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Italian TV Network Covers WTC 7 Evidence (Must see video)

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posted on May, 2 2007 @ 07:02 PM

(PrisonPlanet)-Seven is exploding
On April 16, 2007, a major Italian network (Canale 5) has aired some conclusive evidence that Building 7 did not collapse on its own, but was deliberately taken down with the use of explosives.

The piece was part of a larger presentation we provided to the network as an update on the ongoing research on 9/11. In particular, we included a clip we had all seen many times before, but possibly never listened to with the full attention it deserved. Here is the 6 min. segment (please ignore yellow subtitles):

Yes, we all saw that last clip more than once, but each time we must have stopped at the powerful evidence the blast itself represents, while disregarding the ensuing exchange, which in our opinion represents the final nail in the coffin of the official version on WTC7. Without even the need to discuss Larry's intentionally ambiguous "pull it" statement.

Video here

[edit on 2-5-2007 by Black_Fox]

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 05:52 AM
Probably no one is watching it to the end.
This thread deserves a lot more attention.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 06:05 AM
I knew some mass media would eventually mention WTC7 but it's too late. The Italians, much like the rest of the world, have known about all this for a long time. If they speak up now it's that they want to appear truthful.

Too little and too late.

If a poison is being feed to you in your food and your wife knows it and keeps silent for 5 years, can you start to trust her when she finally tells you about the poison you've bee eating for the last five years?

Don't get your hopes up, this is just a smoke screen.

They surely don't tell the whole truth, I'll bet you a buck the Italian show put a spin on the whole thing.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 11:57 AM
Im surprised at the lack of attention this video is recieving.
People should watch it till the end,the last 3 mins are the most important.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 12:26 PM
If you add Senator John Kerry's recent admission when asked about WTC 7 and he replied they did it in a "controlled fashion" and you take all the other evidence that has been accumulated and documented I find it amazing there is still even a question as to how WTC 7 collapsed.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 12:40 PM
Id think the explosion on tape would be enough to blow the official story about Building 7 outta the water.Id like to hear someone explain the explosion away.Or explain away the police and firemen telling people to move away becuase the building is about to explode.

[edit on 3-5-2007 by Black_Fox]

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 12:58 PM
we need a shorter version of the video uploaded with the most interesting part.
Ppl still dont realize the importance of this video

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 02:43 PM
Im surprised at the lack of responses to this video.
I would have thought this would be a bigger deal.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 02:55 PM
I'll admit I don't know much about the circumstances of WTC 7 but why is there any outrage if they did in fact bring it down in a controlled fashion? Perhaps it was to aid the clean up process in some way?

Is the official story that it collapsed on its own? In that case I guess I would see why people would be upset since they would have been lied to, but is it also not possible that the peeps in charge decided not to reveal that it was brought down on purpose because they figured that people would react badly to that type of information? And they can't exactly go back on it now because people wouldn't be able to trust them.

Am I making sense? It makes sense to me at least...

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by DazedDave
I'll admit I don't know much about the circumstances of WTC 7 but why is there any outrage if they did in fact bring it down in a controlled fashion? Perhaps it was to aid the clean up process in some way?

Is the official story that it collapsed on its own? In that case I guess I would see why people would be upset since they would have been lied to, but is it also not possible that the peeps in charge decided not to reveal that it was brought down on purpose because they figured that people would react badly to that type of information? And they can't exactly go back on it now because people wouldn't be able to trust them.

Am I making sense? It makes sense to me at least...

Well if WTC 7 was a blazing inferno and they decided to bring it down because the building was a lost cause,it couldnt have been done on Sept 11th.It would have had to have been done after the fires had gone out.Afterall setting controlled demolitions takes time,and definately something that cant be done while a building was burning.So that would mean that the demolitions were placed in WTC 7 days/weeks before 9/11.Which then leads to many more questions.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 07:14 PM

Watch the vid straight to the end to hear a CLEAR EXPLOSION while firemen are on the phone.

"Building 7 is going to explode"
-"Yeah I know".

The reason there are no or little responses to this is: drumroll....

It cannot be explained away.

Too bad it will not get the attention it deserves in the Western, Zionist controlled main stream media.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox
Well if WTC 7 was a blazing inferno and they decided to bring it down because the building was a lost cause,it couldnt have been done on Sept 11th.It would have had to have been done after the fires had gone out.Afterall setting controlled demolitions takes time,and definately something that cant be done while a building was burning.So that would mean that the demolitions were placed in WTC 7 days/weeks before 9/11.Which then leads to many more questions.


CD takes weeks of planning

o This video presents strong indications of controlled demolition
o Lets not forget the clearvoyant media
o CD takes at weeks and the placing of the explosive itself days


Yes, but it was already rigged for demolition like all the other principle WTC buildings. Really? Why, How, Who?

Any more questions?

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
we need a shorter version of the video uploaded with the most interesting part.
Ppl still dont realize the importance of this video

Please do so, some of us have 56k and would like to see it.

Edit: I would like to see this part of the video so i can flag this thread.

