posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 11:16 PM
the main reason of the holocaust was really the hate and distrust of jews in fact in the whole world due to them having most of hte money, especially
during the depression and they just kept it, they didn't reinvest it, they didn't help anybody with it, they just ran their big corporations taling
the welath of germany. if you look at it, the most prominent families of that era and stretching until today were jews, the leaders of the largest
corporations were jews. all of europe was hateful toward jews at hte time, and i don't think there presence was trully appreciated since the turn of
the century in europe. nevertheless, as the German people were more and more stricken by poverty and reparations(which were not totally legal anyway),
the hate toward jews boiled up until it exploded with the holocaust. that was the reason for the holocaust, basically the jews brought it on
themselves, of course not all jews, but just the few upper echelon ones(an example in america would be Rockefeller). i'm not hating against jews, but
i just want to bring to the table that the Holocaust didn't happen because of some maniac blowing his hate on the jews, it was because the jews(once
again jsut the big corporates and "upper echelon" not the normal everyday jew) were practically holding all the money and wealth of germany thus
keeping true germans in poverty, which meant sooner or later the people will get tired of it, and in this case the holocaust happened.
however the reasons of WWII were radically different, they were purely geopolitical and relating to the balance of power in the world. for centruies,
the great powers of europe, mainly france and Britain, have tried greatly to keep the German states, mainly bavaria, prussia, austria, and other
separate and divided, basically practicing the divide and conquer strategy. however bismark reunited all of germany and threw the great powers plans
in the trash, but that was dealt with in WWI, and germany was practically harmless up until hitler came. you see the great powers of the time, of
course, did not want a new competitor, Spain was out of the competition a long time ago, since the war with the U.S., and Italy was never in the game
anyway, Germany was only recently united and joined in late, and then it was defeated in WWI which made it harmless, Japan was not exactly in the same
league as the others, not measuring by power but by area and intentions, whil the Europeans and americans were aiming at global domination, the
japanese were aiming at consolidating and strengthing there own self, and there entire dreams were centered around China and southeast asia and
australia. Russia was not in any shape to be on the global domination field as it was busy with internal affairs, and the great powers were content
with the current situation. However if Germany was to be the superior power in mainland europe, that could mean a very hard time for the great powers,
afterall a great power on the mainland is not a power to be ignored, for it can exert rather much more pressure on a maritime great empire such as
france or britain, due especially to it's close proximity and flexibility. plus a mainland power can easily establish a maritime empire, therefore we
can see the real reason for WWII was that the great powers of the time were not exactly gracious in welcoming a new great power on the block. the
reason for WWII was that france and britain did not want Germany to establish itself neither on mainland europe or elsewhere as a major power, and
that is exactly why they declared war first. Hitler had his sights actually on Russia in the first place, and hoped that britain and France and the US
would actually support him in a war against the USSR. that's why he went along with it, and could've probably succeeded if it wasn't for a few
major strategic mistakes and of course the fact that britain and the US never supported the invasion of russia due to first they were already at war
with germany, and that they did not expect the USSR to grow into such a formidable power after the war, you understand WWII was treated like any other
war that happened during the 19th and early 20th century, and so was WWI, they never trully understood or trully predicted, i think, the repercussions
and consequences of this war, therefore they favored playing alongside the USSR against Hitler which they percieved as a larger threat as it was in a
more formidable position to create an overseas empire to maybe match that of the british or the americans.
the japanese part was born out of the same reason, the US did not want another great power in the pacific ocean, and the British did not want another
great power in southeast asia, china, or india. britain already had it's hands full there with influences from the Americans, the Dutch, the french,
and others.
sry for any bad spelling or anything of the sort, i was writing fast and didn't feel like slowing down to fix the mistakes, sry again.