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Photo Evidence of US Military Psyop [Cho Seung Hui]

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posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by micpsi

Originally posted by zerotime

I think you need glasses. The faces do not match at all! Just look at the right hand side of your superimposition. The ear of Cho with glasses (Cho1) is lower than that of the Cho without glasses (Cho2), whilst the left hand side of Cho1's chin sticks out more. Anyway, how on earth can you make an accurate comparison when the images of the two faces are not even the same size, as evidenced by the way the left ear of Cho1 sticks up above that of Cho2 in the superimposition?!! You should have made the images of the ears the same size and THEN made them coincide. As you have not done this, no precise conclusion can be drawn from the matching your imposition tried to show. The images are clearly not coincident - the two pairs of ears are displaced!

Here are CLEAR differences:
1. Cho1's eyebrows don't slant as much as Cho2's;
2. Cho1's mouth is less wide than Cho2's and is differently shaped;
3. Cho1's forehead shows no signs of acne;
4. Cho1's eyelids are wider than than Cho2's;
5. Cho1's left ear sticks out more than Cho2's left ear;
6. The height between the bridge of Cho1's nose and his eyebrows is less in proportion to the width between his eyebrows than it is for Cho2;
7. Cho1 has a wider chin at the level of the mouth.

This is prima facie evidence that the image of the Cho appearing in the video sent to NBC is NOT that of the earlier Cho. The former looks Chinese, whereas the latter looks Korean.

The ears do not match up because the pictures are taken from different angles like I said in my first post. The Crazy Cho is taken from slightly above the subject. You can see this from the shadows in the background of the picture.

As for no signs of acne. I have no idea when the younger photo was taken but the later photo was taken recently and he died at 23. There's a good chance his acne is gone. Plus the newer cho photo is not the most detailed image but you can see something that is either blemishes, dirt or bruises on this face and chin.

Facial expressions will slightly change the mouth and eyebrows. In the angry Cho photo he is trying to pose for some reenactment of a movie scene. So he is basically making a face. The younger cho just seems to be posing for a yearbook or ID shot.

The older Cho also seems to be fatter.

[edit on 23-4-2007 by zerotime]

[edit on 23-4-2007 by zerotime]

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 02:45 PM
I'm tellin ya, he has a crucifix between his eyes, at the top of his nose in almost every pic. They've just used various techniques to cover it up. I think he was emulating Charlie Manson, and the whole skinhead againt the world thing.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 03:44 PM
the case of the matching scars

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 03:50 PM
And a series of cover-up techniques, to hide the tattoo of a crucifix between his eyes:

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 03:57 PM
From Kurt Nimmo,
Proof of an underground laboratory situated in the Blacksburg area with a close working relationship with Va. Tech.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes
Nice work. Do you have any photo examples of persons that were found to be not the same person in your work with this technique?
Unfortunately, no.

I have only used this with photos of friends, just to see what their "left" and "right" faces look like, this is the first time I used this as a way to see if it is the same person.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 04:21 PM
Just on the notion of his pistol marksmanship, isn't there a mandatory military service in S-Korea? Because out here most of the 23 year old guys are pretty decent shooters after spending 6-12 months in the army...

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 04:48 PM
On the issue of mandatory military service, the last report I heard was his family left to come to America when he was 8 years old, so I doubt he spent time in the military before coming to America.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by goose
On the issue of mandatory military service, the last report I heard was his family left to come to America when he was 8 years old, so I doubt he spent time in the military before coming to America.

Cho is a South Korean National (aka citizen) so he still has/had an obligation to do his time with the ROK military. I don't think he served, but just throwing that out there.

Most enlisted Marines NEVER qualify or even shoot a pistol during their entire enlistment.

The picture is a fake or he's impersonating a Marine. The photo is recent because the other guy is wearing the new MARPAT gortex jacket.....that has not been around for that long. Cho was at V-tech for at least a couple years and in the picture he (or whoever) is wearing PFC chevrons. The times just don't add up, if he enlisted prior to 2004 there would be no way that the other guy could have had the new MARPAT gortex jacket. And after 2004 he was at V-tech.

Wether the picutre is Cho or not......he's not a Marine, just wearing the uniform. Big difference.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by SportyMB

The picture is a fake or he's impersonating a Marine. The photo is recent because the other guy is wearing the new MARPAT gortex jacket.....that has not been around for that long. Cho was at V-tech for at least a couple years and in the picture he (or whoever) is wearing PFC chevrons. The times just don't add up, if he enlisted prior to 2004 there would be no way that the other guy could have had the new MARPAT gortex jacket. And after 2004 he was at V-tech.

Wether the picutre is Cho or not......he's not a Marine, just wearing the uniform. Big difference.

Aye, he was a senior, about ready to graduate from VTech. He probably got the BDUs from a second hand store or yard sale. people sometimes sell their bdus and not bother to remove the military patches. they might remove their name tag, but stripes and other patches may still be intact. military surplus stores wouldn't sell them with the patches on still though.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 06:55 PM
Edit, had not known that this had already been addressed. Excuse my inclusion.

