plane of the day when the WTC was built? You're correct about the WTC being able to take multiple hits by a plane. They described it as pushing a pencil through a screen door. It'll make a hole, but it won't destroy the entire screen.


posted on May, 24 2007 @ 02:48 AM
You know what's funny - they actually withstood the impacts of 767s. Stood there just fine like a screen door until something unexpected happened.
Did they ever talk about designing the buildings to withstand jet fuel fires? Perhaps only a 7whaterver7's worth? Maybe the towers were designed to stand after a jet impact, but then pancake once the fire started? Built to be demolished by jumbo jet at the right moment.
Just an odd thought.

Anyway, I agree with Nick's original sentiment more or less. I don't get pushy with 9/11 stuff personally, and I wouldn't on TV. This is not a truth campaign, it's a controlled demolition.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 02:53 AM
so im watching hannity and colmes tonight while enjoying a smoke and what do you think I notice? the usual rosie 9/11 bashing was going on like usual but something really freaked me out because it was so subtle, it was almost like noone was supposed to notice unless they really looked.

maybe someone can post some footage but on the lower right hand side you can see rosies head. her head is being grossly manipulated and changes subtly while on the screen. its like someone is using photo shop to drag her lip and make her look scary and freakier than she already does. someone find the video, its creepy to watch.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 05:29 AM
So the "experts" are on today (5/24)? I definitely can't wait to see the YouTube of this when the program airs.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by nick7261
Rosie O'Donnell is almost single-handedly destroying any possibilty that WTC7 is going to get any serious consideration in the mainstream media. It follows that WTC7 will never be investigated by Congress, and that the biggest "smoking gun" of 9/11 is about to be made totally irrelevant because of her.

you are giving her way too much credit.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by Wizard_In_The_Woods
O. k, why is everyone ganging up on Rosie O’Donnell here?

Because Rosie is a PR disaster for herself and anything that she touches.

Her fan base is primarily left-leaning to begin with. To capsulize a number of other posts, Rosie's rants are nothing more than self-serving appeals to raise her standing within her own fan base. She gets pats on the back from her anti-Bush, anti-Republican, anti-neocon friends who would believe Bush pulled off 9/11 just because they want it to be true.

For the other 90% of America she comes across as an irrational, emotionally unstable bully who thinks that whoever shouts the loudest wins. Her abrasive communication style overwhelms any valid points she actually is trying to make.

In short, anybody not aware of the problems with the 9/11 official story is probably going to be LESS open minded to question what happened after hearing Rosie.

Worse, other legitimate 9/11 experts, like Professor Jones, are now going to be lumped in the he's-a-nutcase-like-Rosie category. She's given the mainstream media the face and voice they needed to attach to 9/11 truth to discredit ANY criticism of the official report.

Haven't you noticed yet what the media did to the only prominent people to raise questions about 9/11? The media went on full *personal* attacks to make these people look unstable.

The media attacked Curt Weldon as soon as he began raising questions about Able Danger, and the liberals gladly jumped on the band-wagon. The media made Cynthia McKinney out to be just another "nappy headed ho" and the conservatives happily jumped on that bandwagon. Both Weldon and McKinney lost their re-election bids.

What Rosie O'Donnell is doing is giving the media a permanent reference point to attach anybody else who questions 9/11. This is going to make it that much harder for legitimate researchers like Prof. Jones to get their point across.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:05 AM
I don't think that you have to worry about Rosie damaging the credability of WTC7. There has to be some credability there before she can damage it. Right now all Rosie cares about is creating controversy and conflict so that she can leverage herself a new show of her own. I don't think that Rosie is dumb, on the contrary she is crazy like a fox. Look at the amount of publicity she is generating for herself. She doesn't give a damn one way or another about the subjects she rants on, except on how she can use it to further her career.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Black_Fox
Anyone who has real questions about 9/11 are going to look past who is saying it,and pay attention to what is being said.

I completely disagree. Any psychologist and/or sociologist will tell you that the VEHICLE that brings the information is what people see first and how they make their judgements about what is said/done is based upon what that vehicle is like.

First impressions are lasting impressions.

Also - Rosie is an idiot. Consipracists do NOT want her as their poster girl.

Originally posted by Wizard_In_The_Woods
O. k, why is everyone ganging up on Rosie O’Donnell here?

Because she's a loud mouthed moron. She does more harm than good.

Originally posted by nick7261
Having Rosie O'Donnell be associated not just with 9/11 truth, but specifically with WTC7 is a disaster.

I fully agree.

Originally posted by Helig
...plays it up in an effort to sink The View prior to her final day.

I fully agree with that as well. Rosie probably does believe what she's spouting .. but her REAL GOAL is to sink the view and make herself a launching pad for her own show (again). THAT is the real conspiracy here.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:37 AM
To be honest, i whole heartedly agree with the OP.

Whilst Rosie mite be doing the truth movement a favour in some peoples eyes, she is on the other hand setting up the truth movememnt, along with Alex Jones and Steven Jones, for a major backfiring.

Couple years back, people did talk about how the Pentagon crash could be used as a tool to delibrately smear the truth movement.. to be honest, i think this has already happened.

To think the elite would not infilitrate the truth movement is nieve. They know people will get onto the truth at some point, and to combat that they MUST try and divert attention away from the "truth" to other aspects.

A good example of this is the "thermite/ate" theory.

