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Forgive the Government

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posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 12:01 PM
I was originally going to make a 2-3 paragraph statement but thanks to your responce I no longer have too.

YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN FANATIC! Unite us all under one god? YOUR NUTS! OFF YOUR ROCKER! I DO NOT believe in god! In any shape or form! I do not believe in heaven nor hell! Whenever people tried to unite everyone under one god we had THE MOST ATROUCIOUSE ACTS AGAINST HUMANITY EVER RECORDED! My state was an example of this mentality to get everyone under one god. YOU have NO CLUE about history, YOU have NO common sense NOR wisdom. YOU are a pacifist, that starts to show more and more, the fear of having to fight. YOU have NO CLUE about how most of the world thinks and believes and are NO WARRIOR! You are smoking something or on something mighty strong right now, and that last statement settled it. Good luck with your "peace revolution" because you too shall fail the test of time with that mantality, actually let me correct that: You wont even make it off the front door step if you try even half of that because you will cause nothing but friction in society(ies).
I do not make a habbit of wasting time of christian fanatics, good day to you.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 03:46 PM
Vekar, you are entitled to your opinion. How's life? I feel your anger directed toward me, but not at me. Something happened in your life that made you angry with God, not me.
Don't label me a christian. Christian does not correlate faith. I don't go to church. The church system has become about money, like everything else.
Why do people need 30,000 acre ranches, when they don't even have any cattle? Why isn't everyone entitled to a piece of land? This whole buy and sell real estate society is going to come crashing in on itself.
How about working on ourselves, before blaming the government. Of course the government is corrupt, because a corrupt people are emerging. The all-mighty dollar is trusted more than God.
Why is it that every time I go to National Forest, the private land signs keep getting further and further into "public" land. Is this the government, or private citizens, or both? It's people without moral guidelines. Without God. As much as you have the right to not believe, I have the right to believe, so get off my back. Let me go back to my zendom.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 04:09 PM
I rest my case about fanticism. You can preach about god all you want, you can talk about god all you want, but there are millions upon billions upon billions more who do not believe in god but are good people. My anger is not towards god because god does not exist. My anger is at the government and people who allow these things to happen or directly support them. You can keep preaching but your digging your own grave by sounding like a saturday morning bible salesman who knocks on my door talking about salvation. That IS what you sound like: "accept god and all will be well" just like those (self sensored)ing baptists who knock on my door at 3 AM talking about salvation and if I do not accept I am condemed. Take your "god" and go somewhere else.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 04:22 PM
Iagree, i am not religious and yet i am peaceful.

And so are others who look inward for natural enlightenment.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 07:20 PM
Ghandi once said "They are violent because they are desperate" and indeed he was right
desperate for a TRUE democracy
desperate for TRUTH
desperate for HOPE
.....if you think we truly live in a democracy your living in a we give the government permission to build WMD's to brutally kill our so called enemies? or to spy on us for the interest of the countries "security" Then dont call it a F----N democracy because the reality is clearly opposite.....
and i agree with ghandi ...were other revolutionary groups have failed someday one will succeed... with peaceful actions...but if violent reactions such as the incident in Tianamen square in china ......some violence will without a doubt be necessary ...
but you also have to reconsider who and what the true enemy is _

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:27 PM
Our ability to deal with evil or in knowing how best to defend ourselves and those around us, is almost directly proportioned to our level of spiritual advancement. Before Christs' time to fulfill his mission came about he did NOT allow himself to be captured. He de-materialized his body and passed right through the angry mob of Sadducees that were after him while he preached in public. The Bible records this as "HE HID" but "to hide" is not what Christ actually did; rather he "passed through them" like a spirit, you see?

Now how many of the people here can pass through matter like a spirit?

So.....if God did not want man to "duck" from the sword coming at his neck then surely man would, all over the planet today, be able to de-materialize his physical body at will? Rather we will one day be able to de-materialize our bodies but until that time comes, we might rather "duck" instead so that we can live on to feed our children.

If God did not want us to "stand in front to defend that little child", then surely he would do it for us, no? The Tibetan Monks who sat kneeling and prayed while they were all mass slaughtered were making a terrible mistake in hoping that God would sort it all out for them. Buddha himself, was no passivist because he understood correctly that to be truly peaceful, one must also be a NON-PASSIVIST. To be a passivist is to drink and eat without any spirituality - it is to be in bliss in Luciferic wisdom and to deny the individual soul's own will.

This is similar to the notion that I am a postive and spiritual person, thus I ignore and edit or filter out everything that seems negative.....drinking and eating without spritituality. It is also the people who await for Christ to return to save US, yet they sit around and do nothing but allow the world to go to hell and prevent all prgress in waiting for the RETURN!

We are also on this planet to labor in matter. God will not do our fighting for us unless we have first picked up our OWN cross and followed HIM - that is to "work", not as one shall boast of the work, but for one's own soul to put into practice in the material, what one thinks one knows in spirit.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:27 PM
I'm sorry Vekar, but I am bound by the truth. To tell you about peace without explaining where I get it from, would not be telling the truth. You believe passionately God doesn't exist, so be it. What is your suggestion for a solution? Keep on keepin on? Fight the government. Good luck. This aint the government of the civil war. This government is a different animal. And with any animal that can tear you to pieces, you don't want to scare it, or corner it. Soothing words to a wild stallion CAN calm him down.
What do you think our purpose is. To die and become oil for future generations? Come on, you can really break down the reason for life to a simple, we exist because we do, reasoning? Doesn't take much deep thought.
So far, I've seen those who think this is novel thinking, and those who are angry cause I mentioned God. What else is new.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:28 PM
CT: we are in a fascist tyranny. I am not going to let a tank run me over, if the tanks roll, I grab my rifle and go to war. When the bullets fly I am not going to be an idiot and sign up for the slaughter by waiting on them to move march their armies against me. You can hope your "god" will save you, but he will not, you will be in a pool of blood. Your "god" will not strike down their armies, will not stop them from marching against you, will not convert them. Just look at history, if your "god" was as benevolent as you say then your "god" would have done so thousands upon THOUSANDS of years ago BEFORE this ever happened.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:51 PM

What will I do when they roll out the tanks? Call on God to fight my battle for me

When the Romans were hunting the early Christians, they went underground to survive. They stuck together and build healing centers (hospitals) while using their faith in God and their minds to outsmart the Romans. When the tank comes rolling your way, you can also move out of the way, if possible to do so by knowing that God sometimes brings us all signs in advance.

The Atlantians who died in the flood should have listened to the men that tried to warn them. The vast majority scoffed at those who tried to warn them and as a result, they perished in the flood.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 06:19 PM
You know sweft, it's the quiet ones that make the difference. You rock>Stompk. All of you, give enough of a crap to get on here and make your feelings heard. Keep it up.

Sorry, I've been drinking. Yeah, I'm human. Tell you what. What happened to me was the truth. I'm talkin about the homeless man, Bill and the dream and the OBE and the other dream and the visions. I'm not making it up Vekar. I am truth in raw form, with human emotion mixed in, but I am definitely guided by a higher power. See?

[edit on 25-4-2007 by stompk]

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