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Can't Believe in Human Evolution From Chimps

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posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by abovereproach
Some of these folks may be closer to the monkeys than the rest of us.

Their president, to start off with

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by DarkSide

Originally posted by abovereproach
Some of these folks may be closer to the monkeys than the rest of us.

Their president, to start off with

So you mean that the Bush family diverged from a primitive ape-like ancestor about 4 million years ago and by sheer alpha male aggression and intelligence took over a position of power?

That destroys the theory of evolution in one fell swoop.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 08:56 PM
Hey--why do you think I have a bumper sticker on my car that says, "My cat is smarter than my president"???

Dubya is a very poor example of evolution!

As for the notion that "'believing' in evolution doesn't give me a sense of purpose in life, therefore it doesn't matter/isn't true/is irrelevent etc"--I would like to ask the creationists, do you 'believe' that gravity exists?

I would imagine that you do. If you didn't, you probably wouldn't have lasted this long. Not many people try sky-diving without a parachute, even if they are devout believers in God, because they know that gravity exists.

But does this "belief" in gravity give your life a sense of purpose? Any kind of comfort? A belief in a Creator or an afterlife?

Probably not--yet you believe it. Because it is true, and it makes no difference how you "feel" about it.

Same with evolution. It has nothing to do with whether it gives you the warm fuzzies, or comfort, or a solid belief system. It just is--like gravity.

Religion has nothing to do with the mechanics of the universe. My belief in God has nothing to do with my "belief" in gravity. Or evolution. Or quantum physics, or anything else.

My belief in God is a personal, religious belief. It doesn't depend on something I can prove (or disprove) in a science class.

My belief is that God gave us brains. And presumably He gave us brains because He expects us to use them, not commit intellectual suicide.

It's the fundies who say that you can't believe in both God and evolution.

They will not dictate to me what I can and cannot believe.

Evolution is the mechanism (IMHO) by which God chose to create us. If other people don't agree with me, that's fine--far be it from me to tell anyone else what they should (or should not) believe.

Evolution, like gravity, was never intended to give anyone a "sense of purpose".

How anyone can twist that into meaning that evolution therefore isn't "true" is beyond me. I take no comfort from my belief in gravity either. That doesn't negate gravity. If you don't believe me, try jumping from a high building and see what happens! (No, on second thought--for the ultra-literalists out there--don't try this experiment--you probably won't live to tell about it!)

And if you can only believe in a God who can be captured in a petri dish, then I really feel sorry for you.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 12:11 PM
They had a common ancestoer
. Not evolved from chimps. More like brothers or cousins.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 11:46 AM
ken miller explains why scientists think we share a common ancestor with apes.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 11:55 AM
I think the OP is accutually horribly wrong in saying that most mutations are dangerous, we just live in an age where we only notice them. What about people that have a mutation that gives them an immmmunity to diseases, its a mutation since most people dont have it but its beneficial. Or simple things like a mutation making someone a bigger person because a bigger, stronger person will survive better. You dont think of these as mutations because you cant tell if someones immune to something, and seeing a big person isnt unusual, but somewhere back in their lineage there was a mutation giving them an advantage over the rest of humans.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 12:57 PM
Humans were created by aliens in the likeness of aliens by DNA munipulation by combining the DNA of many aliens with the DNA from primates. We all still have the psychic/spiritual abilities from our alien DNA but some just have it more than others.

The aliens have created every major religion to guide us to a more spiritual path that we need to be on in order to make progress in the evolution of our consciousness. Humans have a lot of power in numbers through the power of intention so this is why praying in numbers gets better results.

Humans have type A, B, AB, or O blood types. Those types can be labeled negative if the blood doesn't have a blood protein that comes from the Rhesus monkey(AKA RH negative blood). Chimps are known to have any of the A, B, AB, or O blood types too.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 02:45 PM
Hi all

I have three questions regarding evolution.

1. Why does the fossil record not support Darwin’s theory of evolution?
Do some reading if you doubt my words.

2. Where is the missing link between man and ape/chimp (the middle part/stage if you like)?
Surely there would be more evidence to support this gap from ape to man.

3. Does anyone truly understand the odds involved in life kick starting on its own without any outside help (act of god/alien meddling)?
I have heard/read that these odds alone wipe out the Darwin theory i.e. the odds are so high it cannot possibly be that life on earth came about by mere chance.

I find these three questions most puzzling and would appreciate any light you can shed.


posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 03:40 PM
1. It does support Darwin. We have fossils of land mammals evolving into sea mammals. We have the transition between fish and amphibians. We have the transition between reptile and bird. Everytime you get a vaccine shot you are supporting evolution.

2. There are several links. The problem with the idiots, er, creationists is that every time you find a transitional species they say "Where's the species between them! What you haven't found it yet? Fire bomb your house!!!" Also, THERE IS NO APE TO MAN, WE DID NOT EVOLVE FROM APES, ONLY CREATIONISTS SAY THIS BECAUSE A CHIMP IS SMARTER THEN THEY!

3. Evolution does not cover start of life. But they have created life in labs. Therefor the probability is pretty high if we can do it in labs let alone having it happen on Earth billions of years ago.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by WeAreOne
Hi all

I have three questions regarding evolution.

1. Why does the fossil record not support Darwin’s theory of evolution?
Do some reading if you doubt my words.

We have. You are wrong.

2. Where is the missing link between man and ape/chimp (the middle part/stage if you like)?
Surely there would be more evidence to support this gap from ape to man.

Sigh. Another one.
There is no 'gap' as man is not decended from apes or chimps. We share a common ancestor.. there would be hundreds if not thousands of 'missing links'. If you want a more specific answer.. do some research and figure out exactly which species of primate you would like to know about.

