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Raising a gifted child? Is it possible?

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posted on May, 9 2007 @ 08:19 PM
My wife and I are currently contemplating the possibility of having a child. We have been in deep thought on this matter as to have one. I we did would it be possible for us to raise the child to be in tune with their natural abilities.

I am a firm believer in astral projection, remote viewing, premonition recognition, dejavu and many other "paranormal events". What I believe is that we all have these and many other abilities. We are unknowingly desensitized to the fact and untrained to perform with our gifts.

I want to ask the ATS community do you believe it is possible to raise a child in a certain manner that will help evolve these traits? If so is any one here doing this with their child? What are your current results?

I am looking forward to a meaningful discussion.


[edit on 5/9/2007 by lakewoodrealtor]

edit on title for spelling

[edit on 13/5/07 by masqua]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 08:51 PM
I am 100% certain that this raising a child to use some of these gifts will work. I am clairvoyant, and I as age, I find that my skill is not where it used to be. I could have controlled it quite easily, now, it's a harder task.

I also think most people have these abilities, but as we get more materialistic and focus on our twisted views of "reality", these things become more and more dormant, until they are entirely lossed.

I always asked myself, why don't they train you to use these things. I was, and still am certain that if people who know to use them best train others, especially while young, humans would be much more gifted/powerful/divine than we already are, and I think it can be done on a world wise basis too.

Like Physical Education class? We can have classes that focus on these things. But, a lot of people, especially the "well educated" do not believe in such folly, so it is dismissed.

There are good and bad in all things...I can imagine how the world would be if almost everyone could use ESP, whether weak or strong. Survival in the world will be a much tougher battle.

But, like I said, I am sure teaching kids how to control and unleash these capabilities can be done. I do not have children of my own, but I intend to teach them these things if and when I do.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 09:50 PM
After doing a little googling i have found a few links on th topic at hand. If i get time tonight i will dive in. Also there are a ton of books on the subject per
Psychic kids

Psychic kids

Psychic Kids

I would like to hear from parents that are actively raising their kids this way.


posted on May, 9 2007 @ 10:39 PM
I can tell you this much... My mother was always very open about her experiences. She never made us feel silly for asking questions (those outside of the family would find strange) and addressed our concerns with the utmost respect. She never really had to tell us not to discuss these things with other people; we figured that out for ourselves. We make light jokes about occurences in the family but there is a universal, implicit understanding that we do not share details with anyone unless they will become part of the family; in which case, such topics cannot be avoided.

Our family is a sanctuary and it was very helpful to have advice from senior members as we developed awareness for things beyond the ordinary. We do not call ourselves anything but human beings and treat others as we would like to be treated. We did not participate in organized religion but we were active in secular social activities. Charity, empathy and social service taught us to use our abilities in service to others (secretly), rather than use them to further our own (possibly selfish) agendas. There were no rules, only recommended codes of conduct.

Our public silence did not stop others from recognizing us as "different" at best (freaks at worst), but I am certain if we had given ourselves labels it would have been far more risky! If your child is fortunate enough to have access to a private or gifted education program where they might find like-minded peers, I think that would be very helpful. Mind you, I survived public school physically whole and now hold a job that makes my parents proud, keeps me out of trouble and provides sporadic outlets for my strengths.

If I could have had a happier childhood, it would have come from having more time in environments with like-minded children. Once in a while, something would happen that frightened my normal peers and I had a hard time coping with their parents who did not like me or my non-Christian family. If I had been around others like me on a more regular basis, I would have been happier with MYSELF but I also would have been more isolated from the world at large; perhaps even to the point of feeling utterly alien in my own culture. Being integrated taught me to adapt. Complete segregation shelters and weakens resolve.

There are costs and benefits to everything. All you can do is your best, given what you have to work with. You need to be comfortable in your decsions or you will regret too much to simply enjoy the surprising outcomes life has to offer. I wish you the best of luck and hope you find what you were looking for in someone's post-even--if it wasn't mine!

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 10:55 PM
My 8 year old child was recently given a test in school to determine how mentally retarded/learning disabled he was since he showed little interest in school subjects and performed abysmally in them. The tests showed his IQ to be 122 and now they want to test him further to determine which "gifted" program to put him in! LOL. Apparently the public education system can't distinguish between idiocy and genius. He shows signs of being an empath (as am I) and I actively encourage it in him. When he accurately discerns someone's feelings/intentions and asks for validation, I applaud his intuition. I also tell him that most people are not able (willing) to do these things and it is prudent to keep his skills to himself or the school will be recommending some psychotropic medication to dull any such "aberrant" behavior.

