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Shriners and Rothschilds control the federal reserve

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posted on May, 9 2007 @ 10:31 PM
Of course, I have no proof to back up such a preposterous claim.

But, given enough time, I'm gonna expose these clowns for sure.

You're time is up clowns. Come out of the bank with your hands up.

[edit on 9-5-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:18 PM
Mods.. I honestly do not see a point to the existence of this thread.

There is no "good" conversation that can come of this.. display here.

(Pics don't even have a thing to do with the Reserve .. just.. random pics of Mecca and some statue..)

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Mods.. I honestly do not see a point to the existence of this thread.

There is no "good" conversation that can come of this.. display here.

(Pics don't even have a thing to do with the Reserve .. just.. random pics of Mecca and some statue..)

Oh come on Rock, where's your sense of adventure?

Don't you want to learn about the house of god?

The Ka'ba (Arabic الكعبة; also transliterated al-Ka‘bah or Kaaba) is a small building located within the courtyard of al-Haram Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Ka'ba is the holiest site in Islam and the mosque was built around it. The qibla, the direction Muslims face during prayer, is the direction from any point to the Ka'ba, located at 21°25′24″N, 39°49′24″E.

The Ka'ba houses the Black Stone, which was revered in Mecca in pre-Islamic times. It became a Muslim relic after Muhammad founded Islam, and pilgrims to Mecca try to stop and kiss it while circumambulating the Ka'ba during the hajj. It is generally believed to be a meteorite.

The 1894 excavations of French archaeologist De Morgan at Dashur yielded this fine wooden statue of the ephemeral 13th Dynasty king Hor I. It measures 1m70 in height and stands in a 2m high wooden shrine.

The statue does not represent the king himself, but rather his Ka. This is symbolised by the two upraised arms, the hieroglyph used to write the word Ka, on the head of the statue.

[edit on 9-5-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
Of course, I have no proof to back up such a preposterous claim.

But, given enough time, I'm gonna expose these clowns for sure.

Hey, that's nothing new. I've always said that Shrine Clowns rule the world.


Masonic Light
a/k/a "Dappy"

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 11:48 AM
That is why I never joined the Shrine..I am scared of Clowns

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 12:07 PM
I like clowns...

They skew the reference point in my favor.

That being said, unless there's some compelling evidence provided that would substantiate the original pretense of the thread, this will have to mosey on over to BTS Chit Chat.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
Oh come on Rock, where's your sense of adventure?

Don't you want to learn about the house of god?

I do!

Living a Beast Life

"Man, know thyself" was written at the entry ways of the Egyptian Mystery Schools. The Egyptians understood that knowledge of self was the most valuable knowledge one could possess. Its opposite, ignorance of self, was the source of all the ills in the world.

The English word self is "nafs" in Arabic. It means "soul." In Sanskrit, the true self is called "atman." The Egyptians called it the Ba. To know oneself is to know one's true soul (atman or Ba).

The soul has seven divisions that the Egyptians called the khab, khaibit, ka, ab, shekem, khu and Ba.

The khab is the gross physical body. The khaibit is the molecular body that's sometimes called the animal spirit. It is this gooey type of substance - sybolized as "clay" in some scriptures - that's responsive to astrological influences.

The ka is the personality or pattern of habitual emotional, physical and mental traits people mistake for their selves. The ka is indicated by our rising signs in astrology and is sometimes called the astral double.

The Ab is man's moral (mental) self. It is meant to dominate the khaibit animal spirit.

The shekem is the potential omnipotence within human beings. Shekem power has to be cultivated via spiritual initiation.

The khu is the latent omniscient faculty within people. It has to be called out of dormancy via spiritual initiation.

The Ba (atem, atman) is the world soul, the one being who permeates all existence. This is where God resides in (wo)man: "I am in my father and my father is in me." When consciousness reaches the Ba plane one experiences unity with God and all things. The Ba experience is a prerequisete for unity and peace in the world. Until one has experienced oneness (Tauhid), then unity is but a slogan or a theory. After the Ba experience, unity becomes the reality that underlies all illusory separateness and division.

The fusion of Ka, Ab and Ba is symbolized by the meccan Ka'aba.

