posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Royal76
Hi to all.
As a newbie I'll keep this simple until challenged but suffice to say that I’m going to not be too specific as some of this will be recognised if
written, and more importantly, read by a colleague.
I have it on good authority that the 21st Dec 2012 "21:32 GMT" will be massive so do put this in your diaries. I've seen/read many many threads on
this subject so I decided to focus on this using several techniques, I'll discuss this if asked to expand but it includes pure science/math, logic
and what some would call bunkum. In any event the so called "end of days/life or extinction of life on earth could not be further from the truth, in
fact it’s the beginning of something new.
Moving on. the Mayan calendar did predict the end of this, current, time frame (time being relative to us on this planet) and the beginning of
another. So let’s expand a tad.
On the above date at the specified time (above) we will become part of something larger and potentially better, although it has to be said that some
will have difficulty in the initial transition period as a whole it’ll be a good thing. However it’ll be one that won’t see the full benefit
until the summer of 2152.!!!!
I hate using this analogy but it fits the purpose as most will understand it without understanding the supporting science/methodology, again
“relativity” plays a significant port in this. Star Trek (I know I know but stay with me here) we all here star date xxx in the episodes but
don’t really give it any thought do we.??? But this is used because all the so called inhabited planets in various solar systems need and common
denominator in relation to time (space/time). Imagine this. Alien “X” calls Alien “Y” in another system (possible) and says I’d like to meet
you at 16:00hrs on “Z” planet. But the time/hours would only be relative to person making the request. Now what if Alien X’s planet has a 37hr
day but Alien “Z” has a 42hr day. What would 16:00 represent to “Z”.
Not forgetting that because of “potential” near light travel, I prefer folding space/time, there has to be a universal constant in relation to
time. Quite simply, imagine using our own time zones for reference here. We travel from A to B whilst adjusting clocks/watches to suit, now work that
out universally and it becomes a total mess.
So in short on the referenced date/time we will become aware. I’m not going to go into the why and wherefores just yet but CERN will eventually play
a very big part in what I’m saying.