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The unwanted piece of the alien abduction puzzle

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posted on May, 17 2007 @ 02:17 PM
this opens up the doors to MK-ULTRA if you know what your looking for. read in between the Arizona Wilder and Leo Zagami lines! it also explains why they are putting such an effort to give Sitchin credibility even though he has been shown to be a total fraud ask why they are laying that foundation what does disclosure mean for a world government. We are being trained in all aspects of the media to belive whatever the aliens will tell us when they get here. what do you want to bet will tell us they seeded us, and to hate christians, and that a one world government is a super idea.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Amenti
Just to clarify, I also think they exhibit attributes of the angelic not demonic although, I think there are both around with seperate distinct origins.
[edit on 17-5-2007 by Amenti]

That makes more sense to me than they are ALL demons. The idea of "demon" or "angel" are just our labels for what appear to be very complex and powerful beings.

I've been through what some of you have described and I will say this....the "demonic" or negative beings were "astral" and although they can inflict some discomfort on you here they aren't 3-D. It's the constant harassment that really wears on you. I'm not even talking about sleep paralysis. If I weren't getting help from them I know I'd be in serious trouble.

At the same time in that same "astral" plane there are "angels" or positive beings that have literally helped me. I was told: "Just pray." Now why would a demon say that? I've never been abducted however I have encountered 3-D beings. They too were not harmful or malicious and to my knowledge nothing experimentally was done to me. In fact, I have an understanding of what they were there to do and why.

I believe our ideas about God, demons, angels, hell and heaven are a bit removed from the actual truth. The truth is complex, and to the beings you would consider as "angels", it doesn't matter what you call's the ritual act of prayer and humility that is required. The idea that we aren't bigger than the universe is something most people fail to see.

Since all of these things that have happened to me, I now have a better understanding of who is doing what and why. How they are doing it and where they are. I even have a little more insight into who we are. Although knowing these things means little since I can't change anything. This is older than us all.

There are some forces we are helpless against, and because of this we need to ask for help from those that can.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 03:05 PM
What is this? Christianity propaganda?

Originally posted by Amenti

......he found that people were reporting that they were able to end these abductions by calling on the name and authority of Jesus Christ.

Alright, calling the name and authority of Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck will do as well.

He was interviewing 250 christian abduction-victims!

He should try interviewing islam, hindhu, buddha victims and see what results he get.

The world is not just America, the world is not just christian.

Originally posted by Amenti......when people are wide awake yet cant move, this is almost always accompanied by an "evil" or "demonic" presence felt and...

Sleep paralysis is caused by overloaded muscles during the day and sleep uncomfortably in the night.
Most of it happens when the person has been traveling long distance during the day ( carrying heavy suitcase, driving to long ) and sleep in the strange place at night uncomfortably ( motel, hotel ).

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Amenti
We are being trained in all aspects of the media to belive whatever the aliens will tell us when they get here. what do you want to bet will tell us they seeded us, and to hate Christians, and that a one world government is a super idea.

I wouldn't take that bet. I feel you are dead on my brother. Here is another thought, lets entertain the idea that they are aliens who evolved on some distant planet. What makes us think they adhere to the same moral code we do? What makes us think they even have a right and wrong, good and bad and lies and truth. Maybe lies are totally acceptable where they come from. There bad could be our good and vice versa. We are being deceived and we are making some awfully large assumptions about beings that we know absolutely nothing about. If someone is being contacted and told something how can they know it is the truth? Is the alien truth the same as ours? I stand on what the bible says about them. The bible explains there origin, explains there agenda and warns us that it will happen again in the last days. There are no good aliens period. A good alien would come to you as an angel and point you towards Jesus and the father and he would be telling the truth.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 03:16 PM
Heard it all before, used to hear it a lot. The tie ins with terrestrial forms of domination and extraordinary circumstance is a lost one.

The only cover up now, seems to be the stagnation of DNA evidencing within certain circles. Search for "Scientists+DNA+Alien+extraterrestrial" and after a few crashes, read what you find.

