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Ask Any Question & I Will Predict The Future

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posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 02:46 PM
Try these sirbikesalot06 and be specific as you can, I'm truly interested on your responses to these questions:

1. Will WW3 happen? If so will the US side with Israel and who will the US fight?

2. Will alien life be proven as fact? Will aliens make genuine contact with humans?

3. Will Russia be consecrated by the Vatican? Will The current pope stand down in some way or another from his position as Pope?

4. Will the republicans win in 2012 elections? Will Barack Obama be assassinated?

5. Will Katla erupt soon? Will there be another (major) earthquake within a week?

6. Will the Mayan gods come down on 2012? If not what will happen at the beginning or end of 2012?

7. Will the magnetic poles fully shift in the next 3-5 years and cause a massive flood?

8. Will the US have an economy collapse soon? Will California and/or Nevada be flooded cause of an earthquake?

9. Who will fire a nuke first? Israel? Iran? NK? or the US?

10. Will i join the air force..

11. What was going to happen to the US from what 'Where2Hide2006' referred to in his last post on here?

12. What significant event will happen between these two dates -
Oct. 2010 to Feb. 2011

(These are the most interesting subjects I decided to ask about.)

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 04:44 PM
Sowe where closer to home, hmmm. Ok thanks for the reading, but i have one more question. You know where I can find a job this summer or sooner?

Do I catch a STD or sickness from eatting that meal I found yesthday? Is there HIV is on thoses french fries? I had no cuts in my mouth, and stuck the room temputure fry in barbque then in my mouth. I'm immune defienceint years from now? Yes I'm paranoid...

[edit on 20-4-2010 by Pillar]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 05:27 PM
I know of a simple 0 point energy devise that will work on this plane.

Will I find the people that will help me build it.

To give it freely to all people.


posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 07:53 PM
Thank you for continuing this thread. You have great answers and I can detect a truth in your words, whether they are completely accurate or not. I don't know what to ask, so thanks again, and I agree about the rail systems, they just make sense.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 11:01 PM
Ok il be more direct with the question, if you feel uncomfortable dont answer. Is the path in life i am taking going to be successful. And am i reading all the signs wrong or could i be right. thanks

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 11:20 PM
My dream is to be a hero. My grandmother (A very mystical lady) told me I would be.

Will I ever become a hero? Will I change the world for the better? Will I save lives? will I die doing this?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by sirbikesalot06

Well you are wrong. Im not into any religion or new year.

My thinking is way more far from that... And no i dont believe GOD will judge me.

Anyway you are proven to me not a true remote viewer or you made some big mistakes...

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 03:44 AM
my very first post here so this is the question i have for sirbikesalot06 see the future can you then answer this 1 question for me and nothing more you will hear from me. my question is what is going to happen to me specifically on may 14th 2010? i will be back here to post whether you prdiction was right or wrong because i dont know what is going to happen to me that day

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:20 AM
RealistAir your last today. Too many politically one sided questions.

Originally posted by Pillar
Sowe where closer to home, hmmm. Ok thanks for the reading, but i have one more question. You know where I can find a job this summer or sooner?

Do I catch a STD or sickness from eatting that meal I found yesthday? Is there HIV is on thoses french fries? I had no cuts in my mouth, and stuck the room temputure fry in barbque then in my mouth. I'm immune defienceint years from now? Yes I'm paranoid...

[edit on 20-4-2010 by Pillar]

So you decided to Ask a question to a person who readilly admits that he can't see 100%, and not researching hard science about the difference between STD's and Bacteria.

Your immune system is strong.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by jsettica
I know of a simple 0 point energy devise that will work on this plane.

Will I find the people that will help me build it.

To give it freely to all people.


No you won't. I see you try to attempt to build one and in this day in age. Nothing is for free. I don't see your device becoming mainstream at all. Which really sucks, I want to go to the moon Pandora.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by StarBoyFG
reply to post by sirbikesalot06

Well you are wrong. Im not into any religion or new year.

My thinking is way more far from that... And no i dont believe GOD will judge me.

