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The horrors of the War on Terror

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posted on May, 26 2007 @ 12:04 PM
Thank You Mikesingh.An excellent post.So if I may put this in laymans terms,What we are seeing and hearing about the muslim religion and it's followers is only the negative side. The equivalent of taking all the nasty stuff in the bible and using it only has an entire complete book for Christians? And using only bad publicity of occurences in the church and crimes being commited in the name of god and presenting them as all that happens.Never hearing of the good.My apologies if I offend anyone with this post, that was not my intent.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 02:34 PM
e-book on USA terrorism


Originally posted by AccessDenied
Brotherthebig, What e-book and where do I get it?

Sorry for late reply, the post his here and for the e-book just click on “this e-book” on the following paragraph.

Originally posted by brotherthebig
Read chapter 2 from this e-book (pdf).

The book gives a very good overview of many less know atrocities from US government and after debates in depth 9/11.

His thesis is based on the Big Lie, originating from the Nazis propaganda, in short you give a state lie, but so big that no one will doubt, and everybody things is true.


posted on May, 27 2007 @ 02:50 AM

I'm sure you mean well but Adolph Hitler looks good if you only choose to look at the good bits.

The Islamic society in my city have put a very interesting book in the local library, it is the earliest and most respected biography about the prophet Mohammed. If you get the chance have a read of this book. The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ibn Ishaq by A. Guillaume (Published in Pakistan)

In that book you can read the good bits and the bad bits about Mohammed.

You must also keep in mind that those quotes from the Quran above were written by Mohammed. Do you think Ghandi would have written such things?

Also look at the Hadith. The hadith are Islamic traditions about the life of Mohammed and his companions. They say it is impossible to rightly interpret the Quran without the Hadith. The Muslim Students Association of the University of California have put the hadith on-line. Take a look at Sahih Bukhari book 52 Also take a look at Sahih Bukhari, Vol 1 Book 8 Number 387 (Sahih is an Islamic word which means genuine or authentic)

Only after you have read such things can one understand the ramblings of men such as this.

In short they are modelling themselves after the one whom they regard as a perfect man, the prophet Mohammed, as recorded in their most respected and sacred writings.

As to the charge that we are creating terrorists, I do understand that any injustice certainly does not help things. But no matter what we do these men will fight until the whole world submits to Islam. Equality is not a part of their vocabulary.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 05:16 AM
some of us have seen this stuff first hand. the horrors of war and the affect on the sorrounding areas. its not a pretty sight

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 05:36 AM
Neumbows, are you a soldier that was in Iraq? I see you are a new member, Welcome.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 08:18 PM
Wow, those are some graphic images. I can't believe that is happening in Iraq.

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 02:45 PM
I have read about half of this 66 page epidemiological study on depleted uranium, cancers, and birth defects. According to my reading of this paper the evidence that an increased rate of birth defects occurs in association with the presence of depleted uranium in the environment is suggestive and spotty, not conclusive. For one thing a massive release of toxic chemicals accompanies petroleum fires, of which 770 were set in Kuwait by retreating Iraqi soldiers in the 1991 Gulf War. For another the actual numbers of birth defects being talked about is in the 2 to 4 per 10,000 range and the Iraqi hospitals did not keep complete records of what rates were before the present conflict. There is cause to worry, but about how much exactly, we just don't know. Read the paper and you'll get an appreciation of how complex the problem is, how little is still known about it, and also about how few people are actually known to have been affected, with some evidence to support DU poisoning (which could be chemical poisoning rather than radiation), but no definite proof so far.

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