Listen, I dug some of this info up and posted it on a thread about legalizing drugs. I am a patriot, but have been aware of some of our unfair trade
practices for quite some time.
We subsidize crops domestically, giving huge credits for exporting, and drive down the value of cotton worldwide. This is a crime by World Trade
Organization standards. It steals about $200 million (for cotton alone) from west African nations. We do this with just about every crop.
Now, I will state that the conspirists will tell you that the US uses Afghanistan and Cambodia to grow its heroin, and central America for everything
else. But that is for you to decide on your own.
THe trade practices are fact, and it has most of the world really upset with us.
Now, i am a patriot, but i am also a fair man that believes we should provide a hand up, not a foot in the chest. Every single US citizen is one of
the lucky few that get to live here. We shouldn't take advantage of this by using our influence to create situations that feed our children by
starving theirs. This isn't what America should stand for. I want to stand for the nation that wants the world to give us their downtrodden, the
tired, weak and huddled masses. That is the nation that makes goosebumps rise on my skin. Not the evil Eagle Empire.
Don't be blindly patriotic. Patriotism is the descriptive for the act of tending to the the interest of the Union. We are not doing that very well
right now, and we have turned a blind eye to many, many actions that need to change. Selfless is right on with this one. God Bless America...but
help her to find her way in the dark.
EU residents, you are not off the hook either:
Its not just Africa, either. Every nation in the world has the US's boot in their chest. We have them all over a barrell. Slavery was as much the
Africans fault for selling their people into slavery. They aren't the first, and they likely won't be the last in the Earth's history. This is
about keeping them in poverty. So poor they can't even get malaria treatment.
[edit on 30-4-2007 by bigfatfurrytexan]