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Forgive the Government

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posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 06:48 PM
For a while I've had the feeling that there is no way out. The government has enslaved us, and the only freedom is through the most aggressive of ways. Well, I change my mind. The way to pure peace is forgiveness.
I personally reliquish all anger and ill feelings toward the Government, and forgive them. Power is now out of my hands. Thank you. Now, we can work together. We are smart enough to handle the truth. We want to be led through integrity and honesty. We want the right to live happily and prosper from the freedom that the earth supplies. We want the right to worship, or not, whomever we choose. And most of all, we want the right to matter, to have an ear in important matters, and to exist as one.
Peace be with you.

[edit on 21-4-2007 by stompk]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 07:10 PM
Well spoken, my friend!

Some people want to foxtrott uniform charlie kilo the System... HUG the System, I say.

I wish I could contribute something more intelligent, but you've said it all already. Got nothing to add, just showing my support for your revolutionary idea.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 07:30 PM
Your post shows the true loving nature of your being. If everyone in the word was to focus all their energy on peace, love, and be positive then this world will be a lot better then it is today.

The only thing we need for change is thought of a better more peaceful world. Thought itself of love, kindness, etc alone will change the outcome of world events. This is proven with the law of attraction.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 07:56 PM
Hey, you've seen and/or read about it too! I read that alot these times.

It also said something about some little action, IIRC. Although I have some issues with the whole "Secret" thing, I very much liked the concept and it brought me on new tracks, but that's not the subject.

All we have to do is say what we want? Fine! What do we want? Peace (and some other stuff after that, perhaps). We just have to pray it to the Universe? Fine, let's do so, loudly and proudly, for all to hear.

PS: From now on every day at 8:00 am and 8:00 pm from the rooftop of your house, who's with me?

[edit on 21-4-2007 by Akareyon]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by stompk
For a while I've had the feeling that there is no way out. The government has enslaved us, and the only freedom is through the most aggressive of ways. Well, I change my mind. The way to pure peace is forgiveness.
I personally reliquish all anger and ill feelings toward the Government, and forgive them. Power is now out of my hands. Thank you. Now, we can work together. We are smart enough to handle the truth. We want to be led through integrity and honesty. We want the right to live happily and prosper from the freedom that the earth supplies. We want the right to worship, or not, whomever we choose. And most of all, we want the right to matter, to have an ear in important matters, and to exist as one.
Peace be with you.

[edit on 21-4-2007 by stompk]
you honestly think forgiveness is the way to a GLOBAL revolution??? and how do you suppose we will fight the big brother with our kindness and virtue?......i can honestly say for you to say something as silly as this it proves how much you DONT KNOW about the government.........If you truly knew what the problem was you'd know that the government isnt the real problem ignorance is.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by _ComplexTactics
you honestly think [...] and how do you suppose we will fight [...] for you to say something as silly as this [...] you DONT KNOW [...] If you truly knew
Oh please, these aren't complex tactics.

ignorance is.
Knowledge isn't power. You can't know everything. The universe is vast and little understood by men. Some knowledge is concealed and could, by fortune, even be destroyed forever. Some things will never be "wrong" or "true", because we just don't know.

Sometimes we must believe, or assume. Beliefs and assumtions are nothing without words or symbols, no matter what you believe in. We all use these symbols everyday. We communicate with others. What do we communicate?

We can only communicate that which is in us. What do we fill our mind with? That's what we will pour out into the world (which unarguably exists) around us.

(Of course this isn't "true", it's just a snippet of my reality at this moment. I may be wrong!)

So please let me communicate to you: peace. Remember Gandhi? Einstein? Buddha? Jesus? Martin Luther King? I believe in this "memetic virus". I beg you please forgive me for not trusting in the concept of fighting evil with evil will heal a bleeding system.

Let's go easy on this and find out peacefully what the reason of our collective mental illness is, how we can fix it (preferably without amputating our "limbs") and what must be done to make this planet an even nicer world to live on.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 09:04 PM

Knowledge isn't power. You can't know everything. The universe is vast and little understood by men. Some knowledge is concealed and could, by fortune, even be destroyed forever.

