posted on May, 1 2007 @ 09:50 PM
The videographer starts out his monologue with "I'm gettin' it, I'm gettin' it," as though he is reassuring another party (presumably in
the car with him). And he ends with an anxious "Where is that zoom button thing??" Again, he's speaking to somebody else — or at least
that's how we're supposed to interpret his monologue. After all, more witnesses increase credibility, right?
But what blows it for me is that the other witness never makes a sound. And the videographer's hushed "Whoa, I don't friggin' believe
this" just doesn't convince me that he is awestruck.
Hell, I'd be yelling "Christ Jesus, do you see that?? Tell me you see that!! Hey, lady, come here!! Do you see that??" I
mean, I know how I would react, because I reacted in this exact manner in a supermarket parking lot back in 1987, when I and several other
witnesses saw a globular triangle rise up out of an adjacent forest (but that is for another thread). I'd be hollering and laughing
and whooping it up like a kid on Christmas morning.
But the best our videographer can manage is a breathy whisper. I don't buy it.
— Doc Velocity