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ATS Poll: 9/11 Conspiracy vs 9/11 Story

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posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by blue73
No conspiracy what so ever.
The fact of the matter is The US got done in!
Your guard was down, You never thought it would happen to You and You got cockey.
Simple as.

Unintelligent. The US guard was not down. The US has had "it", (terrorists involved actions against them),"happen" before. Cockey? How? By living and trying to survive on earth with so many other country's "starting" wars that force the US to get involved in? Researching history of wars recommended. The US citizen's did not bring 9/11 onto themselves and I feel for all those who lost their lives, or as some say "got done in".

When non-Americans assume that all Americans are supporting and encouraging their current Government leader's wrong doings, (which is the 'vibe' that is placed out there when one speaks of US citizens as being the "you" when US leader's do wrong), really makes one think how smart it is to judge a country's 'people' by the actions of that country's current Government leader's, it's not so smart. If we did then every person on earth is a liar, backstabbing, greedy, power hungry, control freaking individual to say the least, and we are all not that way. No Government has ever been or ever will be perfect. Now or in the future.

"My vote", on this poll is a Yes because the facts aren't consistent with the US Governments explanation.

[edit on 4/29/2007 by BuzzingOn]

[edit on 4/29/2007 by BuzzingOn]

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 04:45 PM
I'm heading out the door as I post this, but I'm gonna have to say yes to a conspiracy behind 9/11.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 04:54 PM
Yes, it was a conspiracy. Without a doubt.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 05:09 PM
whether or not the government had direct involvement in 9/11 is still shady to me but do i believe that they knew this was coming? of course

so i guess this would mean YES, i believe there is a conspiracy involved in 9/11

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 06:13 PM

the scales are tipped way to the conspiracy side.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 06:32 PM

What are you YES guys smoking?

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 06:37 PM
Without a doubt,yes.
9/11 was an inside job.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by BuzzingOn

Originally posted by blue73
No conspiracy what so ever.
The fact of the matter is The US got done in!
Your guard was down, You never thought it would happen to You and You got cockey.
Simple as.

Unintelligent. The US guard was not down. The US has had "it", (terrorists involved actions against them),"happen" before. Cockey? How? By living and trying to survive on earth with so many other country's "starting" wars that force the US to get involved in? Researching history of wars recommended. The US citizen's did not bring 9/11 onto themselves and I feel for all those who lost their lives, or as some say "got done in".

When non-Americans assume that all Americans are supporting and encouraging their current Government leader's wrong doings, (which is the 'vibe' that is placed out there when one speaks of US citizens as being the "you" when US leader's do wrong), really makes one think how smart it is to judge a country's 'people' by the actions of that country's current Government leader's, it's not so smart. If we did then every person on earth is a liar, backstabbing, greedy, power hungry, control freaking individual to say the least, and we are all not that way. No Government has ever been or ever will be perfect. Now or in the future.

"My vote", on this poll is a Yes because the facts aren't consistent with the US Governments explanation.

[edit on 4/29/2007 by BuzzingOn]

[edit on 4/29/2007 by BuzzingOn]

Please stop it. anything if not all the conflicts the US have been a part of have ended tragically. You know nothing of terrorism.

Your only claim to fame regarding terrorism was to execute Timothy McVay...

9/11 was not an inside job. There isn't a single member of Congress/Military/Parliament/Church/TV in the US that has the capacity to do so..

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 08:15 PM
Dear blue73:

It would be interesting to know what country you’re from and what nation you’re most loyal to. Because you’re lamenting about how we (the U.S.) “know nothing of terrorism”. And you are right about that. We’re not experienced in that field, we didn’t need to be.

Prior to 9-11 there had never been an Islamo-terror attack on U.S. soil other than the arguably also bogus 1993 WTC bombing. Some foreign countries have been craving for years that we might also feel some of the ‘pains’ they have. But disappointingly no one could be found motivated enough to set off bombs in our cities other than Timothy McVeigh, and he needed ‘help’ from professional demolitionists.

People like the Una-bomber were useless (to shore up support for a ‘war against terror’) since they were ‘only’ targeting one individual at a time. Hardly enough to rattle the American people out of their ‘complacency’. Still, it took the FBI TWENTY years to find him, and only after his brother ratted him out. How efficient that we were able to develop an entire organizational chart of all the highjackers and their masters after only TWO days! Actually we already knew who the big enchilada was HOURS after the first ‘attacks’ — Osama Bin Gone, err, Laden! And better yet, with even more foresight, deputy defense secretary du jour Paul Wolfowitz was finger-pointing Iraq as the culprit while the twin towers were still smoking!

The Wizard In The Woods

Guys, remember to keep flagging tyranny22’s post. Let’s force it straight to the top!

