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The unwanted piece of the alien abduction puzzle

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posted on May, 16 2007 @ 11:30 PM
This is an hour and 45 min. interview with Joe Jordan and Joe is a very serious researcher who has interviewed around 250 alien abduction victims.
he found that people were reporting that they were able to end these abductions by calling on the name and authority of Jesus Christ. He then found out that all the major abduction researchers were finding similar cases but not reporting them, and that a real cover up was going on, a cover up within the UFO community itself. He has been on the front lines of a powerful spiritual war ever since. Counseling hundreds of people from all over the world. This interview goes through all aspects of this research, it connects dots in various different fields like MK-ULTRA and satanic ritual abuse. and the odd connections there. When reading the testimonies on his website one cant help but notice the similarities in conditions like sleep paralysis or night terrors, when people are wide awake yet cant move, this is almost always accompanied by an "evil" or "demonic" presence felt and or seen in the room. This aspect of SP is usually explained away as hallucinations in America. Joe is basically suggesting a thouroghly field tested way to truly stop sleep paralyses and alien abductions forever. This interview is almost two hours long but it is the interview the devil doesn't want you to hear. Why must every knee bow to this name? I know its weird but lets look at it.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 11:33 PM
thanks for the link.
I will give another reply after I finish the 1hour 45 minutes
I actually go to the links
unlike some

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by Amenti
This interview is almost two hours long but it is the interview the devil doesn't want you to hear.

Can you explain some of the key points? If it is really that important, I'm sure you would not mention summarizing some of what goes on in the interview.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 12:19 AM
I suggest going to his website(s) and reading some of the peoples stories. Its intense stuff kind of gives you the creeps though.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 12:31 AM
Well I am a bible student, I have several degrees and many post graduate degrees. I study the UFO thing, and I believe in all that stuff.

I am not buying his view that all aliens are demons, not for a minute.


posted on May, 17 2007 @ 12:45 AM
I don't see any reason to believe that aliens that abduct are demons but those that are abducting people are aligned with the dark side.

Postive aliens are making contact with humans but not abducting them against their will or causing terror as a response to the interactions.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 12:58 AM
An alien, to someone with certain spiritual values and beliefs, would be a demon I could imagine and take such happenings such as "abductions" and place them in the category of torture and such.

However, such things would look different in the eyes of a scientist.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by Amenti
When reading the testimonies on his website one cant help but notice the similarities in conditions like sleep paralysis or night terrors, when people are wide awake yet cant move, this is almost always accompanied by an "evil" or "demonic" presence felt and or seen in the room. This aspect of SP is usually explained away as hallucinations in America.

Having experienced many times what's referred to as sleep paralysis I can tell you that it's not a hallucination. The entites involved are real though they exist on a different frequency to humans day-to-day perception. I have called out to Jesus when in the presence of these beings as they fill you with absolute terror and panic. I have to say calling out for jesus very rarely works for me. For one it's extremely hard to move you mouth and once the beings actualy 'pushed' my jaw shut.

Incidently to the best of my knowledge I've never been abducted by them. It's hard to remain awake in this situation and I usualy black out.

[edit on 17/5/07 by SpiralTrance]


posted on May, 17 2007 @ 06:19 AM
I see this as absolutely nothing more than another great example of how absurdly susceptible the human brain is to tricking itself. Instead of taking a placebo pill, these people take placebo words.

What i mean by that is this- the only person who is going to use the name of jesus christ to stop aliens from nabbing them is someone who believes in god and jesus christ. They have been raised their entire lives being taught that if you are ever in a bind, just ask for jesus and he'll set things right.

So it makes sense that this person would believe jesus christ could set things right...right?

Belief is incredibly scary. It has the power to cloud people's vision over everything else. If you honestly believe something, the way you see the world and interpret situations will morph to adhere to your beliefs.

Heck, this is most evident in the very thing that causes a lot of people to think they have been abducted- sleep paralysis.

I am very aware this topic has been done to death, but let me summarize the phenomenon as it directly relates to my idea here. This will be old hat for those familiar with sleep paralysis.

When you sleep, your brain paralyzes your body so you don't lash out and act out your dreams. Sometimes your conscious mind wakes up before this paralysis wears off. When this happens, your eyes can move but your body can not. Shortly after becoming conscious, people very, very often see shadowy figures, hear noises, feel something evil is around, or see whatever scares them. I have experienced sleep paralysis dozens of times, seeing everything from giant spiders to lenky jungle cats to yettis to aliens.

A big reason why the visions that go hand in hand with sleep paralysis happen (at least as most who have studied it say) is because your brain has to conjour a reason for why your body isn't moving when you want it to. What better way to do this than to lay the blame on something else?

