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Raising a gifted child? Is it possible?

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posted on May, 13 2007 @ 09:07 PM
Absolutely! My baby brother somehow flipped himself over and wormed his way out of his sleeper when he was just days old. His walking occured at about the same rate you observed. His intellectual progress seemed relatively normal until he discovered mathematics a few years later. There could also be hidden abilities in your case as well; due simply to lack of exposure as opposed to overall normal development. It is also quite normal for gifted children to develop asynchronously (brilliant in some areas, average in others, etc.).

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 10:41 AM

What I found in my studies is that there is quite a bit of scientific research on a lot of these topics and that some (not all) of the New Age "gifts" are legitimate.

I would love to know what scientific journals you are reading. If you're talking about new age authors then the legitimacy is automatically called into question. If it doesn't stand up to peer reviewed research then what's the point?

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 05:15 PM
Wouldn't mind posting the research material on New Age topics I've waded through over the years but it would require hijacking this thread so if you'd like to start a new thread about how New Age "science" is junk science then I could post my findings there.

I believe that the government sponsored project of remote viewing was deemed legitimate enough for the government to utilize the technique and teach others or find other "adepts" for years. That's just one but it gives you a starting place for your debunking future thread.

I'm not a big advocate of practicing esoteric "gifts". Would rather develop more tangible skills, like woodworking, etc. but I don't believe in limiting myself or denying what abilities I do have just because someone else objects.

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 07:31 AM
its a very complicated matter but i believe we should raise our children in a world that knows no bounds or boundaries where everything is possible and all these with love of course.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 01:24 AM
I dont think anyone is "imposing fantasies" on their children. Maybe if you had to do that, you would go about it in such a manner ignorant ape.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by whitewave
Wouldn't mind posting the research material on New Age topics I've waded through over the years but it would require hijacking this thread so if you'd like to start a new thread about how New Age "science" is junk science then I could post my findings there.

I believe that the government sponsored project of remote viewing was deemed legitimate enough for the government to utilize the technique and teach others or find other "adepts" for years. That's just one but it gives you a starting place for your debunking future thread.

I'm not a big advocate of practicing esoteric "gifts". Would rather develop more tangible skills, like woodworking, etc. but I don't believe in limiting myself or denying what abilities I do have just because someone else objects.


Please Please Hijack this thread that is why it is here we are discussing the topic at hand. I for one would love to see what information you have in hand!

This is getting very interesting and want to see more on this subject


posted on May, 16 2007 @ 01:02 PM

its a very complicated matter but i believe we should raise our children in a world that knows no bounds or boundaries where everything is possible and all these with love of course.

Everything? Could you build a bridge longer than itself? Is the flying spaghetti monster just as viable as Jesus Christ for the role of God? Is science, backed by evidence, equal to new ageisms, backed by... book sales?

No, logic and rationality come into play in life and we have to put our wonderful brains to use, not by fooling ourselves or our children into thinking that we have psychic powers but by using the power of logic and critical thinking.

I only wish people would put as much time into studying western academic philosophy and it's progression since Socrates as they would the new age stuff. Our philosophical history has a great and eye-opening progression through the world of logic. I have to recommend starting with the book "Sophie's World", a novel that goes through the history of philosophy in a unique and fun way.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 07:01 PM
I would not recommend relying solely on logic and the scientific method.

Would it not be helpful to train your kids to use both sides of the brain rather than just the left side? Our right is our intuitive side which helps us balance our perceptions out. If we are to use only one side, we will be highly masculine or feminine. A healthy balance allows us to function properly with our surroundings.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 09:06 PM
Here is an abbreviated list. You'll have to visit links and such but, hopefully, research is worth the knowledge gained. Sorry to be so long in answering. RL keeps interferring with my online time. LOL.

