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Church Of the Flying Spaghetti Monster - Is it a real threat?

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posted on May, 14 2007 @ 07:56 AM
This "movement" is Hilarious and brilliant. It reminds me of something off of the Colbert Report.

Those opposed to such an original comedic idea are the real danger IMO. It is only a threat if you have no faith in God to begin with.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by AryanWatch

The magnitude of this kind of areligious theory can hardly be described in words. Inspite of the fact that most of us hate such things,it's gaining momentum.How do we tackle this? Is neglecting the right solution?

I'm Wiccan, and I'm not sure why you think it's a threat or a ridicule of your religion. It ridicules all religions. The Noodleheads don't go around prosteletyzing or converting, so I don't see that it's much of a threat at all.

I think my husband may be a Pastafarian.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 10:05 AM
I'm going to agree with Will to Power above. I think Discordianism is clever and funny, as is Church of the Sub Genius. Bob Dobbs, anyone?

I'm a "believer" although I eschew labels beyond that. Doesn't mean I can't find some significant and relevant benefit [and entertainment] from the likes of Robert Anton Wilson.

Don't limit yourselves. If you really have a strong faith, there's nothing to fear from a little parody. And if the worst thing I have to eventually answer for is a weird sense of humor, I'm ok with that. [Although I'll be answering for a lot more than that.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 10:13 AM
FSM cries great marinara tears at the sheer blasphemy of saying He is a threat to anyone. People have as much right to believe in Him as they do in any other make-believe deity, of which ALL deities are a subset of.

Seriously, though, ID is the threat. I do not want my children learning religion disguised as science in public school. Creationism is a religious theory and belongs in a religious setting, not being taught to the public at the public's expense.

So until the ID supporters quit trying to put their religious doctrine into public school disguised in pseudo-scientific trappings, FSM will reign supreme.

One million people are not a small number. And that is the (growing) number of people who think that creationism being taught in public school is out of order and ridiculous.

All hail FSM.

May all of you be touched by His Noodly Appendage.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by AryanWatch
I think we should also look at the 'Hate Mail' at their so called 'official website'.

that's real hate male and it is our official website, our holy prophet Bobby Henderson, the first non-pirate to be touched by His noodley appendage runs it.

Agreed that this gruesome joke was to make a point,

it's not really that gruesome, it's more light hearted than anything else

but what happens to the sentiments and religious literacy of thousands of people whom these guys have hurt...

how have they hurt anyone? all they do is ridicule what they find to be ridiculous

I find it outrageous...It's disgusting and an indication that such people will give birth to more of their ownkind in the future...

more pastafarians in this world? good, i really would like to have more people following the 8 I really rather you didn'ts

What happens then? i'am sure it won't be this easy to take them lightly or consider them as a joke...

what's wrong with you? can't you see these are all just atheists poking fun at something that people really should be more open to poking fun at? honestly, even religious people need to make fun of their religion once in a while. we have a name for people that can't make fun of their own religion, extremist. the people that can't make fun of their own religion tend to become very dangerous.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by AryanWatch
I think we should also look at the 'Hate Mail' at their so called 'official website'. Agreed that this gruesome joke was to make a point,but what happens to the sentiments and religious literacy of thousands of people whom these guys have hurt...I find it outrageous...It's disgusting and an indication that such people will give birth to more of their ownkind in the future...What happens then? i'am sure it won't be this easy to take them lightly or consider them as a joke...

Well there is already one more called Invisible Pink Unicorn. Not as funny as Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but still gaining popularity and copy-cats, some of them quite successful.

It seems this is spreading more and more and it has potential to destroy religions. Wonder why... Just blame it on Satan, as usual.

[edit on 14-5-2007 by detonator]

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 04:40 PM
As a Pastafarian I find this thread offensive. Why does my beliefe in the almighty Noodley One threaten you? Why does my belief in the true children of the FSM (the Pirates) scare you?

Seriously though, the FSM is a way of laughing at the absurdities of organised religion. Why are there fossil records which show humans weren't the first beings on the planet? Because the almighty FSM put them there to trick us.

You should do some more research into it and laugh along with us.

I am a worshipper of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and the only true messiah, Raptor Jesus.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 05:44 PM
I've realised that I am god.

FSM, my condolences, however there is a chair you may noodle in next to Jesus, Thor, and Aphrodite.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 05:50 PM
Thou hast turned thine back on His Noodleyness?

May He smite you with the Great Meatballs of His bolognesey wrath, and whip you with his Noodly Appendages for all eternity!

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 05:53 PM
Arrrrrrrgh, make Lysergic walk the plank into the pesto.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 07:03 PM
This is absolutely hilarious.. I don't think I've laughed this hard in ages.

I was completely un-aware of the FSM existence, and find it fun and funny. If you can't poke fun at god (who created the platypus) then who can you poke fun at!

It's not a threat... no more than the ninja monkey's from the 8th demention. Organized religion needs to take things less seriously and laugh at them selves. Would do the world some good to lose a lot of it's seriousness.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by JessicaS
This is absolutely hilarious.. I don't think I've laughed this hard in ages.

I was completely un-aware of the FSM existence, and find it fun and funny. If you can't poke fun at god (who created the platypus) then who can you poke fun at!

Are..... you.... laughing..... at the Flying Spaghetti Monster?