AGREED knowledge isnt power ...understanding is.

our mind is everything that exist... "the truth" well that is correct aswell because the truth may not even exist nor will it ever be found, but as long as people live in a slave mentality they will always associate the symbol of "the truth" with their own mental liberation, but we all know that is a mere illusion instead they should see their enslavement as their momentary truth...because there is and will never be a "future" there is only a here and now...
einstein?? history lesson he helped build the A-BOMB which killed and scarred thousands of japanese people. my friend all this discussion is pointless for me i am not an evil villain who tries to put peoples ideas down i was stating my opinion..
live in your world of symbols and myths and you will find the illusion of how You percieve this illusion we call life ....not mine ..

life is but a sinking feeling....

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 12:51 AM
I shall never forgive them, to forgive them is to open up a wound upon yourself for them to pour salt on. To forgive them is to allow them to get away completely free with the millions they have murdered and continue to murder. Your concept is ABSOLUTELY NOT revolutionary, Ghandi came up with it LONG before you did. Today we face a government that is not going to back down, if you back down an inch to them they will swam over you. So far those who have backed down have been wiped out, take a look at the protesters who allow them to get away with them gassing them. Then look at the Iraqis and what happened when they thought the same as you: shock and awe hit and who knows how many died from the first few days of bombing.

I shall never forgive, I shall never forget, I shall fight, if you want to hug them and forgive them then the blood of the fallen is on your hands too. Hug trees all you want, when the tanks roll down the streets and mercenaries haul you off to camps you will want people like me looking over your shoulder.

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 01:03 AM
Weirdly I had an epiphany myself yesterday. Basically I had gotten to the point I was literally wishing the neocons would just have accidents and die or something or that the karma police would come down hard. I even created a blog and went to the effort of writing a short story called "Pest Control." It felt good. For a short while.....

Later that night I just realized that everything I was doing and saying was in complete conflict with the values I preached and instead they were more of the same crap I was angry about.

That is one aspect of it....

The other aspect of it is the fact that those who do any research into any of this will realize none of this is a simple issue at all. Matter of fact, the close you look the more conflicted and twisted it becomes. There have been times I have been convined Bush is being manipulated and doing the best he can. I think it is a possibility. I will probably never know.

The point is that the process of forgiveness and reconcilliation requires two things - (maybe more - all i can think of...)
1) Complete openness as to the problems that our occuring on the behalf of the party doing wrong.
2) Understanding and forgiveness by the wronged.

Not only that but there is a very old concept called a "scapegoat" which tends to make it easy for the rest of us to get on with our lives when we find someone to blame. The truth is we do this only by disowning our own guilt. We are all part of the problems here. Sure we can blame the neocons, the jews, the nwo, the coporate elite, the military industrial complext, the lizzies, the right wing christians, hitler and naziism 2.0, etc., etc.

If any of those groups are the problem - and i am sure at least one, if not more are - then the solution is not to eradicate them but to win them over and help them to make a positive change.

My last thought on this.......this is probably the last thoughts of many of the great unknowns in history.....but this is my truth and i have to stick to it for better or worse.

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 01:39 AM
If you forgive the government then you are condoning what it is they do. If they acted with the best interest of the people in mind, I would agree, but if you believe that then you are part of the problem. You don't see them for what they are. The corporations are running the US of A, and will milk this country until everything is gone and there is nothing then move on to more fertile territory. For the future of mankind to evolve to the level that you would like, at one time or another we will have to confront them and I would prefer it happen sooner rather than later because time is on their side unfortunately.

If you really want to know what is happening, there is no better place to start than right here at ATS. Start with the CIA, which was created after WW2, and the assassination of JFK. Later you will start to see a pattern that carries all the way through the current administration and you will see this problem is not going to go away.

Save your forgiveness for someone who is looking for it, and not a government who is not worthy of it.

