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Police State Alert - The Police Attack FOX News crew

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posted on May, 4 2007 @ 10:20 AM
Malganis; Reporters are annoying ALL the time. What state statute did they pass that says that being annoying is against the law?
Besides this is only ONE example of their abuse of powers, this is just the latest example.
Read the rest of my post that I made earlier. Wait, you dont have to take my word for it. Just do a search in google using "examples of police brutality" or "police abusing powers" I guaranty that you will get over 1 million hits.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 11:08 AM
totally,totally pathetic. these people were doing nothing wrong.they were not doing anything wrong,as is their right to. the protesters,from what i can tell,were also peaceful. see,this is what discredits all the honest,decent hardworking cops out there( if there are any of them left). assholes...

[edit on 4-5-2007 by ka47]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:07 PM
How ironic that Bush has bashed China and Russia, like 2-3 days after, for their repression of freedom of press... What a clown!

From now on, never trust any elect politican or bureaucrat when they're bragging about "freedom", "democracy" or "liberty"... this is damn hypocrisy, nothing else.

[edit on 4/5/07 by Echtelion]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Echtelion
How ironic that Bush has bashed China and Russia, like 2-3 days after, for their repression of freedom of press... What a clown!

The press should disperse when told do. They are not above ordinary citizens.

And this is nothing like censorship in China. Nothing close.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:56 PM
Well the last thing that anyone should do is go right in the middle of a rowdy crowd if they don't expect to be smacked around by the police force. They should know better.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 04:56 PM
Yea ok, if you say so.
You are entitled to your opinion and while I respect that right, I dont agree.
Do yall know what this incident reminds me of? The videos that are shown by 9/11 protestors showing the cops telling them to stop taking videos and to leave an area that they are on, which is public property.
I may have missed this law being passed but can someone show me which statute that makes it illegal to take pictures or shoot video of cops or each other on public property?

Originally posted by laiguana
Well the last thing that anyone should do is go right in the middle of a rowdy crowd if they don't expect to be smacked around by the police force. They should know better.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
Sadly, nothing will come of this. This is in preparation for the coming police state. Freedom of the press - denied! There will some anemic explaination as to why the use of force was necessary and it will be placidly accepted by the majority of Americans. I am disgusted!

Actually, that is freedom of the press at its best. It was unedited (according to the woman who was assaulted, and she has no reason to lie) and she badmouthed the police, which suprised me since it was allowed on air. I was both pleased with the news for having the cojones to broadcast it, and displeased with the content of the video.

As for the video, it was quite disturbing. We need to think about the mob mentality, and how it effects civilians and both police officers. Yes, they may be trained, but if you give a group of mostly men some big sticks, bean bags, guns, and stand them against a group of people that outnumber them 10-to-1, they are gonna forgot that training really soon. Still, their actions (specifically those toward the reporter and her cameracrew) are inexcusable.

Concerning Fox News, you people are misinformed. That is a Fox News affiliate, not the cable station Fox News. That means they have a free hand to report whatever they wish so long as a portion of the profit goes to Fox headquarters. So dont form any bias towards that poor woman simply because you think she works for "big, bad, Fox news channel" because she doesnt.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 05:15 PM
The police and the the volunteers and the firefightesr are teh ignorant ones, either that or they're bought out.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Vekar
you folks remember Vietnam and how the cops would send a small group of men into a crowd to start fights and provoke "police intervention" how many of you know about the "black hand anarchists?" That or the "Black Fist Anarchists?" These are also two groups that go into peacefull protests, on behalf of the cops, and start throwing molotovs, rocks, burning cars, smashing windows, looting, etc.

Exactly. Vekar is on the mark here, the rest is clutter.

Such a well known old technique. Very effective.

Create a problem that is not there. Provide your "solution". Guerilla police state tactics 101. Must be in the field manual somewhere. Lemme see...

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 05:44 PM

The press should disperse when told do.

On what grounds?

They are not above ordinary citizens.

So ordinary citizens are what? slaves that have to obey?

And this is nothing like censorship in China. Nothing close

Yes nothing like that, except taping cell phones of jurnalists and reporters, and intimidating them.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by laiguana
Well the last thing that anyone should do is go right in the middle of a rowdy crowd if they don't expect to be smacked around by the police force. They should know better.

Why , wait this is funny, cops can't make the diffrence, are they that dumb?

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 07:05 PM
This is America- the police are not above the law either. They have rules and regulations that they must follow. Excessive force is not allowed. Sure I saw the tape and I am outraged. Suddenly hitting someone without just cause is excessive force. You can't do that. Sure keep the reporters back out of harms way was ok. To me it seemed that those police had no regard for anyone. If someone caused trouble for them then they should have arrest the people who caused the trouble instead of going after innocents too.

Yes America is turning into a police state.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 08:37 PM
I can agree that being in harms way to get a story can be at one's peril. But, as I have expressed elsewhere, those in law enforcement are not themselves above the law. Pointing a camera is not an unlawful act. Therefore, arbitrary acts of violence towards those who are not part of the 'riot' are unlawful. What's so hard to realize about that?