If a person is unaware of the seven spirit divisions, their function and natures, he is lacking a knowledge of self.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that a savage was a person who's lost the knowledge of his self and was "living a beast life."

By that definitiion, anyone who's lost the knowledge of the Ba (atem) is a savage... [snip]


The Immaculate Conception

"All the principle tools of (Free)Masonry serve in order to work with the stone. Every Master Mason must chisel well his Philosophical Stone. This stone is the Sex. We must build the temple of the Eternal One upon the Living Stone (and not build on sand)." – The Perfect Matrimony (p.305)

Masonic lodges were keepers of this knowledge of The Great Arcanum before degenerating into elitist social clubs that lost the meanings of their own symbols and rituals.

The alchemical symbol of the rock is reinforced by Mithra’s demonstration of shooting arrows into a rock in order to bring forth water. This is the same lesson exhibited by the Jewish savior Moses when he strikes a rock with his staff to bring forth water. For it is within the “stone” of Yesod, the sex, that the waters of life are found.

This is the key to the mysterious black stone of the Qa’abah (dedicated to the Arabian Divine Mother Al-Uzza, particularly revered by the tribe to which Mohammed belonged). This is the secret of the sacred stone from which the sword (of the Kundalini) is drawn by the one true King (Arthur, the Intimate)...[snip]

[edit on 10-5-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 07:07 PM
link there....the stone is sex and stuff

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by RWPBR there....the stone is sex and stuff

The teaching is that everything in existence is a modification of the Solar Energy.

Study, for example, the 15th Arcanum of the Tarot: Arcanum 15: Passion

Kabbalistically the personality(the Mental(Ab), Astral(Ka), Vital(Khab), Physical(Khaibit) bodies) unfolds from the Essence(Causal(Shekem)).

Since the Fall of Adam and Eve in Lemuria, we only have lunar Astral, Mental and Causal bodies.

In order to Be Solar Human Beings, it is taught that we must Build the Ka-Ab-Ba, the Temple of Solomon(Solar-Man or Soul of Man), Mer-Ka-Bah, etc.

Or: Solar KA(Astral Body), Solar AB(Mental Body) United(Yoga, Union, Religare, Tawhid/Tauhid, etc.) with the BA/Atma/Gedulah/Chesed.

Since the intellectual mammal is a slave of the Animal Soul(Nephesh), her or his center of gravity is within Yesod, the Stone/Ashlar.

We must work with the Stone, which is within the Cross:

(The Cross in Motion(related to the Karma-Mudra) is the Swastika.)

This is the same Rock that Christ Builds His Church upon, Peter.

Yes, we must utilize our Peter properly if we wish to transcend the Wheel of Samsara.

So we see that moral character and sexuality are inseparable.

The Master who Raises the Serpents puts His or Her center of gravity in Tiphereth, and later in Daath, then in Kether.

The Tree of Life: the Kabbalah

...Where do we find the central gravity of the Magical Triangle? Obviously, it is found in the sex, because it is from here that birth, death and regeneration come. Everything rotates around the sex. In other words, the third triangle has its center of gravity in the sex, or Yesod, which is the force of the Third Logos, the sexual potency.

In this way we have found that there are three basic centers of gravity in the whole Tree of Life. In the first triangle, the center of gravity is in the First Logos, Kether, the Elder of the Centuries.

In the second triangle, Chokmah, the Cosmic Christ, the Second Logos, has its center of gravity in the Human Soul, Tiphereth.

In the third triangle Binah, the Holy Spirit, the Third Logos has its center of gravity in Yesod. It is within the sexual force from where life emerges, where the Physical Body emerges, where all living organisms emerge. Since we are the children of a man and a woman, not even Malkuth could exist without the presence of sex. Therefore, Yesod is the foundation of the Third Logos; Yesod is the center where the sexual force of the Third Logos gravitates.

There are two Trees which are in Eden: the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life.

The Tree of the Science of Good and Evil is the sex, and this Tree of Knowledge is represented by the sexual organs.

The Tree of Life is the Being, and in our Physical Body this Tree is represented by the spinal column.