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by Akareyon
So please let me communicate to you: peace. Remember Gandhi? Einstein? Buddha? Jesus? Martin Luther King? I believe in this "memetic virus". I beg you please forgive me for not trusting in the concept of fighting evil with evil will heal a bleeding system.

Listen...I am all for peace. I wish the world was a utopia, however it is not.
Please remember what happened to Those people also. Ghandi: assassinated(shot to death), Buddha:assassinated(poisoned), Jesus:assassinated(Crucified), MLK:assassinated(Shot to death)...etc.

While there are ways to fight the system, hugging them is not the answer.

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by WhiteWash
Please remember what happened to Those people also. Ghandi: assassinated(shot to death), Buddha:assassinated(poisoned), Jesus:assassinated(Crucified), MLK:assassinated(Shot to death)...etc.

Yes, they all died. Is that proof that their ideas don't work?

If they acted with the best interest of the people in mind, I would agree, but if you believe that then you are part of the problem. You don't see them for what they are.

What a bold accusation to make! I am perfectly aware of what "they" are. But again, my perception of reality isn't the subject here. They are a few human beings that derive their so-called power from the many who give it to them. They don't "hold" the power to do what they do, they only administer it in the names of their respective countries. If what they are doing really were against the will of their people, they couldn't do it for long.

Forgiveness has nothing to do with condoning their deeds. I respect your wish to fight them, though. You are a warrior. But remember that for every foe you kill, ten new will rise. It is not just them, it is us who are responsible for all the evil in the world, because it is so convenient to enjoy and sustain the luxury we have.

Governments can be replaced, but peace must be brought.

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 06:18 AM
Things I cannot in good conscious forgive the government for:

  • Kent State
  • Ruby Ridge
  • Waco
  • The Patriot Act
  • The Digital Millennium Copyright Act
  • The lies and secrecy of the Kennedy Assassination
  • Giving rapists and child molesters shorter jail sentences than drug dealers
  • Holding the lives of criminals in higher regard than citizens

The list could easily be expanded considerably, but some of these points are enough to get the point across. The top there were tragic losses of life at the behest of the Government against civilians. If I forgive them of such crimes I am endorsing more of the same, I become Winston who finally decides to accept Big Brother and with it the complete defeat of his spirit and acknowledgment of a betrayal of trust so deep it surely haunted him the remainder of his days. That is something I cannot and will not live with.

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 06:36 AM
Great replies, all of them. I am just tired of being angry, at anybody. I know that the government is not acting in our best interest. But, in order to set the example;
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Have you ever had someone owe you money, and out of the blue, forgive them of their debt. Talk about a life changing experience, not for them, but for you.
Do the right thing or state the obvious and the 'pen (or keyboard) will be mightier than the Sword.' The truth will set me free. It's the principle of the thing. Get it in writing. I am empowered by intention and my virtue is my promise, commitment or vow.

[edit on 22-4-2007 by stompk]

[edit on 22-4-2007 by stompk]

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 08:33 AM

Without Fear

During the civil wars in feudal Japan, an invading army would quickly sweep into a town and take control. In one particular village, everyone fled just before the army arrived - everyone except the Zen master. Curious about this old fellow, the general went to the temple to see for himself what kind of man this master was. When he wasn't treated with the deference and submissiveness to which he was accustomed, the general burst into anger. "You fool," he shouted as he reached for his sword, "don't you realize you are standing before a man who could run you through without blinking an eye!" But despite the threat, the master seemed unmoved. "And do you realize," the master replied calmly, "that you are standing before a man who can be run through without blinking an eye?"