[edit on 4-5-2007 by selfless]

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Black_Fox
Well if WTC 7 was a blazing inferno and they decided to bring it down because the building was a lost cause,it couldnt have been done on Sept 11th.It would have had to have been done after the fires had gone out.Afterall setting controlled demolitions takes time,and definately something that cant be done while a building was burning.So that would mean that the demolitions were placed in WTC 7 days/weeks before 9/11.Which then leads to many more questions.

Well if you look at videos and photos WTC 7 was not a blazing inferno. You had some fire and heavy smoke comming from the side with the damage but thier were only scattered fires on the other floors.

The reason it was brought down was the fire chief was afriad it might cause more damage and start more fires if it fell over to the side that was damaged.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
The reason it was brought down was the fire chief was afriad it might cause more damage and start more fires if it fell over to the side that was damaged.

Really? So in your opinion, how was the WTC 7 building brought down as stated in your above post?

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by greatlakes
Really? So in your opinion, how was the WTC 7 building brought down as stated in your above post?

Yes if you read the firemens timeline you will see that the firechief is worried about the building might collapse so he pulled the firefighters out early in the day. The phone call to Silverstein was not made untill later in the evening.

Well they did have demo teams there. Also fire rescue and police special ops teams that have the knowledge and tools to cut beams and do whats needed to bring down a building.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 04:19 PM
what is the big deal even if they did bring down good ole # 7 ?
there was alot of sensitive material in that build as it was home to
to about eight tenth's of all government services . and that's why i thought
it was done . to keep looters from getting their hands on anything . not
to mention weapons , cash and computers . i doubt it was to keep anyone
from finding any homing beakens .

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
Well they did have demo teams there. Also fire rescue and police special ops teams that have the knowledge and tools to cut beams and do whats needed to bring down a building.

So you are absolutely certain WTC7 was pulled down?

Well, to my knowledge it usually takes week of preparation to bring down a building like this. But hey, if you think they could dispatch a demolition team complete with several tons of explosives and equipments and have them perform that work all inside an afternoon in the middle of that pandemonium and panic then you must be right.

But if the building really was brought down, you have to ask yourself why Silverstein denied it. Ask yourself why a team of several engineers (NIST) and even the 9/11 commission are making sure not to talk about that building.

Truth be told, there are only a handful of teams around the world who can perform such a perfect demolition. Firefighters have neither the skills nor equipments to bring down a building in such a perfect way .... don't believe me? Call your local firehouse and ask them.

WTC7 was demolished but these precise explosives were installed in there BEFORE 9/11 and NIST, FEMA and 9/11 commission know this so they try really hard to not talk about WTC7.

They all know that if you realize that WTC7 was demolished, you will have to come to the conclusion that the explosives were installed before 9/11. And that would show they had not only prior knowledge, but they even in fact made 9/11 happen.

This is why you media (CNN, Fox, NY Times et al...) are trying really hard not to even show you the videos of WTC7's collapse, much less mention WTC7 at all.

[edit on 5-5-2007 by PepeLapew]

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by greatlakes
Really? So in your opinion, how was the WTC 7 building brought down as stated in your above post?

Yes if you read the firemens timeline you will see that the firechief is worried about the building might collapse so he pulled the firefighters out early in the day. The phone call to Silverstein was not made untill later in the evening.

Well they did have demo teams there. Also fire rescue and police special ops teams that have the knowledge and tools to cut beams and do whats needed to bring down a building.

On 9/11, in all that chaos, while the building is burning, in a couple hours?

Some people will believe anything just to hold on to the fantasy that their government is not behind this... this is not skepticism anymore this is denial.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by PepeLapew
Well, to my knowledge it usually takes week of preparation to bring down a building like this. But hey, if you think they could dispatch a demolition team complete with several tons of explosives and equipments and have them perform that work all inside an afternoon in the middle of that pandemonium and panic then you must be right.

But if the building really was brought down, you have to ask yourself why Silverstein denied it. Ask yourself why a team of several engineers (NIST) and even the 9/11 commission are making sure not to talk about that building.

Truth be told, there are only a handful of teams around the world who can perform such a perfect demolition. Firefighters have neither the skills nor equipments to bring down a building in such a perfect way .... don't believe me? Call your local firehouse and ask them.

This is why you media (CNN, Fox, NY Times et al...) are trying really hard not to even show you the videos of WTC7's collapse, much less mention WTC7 at all.

[edit on 5-5-2007 by PepeLapew]

1. Well a Swedish demo expert says it could be done with 30 - 40 guys.

2. NIST still can not come up with a full reason as to wahy it collapsed, they have deon some models but thier reports keep changing every few months. Yes they had some of the top demo teams there, like Controlled Demolition Inc. I have e-mailed a few of these teams to ask about the buidlings but 1 wrote back and stated they could not answer questions due to their being law suits.

3. The BBC and CNN all had live broadcasts stating that building collapsed at least 30 minutes before it acitually collapsed. Thats 1 reason you do not see it repeated.

[edit on 5-5-2007 by ULTIMA1]

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