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What was the deepest motivation of Nazism?

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posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 03:11 PM
IMO, it's all about control.
Throughout all of the history of human civilization, governments have always sought to control the people. The thing that made the original American Constitutional Republic different was that it was supposed to put government under control of the people!

[edit on 28-4-2007 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 04:13 PM
a brief history.
germany lost ww1
has to pay reparatations to the allies(ie germany is skint)
the great depression (germany paying reparatations even more skint)
hitler comes to power by refusing to pay reparatations(im not paying you in sterling and dollars)[think iraq wanting payment in euros for there oil]
invited/invaded austria(we contol our backyard)[american forign policy in central/south america]
we need to pay for this(invade poland for her natural resources)
england and france declare war (lets kick ass and plunder thier empires)
defeat france and isolate england( where the new kids on the block)
get all exicited lets take over russia we can beat anyone( forgot about napoleon)
america finally decides wich is the right side

history is written by the victors

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by tonychistory is written by the victors

Too true. But it doesn't always mean that they rewrite it as the truth; This still deals with the concept of gaining\having control...of information.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 04:46 PM
how do you know they havent rewritten it twice or al

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 04:48 PM
Did you read the thread at the link I provided in my previous post? I admit, it is pretty lengthy.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 04:54 PM
no i suffer from ADD/doobies, link was far to long. but i didnt mean to offend you, it was just a question. btw are their many facists where you are? i am in england and we have got loads.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 04:59 PM
Yeah we do...The main problem is that they're either working as coprporate lobbyists in the government or they're in the government working as career politicians.

[edit on 28-4-2007 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 05:05 PM
are you in the usa?
i talk to them everywhere i go, on bus in the shops,in the pub..etc
is it the same where you are?

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by tonyc
are you in the usa?
i talk to them everywhere i go, on bus in the shops,in the pub..etc
is it the same where you are?

Yep. Born-n-bred-n-raised in the American Heartland.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 05:58 PM
One of the many reasons the Nazi's were funded by Western Banksters was to remove Stalin from power. However after Nazi germany started printing their own money and taking destiny of their own finances, Hitler had become a bigger threat to the Banksters than Stalin and he had to be removed.
There were other results of the nazi regime and WW2, one of them being the creation of the state of Israel.

Another point about Nazi leaders is that The German Nazis of power were Roman Catholic Bavarians. Himmler, Gestapo Mueller, Josef Mengele and many others were Bavarian Roman Catholics. Their immediate master was Munich Archbishop Michael Cardinal von Faulhaber beholden to the Jesuits of St. Michael's Church about 100 yards away from the Munich Cathedral. Himmler had the power of life and death relating to the deportation lists. Was there a plan to destroy the Protestant Reformation in Germany---especially in Prussia? Protestant Prussia died in 1946---to the delight of the Jesuit General.

The SS was patterned after the Jesuit Order as most of you probably already know.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 07:15 PM
Hitler was a crazed lunatic, literally speaking. There have been many historians that have claimed that that Hitler was a paranoid schizophrenic but no one knows for sure,. seemed like one to me though lol.
However he did bring Germany out of its decades long depression but many associate that to all the jobs that were created by preparing for war.
If he hadnt lost his mind and actually tried a diplomatic approach with the Nations that he declared war on and convinced them of the danger of Communism, there may have never been a 50 years long cold war.
But we all know that wasnt his only goal, so if he had of succeeded allying
the world against Russia, he wouldve turned on his allies after it was over.
History says that Russia really had no idea he was about to be attacked.
Even as German tanks poured across the Russian border the leader still denied Germany was attacking.
Lol, i wonder at what point he was convinced Russia was being invaded?