"Oh, hey Conscious. This is Brain, just calling to let you know that it isn't my fault i didn't work perfectly for once. You can blame these spindley grey figures hovering above you. Whatever you do, absolutely do not blame me for not being able to move."

How does this relate to beliefs? Well, if your own brain literally makes things up as excuses for things you don't readily understand, wouldn't it make perfect sense that you can inadvertantly nudge the brain into fooling you some more?

"Pssst...Brain....this is Subconscious...I need a favor. I've run into a bit of a problem. Due to your little sleep paralysis antics lately, Conscious has been pacing steps, and needs to be calmed down. I have an idea.

Conscious is really big into the religious scene, and if they believe that saying the name 'Jesus Christ' and asking him for help will prevent those aleins (the ones you keep using as an excuse for him not being able to move) from abducting him, do you think you could lay off the visions? You've already been blatantly fooling him into seeing things, so how hard could it be to stop making him see those things?

Look, I know it's a lot to ask, but if you think about it, it gets you off the hook entirely. Since Conscious will believe that God and Jesus are stopping aliens from coming to get him, whenever you fall asleep in the command chair and forget to un-paralyze him, he's not going to see aliens anymore.

Why would he? He thinks Jesus is fighting them off before they can even get to him, so instead of you having to make up more excuses, you can let him sit there and not move for a few seconds. He'll probably see it as the 'touch of God' holding him down in safety"

By the way, I have taken a little liberty in showing 'Brain' and 'Subconscious' as two different characters. Seems that in this case they're actually one in the same, but for the sake of a more coherent fake dialogue between two intangible things, I think it's ok.

[edit on 5/17/2007 by Ack]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:40 AM
One theory, based on Steven Greer's alleged interviews with people on Abduction squards, is that the abductions are done by human's, within a certain cell within the 'shadow gov' to put the fear of God into people to down the road justify arming space/WW3. I think this is total speculation but worth considering.

In other words, it's a covert project done by a rogue cell within the shadow gov who has obviously taken things too far, but who also is a cell that has exclusive access to much of the elite technology studied from UFO's and has an eschalogical agenda, they want to bring on the second coming of Jesus setting up an end of the world scenario.

Other cells within the shadow gov are unable to do anything about this. AMong the techs this group has are Alien Reproduction Vehicles, which are man made sacuers created by Lockheed etc... and also certain magnetic technologies where they can 'float' you out of a room, and also use magnetic waves (i think?) to induce certain mental states and the 'Greys' are really man made programmable biological experiments. Basically black op biological cloning projects....... All of these projects are completely compartmentalized and the lower level staff is rotated and no-one knows who is really in charge. In other words, if you are an ex Navy Seal recruited to work on this, you only do one abduction and then you are done and you don't know really who you are working for....

The people behind this group are supposedly incredibly religious Christian eschatologist and another group associated with this is involved in satanic ritual. These are both things that are Greer suggests based on his discussions with people who worked on these abductions teams.

It would make sense that the apocolyptic Christians invovled with this would stop the planned Abduction as soon as someone brings up Christs name I think, if they are as crazy fanatical as Greer says.

So in summary, Greer speculates a rogue cell within shadow gov is involved in staging abductions using advanced technology to justify WW3, and they are extremely religious apocolypic fanatic christians and this is based on Greer's interview with people who have worked on these projects, including an ex Army Ranger who was on an abduction squard and others. This could explain the actions that happen after 'Christ' is mentioned, and explain why these abduction frequently take place near military bases etc....

I have no idea what to believe, but I thought I would share this theory since it makes as much sense as everything else out there.....................

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 09:49 AM
look, I knew no one would like this, as I said it is the unwanted piece of this puzzle the churches dont want this because they have been so watered down and corrupted. the new agers loathe the idea, I put this here for those actually going through this so they know there have been a lot sound minded people who claim to have terminated the attacks for good. keep in mind he has interviewed 250 people. I wont expect christmas cards from you guys.

sorry for all the edits I cant spell or aparently notice that i cant spell all at one time

[edit on 17-5-2007 by Amenti]

[edit on 17-5-2007 by Amenti]

[edit on 17-5-2007 by Amenti]

[edit on 17-5-2007 by Amenti]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by Amenti
look, I knew no one would like this, as I said it is the unwanted piece of this puzzle the churches dont want this because they have been so watered down and corrupted. the new agers loathe the idea, I put this here for those actually going through this so they know there have been a lot sound minded people who claim to have terminated the attacks for good. keep in mind he has interviewed 250 people. I wont expect christmas cards from you guys.

sorry for all the edits I cant spell or aparently notice that i cant spell all at one time

[edit on 17-5-2007 by Amenti]

[edit on 17-5-2007 by Amenti]

[edit on 17-5-2007 by Amenti]

[edit on 17-5-2007 by Amenti]

I believe you Amenti!

