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Ask Any Question & I Will Predict The Future

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posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by StarBoyFG
reply to post by sirbikesalot06

Dude, i think remote viewing dosnt work afterlife. Im going to be "StarBoy" one of the biggest solider of GOOD in this universe all because to make GOD happy.

GOD dosnt judges you, no one does! You make your own life and afterlife. How ever there is a Death God (dont mistake it with GOD) who sends you to next life or hell for a certain time then another life is next.

Dont tell me its not like that, i know it is from 'higher beings' (you should of seen this) but you didnt because it dosnt work or you lie. I have a lot of knowledge from 'higher beings'.

Now i know remote viewing dosnt work in all aspects, only in certain and not perfectly. And now you know what i know without remote viewing.

Also i gues you cant remote view to see what higher beings are doing like the council of the 7.

The more you communicate back, the more proof I see that I was right.

Originally posted by sirbikesalot06
I'm getting mixed signals here. One is that of Religious Fundamentalist, the other, filled with new ages thinking mixed in.

Being a Soldier of good, and making god happy sounds no different to me than what Osama bin Laden is currently doing with the Taliban or when I see a Jehovah Witness giving me fire Starter. After All the Taliban makes God happy every time they blow up and kill NATO troops. :shk:

As a rule, I focus on Earth, the Universe and not higher problems on the other planes of Existence. I might be able to visit from time to time, but I have needs of naked women and train rides.

One mans lie is another man's truth. Become like the Borg all you want to, I believe Resistance is not Futile.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by jsettica
reply to post by sirbikesalot06

You are right I did try to make one but only to end in failure.
But it was only my first try, will there be others ?
That is really to bad it would have bin nice to free the world of this monopoly.

That information can from an entity called bashar so was he wrong ?

Will I have the money to go see Kyron in august in Hawaii ?

Will I have good stock market picks this year to be able to reach my goal?

Will I see the KING and Queen of the Kahuns this year Kalel & Nahoku, they are the direct descendent's of the pleiadians.?

Will I build a double pyramid point to point one in the ground and the other on top in to a building that will be home base to all pleiadians that live on the west cost?

I alway find it a treat when some one can see what no one wants to see but is willing to see only the truth for as you know the truth is alway the last thing that most people want to hear it is easer to live in denial than to face the truth.

They're already here. They live long lives so the see things differently. The People you described seem to know but only so much. Also Beware of False profits. They charge you out of your
to see them. Yes I feel that one of these people are reincarnation of a pleiadians, the rest are from other alien species.

Bashar, has a different set of rules for what works for him, while we have our own set of rules.

And Don't waste your time building a landing pad. They'll land and go where they want to go. When you have the technology to go through solid objects, you can virtually go anywhere.

Originally posted by jsettica
As for you my friend the riddle of life is only what you make of it, it's not that what you have is not use full to you, it is how use full you are to it that changes things. There is always a reason why, you may have heard a million of them and still the truth lauds you but the truth is not always what is's should be or will be but it could be. Your gift is your own, you have two ways to use it, in service to others or in service to self. You know the answer lies with you as we all do but a little validation always brings a
to on face does it not.

Yes I do know what your talking about. The thing is I think through my wallet, because I want naked women and train rides. I just don't get them.

I can only hope that I find what Lauds me.

Then again, I don't want to be a player with a lot of beautiful naked women. I just want one.
Dam it, why do the don't want me to

As for making money in the Stock Market. You get a good return. As for Hawaii, NO.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Wondering302
Ok, I have a question about myself
Will I ever get pregnant?
That's all I want to know, Thank you in advance

Yes you do. Timing is something else. Even with out touching these statues you get pregnant. I hear the statues simply help out alot.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by sirbikesalot06

My problem with you is not that you predict, but you should advice people I MIGHT BE WRONG, FUTURE CHANGES.

And your last comment just confirms it. Yes I will be a human if i die now, but not when ill become like I 'should be'.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by sirbikesalot06

"Being a Soldier of good, and making god happy sounds no different to me than what Osama bin Laden is currently doing with the Taliban or when I see a Jehovah Witness giving me fire Starter. After All the Taliban makes God happy every time they blow up and kill NATO troops. "

And there you go you have no idea who im even after explaining to you. Im not from any religion like i said... Making GOD happy by damaging people or whatever is not logical, you wont make HIM happy. I thought i didnt had to explain myself to a remote viewer but this is different for unknown reasons for me.
Anyway im done here, i thought i will find few answers here but no luck. Thanks anyway, have a good life!

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by RealistAir

Originally posted by sirbikesalot06
My prediction for December 21, 2012, is that there will be these end of the world parties, so go ahead and party like its 1999.

What do you mean "the end of the world parties"? Can you elaborate more on that?

And thanks in return.

[edit on 22-4-2010 by RealistAir]

[edit on 22-4-2010 by RealistAir]

There will be these parties like New Year Eve Parties on that day in much of the Western World and especially in North America. People will have fun, get drunk. So alot of Drunk Driving accidents happen. Some people who have fear that day can contribute to these accidents.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:10 PM
StarBoyFG, you are going to learn that you can't convince an Atheist that there is an Afterlife. He'll find out eventually for eventually we all find out. Be a little more open, for I see you get the shaft in your quest to show us that the Council of 7 is there for us and GOD (who happens to be a girl. loves us.