Anyway you are proven to me not a true remote viewer or you made some big mistakes...

Then how come I saw this?

"The vision I'm getting is "you go before god, and god judges you." And then you get return back to earth."

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Failed
Ok il be more direct with the question, if you feel uncomfortable dont answer. Is the path in life i am taking going to be successful. And am i reading all the signs wrong or could i be right. thanks

I'm having a hard time seeing this. I see on the one had, Small Success, the other hand, Failure. Nothing really Richy or successful in life. a small family as well.

Please search for your Sexual problems in other forums with reputable doctors.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Visual_Death
My dream is to be a hero. My grandmother (A very mystical lady) told me I would be.

Will I ever become a hero? Will I change the world for the better? Will I save lives? will I die doing this?

I will not answer this they way you want to. I will only ask you to be a honest person in life. Only then will you be what your Grandmother foresaw.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by killer4281
my very first post here so this is the question i have for sirbikesalot06 see the future can you then answer this 1 question for me and nothing more you will hear from me. my question is what is going to happen to me specifically on may 14th 2010? i will be back here to post whether you prdiction was right or wrong because i dont know what is going to happen to me that day

Well neither do I for it hasn't happen yet.

You wake up, late. Eat, I want to say Cereal.
, But here the best part and only if you say yes.

You will have a girl both in the morning and in the evening of that day only if you say yes.

Are you up to the Challenge?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by RealistAir
about.) Try these sirbikesalot06 and be specific as you can, I'm truly interested on your responses to these questions:

1. Will WW3 happen? If so will the US side with Israel and who will the US fight?

It ain't going to be like 1941. In the next few years, Israel gets their buts kicked Diplomaticly left and right. To understand this you much see the conflict similar to Cowboy's Vs Indians. Only this time the Indians have AK-47s and RPG's to shoot at the Cowboys. Also our domestic oil production numbers don't help this little country out at all.
I do see a war with China although It won't be remembers as WW3.

Originally posted by RealistAir
about.) 2. Will alien life be proven as fact? Will aliens make genuine contact with humans?

Microscopic, yes in the next 25 yrs. Intelligent life, not for another 100 or so.

Originally posted by RealistAir
about.) 3. Will Russia be consecrated by the Vatican? Will The current pope stand down in some way or another from his position as Pope?

Pope Benedict 16th is going to be around for a while, like 2 years or so. I see no involvement with Russia.

Originally posted by RealistAir
about.) 4. Will the republicans win in 2012 elections? Will Barack Obama be assassinated?

I'm sorry, but your partisan hack wish don't come true. The Republicans won't win 2012, nor does Obama Loose.
And I predicted this back in 2009 about 2 attempts on Obama life. And here's the link. And here's what I said. "
1....... two attempts on Obama life will occur, but he'll be well alive and well in 2010."
Two Attempts did take place, but both were caught before they could carry out there deed.
My Advice: I hear Rush Limbaugh Ask Black People the following Question-"You've been voting for Democrats for 40+ years, what have they done for you?" I suggest you follow your own advice and ask your selves, "you've voted for republicans for 20+ years now, what have they done for you?"

Originally posted by RealistAir
about.) 5. Will Katla erupt soon? Will there be another (major) earthquake within a week?

No there will be no Eruption. Wait to months and watch the BBC. It won't be in the USA.

Originally posted by RealistAir
6. Will the Mayan gods come down on 2012? If not what will happen at the beginning or end of 2012?

My prediction for December 21, 2012, is that there will be these end of the world parties, so go ahead and party like its 1999.

Originally posted by RealistAir
about.)7. Will the magnetic poles fully shift in the next 3-5 years and cause a massive flood?

They Stay the same. Nothing drastic at all. What you describe is a Axis Shift. Pole Shift and Axis Shift are two separate things.

Originally posted by RealistAir
about.)8. Will the US have an economy collapse soon? Will California and/or Nevada be flooded cause of an earthquake?

