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video of triangle ufo over city...

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posted on May, 1 2007 @ 11:18 PM
anyone want to comment on this one...?

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 11:20 PM
The only thing that makes me want to think that it is real, is that the "craft" in the video looks almost exactly how I would imagine the "next" high-tech military aircraft to look like. I mean just look at the thing. It makes sense. It looks like a revamped stealth bomber or something and it flies just like a regular jet does...

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 11:25 PM
Just watched it then and I thought hey! whast my mouse cursor doing flying across the screen. I agree with everyone else looks like a fake especially his shotty camera work wich conviniently fades out at the angles you should be able to get to see the best angles of the craft.

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 11:30 PM
Yes Diplomat, I agree, that is why I wonder... why would a military "black" craft do a fly-by over a populated area?...(the only other explanation is it IS a fake video...)...or it really is an ET craft...but then why would they fly blatantly over a populated area?..(assuming we arrogant humans would know the motives of ET's...Ha...)

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by coastlinekid
Yes Doc, the audio is suspect, but I notice that you do not acknowledge the video itself,...nitpicking the audio on a video of an anomalous object is noteworthy, but does not address the issue at hand.

I believe that we must consider every aspect of the offering in our effort to validate or refute the offering as a whole. Suspect audio may suggest suspect video, just as flashy opening and closing credits may tend to corrupt our consideration of otherwise candid footage.

As for the video itself, I believe this "craft" is at least comparable to a so-so CGI creation — in fact, I've seen better CGI by rank amateurs. I find it difficult to accept that a large aircraft (I'm estimating this thing at commercial airliner size) could cruise in low and slow over a Western city in broad daylight without triggering a Homeland Security alarm that would echo around the world, headlining The Drudge Report, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, the BBC and so on and so forth.

But perhaps it is radar invisible, you may suggest. Okay, throw radar out the window — this thing is entirely visible to the naked eye under a clear sky, and it doesn't seem in much of a hurry. Somebody would have seen it coming and reported it to the authorities long before it arrived in downtown wherever this is. Where are the hundreds or thousands of other eyewitnesses? Where are their multiple accounts and videos and digital images? Why isn't this the headlining UFO footage of the year?

I'll tell you why, using the words of coastlinekid, the YouTube contributor who posted this video: "this is a video I got off a site that is gone"

Uh, say what? Was the site gone before he obtained the video? Obviously not. And why is the site gone now? And how long ago was the site shut down? How old is this video? Why is it only surfacing at YouTube on May 1, 2007?

See, it's hard for me to be excited about a bombshell video that has no provenance whatsoever.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 5/1/2007 by Doc Velocity]

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by coastlinekid
anyone want to comment on this one...?

I don't like that video because the cameraman gives us nothing else in the frame for reference. You can't even tell if that "disc" is in the sky, against a black screen, or who knows what. The video is just too short and does not show enough at all...

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 11:41 PM
Yes Doc, your observations are valid in my opinion.

I did not not submit this video to convince anyone of its validity...

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 11:41 PM
Extremely well said doc. Also to comment on that second video it looks like somebody sitting in there bedroom with the lights off and some flashing toy...Are you sure the website you got these videos from wasn't a lets see who can make the most realistic looking ufo video site?

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 11:46 PM
No MrRobarto, I did not,... these are videos I submitted for discussion and playful banter,...

I thank you for your input...

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 01:26 AM
Looks real but who knows if it's authentic because I don't. Nice Vid though either way

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 02:20 AM
Notice at about 00:20 the camera shakes violently and it looks like the object streaks off downwrds as the camera is moving up. Just visual observation of course I can't say for sure. It then reappears well above it's original height only seconds before.
As well as the jump at the start and appearing infront of the trees, this all pretty much shows some basic compositing errors.

[edit on 2-5-2007 by squiz]

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 03:39 AM
Well considering both of those videos come from the same person and were both loaded to you tube within an hour of each other I'd say fake.Also if a vehicle like that was flying over a populated area hundreds of people would of seen it,it would of been recorded on many digital camera's \ cell phones and would be national news.

[edit on 2-5-2007 by Samblak]

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 04:00 AM

Thanks for posting your Youtube video. Could you give us some background on this night image you filmed?

I hope your video is real.. if not i'm sensing a rapidly growing trend of people producing CGI footage to see who can make the most convincing.

I think it expanded from people trying to fake the O'Hare incident with fake pictures and videos. I feel it is becoming much more difficult now to determine genuine from CGI and because the footage is much clearer now i'm concerned that we will possibly brush off a genuine video as fake.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by Diplomat
Well the most logical explanation is probably CGI. To me it looks like CGI.