3. Does anyone truly understand the odds involved in life kick starting on its own without any outside help (act of god/alien meddling)?

This has already been answered I know but while I'm here.. evolution and the creation of life are two seperate things.

I have heard/read that these odds alone wipe out the Darwin theory i.e. the odds are so high it cannot possibly be that life on earth came about by mere chance.

The odds of life evolving are 100%.. and the chances of life appearing elsewhere in the universe are extreamily high as there are probably many earth like planets. There may also be more harsher enviroments where life may be able to exist.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 12:43 PM
I am wrong..............hmmm

Then perhaps you can point me in the right direction as to where these fossils showing the different stages of evolution can be found. I would be very interested in seeing pictures/evidence to support the THEORY of evolution.

There should be signs all through the fossil record showing different stages of evolution. To my current knowledge no such fossils exist or show these different stages.

I am sorry but until this evidence is shown to me then I cannot accept Darwin’s theory.

If you are going to say I am wrong again then please produce some evidence to back up your comments.


posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 12:55 PM
WeAreOne, heres ken miller on the fossil record & evolution

you should watch the full thing (2 hours)

[edit on 19-6-2007 by yeti101]

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by WeAreOne
I am wrong..............hmmm

Then perhaps you can point me in the right direction as to where these fossils

Perhaps you might want to get off your arse and look? I don't know, maybe once you do you'll see the hundreds of examples there are in hundreds of different museums in hundreds of different countries throughout the world? Perhaps then you'll realise your pastors been spoon feeding you bull# since you were born? Perhaps then you might get a passport and go out and find what reality looks like?

[edit on 23-6-2007 by kegs]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 12:01 AM
If anyone's interested, there's a really great DVD set out there called "Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution" and you can get it on Netflix. I watched it recently and was blown away.

Description: This documentary explores evidence claiming to prove that certain animals could only have come from a divine creator, and not evolution. Challenge your own thought processes and beliefs as complicated and intricate designs throughout the animal kingdom are dissected, conjuring up many questions about the true origins of several creatures. Dr. Jobe Martin lets viewers in on startling data that surprised even him at first.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by ReginaAdonna
If anyone's interested, there's a really great DVD set out there called "Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution" and you can get it on Netflix. I watched it recently and was blown away.

Description: This documentary explores evidence claiming to prove that certain animals could only have come from a divine creator, and not evolution. Challenge your own thought processes and beliefs as complicated and intricate designs throughout the animal kingdom are dissected, conjuring up many questions about the true origins of several creatures. Dr. Jobe Martin lets viewers in on startling data that surprised even him at first.

I've made a DVD explaining why Giraffes aren't Elephants. It's really convincing, not because I present facts or anything as stupid as that, but because it's the true words of BRONZE AGE SHEPHERDS! You can't say fairer than that folks. Everyone knows our modern science is nothing compared to the understanding of waving a stripy stick in front of a mammal to cause the colour of its kid!

If you want your Elephant to be a Giraffe, then READ THE BIBLE!

[edit on 24-6-2007 by kegs]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 01:51 AM
Lies have never been a hindrance.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 07:52 AM
I see the biggest problem being the mindset involved. It's probably the most ancient mindset imaginable. I don't understand it, therefore I can't understand it, therefore it must be an all powerful creator/God who did it.

It's ridiculous!

I once couldn't understand algebra when I was 8, but that doesn't mean that I gave up and said x=12 because God deemed it so.

Here's a link to a cool evolution flash which shows the gradual progression

I also thought it would be wise to insert the essential concept of ID as shown by Family Guy.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 06:00 PM
Well, to all crationists and IDers, do you believe Pi=3.0? That's what the Bible says. So when are you going to court to have that Pi=3.0 taught in math classes of Public Schools?

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Heronumber0
I cannot see how humans can evolve from chimps.

Humans didn't evolve from chimps, they share a common primitive ancestor.

If humans are just chimps with more mutations in their DNA then where the heck is the survival advantage? If you tell me that greater height is a survival advantage for seeing further for food -I don't buy it! This is not a life or death situation.

But if you can see farther, you can also see predators coming sooner. That would be a survival advantage, wouldn't it?

If you tell me that humans accumulated gradual DNA mutations and then get selected by environmental/climatic factors, I don't buy that either.

That's your Prerogative but your opinion does not change facts.

How come most DNA mutations are harmful and even life threatening to humans, e.g. Thalassaemia, Motor Neurone Disease, Huntington's Disorder. The only incidence of a mutation that is advantageous seems to be sickle cell anaemia which still debilitates sufferers.

Some are harmful, some are not. Unsuccessful mutations are typically bread out over a long period of time.

Heck if we consider that brain size or intelligence gave us a survival advantage then think of people like Einstein and others who are INCAPABLE of interacting with other human beings to give themselves a survival advantage.

Who said Einstein wasn't capable of interacting with other humans? He was married as an example.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by ReginaAdonna
If anyone's interested, there's a really great DVD set out there called "Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution" and you can get it on Netflix. I watched it recently and was blown away.

Description: This documentary explores evidence claiming to prove that certain animals could only have come from a divine creator, and not evolution. Challenge your own thought processes and beliefs as complicated and intricate designs throughout the animal kingdom are dissected, conjuring up many questions about the true origins of several creatures. Dr. Jobe Martin lets viewers in on startling data that surprised even him at first.

Films like this look great at a distance but once you take a close look at the real science of it, it all falls apart. These types of videos depend on you not looking too close or knowing a lot about the subject matter. If an evolutionary biologist watched the video, they would laugh, then they would destroy it.

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