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 09:56 AM
forgive them they know not what they do

don't be derailled from forgiving by such nonsense as phrases like condoning what they do, they are an example of what happens to the human being when greed, blackmail, and a superiority complex take hold

there actions yes they are atrocious and dispicable forgive them still

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 10:18 AM
To earn forgiveness remorse for ones actions must be shown first. Not only does Our govt. NOT show remorse for anything it's done, their dirty deeds are intensifying and escalating. This isn't a family loan gone wrong, if it were only that trivial. Our govt. is in the process of murdering innocent people every single day, here and overseas. If someone stole from You and said 'Oh! I'm sorry, I was wrong.' Do You forgive them? Of course. What if that someone stole from You on a regular basis, maybe everyday, maybe every month? How long would it take until You've realized they no longer deserve Your forgiveness. Forgiveness is given to those who are truely sorry. Now, there is a difference between letting go of hate and anger and the act of forgiveness. We can still stand firm and strong in Our convictions. We can still oppose and resist. Anger and hate are dangerous, to Ourselves and others. Nothing productive has ever been brought about by these 2 things. Hate and anger blind You and to fight for Your beliefs You need to see clearly or it will hinder You. I can't stress enough that I don't think Our govt. deserves forgiveness. I think they've stolen too much already.
************WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES***********
* image link removed *

Peace. K*
EDIT- by Me to add 'graphic images' warning

[edit on 4/22/07 by Demetre]
1a) Offensive Content: You will not use images, avatars or link to domains that contain gore, mutilation ...

[edit on 22-4-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 10:47 AM
This thread is amazing. Thank you for posting it, and yes, we all need to forgive the government with kindness and love... they need it the most and we must do this to fix our world

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega
The only thing we need for change is thought of a better more peaceful world. Thought itself of love, kindness, etc alone will change the outcome of world events. This is proven with the law of attraction.

Almost the entirety of the German nation was convinced of the righteousness of their cause, as was Napoleon - many supported the idea that corruption in monarchy was destructive to the direction of the nation. So it's interesting to note the tendency for people to become what they hate, when they start fighting it. It's an alchemical manifestation of self fulfilling prophecy.

This is why the forefathers of the American constitution built into it checks and balances that could insure the use of due process and elected representation.

Anger is a useful emotion as a catalyst for recognizing a need for change - and violence is always a failure of reason.

That said, I'd like to comment with a couple of my poems -


Forgiveness Pretty Sunshine
was born into the world today.
Her French mother will call her Soleil
and her English father will obey.
When a scorpion is born
someone dies
and when a scorpion dies
someone is born.
Forgiveness is a Capricorn.


Bow down Gilgamesh
To the ending grain harvest -
Hewing the tree of life for Goddess
To build her cage your nest.
Bow down Enki, Dumuzi,
Bow down at Girtab -
Kiss the ground
Claw the earth
To hide there.
Buried as you buried her.
Comes now your harvest
Erishikigal's venom
without rest.

[edit on 22-4-2007 by clearwater]

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by stompk
I am just tired of being angry, at anybody. I know that the government is not acting in our best interest.

I can understand what your feeling and you have good intentions, but it sounds like you were angry because you just realized how the government really is and you are now approaching the next stage of acceptance. That is normal human behavior, but as others have said, when you see this over and over again you become less forgiving because they are not worthy of forgiveness.

However, to be angry is also not healthy and if bottled up and released all at one time will only make you look foolish. I think after you realize the situation you need to be vigilant and pay attention to what is going on, then when the time comes to vote you will make a more informed decision. I also think that helping others realize what you have is another form of action that we can take to counter the problem.

The truth is that right or wrong the American government is acting in its best interest to retain and gain more power in the world. The PTB are willing to sacrifice lives to do this and justify it as furthering our interests for the future.

For example: the war in Iraq is not about WMDs or spreading democracy, it is more about creating a friendly source of oil and gaining a strategic location in the ME to build permanent military bases. In the future I know that energy is going to be in short supply and with a growing population other countries will be scrounging up what they can. I know the war will help our country, but I can’t justify the means and all the deaths that have resulted from it. I think a more intelligent way to plan for the future is to invest in better sources of energy and conservation, but without a doubt we will still need oil.

Once you realize this is the normal behavior for a country that wants more power, it is no longer a surprise to see the government acting the way it does. When a country stops furthering its interests it will loose power to another that is willing to take it away. That is how the world works. I wish it were different and everyone could live in peace, but I don’t think that will ever happen. At least not in the near future.

All we can do is be vigilant and spread the word and promote peace when we can.

[edit on 4/22/2007 by Hal9000]

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