I also have an Indigo child with an IQ of 143 who prefers to squander her talents by working at Taco Bell and living in abject poverty. Go figure.

A word of caution, if I may: as much as we all want good things for our children, it's not always possible to achieve. If you have a child, it may be prudent to wait and see if the child has any natural inclinations before letting your feelings on the subject be known. Children will try to please the parent (at least until they hit their teens) by doing whatever they think the parent wants of them. If they innately lack paranormal abilities, however much you may want them to possess such gifts, the child may "fake" them and become truly unbalanced. Best of luck to you both.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 11:17 AM
^ This is a good point, but when doing certain have to go about them smartly and with enough wisdom. You won't place yourself and the child in a room and say; "Bobby I know you can feel's there...inside you, just close your eyes and move the book...DAMNIT BOBBY MOVE THE FRIGGIN BOOK!!!"

No, no...that just doesn't cut it. Observe them...maybe ask if they've ever done anything strange, or sensed anything strange. If the answer is a clear yes, or hinted yes...observe them further and try to feel them out a bit. Also, building trsust with your kids will play a very crucial role in this sort of training/practice/observation.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 12:30 PM
I was raised in a very open home regarding higher conciousness. And reading your post about your 143 iq child being content in low income.

I tested at 136 in 2nd grade and have been truth-seeking and expanding my horizons since I can remember. I am also working a $13 an hour job, and living in a small apartment. I didn't go after the "golden ring" like most "gifted" kids. I prefer lack of materialism, and it embarasses my family sometimes I think. (my mother embraces it, though)

But I have to say that most people I know who are extremely intelligent are not impressed with a Gucci watch or driving a Mercedes, but rather loving connections with people, sharing information/ideas, and occasional drug use.

Anyone else out there a genius under-achiever? And do you think the "freedom' of being raised in the open-minded household caused it? I surely do not want to cause my children to be under-achievers by trying to expand their minds beyond what school gives them.

Sorry, a little off topic, but I wanted to support a couple of points with my own experience thrown in. I'm still under 30 to give you an idea of my age.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by 12SeVeN34
I was raised in a very open home regarding higher conciousness. And reading your post about your 143 iq child being content in low income.

I tested at 136 in 2nd grade and have been truth-seeking and expanding my horizons since I can remember. I am also working a $13 an hour job, and living in a small apartment. I didn't go after the "golden ring" like most "gifted" kids. I prefer lack of materialism, and it embarasses my family sometimes I think. (my mother embraces it, though)

But I have to say that most people I know who are extremely intelligent are not impressed with a Gucci watch or driving a Mercedes, but rather loving connections with people, sharing information/ideas, and occasional drug use.

Anyone else out there a genius under-achiever? And do you think the "freedom' of being raised in the open-minded household caused it? I surely do not want to cause my children to be under-achievers by trying to expand their minds beyond what school gives them.

Sorry, a little off topic, but I wanted to support a couple of points with my own experience thrown in. I'm still under 30 to give you an idea of my age.

Same here. Only reason I even contemplate about working is because society demands you to have an income and a house. And my goals always have been to pass man made tests with as little effort since papers and such are a waste of my time. It really doesn't matter if you ahve 60 or 100% correct on your test since you pass with both so why bother going for the extra 40. Still I always managed 90-95% without studying and currently have a stable enough job with a 4 room apartment all to myself. In my spare time I just delve into topics that interest me and which society can't satisfy me with.

Is it possible to raise kids in a certain way? Yes but first stop using idiot lables like indigo kids and such since those are crap. It's the entire super saiyan culture that is going on where people have to feel more special then the others by some dumb label or getting certain initiations and more grades then others.

Just raise your kid and keep it as clean as possible when it comes to prejudice and having to fit certain ideals from society and basically # the world and do as it pleases. Tell it to find it what it wants and go for it 100% no matter what people say. If you're clean from that you can do a lot, including "super powers". I too was raised in an openminded and supportive household and I get my IQ tested every other year. One time it is higher then the next, but usually its around 142-148.