I have thought for some time that Aliens were demons, Angels who were cast down from Heaven with satan! The Bible mentions that satan, and satan only, has the power to traverse back and forth from heaven to earth, to accuse the Saints.

Satan also was God's most favored Angels before his fall. I am sure, given the Bibles view of Satan that he would possess far superior knowledge than man and possess the ability to create alien aircraft. Also, satan's ultimate goal is to overthrow God, and he began by subverting God's creation, mankind! Satan does this in many different ways and will often fool man by presenting himself as an angel of light, or with something helpful.

I am also not advocating that all aliens are demons either! In fact, the Bible mentions that there are varying degrees or ranks of Angels. So it is possible that some of the lessor Angels frequent the earth by means of spacecraft like flying saucers.

Knowone really knows for sure, so it is all speculation, supposition and faith!

I personally believe that the name of Jesus Christ has a lot of power associated with it to this day, and can aid Christians in any situation they face.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 10:48 AM
Just to clarify, I also think they exhibit attributes of the angelic not demonic although, I think there are both around with seperate distinct origins. but I didnt want to get into this because it just clouds up an already messy subject.

[edit on 17-5-2007 by Amenti]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 11:39 AM
I just don't understand why these aliens seems to use things such as big needles instead of something more advanced. And what is the purpose with making humans "remember"?

I mean, I can't speak for the aliens, but on a closer look they seem to torture us more than they explore us...

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 12:15 PM
"I just don't understand why these aliens seems to use things such as big needles instead of something more advanced. And what is the purpose with making humans "remember"?

I mean, I can't speak for the aliens, but on a closer look they seem to torture us more than they explore us..."

I know, After reading these testimonies it feels a hell of a lot like MK-UltRA type stuff they seem to be toruturing people to get them to compartmentalize, to break the persons morality or somthing like they do with mind controlled assasins. I think its somehow all connected.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 12:16 PM
That's interesting Amenti. Becky Andreasson was on Dreamland this easter saying more or less the same thing. That you could call on Christ to help with abductions. Or at least let him go first. She wasn't talking about a cover up. Although, it's not a popular sentiment, Christ - these days.
It's got something to do with apple trees....

[edit on 17-5-2007 by clearwater]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 12:20 PM
This is quite intriguing because I suffer from sleep paralysis. Some days it takes me a little more than a half hour to gain control of my body and rise up out of bed. Not because I don't want to, but because I'm not able to.

Sleep paralysis is a very scary ordeal, especially when you are younger. I remember being quite little and trying to explain to my parents what was going on but they didn't understand.

When you suffer from this, the part of your brain that produces dreams (your pineal gland) is still active, even though you are conscious and are aware. This produces dream like sequences, sometimes nightmarish situations. However, you have no control over your body.

Just last month I had an episode where I woke up and had my blinds shut and there were shadows all over my blinds, almost like people were trying to get into my house. I tried to yell for someone but nothing came out!

There is definitely a connection with paranoia and sleep paralysis. I could see where the connection of abduction and sleep paralysis could come into play

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by kyyuulle

Just last month I had an episode where I woke up and had my blinds shut and there were shadows all over my blinds, almost like people were trying to get into my house. I tried to yell for someone but nothing came out!

just so you know those who have been unable to speak have stopped it by thinking and or praying for protection in the name of jesus one lady even stopped it by spelling out "jesus help me" with her pinky finger which was all she was able to move.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 01:55 PM
I believe this is the best answer for aliens and alien abduction. The bible tells us that there are angels in the heavenly's and that we war against them not against flesh and blood. A large majority of people will not believe this and flat out refuse to believe this. The main reason is because then they would have to admit there is a God, and that he is the God of the bible, and we are accountable for our actions. It totally rips apart there world and all they have believed in.

Those who say they believe that this explains some of the cases but not all because there are good aliens contacting man. Really need to step back and rethink that. Satan is the father of lies and a master of deceit. He is ancient and has thousands of years to study man and find his weakness. A staged intergalactic battle that envelopes mankind would be one heck of a lie and would deceive MILLIONS. This definitely requires more research and deep thought. Thank you for posting this.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 02:08 PM
I've felt that aliens could be demons as well. Satan and his demons do not just have to pretend to be aliens and be mean to us and torture us. His main goal is to lead us away from God. Pretending to be a good alien would work just as well.

Look at the amount of people in the world who search endlessly for "alien life". UFOlogy is a religion and Satan uses false religion to lead people away from the truth.

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