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Scott Myers video: No people heard & sirens stop after hit

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posted on May, 3 2007 @ 09:42 PM

This video is said to be taken by a Scott Myers. As far as I can tell, this person has never been interviewed or has publicly talked about filming this video (just like most of the other alleged 2nd WTC hit video filmers) and there is no evidence this Scott Myers exists other than taking the word of the gov't.

The camera is supposedly taken from a building on Broadway & John St and looks to be mounted on some kind of tripod as its filming up at the burning WTC.

Notice that the camera is pointed up at the middle of the two towers even though the North Tower on the right is only on fire.

It's as if he was anticipating the 2nd crash and the camera angle shows a perfectly unobstructed view of where this 2nd "plane" will eventually hit.

Also, notice that this video has audio and it recorded the sounds of multiple sirens going off, the sound of a plane, and also the sound of an explosion. However, not a single person is heard talking or screaming in this video. The alleged filmer (Myers) is not even heard in it.

Where are all the people? Where are all the screams after the 2nd plane hit? Where was this Scott Myers at any time during this video? Did he set his camera up on a tripod and then take off? Seems extremely odd that this video was able to record the sounds of all the sirens going off, the sound of a plane coming in, the sound of the explosion, but no humans talking or screaming.

Another extremely odd thing about this video is that all the sirens heard suddenly stop after the "plane" hits!

Other things to notice is that the sound of the explosion is greatly delayed from when the explosion happens and there is no deceleration, crumpling and/or breaking of this alleged aluminum plane as it is seen crashing into the side of this steel skyscraper.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 10:09 PM
Maybe the guy set it up and left for work? Or was evacuated? (were people close to towers evacuated? Probably not right?) And the explosion is delayed but its probably because of all the buildings echoing and stuff.... And the cameras audio seems to of gotten fuzzier after the plane hit but I think I could still faintly hear some sirens......

Im interested in knowing what the white hazy smoke is right after the plane hit

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 10:30 PM
Wow, that fireball is alot bigger than it looked on TV...It's huge!

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 10:39 PM
As far as the sound goes, sounds a whole lot like digital artifacts to me - after the plane hits, it's almost as if the camera's mic got blown or overwhelmed..

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 10:43 PM
Regarding the sound in the video, the camera has a compressor/limiter type of filter that "squeezes" the waveform as the decibels get higher. Before the plane hit, the input gain of the camera was high enough to pick up the sirens and ambient sounds, but the sound of the explosion which was much louder than the sirens pushed the entire waveform down, causing the sirens and ambient sounds to be inaudible relative to the post impact sounds.

EDIT: Inannamute got it right, and much more succinctly.

[edit on 5/3/2007 by Rotoplooker]

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 11:06 PM
There is absolutely no evidence that the camera's mic got "overwhelmed", in fact the volume seems to amplify after the explosion finishes and sirens all just cut off.

Sometimes I think people event stuff just to explain away an unpopular conspiracy theory.

[edit on 3-5-2007 by Killtown]

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 11:33 PM
Why don't we simply hear a roaring without digital artifacts? Volume != coherent data.

Listen carefully after the plane hits.. Not sure how to describe in a way other than digital artifact, but there's definitely not coherent sound there..

I'm not inventing things to explain away an unpopular conspiracy theory, I am questioning your theory, just as I would any other that I read on these boards. Just because you have a theory does not necessarily mean it is true.

Yes, the camera could have been set up by someone who knew what was coming, but logically, the moment of impact did not magically blow out all the sirens that were heard prior to impact - far more likely the camera suffered issues... Otherwise, how do you explain the sirens all magically turning off?

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 11:43 PM
I can still hear sirens after the plane hit, the plane is so loud i think it drowned out the sirens but if you listen carefully you can still hear them

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 11:49 PM
can you give me another example of a video cam's mic getting "overwhelmed"?

If the video is fake, the audio could have been dubbed in and that would explain the "digital artifacts" and why there are no screams and they f'd up and forget to continue the sirens.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by racerzeke
I can still hear sirens after the plane hit, the plane is so loud i think it drowned out the sirens but if you listen carefully you can still hear them

Funny, I don't.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 11:52 PM
Since I don't know as much about sound recording tech as would be necessary to properly analyze this, I asked a friend who does.. This is essentially what he said, edited for swearwords..