Originally posted by thepathoverseer
In what methods or ways will I find out or understand my mission on Earth?

How many guides, guardian angels, and patrons do you see around me?

What psychic senses is best suited or am strong at?

Thanks, looking forward to your insight/predictions

I try not to see that deeply into somebody. I see it this way
you see it this way.

You know, but not Consciously, And thats what is so
about this.

I see that There this sort of a Traveling guide that is with you some times and not for others. Something about love you need to fine and the meaning. And angle is there to but she's a leaving, and the message I get.
"Live Your
Life. Live your Life." Don't know why that is your message, but I'm just the messenger.

Somebody is worried about you, they're really scared as you smoke weed or maybe think you do?
You don't listen to your sense, for you cannot know what your good at. Be careful on how much you carry and who you hang out with, for I see handcuffs.
You don't know what to do, you don't see what you are here for. Which I can relate, I don't know why I'm here for and what to learn.

Meaning and purpose are always confused to be the same. There is no meaning to life, but there is purpose.

And that guy, you go out with him, you regret it and call your self an Idiot. Go with that nerd you know. You have a better time. Just ignore his bleeding nose.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 06:39 PM
Do I join the Airforce? Where am I in a year from now? Am I happy?

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 06:39 PM
Oh nice, a double post.

[edit on 23-4-2010 by NateNute]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 07:09 PM
Will I lose a sock in the dryer tonight?

What do you see as the 2012 change?
If you have answered it already I will find it tonight when I can read the entire post.

My guess is the fizzeling out of the christian faith to be replaced with something symbolized by a water bearer.

[edit on 23-4-2010 by ..5..]

[edit on 23-4-2010 by ..5..]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by ..5..

Originally posted by Where2Hide2006
Ask Any Question about the Future, and I will answer it with 100% Accuracy.

Will I lose a sock in the dryer tonight?

What do you see as the 2012 change?
If you have answered it already I will find it tonight when I can read the entire post.

My guess is the fizzeling out of the christian faith to be replaced with something symbolized by a water bearer.

Wheretohide06 is hiding. I'm not, and your sock won't be hiding if only you don't catch it first from running away.

Christians are still around after 2012. So is the Catholic Church, but not as powerful as it was previously. People are just more open with the spiritual world. and also, I disagree with military religion.
They kill you because you don't agree with there points of view.

The change Don't take place until 2017, mainly in our economy. Read above this post to see what really happens before you ask a question. I won't repeat my self for the next two pages.

[edit on 23-4-2010 by sirbikesalot06]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by NateNute
Do I join the Airforce? Where am I in a year from now? Am I happy?

I see a part of you deciding not to join. If you don't like the Air Force, Try the Coast Guard.

If you don't join, you will be back home with your mom in a year from now. As for being happy, either way, which one will you feel worse in?

[edit on 23-4-2010 by sirbikesalot06]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 08:04 PM
Hi, I'm very lost on my path right now due to a major shock in my life. I just need some guidance. Do you do readings? If so, you can U2U me if you'd like. Thanks in advance.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by digifanatic
Hi, I'm very lost on my path right now due to a major shock in my life. I just need some guidance. Do you do readings? If so, you can U2U me if you'd like. Thanks in advance.

digifanatic, I don't do U2U for one reason. I don't care about you. And one time there was somebody messenger me on yahoo and he recently messaged me and told me he was having a hard time. I replied back saying, did I tell you would be having a hard time at this point in your business?

I don't want to do it, simply because i don't care about you and if you happen to live in a Cookie Cuter world of a Suburbia, then I will rip you one.

I simply ask you to ask your question, be pacific helps me focus on what you want me to see for I am not god, And she's is a girl,, I don't see everything. and I cannot predict a 100%. I can only see the choices you already decided to make and when your in a stump on a decision, I'll see several paths before you.


posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 03:26 PM
What is he trying to tell me?

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
What is he trying to tell me?

Your An Idiot?

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by sirbikesalot06

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
What is he trying to tell me?

Your An Idiot?

This question is not for you. You need to leave.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 08:14 PM
uh... right...

Thanks anyway.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull

Originally posted by sirbikesalot06

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
What is he trying to tell me?

Your An Idiot?

This question is not for you. You need to leave.

Where2hide is hiding. He hasn't answered any questions since page 8 or so.

Also JohnySeagull could have said please.

I never once lied to anybody nor tried to pull any body tail. I answered to the best of my abilites truthfully and honestly. I felt like I needed to help people and BTS gave me that ability to do so. And Also I knew this day was coming, I was betting on June 2010. Also I felt that some of you were pulling my tail and responded in kind. I did use smilies to show my displeasure.
And I had fun.

JohnySeagull, I ask you to please shut down this thread simply because these people are looking for answers to there questions and we all came here looking for answers we do not know.

Also I have started a new thread to continue the Q & A.

Also JohnySeagull. He's trying to tell you to try to see it his way and that he's right. He's trying to warn you what your about to do.

My advice ignore him, or you will not learn the lesson.

[edit on 24-4-2010 by sirbikesalot06]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:56 PM
Well three years ago the predictor nailed te derby winner Street Sense.

Who do you see taking the roses this year?

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