[edit on 28-4-2007 by Kr0n0s]

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 11:16 PM
the main reason of the holocaust was really the hate and distrust of jews in fact in the whole world due to them having most of hte money, especially during the depression and they just kept it, they didn't reinvest it, they didn't help anybody with it, they just ran their big corporations taling the welath of germany. if you look at it, the most prominent families of that era and stretching until today were jews, the leaders of the largest corporations were jews. all of europe was hateful toward jews at hte time, and i don't think there presence was trully appreciated since the turn of the century in europe. nevertheless, as the German people were more and more stricken by poverty and reparations(which were not totally legal anyway), the hate toward jews boiled up until it exploded with the holocaust. that was the reason for the holocaust, basically the jews brought it on themselves, of course not all jews, but just the few upper echelon ones(an example in america would be Rockefeller). i'm not hating against jews, but i just want to bring to the table that the Holocaust didn't happen because of some maniac blowing his hate on the jews, it was because the jews(once again jsut the big corporates and "upper echelon" not the normal everyday jew) were practically holding all the money and wealth of germany thus keeping true germans in poverty, which meant sooner or later the people will get tired of it, and in this case the holocaust happened.

however the reasons of WWII were radically different, they were purely geopolitical and relating to the balance of power in the world. for centruies, the great powers of europe, mainly france and Britain, have tried greatly to keep the German states, mainly bavaria, prussia, austria, and other separate and divided, basically practicing the divide and conquer strategy. however bismark reunited all of germany and threw the great powers plans in the trash, but that was dealt with in WWI, and germany was practically harmless up until hitler came. you see the great powers of the time, of course, did not want a new competitor, Spain was out of the competition a long time ago, since the war with the U.S., and Italy was never in the game anyway, Germany was only recently united and joined in late, and then it was defeated in WWI which made it harmless, Japan was not exactly in the same league as the others, not measuring by power but by area and intentions, whil the Europeans and americans were aiming at global domination, the japanese were aiming at consolidating and strengthing there own self, and there entire dreams were centered around China and southeast asia and australia. Russia was not in any shape to be on the global domination field as it was busy with internal affairs, and the great powers were content with the current situation. However if Germany was to be the superior power in mainland europe, that could mean a very hard time for the great powers, afterall a great power on the mainland is not a power to be ignored, for it can exert rather much more pressure on a maritime great empire such as france or britain, due especially to it's close proximity and flexibility. plus a mainland power can easily establish a maritime empire, therefore we can see the real reason for WWII was that the great powers of the time were not exactly gracious in welcoming a new great power on the block. the reason for WWII was that france and britain did not want Germany to establish itself neither on mainland europe or elsewhere as a major power, and that is exactly why they declared war first. Hitler had his sights actually on Russia in the first place, and hoped that britain and France and the US would actually support him in a war against the USSR. that's why he went along with it, and could've probably succeeded if it wasn't for a few major strategic mistakes and of course the fact that britain and the US never supported the invasion of russia due to first they were already at war with germany, and that they did not expect the USSR to grow into such a formidable power after the war, you understand WWII was treated like any other war that happened during the 19th and early 20th century, and so was WWI, they never trully understood or trully predicted, i think, the repercussions and consequences of this war, therefore they favored playing alongside the USSR against Hitler which they percieved as a larger threat as it was in a more formidable position to create an overseas empire to maybe match that of the british or the americans.

the japanese part was born out of the same reason, the US did not want another great power in the pacific ocean, and the British did not want another great power in southeast asia, china, or india. britain already had it's hands full there with influences from the Americans, the Dutch, the french, and others.

sry for any bad spelling or anything of the sort, i was writing fast and didn't feel like slowing down to fix the mistakes, sry again.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 11:26 PM
Ugh...Hitler did little for economic recovery how many times do I have to prove this? Read The Wages of Destruction!!!! Erhard grew the German economy greater than the Nazis ever did!

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 12:04 AM
Tony, your comparison of the Anschluss to American foreign policy in Central and South America could not be more wrong. Austrian support for German annexation was overwhelming throughout the 1930s but the hatred that most American WASPs (the dominant ethnic group in the US) and Latin Americans feel for each other is likewise overwhelming.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 12:29 AM
It boils down to a strategy for the betterment of the human race. Fundamentally, I agree that some form of natural selection must be reinstated in order for the human race to survive. However, to suggest that the selection be based on race is quite ridiculous.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by golddragnet
Was there a plan to destroy the Protestant Reformation in Germany---especially in Prussia? Protestant Prussia died in 1946---to the delight of the Jesuit General.

The SS was patterned after the Jesuit Order as most of you probably already know.

Excellent post Golddragnet - it is nice to see you imparting some of your knowledge of this period (instead of dangling me carrots!!).