Rosie.. if you want to do the truth movement something good, why don't you talk about how the towers were pulverized completely to dust, except for steel beams, paper, and the odd item like a shoe..

Forcing the argument down peoples throats DOES NOT WORK. Just present all the evidence, and let people make up their own minds, rather than just forcing on specific pieces of evidence.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
So the "experts" are on today (5/24)?

So .. when did 'The View' turn into the 'Rosie Crusade Show'?? It's All-Rosie ... All the Time. HER style guests. HER rants. HER HER HER.

edited to fix quote

[edit on 5/24/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:40 AM
Do you people have any friends?

I mean outside the ATS community?

I have had many, many middle aged women tell ME that there is something up with the bush administration and that they thought 911 might have been an inside job. Any you know where they got that Idea? ROSIE's VIEW

But you would already know this because you talk to so many people off your computer right?

Hate on her all you want, but she is doing more than you ever will, no matter how much you brag about yourself and your knowledge of the situation.

she is a part of the real world that needs to be woken up. Im sorry but nobody is going to listen to mister enonomous spouting off on some internet site.

I think the OP is the real plague to the movement. somebody comes forward on your behalf and you complain about her attitude.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
Rosie, she used to be fairly funny as a standup comic.
She did pretty well in "A league of their own" as an actor too.
But, she has become a screeching banshee.

And I agree with you too, spacedoubt. I used to watch The Rosie Show. I really enjoyed it. She had great guests and she interviewed them like no other 'talk show' did. It was great. Then she started spouting and ranting. And then it became All-Rosie-Rant-All-The-Time.

I'm a grown up. I don't want to be preached at by a hollywierdo about how I should be thinking or voting.

The final straw - She had on Julia Roberts. Julia and Rosie proceeded to bash ~ 50% of the country - calling republicans 'repugs' and saying that 'republican' is in the dictionary between reptile and repulsive .. blah blah blah.

Spacedoubt - I fully agree. She had tons of talent. Now she's just a screaming bullying banshee.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by GwionX

You want to know who controls the airwaves? Now you know.

[edit on 23-5-2007 by GwionX]

I allready have a good idea who controls the media mom/dad. If the truth movement is so weak it can't withstand a "whole lotta Rosie" then it can't. I't won't matter for me, I'll keep searching for the truth until I die and encourage my children to do the same for the sake of mankind.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by tom goose
Do you people have any friends? I mean outside the ATS community?

that's obnoxious.

middle aged women tell ME that there is something up with the bush administration ... Any you know where they got that Idea? ROSIE's VIEW

No one with a brain or a life watches 'The View'. So your 'many many friends' weren't leaning to the left or anti-bush before Rosie started ranting, eh? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

But you would already know this because you talk to so many people off your computer right?

Grow up.

no matter how much you brag about yourself and your knowledge of the situation.

And who here is braging about themselves? No one .. except you with your alleged 'many many friends'.

she is a part of the real world

ROSIE is the real world??
Rosie is just another hollywierdo who is pumping out muck to further her own career. NO ONE in hollywood is part of the 'real world'.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by tom goose
Do you people have any friends? I mean outside the ATS community?

that's obnoxious.

middle aged women tell ME that there is something up with the bush administration ... Any you know where they got that Idea? ROSIE's VIEW

No one with a brain or a life watches 'The View'. So your 'many many friends' weren't leaning to the left or anti-bush before Rosie started ranting, eh? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

But you would already know this because you talk to so many people off your computer right?

Grow up.

no matter how much you brag about yourself and your knowledge of the situation.

And who here is braging about themselves? No one .. except you with your alleged 'many many friends'.

she is a part of the real world

ROSIE is the real world??
Rosie is just another hollywierdo who is pumping out muck to further her own career. NO ONE in hollywood is part of the 'real world'.

sorry there flyer fan, it looks like i touched a soft spot for you.

and do you think that Rosies career is being advanced by her so called rants?

she is stronger than you are, and that makes you feel shallow inside, i understand.

She may not have your so powerfull brain, but she has balls, and if you helped her with her brain, im sure she will help you grow some balls.

good luck

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by Helig
I think her first rant on 9/11 ended her already floundering career, she just hasn't been able to come to grips with reality yet. Maybe I'm wrong and she does care; if that were indeed the case then we could just as easily write her off as stupid because she has no backing in science, no degree that makes her relevant to the truth movement other than being a talking head full of hot air. Truthers really would do well to sever any and all connections with her though if they want to have any credibility left by the end of the year.

I don't want to be identified with her, at all. She is crass, brazen,obnoxious,and wtf is with that gay rights #, throw that in the trash what semi -enlightened individual cares who someone else sleeps with. Its not like I make a spectacle of myself and say oh look at me I'm straight and constantly remind anyone and everyone that I am straight.Sexuality is such a small part of who someone is in terms of your interactions with them.

Rosie is just an attention whore all around, I mean wtf is she supposed to be a comedienne? She was never funny, what movie has she been in besides A League of Their Own and that awful Exit from Eden or whatever it was called where she was in leather lingerie, thanks a lot Rosie, just thinking of you dressed as a dominatrix makes me want to claw my eyes out while I vomit.

If she rode Madonna's coattails any harder she would be lodged in her rectum, I guess that would be a change of pace since Rosie's head is up her own for it to be up someone else's for a change.I guess it is indicative of life in the US, that it doesnt matter if you have any discernable talent if, it is all who you know.I wish Donald Trump would give her another verbal backhand, now that was entertainment.

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