It's not a threat... no more than the ninja monkey's from the 8th demention. Organized religion needs to take things less seriously and laugh at them selves. Would do the world some good to lose a lot of it's seriousness.

The monkeys are back? Retreat!!

Seriously though, organised religion needs to loosen up. If it did there would be no Muslim Fundamentalists and no Christian Fundamentalists (who often cause just as much terror as the Muslims the media choose to focus on).
We should all accept pirates as supreme beings, and worship the FSM!

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by JackofBlades

The monkeys are back? Retreat!!

Yes, the monkey's are back, and plotting how to use the religious fundamentalists to disprove their existence, so they can take over the earth and start their own colony of over educated apes... or they just like our pizza.

Originally posted by JackofBlades
Seriously though, organized religion needs to loosen up. If it did there would be no Muslim Fundamentalists and no Christian Fundamentalists (who often cause just as much terror as the Muslims the media choose to focus on).
We should all accept pirates as supreme beings, and worship the FSM!

Yeah, anything with the word Fundamentalist should be taken as a serious threat. People willing to kill other's just cause they disagree need learn that MURDER IS THE ONLY SIN YOU CAN'T REALLY REVERSE, OR FIX! If your so holy, then stop killing people.

[edit on 14-5-2007 by JessicaS]

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 08:30 PM
You know what they say, suicide bombers put the "mental" back in "fundamentalist."

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 08:33 PM
Believe me, after some of the stuff fundamentalists have done over the centuries, suicide bombers are just another brick in the wall. So much more inhumanity has been caused.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 08:37 PM
Yes the mokeys are back and once again you are correct we are here mostly for the pizza, but any Italian food will do really!

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 08:39 PM
I just don't get it... how can some people consider the FSM a threat... but in the same breath accept fundamentalists?? It's un-natural.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by ChiKeyMonKey
Yes the mokeys are back and once again you are correct we are here mostly for the pizza, but any Italian food will do really!

Oh no! Not TEH mokeys! They am uber-worse than monkeys!!1

And its the way of religion to do things like that. Fundamentalists see themselves as being justified by God/Allah/Whatever and so feel they don't have to conform to the laws we conform to. Also you have to understand that in their minds they are 'right' to do what they do, while people from other religions who do it are 'wrong'.

Anyone can justify anything if they believe hard enough. A woman over here in England did horrible, unspeakable things to her children because she believed they were evil.
These crazy religious types need a good

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by DuncanIdahoGholem
Have you ever heard of the Purple People Eater from the 70's? It's about as big a threat as that or the Wombles of Wimbledon Common.

If you are going to talk about him, at least get his name straight; he was, and is, "The One-horned-, One-eyed, Flying, Purple People Eater" and he revealed himself in the 1950's, not the 70's. Sheesh!

And he never portrayed himself as a god, just a friendly alien who wanted to be a rock star, a much more humble and less ambitious project. :;:

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 12:39 AM

how have they hurt anyone? all they do is ridicule what they find to be ridiculous

They have hurt a lot of church-going religious people's sentiments who have lived by the book all their lives. They have hurt the sentiments of mothers who have been teaching their kids about - how to be a good citizen - possibly using her religion as a reference.

Christian Fundamentalists ? What are we talking about here??

How do you define Fundamentalism? Guys,you seriously need to do some research on what 'Fundamentalism' practically means.

Do you think that Freedom of Expression means that you can go ahead and hurt other's sentiments. Is this what we are taught in school or have you guys missed school altogether?

If this is your idea of 'humour', 'fun' - I can't help but feel sad about you guys. Have you ever heard about Mickey Mouse or Charlie Chaplin or Bugs Bunny,or Fighter Toads or Tom and Jerry...or any stand up comedians...Please spend some time in front of these characters who would make you laugh as much as you want. But please leave some really innocent God-fearing people alone. This kind of joke in bad taste leaves a lot of ill feelings which is not healthy for our society. Many societies have already witnessed the havoc which ' Freedom of Expression' of some people has caused.

Agreed you had a point. But there should be a limit to nonsense. Jokes which go beyond and start to hurt become dangerous.

Ok...let's take it. ...I Challange anyone in this forum to come up with a similar theory/parody with Islam as the target religion.

Please try it...Please I beg you guys. It will be a lot of fun. Let me see how you laugh then? And what happens to your sense of twisted humour?

It's a very simple logic that the Mentally Retarded Bobby has used and that is - It was an accident that turned into a venture. And now he doesn't mind and chooses to call himself what his other retards are calling him. And because he is getting paid for the nonsense - He Doesn't Mind. Who will? Frankly if I was him...even I wouldn't have.

But all this happens only because the devout choose to keep their mouth shut ( for what reason? I know not)...And if you are really finding this funny - Please do come up with a parallel for FSM for Islam and then lets all enjoy. Infact I have always respected Islam for their attitude towards their religion. If you dare to raise/point a finger at their religion - they will cut your finger. And thats justifiable by them because they have been brainwashed into accepting things without questioning them , here we have all the right to question and find out the truth but it doesn't mean we make the questioning itself vulgar and distasteful You can't worship as well as redicule your own God. And if you are doing that,You are a fool. Period.

[edit on 15-5-2007 by AryanWatch]

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