Shattered OUT...

[edit on 23-4-2007 by ShatteredSkies]

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 08:49 PM
Here is a side by side enlarged comparison between the marine picture and 2 known pictures of Cho from NBC, there are enlargements of the heads, Eyes and nose, and there is also the corresponding scar in all of them as seen in some pictures above.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 08:49 PM
Here is a side by side enlarged comparison between the marine picture and 2 known pictures of Cho from NBC, there are enlargements of the heads, Eyes and nose, and there is also the corresponding scar in all of them as seen in some pictures above.

Edit: oops how do i remove a accidental double post?

[edit on 23-4-2007 by AbuseOfPower]

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 09:39 PM
Its not the same guy.

Just look at the shape of the head. The real Hui has an egg head. The Marine, has a more round head.

Now look at the forhead structure. The real Hui has a forhead that extends to the ends of each eyebrow, and then caves in at the temples. The Marines forhead is uniform all the way across, no caving. If you actually look at the left cheek bone on the real Hui, and then move upwards to the temple, you will notice it dent's inward at the temple. Look at the Marine, and his doesn't indent, it actually extrudes out at the temples.

Now, look at the distance between their eyebrows and the top of the hair line. The forhead on the Marine is smaller than the real Hui.

Also, the Marine has a "widows peak" hair line. Hui doesn't have one.

The skull is NOT the same, so it is NOT the same person.

--as a side note--
If the real Hui was a Marine, the media would NOT hold that information back. Just like they didn't hold back the fact that the DC sniper was in the Army. Or when the lead singer of Pantera got murdered during a concert by that Marine. I can keep going..

[edit on 23-4-2007 by -ufo-]

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 09:56 PM
Thanks to undo for pointing out the consistancy in that scar (though I fail to see as a "crucifix"). It kinda proves it's the same person. My WAT for that.

Doesn't leave out the many signs the MC HU image is manipulated.

Here's another sign, which could mean photochopping or just bushy eyebrows. But take a look, the right one it's clearly on the outside of the hood.

...edit spelling

[edit on 23-4-2007 by khunmoon]

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 09:56 PM
This thread is disgusting. The twisted sickness of conspiracists that the government is behind everything is outrageous. Just because someone looks mongoloid doesnt mean they look like "cho" !
How can people be so stupid to beleive this kind of crap and worse furnish this kind of mindless idiocy with a response ?

I'm sure the death of 34 collegue kids has moved the "powers that be" closer to world domination!
Seriously, grow up!

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 11:05 PM
This is what I have to say about it....

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 11:36 PM
"Disgusting"!? Hm... depends on the mind intercepts it.

So far, thanks to undo, we've established, that despite the MC HU image obviously is photoshopped, it is likely that all the images are Seung-Hui Cho.

Also have been established is VA Tech's ?prominemnt? role in secret government psyops, with some major topsecret facillities in the hills around Blacksburg. BTW, whatta name for such... the Blacksburg Project into the dark (evil) of mind(control).

The clues are manyfold as why this shouldn't be government, if not controlled then inflicted, but not necessary ordered.

As in any CT case, it's the unseen, the unapprehended body of an entity working in the shadows of a fake reality, we are doing with, which is why we install goverenments to rig reality up for us so it will look plausible.

But as some ?most? of us on a board like this feel the real masters, never seen, never heard, unknown, are at play here, we react.

You oughta sense if it you are here for more than the rant.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 12:52 AM
The photo's a PS hoax. Look at the left eyebrow going over the mask and also the upper right of the forehead just below the hairline, where the skin bulges out over the mask in a shallow arc. No way that's natural.

And do Marines wear "Goretex" branded jackets, as the other guy is? Look at the pulltag on his zipper, folks.

Forget the picture. What's really interesting here is the PP quote about scrubbing CIA links to their ops in Blacksburg.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by gottago
The photo's a PS hoax. Look at the left eyebrow going over the mask and also the upper right of the forehead just below the hairline, where the skin bulges out over the mask in a shallow arc. No way that's natural.

And do Marines wear "Goretex" branded jackets, as the other guy is? Look at the pulltag on his zipper, folks.

Forget the picture. What's really interesting here is the PP quote about scrubbing CIA links to their ops in Blacksburg.

You should really read the entire thread so people dont have to frikken repeat themselves.

Gore-tex is a really GOOD poncho used by Marines in the rain, we have already covered that. Thats why the other Marine on the left has water in his hair on the left side, its raining. That skin that "bulges out over the mask" is only an illusion. The head gear he is wearing is tucked/folded inward a little bit, making it appear like a buldge. His eyebrow's are long haired, and with a tad bit of water on them, they make some funny shapes, and over lap the head gear.


[edit on 24-4-2007 by -ufo-]

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