I too think that this 'march' by illegals was not covered under the Constitution, as they are not citizens. If the police viewed this as an illegal assembly, fine. But there is no call for going beyond the duty to disperse the crowd. If we allow the police the right to define who is causing a problem, then we must educate them to recognize the right of a free press to observe all the action that takes place.

There appears to have been an intent to bar the press from taping the action. Any reasonable person would infer from this that the officers involved knew they would use excessive force, and did not want their actions to be preserved on record.

When two or more people act in concert to accomplish an unlawful action, that is organized crime.

Again, this is not a reflection on all officers. Many are above such conduct. But it is sad that the number willing to be involved in such affairs is increasing. We are allowing a punk gang mentality to creep in when we condone or excuse such behavior.

Semper is right when he said that they should have been disciplined. He seems to be one of a dwindling number of trustworthy officers.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 10:37 PM
This is the action, of one police department, out of thousands across the nation. The LAPD has always done a great job of making themselves look bad. IMO, this has nothing to do with a police state, or an oncoming police state.

It was the actions of a single department in one city out of thousands across the nation.

Whether these were legitamate assholes attempting to incite a riot or police paid assholes, the cops did initially respond appropirately. However, the man in charge obviously had his own agenda, because there was no need for the police to get as carried away as they did. There are more than enough police, equipped with armor strong enough to stop bullets, let alone rocks hurled from someones hand, to be able to see exactly who did what, and quickly detain the specific individuals.

If I were a police officer having rocks thrown at me, I would not do a thing until an additional unit has come from behind the instigators to ensure they did not escape.

If these cops were at war, they would have been brought down quickly.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by DYepes
This is the action, of one police department, out of thousands across the nation. The LAPD has always done a great job of making themselves look bad. IMO, this has nothing to do with a police state, or an oncoming police state.

DYepes I respect your opinion but I disagree. First they take out the prayer in schools since that time they have been slowly hacking away at our freedoms. We're perhaps just 3 years away from the NAU forming. I don't know whats going to happen but it will be allot different then it used to be. The more people realize this sooner the better. America freedoms is threated.

Do you know what my Aunt told me a while ago? China owns the morgage companies and is supporting our war in Iraq. Why is China helping us? And what is China? A communist country. No police state? If you say so. But when armed police men or soldiers bust through your door or my door then we will think- This is a police state.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 11:04 PM
Ok this whole China owns mortgage companies is only part of the story. They own HSBC, and anything they are connected to incliding Orhard bank which offerse credit cards and such. Alot of foreign nations own some part of the US land and economy. But you have to look at the whole story. How many countries are owned partly, or close to entirely by the US?

And I dont know about that prayer being taken out of school. I have friends with siblings in High school where I used to go, and there are still morning prayer circles outside on the patio where they hang out. So I can't see where your coming from.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 11:24 PM
The Debates, the Presidential Election's, the Conferencing with Media, it's all stagged. The finest performance to ever come out of Hollywood masterminds...

Have Presidents, and Candidates ever written their own speeches for God Sakes. It sounds like everyone has a speech brain or a speech writer in their back pocket. Who really wrote the speech, was it his advisor, was it his speech writer, was it someone that relayed information to the speech writer that should be included in the speech. Who are the middle men to the secret government. We have to watch them not the diversion's aka the congress men and women and presidents.

[edit on 4-5-2007 by rrahim1]

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 12:05 AM
rrahim I do agree with you there, EVERY single thing on television (excluding much of public access television), including talk shows, reality shows, and court tv is completely staged and mostly paid actors. This is something that I feel requires to be disclosed.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 03:43 AM
I guess Im the only one that sees this for exactly what it is.

This is all part of the elitist NWO plan folks. This will certainly generate some sympathy for illegal immigrants now. Soon you'll see media more sympathetic with a call for immediate action on the part of congress.

The immigration issue was slipping off the radar screen for congress. It will be quickly back at the top of the list now.

Ive spent years doing research on the rockefellers and rothschild families. One thing I have learned is they are extremely clever and manipulative. More than most people realize. No doubt in my mind this was a clever plot on their part. Someone from the NWO definitely paid someone to toss a few bottles at police to provoke them. And probably at least a few police officers were "encouraged" to get rough around the cameras.

The results will make the merger with Mexico and Canada (North American Union) all that much easier.

[edit on 5-5-2007 by admriker444]

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 04:04 AM

Originally posted by tyranny22
This is appalling.

Do you think the President Bush should be impeached? Careful what you say. Saying such things could get you labeled as a "domestic terrorist." You could be locked up and subject to a Military Tribunal under the laws of the Patriot Act.

I'll respond like this.....the Gallows Pole awaits all traitors to this country.
Ive never heard the phrase "rule of law" spoken so much in my 40+ years

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