Seems that those who cry for something apparent, apparently can't even see the "green" of the grass at their feet.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by bothered
Heard it all before, used to hear it a lot. The tie ins with terrestrial forms of domination and extraordinary circumstance is a lost one.

The only cover up now, seems to be the stagnation of DNA evidencing within certain circles. Search for "Scientists+DNA+Alien+extraterrestrial" and after a few crashes, read what you find.

Seems that those who cry for something apparent, apparently can't even see the "green" of the grass at their feet.

So it is about Jesus or Alien?

The grass on my feet is "IJO".

[edit on 17-5-2007 by kontol]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 03:30 PM
Nothing of divine, only what you choose not to see, or acknowledge.
Why I'd say, even if you saw it before your very eyes, countless times. Again and again. You'd quip it, quip it real good. "That's just a bit too much"!

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by bothered
Nothing of divine, only what you choose not to see, or acknowledge.
Why I'd say, even if you saw it before your very eyes, countless times. Again and again. You'd quip it, quip it real good. "That's just a bit too much"!

Sorry, see alien or jesus?

I never saw both.

Did you? Was it hallucination?

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 06:03 PM
If your brain paralyzes your body when you sleep, then why can I fall asleep on my back and wake up lying face down? I dont think its any secret that people roll over and flail their arms and talk in their sleep. I have bladder problems and wake up to piss about 2 or 3 times a night and when I do its sudden and consiousness comes immediately when I open my eyes. I am not buying the sleep paralysis crap at all.
I used to work on the road all the time staying in hotel room after hotel room. All day I would work very hard and be very exhausted at the end of the day. Not one single time have I ever had anything happen while sleeping in a strange bed to my own.
The only time I have ever had anything like that happen was the very first night I spent in North Carolina after moving from Florida. I moved there on a spiritual journey to get away from the drugs and other bad habits that were ruling my life, and to find the place I was supposed to be. I had asked God for a sign to let me know I was in the right place and doing the right thing, since Florida was and is my home.
On that very first night, I laid down to sleep and only a few seconds after I turned off the TV I noticed an odd sound that was very dull but slowly becoming louder. It was the sound of a trumpet being blown and thousands of whispering voices came with it. As it came closer and got louder it went inside my head and I was paralyzed. I was helpless for about 5 seconds and suddenly it vanished. This sound I only heard with my left ear and it came into me from the left.
I almost made the choice myself to go back to Florida but it didnt matter because curcumstances changed and I was back anyway 2 weeks later. Soon after that I fell in love with my current girlfriend and have been happy ever since.
This woman I am with now I truely feel is my soulmate and we make each others lives complete. This was not the only event that brought us together, rather a whole lot of 'coincidences' happened to make our relationship possible. She is all I ever asked God to give me, and he put me in the right place at the right time for us to find each other.
I know I am getting off topic but in my opinion, those who see aliens as angels and demons are correct. There is a God and evidence of His works in peoples lives would be apparent to them if they just accept that their lives are in Gods hands.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Amenti
Just to clarify, I also think they exhibit attributes of the angelic not demonic although, I think there are both around with seperate distinct origins. but I didnt want to get into this because it just clouds up an already messy subject.

[edit on 17-5-2007 by Amenti]

I feel there are both also...
Duality is Universal, IMO...

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Tattoo1377

I feel there are both also...
Duality is Universal, IMO...

yes, but just to clarify I mean evil angels, more powerfull than demons and less confined. with most of these people they seem to exhibit power beyond the low demons. read through the experiences on this site although I admit there seems to be some plain demonic hijinks as well. I feel that a few of these people have dealt with some high ups even the "covering cherub" himself (a title give to satan in Ezekiel 28:14)

there is much to know about the plausability of this concerning the nephililm of genesis six and how it relates to the possible genetic manipulation of these f-ers that we deal with today.

here is a movie that more or less starts the ball rolling 1820

this next one hits said ball out of the park but it takes a while to develop
many seasoned ufo types will not need to see the first 30 or 40 min although it couldnt hurt.

