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Did we all miss a simple tree? pentagon related

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posted on May, 9 2007 @ 03:20 PM
Okay, my brain is so complex and amazing I was thinking all these things, thank you all for voicing them:

Originally posted by Karilla
There seems to be some confusion in here. Some people are talking about a "tree" in the first video. Then someone posted a video with a "three" in it, in smoke (looked more like a 93 to me
), and I can't quite see how either advances things.

Pretty sure it was always tree despite persistent misspelling...

Personally, whatever crashed into the Pentagon, I would have expected a tree to prove more resilient to certain blasts than stone. Trees have "give" in them
, hence the fact that they wave about. If a plane/missile clipped it rather than impacted the trunk directly, I wouldn't be surprised to see the main trunk standing necessarily.

I almost made that point myself. But the main thing is

Originally posted by mister Jones
patriot vs sheeple - sure it fuels a nice semantics discussion but can we go back to the tree, please?

Yes, again derailed by semantics and values arguments, I'm with everyone on that. But the tree...

Originally posted by Vinadetta
Alright, I'm not on board yet with this whole tree thing. I don't think the OP Video clearly shows a tree, I almost just see lines from the crack of the building. The second video, does show more clearly a burnt tree, but I can't put it in position with the impact zone.

That's exactly what I presumed, but I think it is a tree. I was also having a hard time with the angle, and so compared it to a photo -

behind the helipad at left, note the three rows of indented windows. Count to the right about 16 windows and what do we see? A burnt tree or two, lining up well and far to the left of impact, the same tree as in the Faram photo (see page 1).
I think there also had been a tree right at the impact zone, but it was destroyed by the _?_. I recall some speculation that "column 15A" cited by the ASCE was actually its burnt stump. I dunno, but no 60-foot tree there.

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
it appears to be the tree to the left of the main strike area, ie, they are showing footage to that is not the main impact spot. this is just putting an alternative spin on that footage.

Yes, thank you. This is now confirmed. Thank you Piacenza. That was fun.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
might be the same three at 35 second in this video

I really dont see what hes referring to. but i did notice the name of the witness in the second video piacenza posted. Micheal Kelly. remember this folks.

the tree was most likely totally burnt to a crispy critter when the "projectile went thru it and 3 rings of the pentagon

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
Look like a tree, directly in the path of the fighter jet, missing all of it's leaves. No doubt the foilage loss was caused by the explosion of the thermobaric missile that it fired at the pentagon wall just before it crashed into the resulting hole.

[edit on 8-5-2007 by In nothing we trust]

You mean airplane.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 04:46 PM
Aren't there any pics of the pentagon before 9/11?

It seems it would be pretty easy to spot a tree in a given location. They don't grown overnight...

Wasn't there an overhead pic somewhere pre-9/11 that showed the mark in the lawn along the same flight path as 77? Wouldn't this pic show the tree, or lack thereof?

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by piacenza

The people i know who died on 9/11 didnt deserve it. Innocent people died that day. The people who send bombs all over the world need to die, not innocent people. You, my friend, are an ass.

I never called for any killings of anyone.
Ideologically the US deserved that its own govt did what they did.
They let their rights go away because of a fake sense of richness.
Now its time to pay your Govt and especially your bankers.
Don´t give me also the call around about your dead friends.
If you want to do something instead than calling names in some internet forum why don´t you go around and spread the truth?
Probabbly cried a bit but that wont help you much.
You seem to be a keyboard warrior.
I am not an ASS I can assure you that.
But you are the warrior. Wow impressive.

What did i do? What exactly are you doing? all you are doing is making us look bad. I've spread the truth as much as i can, but you are going way over the top with your crazy theories. You are the type of people who make the 9/11 truth movement look bad by claiming holograms and posting videos that prove nothing. If anything, you are hurting us, you are not helping! Dont dare call me a keyboard warrior, that is exactly what you are. God knows what country you are from, but i am from here and i am from NY, and am doing my best to spread truth to Americans.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 05:15 PM
dont bother replying i am no longer reading nor posting on your threads.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 05:40 PM
Thank you no problem
Next time dont call anyone an ASS.
Thank you.
I have nothing to reply you have your own feelings I have my own.
You start to attack I counterattack.
You can hit the ignore button now

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 06:07 PM
Thank you Hihix, for the breather.