The US economy is already in collapse. Just look around and you'll see it everywhere. The stimulus is only the air bag and the driver in the car is the American economy. And your supporting the people because they say Freedom for Business, lower taxes and such. Well Freedom is a responsibility, and when you treat your Freedom irresponsibility for the bottom line, you get what is happening now. Our economy is built on "spend here and spend now." The lower prices are killing us and were killing ourselves every time we go to WalMart.

Gas is only going to go up and since we still think of public Transit as a private Business and not the same way we think of Government duty to provide the means of Transport as it currently does through road construction. The only one good thing to come of this is that after a while of the fact that we as a nation can't get around, our way of thinking will come around, but we have to hit bottom before we get a great transit system like what they have in Europe. That's The Tragedy of all this. That will be around 2014.

Originally posted by RealistAir
9. Who will fire a nuke first? Israel? Iran? NK? or the US?

No Nukes go off. Iran don't do anything at all. They just stay there, thick headed. North Korea, slowly collapse and by 2020, its gone.

Originally posted by RealistAir
about.)10. Will i join the air force..

Only if you have good credit, and I recommend bootcamp in July.
They outsourced Security Clearance to the private sector, so if you have a lot of debt like me, you can't join. So that is why I am here answering your question.

Originally posted by RealistAir
11. What was going to happen to the US from what 'Where2Hide2006' referred to in his last post on here?

I wish I knew what you were referring too.

Originally posted by RealistAir
about.)12. What significant event will happen between these two dates -
Oct. 2010 to Feb. 2011

The Democrats have a majority.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by sirbikesalot06

Dude, i think remote viewing dosnt work afterlife. Im going to be "StarBoy" one of the biggest solider of GOOD in this universe all because to make GOD happy.

GOD dosnt judges you, no one does! You make your own life and afterlife. How ever there is a Death God (dont mistake it with GOD) who sends you to next life or hell for a certain time then another life is next.

Dont tell me its not like that, i know it is from 'higher beings' (you should of seen this) but you didnt because it dosnt work or you lie. I have a lot of knowledge from 'higher beings'.

Now i know remote viewing dosnt work in all aspects, only in certain and not perfectly. And now you know what i know without remote viewing.

Also i gues you cant remote view to see what higher beings are doing like the council of the 7.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by sirbikesalot06

You are right I did try to make one but only to end in failure.
But it was only my first try, will there be others ?
That is really to bad it would have bin nice to free the world of this monopoly.

That information can from an entity called bashar so was he wrong ?

Will I have the money to go see Kyron in august in Hawaii ?

Will I have good stock market picks this year to be able to reach my goal?

Will I see the KING and Queen of the Kahuns this year Kalel & Nahoku, they are the direct descendent's of the pleiadians.?

Will I build a double pyramid point to point one in the ground and the other on top in to a building that will be home base to all pleiadians that live on the west cost?

I alway find it a treat when some one can see what no one wants to see but is willing to see only the truth for as you know the truth is alway the last thing that most people want to hear it is easer to live in denial than to face the truth.

As for you my friend the riddle of life is only what you make of it, it's not that what you have is not use full to you, it is how use full you are to it that changes things. There is always a reason why, you may have heard a million of them and still the truth lauds you but the truth is not always what is's should be or will be but it could be. Your gift is your own, you have two ways to use it, in service to others or in service to self. You know the answer lies with you as we all do but a little validation always brings a
to on face does it not.

Good speed may your journey be swift and grand.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 01:24 AM
In what methods or ways will I find out or understand my mission on Earth?

How many guides, guardian angels, and patrons do you see around me?

What psychic senses is best suited or am strong at?

Thanks, looking forward to your insight/predictions

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 10:25 AM
Ok, I have a question about myself
Will I ever get pregnant?
That's all I want to know, Thank you in advance

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by sirbikesalot06

Originally posted by RealistAir
about.) Try these sirbikesalot06 and be specific as you can, I'm truly interested on your responses to these questions:

My prediction for December 21, 2012, is that there will be these end of the world parties, so go ahead and party like its 1999.

What do you mean "the end of the world parties"? Can you elaborate more on that?

And thanks in return.

[edit on 22-4-2010 by RealistAir]

[edit on 22-4-2010 by RealistAir]

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