1) telepathy: Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research program/ Robert Jahn
2) psychometry: Joseph Rhodes Buchanan
3) clairvoyance: Report of the experiment on animal magnetism/French Royal Academy 1831
4) precognition: Joseph Banks Rhine/Duke University and Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab
5) psychokinesis: Princeton Engineering Anomalies/Robert Jahn also Victor Stenger
6) OOBE: The Monroe Institute
7) remote healing: psychiatrist Elizabeth Targ at the Pacific College of Medicine in San Francisco, Ca.
8) remote viewing: Dr. Harold Puthoff at SRI (1972) also Ingo Swann
9) pyramid power:
10) auras: check out kirilian photography or Baron Karl von Reichenbach
11) radionics healing: Dr. Albert Abram
12) psychotronic energy: Czech engineer Robert Pavlita

Just google any of those names/places and you'll get lots of links. Happy hunting and remember that when it comes to the paranormal, there's a lot of crap out there that passes for "information". (of course the same could be said of political news)

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 09:24 PM

Would it not be helpful to train your kids to use both sides of the brain rather than just the left side? Our right is our intuitive side which helps us balance our perceptions out. If we are to use only one side, we will be highly masculine or feminine. A healthy balance allows us to function properly with our surroundings.

I agree that we should be balanced and use both sides of our brain. Art, its appreciation, and creativity are very important. I would not agree with anything that unnecessarily clutters the mind of a child or makes them feel guilty for no good reason (religion being the obvious example). I also think it's a bit unhealthy to raise a child as an "indigo" because I think a certain amount of realism and discipline is needed. Look up what this "indigo" personality entails on Wikipedia and you'll see it's nothing but "spoiled brat". In fact, the traits of the indigo children apply to nearly ALL children at a young age. Why would anyone want to raise a child to be a quick-tempered, selfish, despicable adult who is only happy among others like them? And indigos are supposed to be the next step in evolution (which does not make sense within the context of evolution, by the way [read a science book!])?

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 09:35 AM

You are confusing indigo with unbalanced.

Indigo is not a type of person, it has to do with the auric field (strongest color).

It does not make them special, nor does having any other color make you "special." They just are what they are. People have different traits depending on their aura sure, but that does not make them any more or less special.

Let me give you a test to see your own aura (if you have even a slightly open mind). Maybe then you can stop bugging me about it (DENSHA from Japan).

Lie down on your bed facing the ceiling. Put both your hands together but don't touch them. They should be out in front of you like you're pointing at the ceiling parallel to each other.

Stare at the ceiling in between your two hands. There should be enough space to see the wall. Your hands will be blurry, that is the point.

After about five minutes, you should start to see some energy rise and fall off your arm. This is your aura color. Do not be afraid or freak out, this was meant to happen (I sure did the first time).

If this doesn't work, I have another test. Get a hold of a mirror and stare into it for the same amount of time. Look over your right or left shoulder and focus on a spot on your arm. You do not want to be staring directly into your eyes as you will not be able to see the aura (It lies on the outer parts of the body visually although it exists everywhere). You should see a similar effect.

I have a third technique for seeing the aura of others. They should be sitting or standing in front of a white/gray screen or wall. Stare in the same way I taught you before except this time you are not looking at yourself. This usually takes a lot less time as you're not focusing on you.

You have to have a somewhat open mind for this to work. If you are the "seeing is believing and even then I might not believe type" I wouldn't even bother trying.

God bless even if I don't agree with pretty much anything you have to say.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 09:31 AM
You can't give the child specific gifts of your choice, but yes, you can raise the child in such a way that he/she will be more apt to be in touch with the things that most people now days disreguard.
The very best way to raise a child with that openness is to make sure tha child has a good foundation of truth (church/God/the Bible). And let the child grow WITHOUT the pre-exsisting thoughts and ideas of perceptions most are raised with. By no means should you 'try' to expose the child to 'those things. lol
Those things are natural and already in place.

Let me give you an example if I may, that will help you to see where I am aiming the arrow here.

In a seminar the speaker (withough anyone elses knowledge) rigged up one of the flower bowls on the table next to him. (There were center-pieces to each side of him in direct view of all those (aprox 500) watching the speaker.)
Anyway, he rigged the flowers in one of the bowls to raise up out of the bowl slowly, then slowly move back down. It was invisible string (probably fishing line). He pretended nothing was amiss, and because the audience were all very high profile and business, no one made mention of it or pointed it out to one another.

Here is what happened. Only a small % of those in the audience saw the flowers raise out of the bowl! No kidding. It was in EVERYONE'S line of sight, yet for the most part, the subconscious mind filters out what it precieves as "don't fit", or "not right", or "don't make sence", or "unimportant". So although everyone's eyes say the event, only a small % actualy registard in their conscious mind that they saw it.

For children, so long as they are LEFT ALONE and taught the truth, these things are very normal and natural.

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