And what is so bad about underachieving? As long as you can sustain your life the way you want it too and can do everything you enjoy...why bother having to become a manager or corp president if you don't want to? Sure there are jobs that allow you to do things that you like doing in private as well so its like hitting 2 flies with 1 stone. But in my is impossible to find a decent job in the many diverse topics and activities that I enjoy.

[edit on 10-5-2007 by Enyalius]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:23 PM
Yes of course,you two as parents will deal with certain issues when it gets there,when at the bridge you cross it but getting to the bridge could land some obstacles which you as parents will help to carry your child/children over.

Myself being a Christian have never forced the Bible down my 7 & 6 yr old children's throat,so i believe in anything (religion wise) by trying to thump it into them will surely push them away from that.

Myself are extremely open to the spiritual side of life come evil or good,i know it is out here & i am making my children aware of this as good as i can imo,my youngest are totally more alert on such subjects and though she has prayed with me before i have heard her praying and it is NOT a prayer that a person would closely imagine that of a 6yr old..serious prayer that she don't even know i am there..i think i could prob learn some meditation skills from her.

If we watch "ghost vids" on the net she would notice the "thing" before any of us would causing me to go back and watch again then to see something..oh yes she says when she thinks it is fake,where my 7yr old son prefer not to watch anything of that manner.

Reasons why i listen to her prayers/meditation when she does get busy is to see or hear to whom she is "praying" to as it is a big bad spiritual world out there,but i rest myself assure at times when i am weak she knows & would come and pray for me..she knows,she feels..i do not know her IQ as no test has been taken in her age at school...

The main thing i am trying to say is that your child can end up carrying you ,making you stronger when you are a bit weak or very weak ..never under estimate a child's belief/faith..boy oh boy i wish i could have that much.. pure innocence combined with love and faith a child is a blessing no matter in who you believe

Good Luck and Enjoy !

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:51 PM
I would like to clarify a few things to anyone that may read this. I am not wanting to make a child have certain abilities just develop what i believe we all have or had. I just find it so strange that we as a society are so numb to our feelings. we as humans have so much more than hate, love, empathy, anger and so on.

This would not be for my personal gains either if we do decide to have a child I want them to have as many advantages in life as possible. The decision is theirs
and theirs only all i want is for them to be aware and enlightened to what is available.

On a side note, i want to thank all that have contributed so far. Each and every post has been rich and full of insightful information.

Thank You ATS


posted on May, 10 2007 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by lakewoodrealtor
I would like to clarify a few things to anyone that may read this. I am not wanting to make a child have certain abilities just develop what i believe we all have or had.

We are of the same mind then. When I have children, I will look forward to teaching them what I know, and how certain results might be accomplished. I don't plan to raise my children from the beginning with knowledge of these abilities, because if they can do these at an early age then it could cause a lot of unneeded fuss.

I'd prefer to let them know about it when they start asking questions about it. If they are even remotely my children, they will ask.

I wish you luck at your attempt to raise a child while letting him develop in that direction. I wish I had been raised in such a way.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 09:56 PM

I'd prefer to let them know about it when they start asking questions about it. If they are even remotely my children, they will ask.

I wish you luck at your attempt to raise a child while letting him develop in that direction. I wish I had been raised in such a way.

Bravo Voidmaster

We as possible future parents understand through our experiences in life how we should have been raised. I hold no grudge towards my family but am always wondering how i would have developed emotionally, physically and psychically
if they would have been more in tune to my experiences.

I remember at an early age making many odd statements about countries i had never been to. As i grew Deja vu became a daily experience along with other items.

If one has a child that shows certain traits how do we as parents help them evolve? Does anyone have experience with this? What you you doing to ad to their growth?


posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:06 AM
Why not have your child take classes in spiritual related disciplines - like Qi Gong or Tai Chi from an early age.. any martial arts would be good, but ones that focus more on the spiritual rather than the ass kicking side would be good.. That way, you have a good teacher guiding them on a path that is both good for them, and spiritual, helping them be connected with their energy, and focused with it, without forcing your own preconceptions upon them..

