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Scott Myers video: No people heard & sirens stop after hit

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posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:25 AM
What's the point of bringing suspicion behind this video.

The guy set the camera down and left it.

The sound afterwards was digital noise and it abstructs anything you'd hear.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:01 PM
If you were to pull this into Pro Tools or something similar you could probably isolate
various frequencies knock the noise floor down and with various filters like
(BIAS-sound soap) (or any restoration software or plugins) and
of course a lot of time you could probably hear the sirens underneath
as far as clipping or not goes most cameras
have an AGC (automatic gain control) circuit of one kind or another
some are better than others the better the AGC the faster they react
this is why some cameras will have clipping and others will not.


[edit on 5/4/2007 by geocom]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by geocom
If you were to pull this into Pro Tools or something similar you could probably isolate
various frequencies knock the noise floor down and with various filters like
(BIAS-sound soap) (or any restoration software or plugins) and
of course a lot of time you could probably hear the sirens underneath
as far as clipping or not goes most cameras
have an AGC (automatic gain control) circuit of one kind or another
some are better than others the better the AGC the faster they react
this is why some cameras will have clipping and others will not.

[edit on 5/4/2007 by geocom]

ProTools, DP3/4, CoolEdit/Audition, CueBase, Sonar....

Just about any of those apps could do it. You do something as easy as this... use a standard noise canceller. Go into the noise canceller, give it the first 5 seconds of audio so it can isolate it, then apply the noise filter to the rest of the track and tell the plugin to "Keep Noise Only" instead of remove noise.

Then you'll hear some sirens! I'll actually do this if I have to in order to prove this point. There ARE sirens in the track after the collision - the MIC is simply overdriven, and everything is pushed together under distortion.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 07:04 PM
It's difficult to hear the sirens after the plane hits but if you try hard enough I think they are discernable. I have never seen Scott's film before. It's weird that there is no voices around for us to hear. It does seem as if the camera was set up waiting for the second plane to hit the WTC but it must be a coincidence...or is it?

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 07:15 PM
OK people lets think about this...WHY CAN'T YOU HEAR ANY PEOPLE? Very simple...look how HIGH that camera is. It is on the roof of another building...look how close to the impact it was..which was on what..about the 80th to 90th floor...that puts this camera at maybe 50 stories or more. At that height, you are NOT going to hear ANYONE scream unless they are on that roof...simply to far away and your elevated so the mic won't pick it up.

As for the sirens you can hear them through the muffled mic after impact. So thats that!

Did they use CGI on this video...cmon..are you serious? No they didn't...and the person to set it up had no clue about the attacks...but whoever it was happen to get a hell of a view....

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 07:47 PM
The OP has failed to answer the burning question here:

Exactly what is your point here that you are trying to make?

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:28 PM
It seems very strange to me.
Almost as if the camera was set up in the most perfect place.
And it also seems like the audio was tampered with.
It sounds like a few seconds of sound looping over and over, or perhaps certain sounds were edited in or out.
It just seems too convenient.
Very disturbing.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by wu kung
It seems very strange to me.
Almost as if the camera was set up in the most perfect place.
And it also seems like the audio was tampered with.
It sounds like a few seconds of sound looping over and over, or perhaps certain sounds were edited in or out.
It just seems too convenient.
Very disturbing.

Yeha unless he had it up there as a webcam or something before the event, it is kinda wierd. Maybe after the first plane hit, he thought he better sit the camera up focused on the towers to catch the once-in-a-lifetime event, and then ran outside to see what was going on and talk to cops.

Who knows. I do get the weird feeling too, but there are some legit reasons for it. Its one of those things that could go either way.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 04:07 PM
have you lost your mind or your hearing ? there are TON'S of
sirens blaring after that hit . if you knew the least thing about camcorders
or bothered to do any homework at all , you would know that when there is
a noise that loud , there tends to be a thing called " limiting " on most
home video cameras . please , next time , do a little research or get some
q-tips .

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 06:43 PM
It seems to be a pretty "normal" kind of video until the point right after you hear the explosion. After this point, you CAN still hear the sirens (albeit extremely faintly) but what is with that strange noise that obliterates it?????

After the initial explosion was over, the mic (should) return to the normal level and again you should be able to hear the sirens, but this does not occur.

As has already been suggested, maybe the mic was damaged with the pressure wave from the explosion? That is the ONLY thing I could think of that could explain the weirdness after the explosion.

[edit on 5-5-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 07:58 PM
So what are you suggesting a plane didn't hit the tower? There were so many cameras running during 9/11, is it so hard to believe that one shows both towers... theres others that show both towers before the hit too.. Gimme a break.

Not this silly ass theory again again ........ sigh.

