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Student modifies FPS his high school

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posted on May, 1 2007 @ 09:50 PM
This student created a downloadable map of his high school for a version of Counterstrike.

The televised news showed pieces of the game (which looked great) and the parents/teachers commented claiming the modified version was obviously and clearly Clements HS…down to the details, including the vending machines….

The student, whose name has not been released, was not arrested or charged by FBISD police, however, he was removed from Clements and transferred to M.R. Wood Alternative Education Center several days ago. Officials said he also complied with a police order to delete the game and game maps from his computer.

FBISD officials said Tuesday school administrators weighed the violent nature of the computer game – a modified version of Counterstrike – along with the discovery of swords in the boy’s room, and other undisclosed information,…

The backdrop for the game and website was Clements High School, according to Ford Bend Independent School District Police.

Fort Bend ISD incident report

I have often wondered how difficicult it would be for someone to do this, but never expected it at the highschool level. I can understand it would cause a scare some people…but a PC game?...especially when games today are so very detailed and situational.

His actions prompted the authotities to act…but as of yet, I have not seen a reports of any real threat(s).

The punishment seems a bit extreme…or is it?


posted on May, 1 2007 @ 09:54 PM
I would not be surprised if one out of ten highschoolers had the know-how of how to do this. A buddy and mine used to joke about doing this, almost did once or twice, but we kinda gave a damn about our grades and it would've been really time intensive. But we coulda done it, sure!

Don't get me wrong, I never for a second thought about actually going on a shooting spree, we were mainly just kind of thinking about doing as a statement, rebellion, stuff like that.

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 10:13 PM
I gathered it was probably easier than I thought (when in itself is not surprising)…

This part really got me:

an incident in which a student “engages in conduct relating to a false alarm or report (including a bomb threat) or a terroristic threat involving a public school.

Seriously…his action was not criminal. Send him to a councilor at least, but a “stuctured learning center”?

I did far worse in HS (and got caught)…of course that was a different day and age….but still.

M.L. Wood HS (SLC):

The Structured Learning Center is a setting along the continuum of Special Education services offered for students who are displaying long term challenging behaviors" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow"> M.L. Wood HS

It’s one small step away from Juvi…


posted on May, 7 2007 @ 10:21 PM
Everyone is safe now. They sent him to a school that he doesn't know the layout of so that he'll get lost and lock himself in a broom closet if he does go nuts.

Give me a break. Either he's dangerous or he isn't.

If he is, this is a pathetic passing of the buck and the parents of students at MR Wood AEC should contact a lawyer.

If he isn't, then he's being unjustly punished for having bad taste... and what teenager doesn't?

You'd think they'd either render him harmless, or if he's harmless, do something constructive with him.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 10:32 PM
Armed with the little knowlege we have about these things we shall.

1. Over-react to the highest degree.
2. Lock up or Burn everyone who gets in our way.
3. Declare this the true and righteous path.
4. Remove all aspects of common sence from our lives
5. Lock up or Burn everyone who gets in our way.

Taken from witch-hunter weekly. The excellent new publication for a crazy ass world.

A few months ago it may have been seen as "ha ha that's quite amusing kevin, now go and sharpen all the pencils." Now that everyone is in uber-over-react mode, it wasn't the most intelligent thing to do. Silly boy!

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 10:45 PM
I always wanted to put my math teacher into a doom wad file when I was in school. I never even considered shooting her. I just thought she looked a bit fatter and scarrier than the caco-demons.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 12:38 AM
I think they over-reacted... It would be pretty cool to play a game you like inside a place you go almost everyday... so, he decided to make his own map of something he was fermilyer(?) with, but what?... your home is too small, not enough hallways... outside is no fun, a school is just the perfect place to play in.

It sucks that he got caught, it is just what those anti-violent video game people were looking for. I know people who collect swords, so? I would like to see what he did illegal... copyrighted blueprints?

I would love to play some halo 2 in my school man! although, it wouldent be a very good map because its not open enough but, I think the game that this is about is mostly indoors and hallways, I don't know though.


posted on May, 8 2007 @ 12:49 AM
How stupid is that? Over-reaction again by US police...

And some have the balls to claim the UK is a Police state!
Not likely...

Me and my best mate once got half way through making an Unreal 2004 map of my town centre. We didn't once consider actually doing it in real life. But we thought it would be fun to run around somewhere we knew with big fantasy weapons, blowing up evil invading Aliens... Should I be arrested as well?

(bare in mind we are both in our 20's, so we should "know better" too, I suppose... It's only a game!! Jeebus....)

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 01:27 PM
Hahah, I did that when I was 16 (half life). It was really fun going round and blowing holes in the teachers (scientists).

