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Photo Evidence of US Military Psyop [Cho Seung Hui]

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posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 01:23 AM
Calm down dude -ufo-. No need to get all excitable here and no need to yell as well.

As far as name brands, sure soldiers use name brand clothing and accessories all the time, for instance "Camelback" water hydration systems.

I am still not saying though that the uniforms are authentic US issued, I think this is a playing soldier photo and/or paintball outing.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 06:03 AM
according to this lady, the guy on the right has put on his head gear inside out and in the wrong order.

you can see her info here:

[edit on 24-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 11:53 PM
Yes Marines wear Gore-Tex ponchos they are contracted to make certain military gear

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 02:56 AM
Its easy to make conspiracies when you dont ask certain questions. Such as, if he was some elite NWO hybrid alien, trained killer (or what ever else you think)that no one knew about. Why would they take a picture of him posing in front of the camera showing his face? Sure the military can take pictures of those in service, but there was never any mention of Cho being in service, so if he was it would be highly classified and im sure they wouldnt just snap pictures of their faces so obviously.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 03:05 AM
I think this thread is pretty funny....I'm pretty sure that this is just some asian-looking person in a scary uniform someone found on the Internet and just assumed was Cho.

But, even if it is Cho, and is unaltered, it still doesn't prove anything, let alone that he was some Manchurian Candidate government-trained killing machine placed at VT to help bring on the New World Order... :shk:

If Cho was ever in the military, I'm sure that would have come out by now. Plus, as already stated, it doesn't even seem possible since there was no time in his life to be there -- he went straight from high school to college.

While not disgusting, it is a sad commentary on what happens in the conspiracy community when people want to make everything into a conspiracy.

[edit on 4/25/2007 by djohnsto77]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by undo
according to this lady, the guy on the right has put on his head gear inside out and in the wrong order.

you can see her info here:

Now, I could be mistaken but it looks to me, those dudes are wearing T-Shirt ninja masks.

How To Be A Ninja

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by IAF101
This thread is disgusting. The twisted sickness of conspiracists that the government is behind everything is outrageous. Just because someone looks mongoloid doesnt mean they look like "cho" !
How can people be so stupid to beleive this kind of crap and worse furnish this kind of mindless idiocy with a response ?

I couldn't agree more... this smells far away from wanting this photo to be fake from the beginning, and in wishing so fail to use contructive critisism about it's own statements.

Very poor reasoning is displayed here, amongst the the need to look away from common coincidence and the knowledge from someone who works with photoshop for a living.

The only thing I can tell from those photos is that Hui's nose is sligthly wider at the middle than the guy in camo gear. Rest is what you want it to be = do you want the government to be covering up or don't you.


posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 04:09 PM
People here are just discussing a photo. I agree the uniform has a strange section of blend between the two, bu it could be Cho, and if it was, who would be the source? Let's play devil's advocate: if it's Cho, the source might fear for his/her life. (For the sake of the argument) if it is Cho, he was in some strange program, of some sort. Mainstream press has been rendered toothless by mergers, so they won't touch anything that is about mind control, pedophilia (a favorite pasttime of major corporate execs), or that expose their sponsors, let alone the NWO. In other words, we already live in a Big Brother phase, although ours is a friendly fascism/corporatist version.

So, the only discussion of this photo is either here, on Alex Jones, or on Liberty forum. All of that is too removed from the people who actually would have known Cho, in the weird program scenario. The only hope, in the case, would be that the source of the photo sees the story dying two weeks after leaking it, then puts out more on the subject. Problem is, you could put a photo of Bush having sex with Jeff Gannon on the web and mainstream media would still avoid the subject. Good mice get regular low-culture pay, bad mice must organize a better way.

The truth is, the best chance for this world will begin in places like Venezuela under Chavez (despite his current "enabling" episode), and will gain momentum among other countries. The media and the press/print aren't good enough to get it right. Sure, we see various strains, but they're only ~various. You don't see major movement, you don't see mobilization. Instead, you see people too satisfied to take risks to correct the situation. The only change will come with stark crisis and shock: collapse of the dollar, then another NWO stooge trying to resuscitate it, then a global alignment independent of the Federal Reserve (we need to abolish the Fed, as JFK tried to begin upon). The problem is, all such scenarios allow for worsening global warming damage to continue. Gore was CFR and can't really address the causes of greed's ugly payback. He knows the richest of the rich; he went to school with them.

The US is a basket case. Time for independent aliens to make appearances, maybe a global broadcast in the interest of humane alternatives? The point is, the US is too corrupt to get it right. Face the fact; it's entirely true. Don't pretend that a mere election will change things as long as the current money arrangement warps our politics.

Here's one way out: Federal funding of all federal elections; NO private money in it, whatsoever. Then watch out for prostitutes who go into office only to be on the take AFTER office. Also, we need a World Court WITH TEETH. Good, simple law, NOT maniacal manipulations by a dinosaur regime of slimeballs. And we need to overturn the precedent in our courts that says corporations have rights of an individual (hence can compete for voter influence and have rights of an actual person yet remain anonymous and skip town on all enviro and killer liabilities).

In short two paths diverge in this wood: 1) crisis and disaster, then the spoiled children of elite nations wake up from the party and are humbled in order to simply survive. Or, 2) aggressive reform now, fight the regime (not always gently), refuse to participate in killer profits, and steer for a more mature reckoning of a universal standard sort.

Both end up at the same place, only one does so with a healthy planet, while the other has us living under glass domes after a major die-off due to pigs run wild. You can't take it casually and wait for someone else to do it all. You have to commit for life, better yet, pull together so that others will commit.

There are a thousand little tyrannies, each of which is a scandal enough to overturn the old regime. But each one has a thousand little cowards denying its existence. Don't fall for mousy little cowards playing musical chairs on the Titanic. Boycott the ship; it's sinking.

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 08:18 PM
Wiki does not allow suppressed information to be posted.

I've tried.

Their text troopers come around and put in requests for deletion.

But VTech is some sort of military training school and he may have been
going to get kicked out due to the girls in English class refusing to go
to class if he was sitting there.

So now the girls got there way and the semester is a wash out.

He may have been on a way for some BLACK OP in the future.

Perhaps we should thank those girls.

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