If that is a real craft though, I don't think it is an Alien craft because it is flying low, slow, and in a straight line. So if that really was a real craft, my guess is it is a new military aircraft. The "craft" in this video doesn't seem to be ridiculously designed as if it were from outside of this world. It looks like it could simply be a new type of stealth bomber type jet... Probably just CGI though...

Please excuse my ignorance, but what does CGI stand for?

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by Mukiwa

Please excuse my ignorance, but what does CGI stand for?

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 05:29 AM
It looks very fake to me, if you watch the movie frame by frame, when the camera starts moving everywhere just after the antennas the craft just disappears in one frame and reappears higher up and facing in a different direction. And also on the very first frames of the video you can visibly see that the craft just pops up out of the tree, so that means it's a very small craft the size of the top of a tree, then just appears really big near the antennas, a real perspective problem there.

And also don't see the end of the vid which brings down the credibilty, but then again even if we do the the craft taking off people just say "oh no that just doesn't seem possible"

example very well known video (people say it's fake coz it doesn't look right) :

who knows how these crafts move ?

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by coastlinekid
here is another video of a UFO,... I like this one 'cause it reminds me of "close encounters"...Ha...

the way the date is displayed is suspect alone . nice find though .

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 07:06 AM
This video is in gray area. Although the footage is convincing and it would take a lot of effort to create it artificially, there are other issues:

-only one guy taped it in the whole town, not possible
-only one witness
-no related news coverage or reports
-the originating site disappeared, very suspicious
-it moves like a jet and is aerodynamic, the design looks earthly
-there is a bad jump in the video, where the motion tracking seems to be wrong.
-the user has another vid which is also suspicious
-he did not come out of the car to take a good look and even though the FO did not disappear, he did not flim it
-he did not call police or his friends
-etc etc etc


posted on May, 2 2007 @ 07:07 AM
I watched that video, along with the other one that coastlinekid linked to.

Those are both great, clear videos. The second video, in particular, "seems" more authentic (i.e., real and physical), more because of the camera movements, and what I see as pretty good "atmospheric" fuzzing on the lights, etc (my opinion).

I say this because, unlike the first video where the object seems to be fixed at one distance and moving smoothly across the sky, the second video shows more authentic camera shake, and zooming into the object.

To do the second video as CGI would also require, in my mind, a good amount of knowledge of how to effectively duplicate the real shakes/movements of a camera, which that second video does to good effect.

It's one thing to be able to create an object that looks real, but something completely different to create authentic looking camera movement. They would seem like almost two different disciplines.

There seems to be some atmospheric "fuzz" for lack of a better word, around the object, but that could also be to effective "hazing" of the rim of the object and around the lights...

Just thinking out loud.

It's interesting to note the addition of this new video, and the recent article on that shows images and drawings of a similar craft that was sighted in the early 70's.

Here's a link to the Rense article.

Thanks for posting, coastline. Hope these are real. LOL If not, they're impressive fakes.

[edit on 2-5-2007 by OnTheDeck]

[edit on 2-5-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 07:17 AM
I do!
(On The Deck was asking if anyone who has seen a UFO to comment if what they saw looked like the one in this video in this thread -but apparently she edited out that request in her post sometime before I finished typing and posted this post in response to her question... )

The 2 triangles that I saw didn't move like this at all because (after they slowly moved in closer in our direction) they were both hovering stationary in one spot (one was close and the other was much further away).
And then when they did start to move again, they moved very slowly in one direction along the same path they came in on where finally they zipped off so quickly, if I had blinked my eye at the moment when they did that, it would have looked more as if they had disappeared out of thin air in a now you see it, now you don't sort of fashion.

Also, the ones I saw were perfect triangles (not like the one in this video) of a frosty metallic grey -- saw them around 4 pm till about 4:10 or so where after that 2 military jets showed up and zoomed after them but by that time they had disappeared from our sight.

As we were really only focusing on the one that was closer to us where we were looking up at it in such a way that we could see that it had pulsing glowing lights of different colors under it -- the color I found most interesting were the red lights but it was more like a red in the orange/pink range -- very odd. While seeing that I commented to those whom I was with about the strange shade of that color.

Anyway, when viewing these UFO video's that are on U-Tube, I always find it funny that those UFOs are always filmed at the same distance from the video recorder. You would think that these people who are creating these CGI movies would have more imagination and actually show a UFO where they are positioned almost directly under one or at some variation of that position -- but so far this is never the case. Lol, I wonder why??

PS -- only referring to the first video shown in this thread... didn't know there was a second one but will view that too...

[edit on 2-5-2007 by Palasheea]

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