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by blue73

Originally posted by BuzzingOn

Originally posted by blue73
No conspiracy what so ever.
The fact of the matter is The US got done in!
Your guard was down, You never thought it would happen to You and You got cockey.
Simple as.

Unintelligent. The US guard was not down. The US has had "it", (terrorists involved actions against them),"happen" before. Cockey? How? By living and trying to survive on earth with so many other country's "starting" wars that force the US to get involved in? Researching history of wars recommended. The US citizen's did not bring 9/11 onto themselves and I feel for all those who lost their lives, or as some say "got done in".

When non-Americans assume that all Americans are supporting and encouraging their current Government leader's wrong doings, (which is the 'vibe' that is placed out there when one speaks of US citizens as being the "you" when US leader's do wrong), really makes one think how smart it is to judge a country's 'people' by the actions of that country's current Government leader's, it's not so smart. If we did then every person on earth is a liar, backstabbing, greedy, power hungry, control freaking individual to say the least, and we are all not that way. No Government has ever been or ever will be perfect. Now or in the future.

"My vote", on this poll is a Yes because the facts aren't consistent with the US Governments explanation.

[edit on 4/29/2007 by BuzzingOn]

[edit on 4/29/2007 by BuzzingOn]

Please stop it. anything if not all the conflicts the US have been a part of have ended tragically. You know nothing of terrorism.

Your only claim to fame regarding terrorism was to execute Timothy McVay...

9/11 was not an inside job. There isn't a single member of Congress/Military/Parliament/Church/TV in the US that has the capacity to do so..

You are saying that our govt didnt have the capacity to do an inside job like 9/11? Why cant they wire a building for a demo? Do you really think the CIA,FBI etc cant wire a building to explode? Im sorry that last comment makes no sense whatsoever.

And you guessed it my vote most definitely YES
9/11 was an inside job designed to make the people give up rights
willingly and start a never-ending War on Terror.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 08:32 PM
Good effort but the results of this poll will obviously be biased. ATS is a conspiracy forum populated primarily by those who look for connspiracies around every corner. Frankly, I'm surprised you got as many "no's" as you did.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 08:43 PM
I'm not completely sure, however the witholding of evidence lends credence to CTer's side, and the resulting foreign pollicies bennefit those in power, so a shaky kind of a "YES"

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 09:20 PM
Yes - the evidence is staggering.


posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

What are you YES guys smoking?

that would be Orange Kush.

****************NEW RESULTS****************

I agree, the results have been staggering, even for a conspiracy forum, but I think they would've been much different had I offered a "gray" area such as "Prior knowledge, but no involvment". That's a poll for the future.

Votes: 45

Yes = 88.88%

No = 11.11%

keep posting

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 10:05 PM
your question is not as black and white as you make it out to be .
i believe 90% of the governments story . but im no fool . i know that
planes hit the wtc , the pentagon and either crashed or was shot down over
w.v. . and if they shot 93 down , it saved lives .
i do not buy into this crazyness about holograms , nukes or missles .
ive watched the wtc fall enough times to see that both towers gave way at
the point of impact . and if you watch it , you will too .
but to say that either you believe " A " or " B " is too simple at best .
but in the same breath i CAN say that i do not believe that bush and his
croney's planned this for some type of bs change . that crap is only
for the nwo crowd .

edit ---

your figures are so lop-sided for one simple fact , only the truthers
have the patient's for this kind of non-sense anymore . it's like beating a dead horse . sorry for the un-intended pun .

[edit on 29-4-2007 by gen.disaray]

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by billybob
yes. massive conspiracy. one of the darkest in history. and getting worse as the divide between rulers and ruled widens in the new total police state.

Put me down for yes and ^^^.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 09:41 AM
YES YES YES Inside Job!!!!

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 09:58 AM
YES- Without a doubt!!!

Just look at building 7!!!! There is not way that this building could come down perfectly symmetrical at all four corners at free fall speeds, due to some fires that were unevenly spread in the building!!!! If looking at this doesn't scream inside job, then I don't know what does.

Oh yeah, I forgot the add the hundreds of other questions that just don't add up!!!!

It seems the government wants us to believe that steel buildings are made out of balsa wood, and massive airplanes are actually made out of cardboard...

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 10:22 AM
90 links to info or dis info web pages

And thats only on one site.

I have seen sites that specialize on just one aspect.

Why don't the government use the data instead of ignoring it.

The National Security handlers should be generating useful products
instead of things and operations that don't make sense.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 10:32 AM
I don't know what to believe. NORAD clueless....I don't buy it, only one camera showing something hit the pentagon...., 3 steel buildings collapsing at almost freefall speed, 2 wars one for oil and one for heroin/natural gas, Cheney giving an order to an aid regaurding the object heading toward the pentagon. Well something just looks fishy here so I would have to say,

And this is coming of a former supporter of the war on terrorism and Bush.

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