There are many benefits to training like that, and by starting early, you will hopefully give them a head start in staying connected with the more spiritual side of life

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 05:23 PM
Being aware of the various types of "gifts" is invaluable. When I had my first OOBE, it scared me to death. I had never heard of astral projection and had no control over what was happening. When I tried to explain to my mother what I had experienced (with my culturally limited vocabulary for describing such events), she looked nervously around and said, "don't tell anyone else about this". I thought I had done something wrong. When my daughter went through the same thing I told her, "Oh, that's an out of body experience. If you choose to keep doing it, you'll get better at controlling it." And then we went on to discuss more mundane topics. I just made it no big deal and let her choose her experiences, being ever ready to offer help or advice as needed/asked for.
I've been teaching lucid dreaming to my 8 year old who is troubled by occasional nightmares. I think he's finally getting the hang of it but the fault was mine for not finding a way to explain it to him in a way he could understand. Timing is everything, I learned, when it comes to teaching others about lucid dreaming. Can't be when they're wide awake. Must be when they're drowsy and drifting off but still awake enough to understand you while in that highly suggestable state of mind.
I applaud your desire to raise such a spiritually aware child. It's easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day routine that the "finer" points of a childs education take second place to wading through their homework, making sure their shoes fit (and match), etc. I'm sure you'll do fine.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 07:59 PM

I want to ask the ATS community do you believe it is possible to raise a child in a certain manner that will help evolve these traits?

No, because the things you describe are not real, there is no evidence for them, and what little "evidence" there is is explained naturally and without magical thinking.

Now then, this topic does bring up an interesting question to me. Which is worse? Bringing up a child making them think that doing some natural things or thinking some natural thoughts will send them to an eternity in hell or that they are special, above other people, and have powers beyond science?

It's a tough call, really, both are based on the same foundations of faith/belief over science, evidence, and even simple logic, and both can be damaging in some way to children. I'm all for adults fooling themselves into thinking whatever magic they want, but children don't really have a choice in what to believe.

But who among you is going to give this a second thought? You've already convinced yourselves that psychics, indigos, spirits, and gods are real, a bit late for evidence and clear thinking, I guess.

Best wishes for your children, I hope they eventually grow out of the new age garbage you plan to indoctrinate them with, the world can use more skeptics and atheists.

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 03:14 AM
i do not mean to be rude

NO screw that , i do

WHY ?????????

for (...) sake just let you kid be - why do you want to attempt to impose your fantasies on a child

you do not want a child , you want a (...) preforming monkey that can do " tricks " at your command

if you think that having " gifts " is so dammed important to your familiy - why dont you do something about developing your own ??????

Removed censor circumvention

[edit on 12/5/07 by masqua]

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
i do not mean to be rude

NO screw that , i do

WHY ?????????

for (...) sake just let you kid be - why do you want to attempt to impose your fantasies on a child

you do not want a child , you want a (...) preforming monkey that can do " tricks " at your command

if you think that having " gifts " is so dammed important to your familiy - why dont you do something about developing your own ??????


Your screen name really reflects your mentality, please take a few moments to read this tread.

On another note if you dont have anything constructive to add please go back to your sand box little one.


Removed censor circumvention from quote

[edit on 12/5/07 by masqua]

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 02:10 AM
like i asked - why are you attempting to project your fantasies on to a child ?

i have read the thread - thats why i repeat the rquestion you side steped

you give us zero indication that YOU have done anything to " evolve " the ` gifts ` you claim we all have

why is that ?

doesnt enlightenment t start within ? why are you attempting to project ?

PS - dammed thin skinned arnt you
, and quick with the insults . i notice that alot when you question the motives of self labeled " emlightened spiritual people "

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 03:25 PM
There is an old book by Watchman Nee entitled "The Latent Power of The Soul" you may want to look into. He was the "Billy Graham" of his day but, being Chinese, he was not much appreciated by the Western culture of the times. The book basically says that initially man, in his perfect human state, had these abilities but over time lost them. It's a short book and I won't spoil it for you by giving all the particulars but it's quite a little bombshell for getting traditional, conservative people to think outside the box.
On a side note, I used to argue with New Agers about their ridiculous beliefs, fantasy world, unscientific logic, etc. but realized that if I was going to argue effectively, I would have to study up on the subjects. What I found in my studies is that there is quite a bit of scientific research on a lot of these topics and that some (not all) of the New Age "gifts" are legitimate. Doesn't mean one needs to believe blindly in whatever hocus pocus comes on the market but it does mean that some things require investigation rather than knee-jerk dismissals.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 03:34 PM
My daughter who is now almost eight months old started walking at six and a half months old which I was stunned. She is preceding any of my other children and any others that I knew in physical forms. Mentally she seems at her age but like I said, the physical aspect she is way ahead. Anybody hear of things like this before?

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