posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 05:16 PM
From what I gather from reading the texts mentioned, as well as astrophysics and light astronomy studies, is:
1. The Earth will pass thru the Galactic Equator and be in alignment with the Sun and the center of our galaxy (which contains a loosely verified
supermassive black hole)
2. This alignment MAY cause our magnetic poles to shift, not our rotational poles.
3. The shift of our magnetic poles would cause the crust of the Earth to move thousands of miles over the course of a few days, maybe hours, creating
earthquakes the likes of which we have never seen.
4.The pole shift will not be instantanious, and during the transition our magnetosphere, or magnetic field will be greatly diminished, if not gone
all together.
5.With a weak magnetosphere, more of the sun's more leathal forms of radiation will reach the Earth's surface. (X-Rays, Microwave, Gamma ray,
6. The sun operates on an 11 year "sunspot" or "solar flare" cycle, which will be peaking around 2012... and with no magnetosphere to shield us,
the increase in electomagnetic output will disable any and all unshielded technology.
7.We're #ed. No technology, No where to hide, either man-made or natural... and a super lethal environment for a span of time that the human race
will NOT survive... at least, not in any recognizible form, or without help from an other-worldly outside force. (God for the religious, Aliens for
anybody else)