Every true cultural doctrine has to study in detail these two Trees, because the study of one Tree without the study of the other gives an incomplete and useless knowledge.

For what purpose do we study the Being if we do not know about sex? Both Trees are from Eden and even share the same roots. These are the two main great columns of the White Lodge: Wisdom and Love. Wisdom is the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil, and Love is the Tree of Life.

The doctrine of the two Trees was deeply studied in ancient Egypt. The fatal shadow of the Tree of Life is the psychological “I.” The fatal shadow of the Tree of Knowledge is Fornication. People usually mistake the shadows for reality.

Whosoever finishes with the processes of the psychological “I” will Self-realize his Being himself. Whosoever stops fornicating is converted into a Christ

Now the assignments of the various bodies of the Hu-Man to the various Spheres of the Tree of Life varies from system to system.

You will not see Ra Un Nefer Amen, Amir Fatir and Muata Ashby assign them exactly the same, just as you will not see Samael Aun Weor assign them exactly the same as various Theosophists and Kabbalists, etc.

I think this is mainly because there are Four Worlds of the Tree of Life(imagine Four Tree of Life's stacked upon one another)...

...Worlds within Worlds.

The Buddhist Tree of Life system is even more complex(see the books on it by Jamgon Kongtrul and/or Vasubandhu).

[edit on 10-5-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

The fusion of Ka, Ab and Ba is symbolized by the meccan Ka'aba.

Well I'll be damned.

[edit on 10-5-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 09:18 PM
Actually it was Amir Fatir who originally wrote that.

Even though it sounds far out, I agree with him; especially if we consider the complementary Gnostic teachings I posted about.

Often times, when people hear things like: "KA-AB-BA" and "A-rm L-eg L-eg A-rm H-ead", they're like: "Nah, get out of here".

But even if the correlations were not intentionally put within languages, I would still say that they are not mere random coincidences.

It is said that the English language was actually set up to be an esoteric language.

And if one were to compare Meroitic, Demotic, Coptic, Arabic, Aramaic and Hebrew; they might be surprised at the similarities they would find....

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 09:37 PM
I have been reading I try and research and verify every symbolism mentioned and it is a lot to digest.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by RWPBR
I have been reading I try and research and verify every symbolism mentioned and it is a lot to digest.

It is a lot to digest.

But if students of Masonic Occultism study the works of the likes of Eliphas Levi, Wynn Westcott, MacGregor Mathers, Goethe, Kenneth Mackenzie, H.P. Blavatsky, John Yarker, Godfrey Higgins, Thomas Taylor, Manly P. Hall, etc.; then they'll see that Samael Aun Weor lifted the veil in regard to many things written by said Initiates/Adepts/Masters.

It just clicks, like: "Oh, now I get it."

To study Tibetan Tantra(see the three links in my sig), really confirms it all, in light of H.P. Blavatsky and Godfrey Higgin's teachings.

Freud and Jung, although not Adepts, were certainly onto something....

[edit on 10-5-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 09:49 PM
Just remember that H.P. Blavatsky did not blatantly teach the physical sexual aspect of the teachings.

She even threw in a blind by saying that Sexual Magic is "Black Magic", in the Secret Doctrine Vol. 3.


The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah

Those students of occultism who think they can attain Self-realization without the Arcanum A.Z.F. (sexual magic) are absolutely mistaken.

Madame Blavatsky, after having written the six volumes of The Secret Doctrine, stated that those who want to know the mysteries of Chiram must search among the ancient Alchemists. She was in Agarthi. She renounced Nirvana in order to achieve the Venustic Initiation. She is already a Twice-Born because she possesses the Solar Bodies and lives in the sacred monasteries. She is going to return into this world which is more bitter than bile. She is preparing to take a physical body in the United States, in New York. The great Master Blavatsky was a true Yogini, a disciple of Kout Humi, although after becoming a widow of the Count Blavatsky she married Colonel Olcott in order to work with the Arcanum of Sexual Magic. Only in this way did she achieve in-depth realization.

The great Yogi-Avatar Sri Lahiri Mahasaya was called to the Initiation by the immortal Babaji when he already had a spouse. Thus, this is how the Yogi-Avatar was Self-realized. In Hindustan, Sexual Magic is known by the Sanskrit term Urdhvarata.

