posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 03:30 AM
Quite alot of people in the UK are obsessed with being famous, especially the younger generation. There's no getting away from big brother and other
reality TV shows which have unfortunately killed the art of family conversation and turned quite alot of people nto TV zombies. Most people seem to
spend all their time watching this drivel and when there not watching reality TV. They are in front of their webcams doing god knows what or writing
about their latest exploits on E-Space for all to see. These people would gladly sell their soul to the devil just to be famous or to be the centre of
attention. If Gordon Brown announced tomorrow that he wanted to put TV cameras in everyones homes, these people would nodoubt think it was cool. After
all most of these people believe if you value privacy, then you obviously have something to hide and therefore you must be upto no good. Privacy is a
minority sport and soon there won't be any at all. Welcome to Big Brother and our bleak technological future.