You have voted golddragnet for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

In happy conincidence I have just been reading about the "Old Prussians" and other Masonic Lodges and the way in which they were dissolved in the lead up to 1933-5. They did all that was asked by them by the Nazi regime, excluded Jews, broke off contact with Britain, swore allefiances to the Nazi Party and yet they were continually hounded. We see here the difference between those in Germany who wanted the Jews gone and those that wanted the Protestants gone (the Coversos if you will). I am reading a history of the Jesuits and the organisation of the Jesuit network is identical in all but titles to the SS. It is a real eye-opener. Similarly I have visited the Jesuits memorial web-site to those that were persecuted in the Nazi regime and there are some telling inconsistencies and omissions. Anyway I digress.

Expansionism, Lebensraum certainly, ceasure of property and valuables to fund the expansion, aquisition of slave labour to hasten expansion, restoration of the territories Western Roman Empire/Holy Roman Empire, religious cleansing, take your pick, they all came into play at some point, with different factions pursuing different goals. This is why the Third Reich failed in their objectives, that many succeeded on the backs of this failure is another story entirely.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 05:47 PM
DerVaterlandsFreund, I think you are factually incorrect in your opening statement that Germany was the “only powerful nation in Europe at the time…etc.”

First Germany was not powerful. Maybe you should have chosen the word industrial ?
Much of Germany’s industry had been portioned off to France (in the Rhur valley) and Silesia/Danzig to Poland. If anything Germany was wracked with poverty, unemployment and at times hyperinflation.

This situation undermined the authority of the Weimar republic. Many disparate groups including communists and Nazis arose. In particular many Bolsheviks rose up and declared their cities as communist enclaves like Munich in the 1919 uprising.

The aristocrats who had lost influence when the Kaiser was deposed clubbed together in a quasi religious organisation called the Order of Thule which adopted the swastika.

The occult order of Thule was based around the mystic teachings of Madame Helena Blatavatsky, who journeyed to Tibet where she studied mysticism and created theories about the Ayrian origins of Europe.

The Order of Thule for example mixes elements of Christianity, Freemasonary, Nordic paganism, Eastern beliefs, Roman and Greek mythologies to juxtapose them together.
Nietzsche's philosophical writings evolved the concept of Lebensraum in the East and amplified the concept of Ubermensch (inferior races).

This racist concept of Ubermensch naturally struck a chord with the German aristocracy who considered themselves superior to other Germans by virtue of their wealth and position. The aristocrats through the Thule society formed Free Korps, or private armies to depose Bolshevik uprisings. In 1919 the Thule society won acclaim for putting down the Munich uprising when the Weimar Government could not.

Soon after the Thule society created what would later become the National Socialist Worker’s Party, or Nazi party. Hitler was sent to spy on the NSDAP, but soon became an important figure in that group. He became infatuated with the philosophy.

You ask about the deepest motives of Nazi Germany ?

I think as a nation they were humiliated by the treaty of Versilles and the degredation which followed from reparations payments to the WW1 allies. Hitler and the Nazis offered Germay hope and self esteem.

It’s no different really from the motives which drive many young and alienated people to join biker gangs, or colours. They feel that they belong to something which makes them important and gives them a family.

[edit on 4-5-2007 by sy.gunson]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 10:06 PM
agreed. it's the same thing we see in the muslim nations, extremism arises from poverty, degradation, and humiliations, and the feeling of non-effectiveness. when people have nothing to care fro in this world that's meaningfull, they turn to the abstract, and religion is so far the most "popular." Normal moderate religion isn't exactly something to turn to if you have nothing, you'll feel like you just need to explode your feelings on the world, or basically you feel the need to blame, and once the need to blame starts to come to make sense to you in your brain, that's where you'll actually perpetuate that balme into anger, and then act. and usually that act is not totally peacefull, and goes to the extreme. otherwise terrorism is just an act of war funded by external or internal powers to further geopolitical or economic interests and goals. The latter is the most common, in my thought.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:04 PM
Redemption. You get your ass kicked in one World War, by God you're ready for the next.

Now, imagine a superpower struck by a handful of college students with expired passports and crude pilot skills.

Nazis sign up here.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by RANT
Redemption. You get your ass kicked in one World War, by God you're ready for the next.

Now, imagine a superpower struck by a handful of college students with expired passports and crude pilot skills.

Nazis sign up here.

If only that were what happened.

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