Authentic Yogis practice Sexual Magic with their spouse. There are two types of Bramacharya (sexual abstinence), solar and lunar. The solar type is for those that have performed the Second Birth. The lunar type is that absurd sexual abstinence that serves only to produce filthy, nocturnal sexual pollutions with all of its fatal consequences

[edit on 10-5-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 10:05 PM
interesting thread. not sure of how we got here from the title, but since we're on the subject ... you guys seem to know of ancient civilizations and their beliefs...

what's up with the Sumarians? what's the snake represent in this culture? also, why are many of their statures depicting abnormally large eyes? does it have something to do with their religion?

do masons study these cultures?

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 10:09 PM
Read Blavatsky....not my cup of tea. She reminds me a lot of Pike...come to think of it those 2 would have gotten along smashingly.

I am not a student of Masonic occultism. I am student of Masonic origins.
I am not so much interested in the ideas as much as where the ideas came from and when these ideas first started to be part of the Masonic experiance.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by tyranny22
interesting thread. not sure of how we got here from the title, but since we're on the subject ... you guys seem to know of ancient civilizations and their beliefs...

what's up with the Sumarians? what's the snake represent in this culture? also, why are many of their statures depicting abnormally large eyes? does it have something to do with their religion?

do masons study these cultures?

Masons study a lot of things. There is no defined curriculum.
I dont know of any books or studies of Sumaria in a Masonic context.
Tamahu might but he views Masonry as a concept that most Masons dont agree with or arent aware of.

[edit on 10-5-2007 by RWPBR]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by tyranny22
what's up with the Sumarians? what's the snake represent in this culture?

The same thing as all the other Ancient Cultures:

Link: The Caduceus

do masons study these cultures?

The more serious ones do, yes.

The Perfect Matrimony

...The authentic Aztec and Mayan cultures, the Egyptian and Chaldean, etc. are Serpentine Cultures that cannot be understood without Sexual Magic and the Kundalini. Every archaic culture is Serpentine. Every authentic and true civilization is Serpentine.

A civilization without the Wisdom of the Serpent is not a real civilization

...The Kundalini in its ascent must untie these three mysterious knots. The pseudo-esoterists marvel that the primeval Hindu Yogis hardly mention the ethereal chakras or plexuses, but instead concentrate all their attention on the chakras of the spine and the Kundalini. In fact, the primeval Hindu Yogis were Tantric, and practised Maithuna.

They were true Initiates of the Wisdom of the Serpent.

They knew very well that the key to our redemption is found in the spinal medulla and in the semen. They understood that the awakened Kundalini opens the spinal chakras, and that these in turn, activate the chakras of the plexuses. Therefore, the foremost are the spinal chakras and the Serpent. All the great Sages and Patriarchs of the ancient Serpentine civilizations knew this very well.

In the three triangles, base, cardiac and frontal, the Deity is represented as a sexual Lingam. This symbol reveals all, however, the learned ignoramuses always search for evasions and excuses in order to alter the truth.

It is not fair that pseudo-esoterists continue deceiving consciously or unconsciously the poor suffering humanity.

We have studied the great Serpentine Civilizations in depth, and therefore we speak clearly so that those who want to be saved, can truly save themselves. We are here to utter the Truth, and we utter it even though pseudo-occultists and infrasexual people declare themselves to be our worst enemies. The truth must be uttered, and we uttered it with great pleasure.

It is necessary to work with the Kundalini and untie the three knots. Those three knots are the three triangles which transform our lives with Chastity, Love and Wisdom.

[edit on 10-5-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by tyranny22
interesting thread. not sure of how we got here from the title,

By the way...

Do the Rothschilds control the Federal Reserve?


Do the Shriners?

Probably not.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

Originally posted by tyranny22

do masons study these cultures?

Tamahu: The more serious ones do, yes.

Define Serious ? Again your concept of what Masonry is not what Masons consider to be Masonry. You view it through the lens of your esoteric/occultic frame of reference which you must admit is pretty broad and could encompass just about anything even moderatly spiritual/intellectual .

[edit on 10-5-2007 by RWPBR]

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