[edit on 5-5-2007 by nybaseball44]

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 01:10 AM
I don't hear the sirens after the explosion. That's very weird it should be there. There's no reason you shouldn't hear all the things that are missing. This wouldn't be the first fake 9/11 video to be shown. CNN's coverage was totally fake. Listen to the three different versions that CNN aired. There are three different audio tracks.

Almost all of the 2nd hit videos seem to be fake.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 01:23 AM
Killtown is a freakin' liar.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by Inannamute
1) I'm not really sure what you're asking - do you mean why DIDN'T the mic clip?

All the other videos you posted have a lower overall level of sound, not to mention being further away, apparently, and taken with different cameras..

I still don't get what you think this proves..

2) I mean, in the first one, you can't really hear any sirens at all.. MAYBE THEY FORGOT TO PUT THEM IN IN THAT ONE too..


1) Ok, not clip buy "limited". It was a really loud explosion just like the Myers video, so why didn't the mic "limit"? That video wasn't taken that much further away.

2) I used to mock in insult to, but that was when I was in 3rd grade.

Funny the "Cheney" video has lower volume sound of sirens.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by PepeLapew
I can hear the sirens after the crash, only very muted and drowned.

And you call me a liar!

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by gen.disaray
have you lost your mind or your hearing ? .... do a little research or get some
q-tips .

When I was in 3rd grade and couldn't debunk something, I would resort to insults.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 02:06 AM
bsregistration....its very simple...3 different people shot that footage near one another. Its any given time there are 5 million people on the streets..if you ever go there atleast 1 million of them have video cameras. So lets say 3000 people happened to be standing at that same angle when the second plane hits. 40 of those people are taping the tower one buring. All of a sudden here comes plane number 2. So now you have 3 videos with nearly the exact footage except that the 3 people who SUBMITTED their tapes to CNN (that explanes how CNN has 3 views..they just put their banner on the vid) are standing farther apart then you think. So the sounds in all 3 will be slightly different. Its only the loud scream of the one female that can be heard clearly in all 3 vids...which means she is the center point and all 3 camera holders are near her atleast.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
The OP has failed to answer the burning question here:

Exactly what is your point here that you are trying to make?

There is no point other then inserting lies and innuendo into the truth movement.

Just imagine if you will a clip that is made available on the net for millions and millions of people to watch, download, edit and modify. Of course some people are going to toy around with it hence ending up with a few "versions" of the original.

Well that's what you get with the OP and with this post by bsregistration:

BTW bsregistration and Killtown are one and the same.

It's like this: you film a video of your wedding and I get of copy of it then I change a few things in it, I change the soundtrack, I change a frame or two.
Then I release all 3 videos of the wedding and I proclaim that since there are 3 versions of your wedding then your wedding is a fake.
Does that make sense to you? Well it makes sense in Killtown's head.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by shadow_soldier1975
bsregistration....its very simple...3 different people shot that footage near one another. Its any given time there are 5 million people on the streets..if you ever go there atleast 1 million of them have video cameras. So lets say 3000 people happened to be standing at that same angle when the second plane hits. 40 of those people are taping the tower one buring. All of a sudden here comes plane number 2. So now you have 3 videos with nearly the exact footage except that the 3 people who SUBMITTED their tapes to CNN (that explanes how CNN has 3 views..they just put their banner on the vid) are standing farther apart then you think. So the sounds in all 3 will be slightly different. Its only the loud scream of the one female that can be heard clearly in all 3 vids...which means she is the center point and all 3 camera holders are near her atleast.

I love sarcasm!

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 01:55 PM
To answer the only question you appeared to ask Killtown, obviously all mics, like people, were not created equal. One camera is not identical to the next, that's why manufacturers charge different amounts for them, and give them different names.. cplkai knows his stuff when it comes to sound, since he works in the industry - his answer certainly made sense to me.

You however, other than insulting everyone that questioned you, still have yet to answer the crucial question - what exactly is this clip supposed to prove?

For those of us who work to find the truth, it can get really frustrating to have to listen to the kookier theories, the ones not based in science or rationality, every time we have to have a real discussion about the things that ARE there to question, so please, rather than declaring "this is the way it is", listen to reason, and accept that what you have here is a big fat nothing. Nice try, there IS still evidence out there that something isn't right, but this isn't it.

*edit* I watched the video.. sigh. It's blatantly obvious that the cameras were different ones - different picture quality, different contrast levels. It's also obvious from the sounds around them that the camera operators are standing in a fairly large group of people. It's not hard to believe that (a) a large group of people would have more than one camera and (b) one CNN employee could go up to that group and buy the video from all three people.

As to the question in the video "Why was killtown banned from loose change", for a guess, because you post things like this, essentially trolling sites where people are doing their best to find real evidence, not insubstantial fakery.

[edit on 6-5-2007 by Inannamute]

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