If the police told me to delete that I'd tell them to # themselves.

I made one of my house too, and had fun blowing my brother into nothing more than a liquid.

Really, was I so ahead of the times?

How about Deus Ex, which features a terrorist story in real-world locations?


[edit on 10-5-2007 by x4nder]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 01:43 PM
I did this with Quake 3 and a few key locations of the town I was living in. It was awsome to play with a bunch of friends and be able to run into the school, run into each others houses, run downtown to some of our hangouts. It was a huge map. Not very detailed but enough so you new where you were.

As far as having swords? Tell me a teenage kid who doesnt think swords are cool. theyre like dinosaurs or monster trucks. Universally cool.

I was playing C&C3 last night. I had to take out the pentagon. I must be a terrotist!!

I feel real bad for these kids now. They have no freedom whatsoever. If they dress odd, have their hair a certain way, say anything about anyone they get investigated. A Boy Scout cant have a pocket knife. Kids cant play tag because its too rough. Its like theyre all crated dogs.

Never in a million years are any of my kids going to government schools. Not unless I can find a school where the teachers will meet with parents without copping attitudes, the playground still has a see-saw, the school has a rifle team, and the math classes arent showing Al Gore's movie. Oh, and no terror response drills!! A friend of mine works at a pre-school that has them.
Because alarms, screaming, and storm troopers running through the building doesnt adversly effect child development or anything

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by stumason
How stupid is that? Over-reaction again by US police...

And some have the balls to claim the UK is a Police state!
Not likely...

The U.S. schools are prisons. The colleges will be shortly. This doesnt mean that the U.K is NOT a police state. Its nothing to laugh about. Theres nothing funny here. We're all in big trouble. Doing something stupid like going back and forth "your countries more totalitarian than mine" is going to screw us all.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:29 AM

It's a game, and to be honest playing in a place you know so well with so many buildings; would be FUN! Am I going to be removed from my school?

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:59 AM
This is pretty pathetic. Does freedom of expression even exist anymore? This is not hard to do all you need is some type of map editor. Hell, back when the game Doom was popular I use to create maps of my house down to as much detail as I could. It was fun and was actually pretty challenging figuring out how to add all sorts of details.

The schools in the US are pathetic. What happened to the students 1st amendment rights? More and more it seems like they are non existent.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 09:28 AM
I agree, the over reaction has become indicative of the general public school system. But, as a side argument, public schools are rapidly attempting to replace the ‘family’ when it comes to disciplining children because the administrators are virtually being handed this responsibility. In reality, public school punishment(s) no longer really involve the parent(s) anymore…rules, policies and laws are quickly replacing reason.

The student in the case of this thread has become a victim of such polices; stretched to fit the school administration’s wants and the public’s expectations. The more I thought about it…it’s the general public that wants and expects this type of responsibility from school administrations.

I completely disagree with the punishment as doled-out by the school district; but there is no public outcry against the districts actions…which is somewhat telling.


posted on May, 11 2007 @ 11:05 AM
i tried doing this same exact thing when I was in high school, however that was in the Duke Nukem / Doom era. I would have done it too, but just lacked the motivation and 3d skills at the time.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 08:43 AM
OMFG. He got way further than me and some of my mates..
We'd planned on making a map of our school (Callington Community College) for Unreal Tournament. It would have been sweet. Multiple school buildings, towers (chimney over boiler room) tight corridors and plenty of side rooms and ways around.

Unfortunately, we needed a layout of the school. It's pretty complex, and we couldn't remember it all. Plus we wanted to get some measurements, to scale it properly. So, to the admin block, ask for a site map, and as soon as they know what we plan.
No. Small speech about responsibility, etc.
Load of rubbish.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 08:47 AM

I played a McDonalds map, a Giant Air Hockey Map....

No rampages.

it's not like he went and changed the hostages to match students faces or teachers or anything

he just made a god dang map for a freaking video game!!!!!

Maybe its what the world needs, we all know how crappily columbine was handle maybe these guys need to play CSS on some school maps incase anothe school shooting happens



ahem, think I'll go kill some pixels.

edit: for the am

[edit on 19-5-2007 by Lysergic]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 08:51 AM
i made 2 of my ex companies in quake engine and a local bar in my city for counter strike: source
crap even my bosses played them and loved it

so are we all terrorists now

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 08:52 AM
Hey now I play CT :p

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 10:51 AM
Perhaps the making of the school-map for a FPS game was the final tick in the check-boxes for a psychological profile of a would-be shooter. But what this guy did was nothing compared to the teachers who staged the mock gunman attack on their 6th grade pupils.

Did these teachers get sent for psychiatric evaluation or removed from teaching duties at their school? No.

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