I unfortunatly do not have any video of Dr. Mike Heiser he is the guy behind but his talks considering his expertise (he IS who Sitchin simply claims to be) and his study regarding this is critical.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 11:16 PM
A lot of people here are missing the whole point of the issue here. All is just thought and postive begats positive and negative begats negative. Sufficient thought leads to solidity and that which exists tends to reinforce itself.

If I believe in Christ and I deserve to be saved then I will be otherwise likely not. If I choose to believe that aliens do not exist, then when they abduct me and are through with me then I will forget the situation and everything plays into the hands (or appendages) of the aliens.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by kontol

Originally posted by bothered
Nothing of divine, only what you choose not to see, or acknowledge.
Why I'd say, even if you saw it before your very eyes, countless times. Again and again. You'd quip it, quip it real good. "That's just a bit too much"!

Sorry, see alien or jesus?

I never saw both.

Did you? Was it hallucination?

Why yes, the Hell it was. Scripples. You must be in Psych. 101 and haven't learned the Golden Rule that you can't cop an attitude 'til you become a department head where people can't hear you squawk as much.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 05:54 AM
The following is a rant, that you may freely ignore.

I tire so easily these days, of rehashing. The speak as though no one could have known. Yet, search and you plainly see Rules of Contact. When interlaced with a Biohazardous material, one is to notify. Purple gloves galore.

You tap at your monitor. Flicker it green and distorted. The stench of the Rot is unbearable.

Face that which you say you will, when it all dies down.

A smack at the Hind Quarters, and "It's a Bit too MUCH!". Laugh, chuckle aloud. Haunt. They won't return, despite you're best efforts. "What about..." to me indicated a filled void, where once visited, no amount of filling in while compensate.

I do acknowledge not wanting to deal with it. I don't acknowledge doing so in Domino Fashion.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by kontol

Originally posted by bothered
Nothing of divine, only what you choose not to see, or acknowledge.
Why I'd say, even if you saw it before your very eyes, countless times. Again and again. You'd quip it, quip it real good. "That's just a bit too much"!

Sorry, see alien or jesus?

I never saw both.

Did you? Was it hallucination?

Oh, yeah. And as to Hallucinations: I've been Indoctrinated within the Realm of the Legally Sane, BTW.

There was a bit too much effort to requisite out some psy batt's I took, to the tune of about a lot of hush money. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? But, then, that just can't be.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 09:09 AM
If you fully believe that calling Jesus will save you from your fears, when you are in a situation created by your subconcious, the rules of what you are yourself creating will substantiate your reality.

Therefore, if you believe that Jesus can be summoned, it probably does work...

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by x4nder
If you fully believe that calling Jesus will save you from your fears, when you are in a situation created by your subconcious, the rules of what you are yourself creating will substantiate your reality.

Therefore, if you believe that Jesus can be summoned, it probably does work...

There is a lot of this sentiment regarding this that the whole positive thoughts placebo thing. Well I am open to this, however, as you probably know most abductees do not have fun during their trips. they feel they are being tortured by these things. dont you think they have been asking all along "how do you stop this" dont you think these poor people being tormented against their will every night would be asking and deserately seeking a way to end it? If it were as simple as thinking positive and calling of the mental image of protection real or unreal then we should see some publications concerning this. Here are hundreds of cases claiming that they have (regardless of their current spiratual condition) ended what ufology says is un-endable by calling for help from Jesus. dont feel bad guys no one wants to hear this. I am putting this here so people going through this have some ammo next time those bastards come calling. You should really read through these cases to get a feel for whats happening here, the confidence in the individual concerning this has little to nothing to do with ending a particular abduction. however subsequent abductions do happen to those who do not close all the doors completely, yet they can still end the individual experiences everytime. you start to get a feeling that there is a legalality issue concerning this.

[edit on 18-5-2007 by Amenti]

[edit on 18-5-2007 by Amenti]

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 01:18 PM
For true abducties, it's not about getting attention, but rather diverting it.

I am reminded of a Chancy Lady I saw bobbing in traffic, with thingies hanging out the back of her skull.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by kontol
Alright, calling the name and authority of Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck will do as well.
He was interviewing 250 christian abduction-victims!
He should try interviewing islam, hindhu, buddha victims and see what results he get.
The world is not just America, the world is not just christian.