Inanna's Friend -
First off, explosions are loud. REALLY LOUD. Especially of that size. When the plane explodes, first off, the sound of the explosion would drown out the rest of the noise
Second off, the sound encoding sounds kinda shoddy, so it's not that unusual not not hear people, especially over the rest of the noise, and depending on where the camera is and how the mic is set up
And third, when it does hit, the sound doesn't clip, it just gets squashed at distorted. This means there's a limiter on the mic while it's recording, and it would make sense for that sound to overpower and crush the rest of the sounds going through it, as it hits the limiter going to tape.
Well, when it hits, you can hear the sound getting squashed, but it doesn't clip, like normally
So it means there's a limiter on the mic

Inannamute - clip?

Inanna's Friend -
Clip... like you know when you turn up somehting too loud and it starts to get that grindy distortion sound?
Or in voice chat when somebodies mic is too loud and it starts clipping

When you record an explosion with a limiter, it REALLY warps the nature of the sound, because of the dynamics of explosions, so it's entirely realistic to say that the explosion essentially overpowered the rest of the sounds.

There. Now I can go back to inventing things

Edit, to add one last comment by my friend

You can already tell just by listening that the mic on that camera isn't some pro-level shotgun mic. It's some generic consumer-grade mic
I think a lot of people seem to think that explosions aren't very loud, like how hollywood has it, you can still hear people, or a truck zooming away as a warehouse explodes behind them
No, those things are deafeningly loud

[edit on 3-5-2007 by Inannamute]

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 11:58 PM
Weird because I can, if the sirens go off it would be silent and not a annoying high pitch noise still

Also, if the sirens do go off what do it prove/disprove?

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Killtown

Notice that the camera is pointed up at the middle of the two towers even though the North Tower on the right is only on fire.

It's as if he was anticipating the 2nd crash and the camera angle shows a perfectly unobstructed view of where this 2nd "plane" will eventually hit.

The camera is positioned for dramatic affect. Having the pristine tower next to the burning tower adds contrast to composition of the shot. To eliminate the second tower from the shot would have weakened it artistically. I the camera man was shooting utilatiraly they would have done a close up on the fire. If they wanted a more dramatic shot of the second plane with still appearing legit they would have done a wider shot.
Further more why risk it? If the conspiracy theories are true why risk setting up a fake shot with a fake film maker? As far as I could tell there would be no point in doing that, being that everyone with a camera was that could film it did.

edit, removed imbeded video from OP

[edit on 4-5-2007 by Mr Mxyztplk]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:12 AM
here's the 2nd hit video taken close that you can hear the "loud" explosion. why did the mic clip on this one?

Some taken a little further:

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:33 AM
I'm not really sure what you're asking - do you mean why DIDN'T the mic clip?

All the other videos you posted have a lower overall level of sound, not to mention being further away, apparently, and taken with different cameras..

I still don't get what you think this proves..

I mean, in the first one, you can't really hear any sirens at all.. MAYBE THEY FORGOT TO PUT THEM IN IN THAT ONE too..


posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by Killtown
here's the 2nd hit video taken close that you can hear the "loud" explosion. why did the mic clip on this one?

First off, from that video, you can clearly hear either the cameraman, or at least somebody next to him talking. This means that the mic pattern is likely cardioid, and will pick up sounds nearby it, less at distance. In the top video, it's very hard to hear anything nearby, either signaling that the video was taking far away from normal street-level noise, or that a shotgun mic was being used. If the latter is the case, then there would be nearly no other sounds heard during the time of the explosion, as explained below. Also, listening to the ambience of the first video, it's obvious that the camera is pretty far away from the source of the sounds.

Not to mention the fact that these are completely different microphones being used anyways.

I don't know if you've heard any real explosions in your time, let alone having to record one, but they're deafeningly loud, loud enough that they cause problems when recording them with gear like that. Since there was no digital clipping present in the top video, just an extreme amount of compression, it signifies that a limiter was being used to tape, and when the explosion happens, the noise from it is easily loud enough to make the limiter push the signal down enough to drown out any other sound around it.

So yes, it's entirely reasonable for you not to be able to hear anything else while it's going off.

[edit on 4-5-2007 by cplkai]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 01:33 AM
I can hear the sirens after the crash, only very muted and drowned.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 02:21 AM
Yes, the MIC is clearly peaking/clipping with all the loud noices after the crash. The sirens are certainly still there, just hard to distinguish due to the distortion caused by overdriving the MIC.

Ok, back to ProTools™...

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 05:38 AM
More I watch this video more I feel like CGI was used.
Check the explosion reflects on the right building.
That looks like a video game to me.
No matter what anybody says.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 06:37 AM
I think ihear som sirns in the backgrond after th plane hits....Mayb the plane was to loud..Some people were told to evacuate after th first hit

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