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Student modifies FPS his high school

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posted on May, 20 2007 @ 10:57 PM
pfft, big deal

my friend made our highschool a counter-strike map back in the day...

we had fun playin 3 verse 3s on it with a few friends.. big deal

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 04:31 AM
Dude, people are pretty much convinced that video games create killers.

It's not VIDEO GAMES that create killers, it's ideas and influence.

If what people say were really the case, I'd be sneaking around in carboard boxes and slitting people's throats. (Gotta love MGS.)

But video game violence is another story.

This just reminds me of my hate for America. (Just a personal thing, really.)

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 12:29 PM
I made a map where I nuked the white house. No big deal. I would never do it in real life.... or would I?

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:06 PM
I somehow doubt that safety was the issue here. We may not want to admit it, but we could well be the last rebels. Or some of the last.

What was the lesson taught to all the other students the day they sent this kid away? CONFORM. Be politically correct. Do not deviate. You have no legal standing as a citizen of the United States, and we'll do the thinking for you from now on.

I would even bet that the argument was brought up by someone that they"had a responsibility to protect the other students" and that an "example has to be made before someone gets hurt." Big brother smothers us in love, even when he has to shove it in our face with a badge and a gun to back it up.

And there's a wee bit of hypocrisy going on right here at ATS. I haven't looked, but I'll bet that if I check out old threads from the day of the Virginia Tech shooting, I'll find some different tunes. Statements like "someone should have stopped him, after all, he had known mental problems." Or maybe, " Instead of being in Iraq we ought to be protecting our schools." That's how the NWO, or whatever it turns out to be, is getting us to give up our rights. They convince us that life is too perilous without them there to save us.

Now the truth,IMO, is in the middle between then and now. Yes, we need to protect everyone. But the sad truth is it is just not possible to make the world 100% safe. Life has risks, even for the young. But these kinds of actions of taking someones rights from them over nothing except our own fears is wrong. And from seat belts to gun laws, it is the cowardice of we citizens that let it happen this way.

The sad thing is, our leaders know just how to keep those fears fed. And this will let them make freedom only a memory. This event of punishing this person for a map sent a message loud and clear that kids are without any rights as Americans. And slowly it will not be just kids, but everyone. Because in America, everybody wants to go to Heaven, but they're all terrified of dying.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 12:16 AM
LOL, my school is LITERALLY a prison. They put big steel mesh screens over all the windows in the school. Every single one. The only ways in or out are through doors that are locked while school is in. There are only 6 that are kept unlocked. One at the end of each hallway and the 2 by the office. So if there's a fire outside a class room, everyone inside is #ed. Back on topic though, students have no rights it seems. Once the resource officer thought I had pot and threatened to search me after school. I wasn't on school property anymore so I told him no. He threatened to have me suspended for disobeying him, threatened to call in the drug dog, etc., for about 15 minutes and wouldn't let me go, so I told him that if he didn't have anything else to say, I was leaving. He went and called the vice-principal who came and told me that as a minor I had no rights. I just laughed and laughed, and then walked off. Of course, the next day I was called into his office and promptly searched, and then they tried to suspend me because they alleged that I disobeyed them, I just asked if they really wanted me to call an attorney and see what the law says in such matters. They keep a pretty close eye on me now.

[edit on 25-6-2007 by lonemaverick]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 12:21 AM
This is very easy to do. Since Doom, you could make your own maps. Give me a break, this is nothing but an overreaction to something perfectly harmless.

Give yourself a couple hours and you could do the same.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 11:07 AM
This is ridiculous. Murders and other random acts of terrorism were happening way before the invention of video games, yet this kid is shipped off like he threatened to blow up the school or something just for screwing around a little. Its not like he had a billion little cryptic letters around his room about how he was plotting to kill his fellow classmates or an arsenal of fire arms at his disposal. As for the swords... lots of people collect swords. When do they ever get arrested for it (I'm not counting if they stole them of course

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 11:21 AM
does anyone realize the real horror here? this kid made his own CS map, not an incredibly easy feat (considering how they speak about the details)... now they're sending him to a special school which will probably # him up for life. this kid is obviously computer savvy and should be working for the space program, instead in 3 years hell be a college drop out. if you ask me, its jealousy on the adults part because they just dont understand. "oh we cant possibly understand what this kid is doing, it must be bad bad bad". he didn't harm another person and probobly wasn't going to, but they sure did a good job of screwing up his life. now wherever this kid goes for the rest of his life he'll be that kid that might have shot up his school. i hope he does now, at least then it would have all been worth it.

[edit on 6/29/2007 by bokinsmowl]

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 01:15 PM
Yeah, this alarmism is terrifying. It seems to me that you can't do anything that's not politically correct anymore.

Not even as a nation, where are we going as a culture? This is getting way out of hand.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 01:14 PM
I find part of the news story quoted hilarious.

Swords were discovered in his room

What? His parents didn't know? They were hidden in his underwear drawer?! STFU. it sounds like saying "20kgs of Cocaine was discovered in his room, along with hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and a machine gun, hidden in a secret compartment cut into the ceiling".

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 03:20 PM
When I was in high school, I had a teacher who told us that some of his students the year before had made a Doom level of our high school. He thought it was funny. He certainly didn't think they were terrorists. That wasn't very long ago, either, probably about 1998 or so. Things sure have changed.

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