Cygnus: I really dont see what hes referring to. but i did notice the name of the witness in the second video piacenza posted. Micheal Kelly. remember this folks.

Why Kelly?
And true enough, my picture is not too clear, but the tree is there.
Higher res:

here's another shot - by yellow crane, far left:

Closer up we see two trees:

At the right side of impact/damage area we see this:

Personally I see no tree there. (sorry for irrelevant column labeling - clearly column 15 is NOT tree remians, hanging down from the building.)

On the left only this (branches again at left)

Nick: Looking for photos of tree arrangement pre-9/11 but seeing none yet, all satellite shots have that side in shadow. All I can tell so far is tree pre or not, no tree there after. The video's problematic physics defying tree is one of the two we keep saying to the north.

[edit on 9-5-2007 by Caustic Logic]

[edit on 9-5-2007 by Caustic Logic]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 06:34 PM
Dear Everybody:

Three billion blind mice, ahem, people?

I think the tree piacenza’s talking about is the big-ass conifer on the far right edge of the picture. It’s huge and it’s clearly still got its pine needles. Of course it should NOT be there had a Boeing hit the Pentagon. But then the rest of the ‘crash’ scene would look a little different also. Don’t you think?

The Wizard In The Woods

[edit on 5/9/2007 by Wizard_In_The_Woods]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by SG-17

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
Look like a tree, directly in the path of the fighter jet, missing all of it's leaves. No doubt the foilage loss was caused by the explosion of the thermobaric missile that it fired at the pentagon wall just before it crashed into the resulting hole.

You mean airplane.

Well if you want to split hairs over the matter. A fighter jet is an airplane.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Wizard_In_The_Woods
I think the tree piacenza’s talking about is the big-ass conifer on the far right edge of the picture. It’s huge and it’s clearly still got its pine needles. Of course it should NOT be there had a Boeing hit the Pentagon.

Why shouldn't this tree be there if a Boeing hit the Pentagon? It's far to the right of the impact point.


posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:17 PM
1) Piacenza I concurr 100% with your 9/11 views.
2) Every nation has the government they deserve.
3) I posted this Tree problem 4 years ago...but...guess I was too far out then...

4) enjoy this graphic at least the conifer would have suffered some kind of damage, the 757 is a big plane and in my humble its a little bigger than depicted here...

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by kix

Doesn't quite fit, now does it.


posted on May, 10 2007 @ 12:04 AM
Well its a little more "angled (see the burn marks on subsequent rings of the pentagon) also the wingspan its like 5 to 6 feet more.

Even if we take out the Tree of the equation the spools in front of the entrace are imposible to explain, because a big freaking Rb 211-524 was in its path...

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 09:32 AM
Can we please stop wasting time and bandwidth on silly things like this. Nobody missed the tree. After about 26 seconds of research I was able to find a pic of the trees in front of the Pentagon. The tree in the vid on this thread is far left of the impact site.

The other tree is far to the right of the impact site, and tucked in behind the corner of the building.

Is it really that hard to figure out after 5 1/2 years that whatever hit the Pentagon went between the trees? And this thread has THREE pages of posts?

Here's the url to the original hi res pic:

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 09:49 AM
I agree with Nick.

This is just a distraction for people who are trying to get on to the more difficult questions.


posted on May, 10 2007 @ 12:51 PM
i already posted that there was no tree by the impact place, and that it was more to the left of where the plane came in and one more to the right.

[edit on 10-5-2007 by PSP]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 02:10 PM
And there was a smaller tree in the middle too, I think, but it was destroyed by the impact of the 757/global hawk/flover-n-bombs/A3 Skywarrior/fighter jet/thrmobaric warhead cruise missile/whatever. Thank you guys, and we're done here with what it started as.


posted on May, 11 2007 @ 12:20 AM
Yeah i think whe are,
but what do you guys think? what was crashing in the pentagon? a normal plane or an ufo? or some militaire stuff?
I really dont know

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