Absolutely right. I note many of the responses in ATS forums are christian views written by christians. The world is a bigger place than christianity! I have no faith or belief in a god entity as such.

I have suffered from sleep paralysis for decades and I never knew too much about it, until the wonders of the internet....I thought it was something that just happened. I think it needs more research, some medicos don't really seem to accept it as much more than a dream. For me it can happen during any sleep pattern or location. Although I can never remember getting it falling asleep in a chair!!

It can scare the excrement out of you I can tell you. I have thought for some years that sleep paralysis and other possibly similar conditions could be in part the answer to certain human experiential phenomena.

For example I note that some Alien and Demon encounters that occur when asleep seem similar to each other. When I have had S.P. on occasions I do feel something is there with me.

I can see that someones beliefs and imagination could construct a "reality" as the mind struggles to make sense of what is happening. As I have had no real belief in or want to meet a Demon or Alien I can honestly say that I have never thought that I have been "anally probed by greys" or "raped by a succubus".

Of course it could be, that what other people are reporting are actually different phenomena to my experience. I know there are other "weird" sleep experiences and some that I have had the paranormal forum would call "Out Of Body" experiences or suchlike. I just think it is the brain playing tricks. Like I say it needs more study..and the world has more pressing needs.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by bash the bishop

Originally posted by kontol
Alright, calling the name and authority of Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck will do as well.
He was interviewing 250 christian abduction-victims!
He should try interviewing islam, hindhu, buddha victims and see what results he get.
The world is not just America, the world is not just christian.

Absolutely right. I note many of the responses in ATS forums are christian views written by christians. The world is a bigger place than christianity! I have no faith or belief in a god entity as such.

I have suffered from sleep paralysis for decades and I never knew too much about it, until the wonders of the internet....I thought it was something that just happened. I think it needs more research, some medicos don't really seem to accept it as much more than a dream. For me it can happen during any sleep pattern or location. Although I can never remember getting it falling asleep in a chair!!

It can scare the excrement out of you I can tell you. I have thought for some years that sleep paralysis and other possibly similar conditions could be in part the answer to certain human experiential phenomena.

For example I note that some Alien and Demon encounters that occur when asleep seem similar to each other. When I have had S.P. on occasions I do feel something is there with me.

I can see that someones beliefs and imagination could construct a "reality" as the mind struggles to make sense of what is happening. As I have had no real belief in or want to meet a Demon or Alien I can honestly say that I have never thought that I have been "anally probed by greys" or "raped by a succubus".

Of course it could be, that what other people are reporting are actually different phenomena to my experience. I know there are other "weird" sleep experiences and some that I have had the paranormal forum would call "Out Of Body" experiences or suchlike. I just think it is the brain playing tricks. Like I say it needs more study..and the world has more pressing needs.

damnit guys, stop assuming you know what they are said, and read what they are saying. They are NOT all christians in fact most are not. they are suprised as hell when this name stops this. again I say..

Originally posted by Amenti

There is a lot of this sentiment regarding this that the whole positive thoughts placebo thing. Well I am open to this, however, as you probably know most abductees do not have fun during their trips. they feel they are being tortured by these things. dont you think they have been asking all along "how do you stop this" dont you think these poor people being tormented against their will every night would be asking and deserately seeking a way to end it? If it were as simple as thinking positive and calling of the mental image of protection real or unreal then we should see some publications concerning this. Here are hundreds of cases claiming that they have (regardless of their current spiratual condition) ended what ufology says is un-endable by calling for help from Jesus. dont feel bad guys no one wants to hear this. I am putting this here so people going through this have some ammo next time those bastards come calling. You should really read through these cases to get a feel for whats happening here, the confidence in the individual concerning this has little to nothing to do with ending a particular abduction. however subsequent abductions do happen to those who do not close all the doors completely, yet they can still end the individual experiences everytime. you start to get a feeling that there is a legalality issue concerning this.

[edit on 18-5-2007 by Amenti]

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