Here are the articles our attention so successfully has been diverted from the last ten days.
From Washington Post incl links to Kuchinich's
articles of impeachment.
A Case Against Cheney
By Richard Cohen
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
In his
articles of impeachment, Kucinich details the many statements Cheney made
that turned out to be factually wrong. For instance, he quotes Cheney as saying, "We know they [the Iraqis] have biological and chemical weapons,"
which of course, they didn't. Still, that was excusable, since it was early in the game and little contradictory evidence was being presented. As
Condi Rice said Sunday, "When George [Tenet] said 'slam dunk,' everybody understood that he believed that the intelligence was strong. We all
believed the intelligence was strong."
But in Cheney's case, the slam-dunking went on and on -- way past the point where it was possible anymore to believe him. He continued to insist that
Saddam Hussein had high-level contacts with al-Qaeda -- " the evidence is overwhelming," he once said -- while others in the government not only
knew that the evidence was not overwhelming but that it hardly existed. It was the same with Cheney's insistence-- not just wrong, but irrefutably so
-- that Hussein "has weapons of mass destruction," and "[t]here is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies and
against us." The percussive march of these statements is so forceful, one after another after another, that it suggests Cheney wanted war no matter
what. If he was lying to himself as well as to the rest of us, that is only a mitigating circumstance -- sort of an insanity defense.
Kucinich also alleges that Cheney "purposely manipulated the intelligence process to deceive the citizens and Congress." That, as the expression
goes, is the gravamen of the charge. Kucinich doesn't stand a ghost of a chance of making it stick because Congress is not about to vote impeachment.
But no one who reads Kucinich's case against Cheney can fail to conclude that this is a rational, serious accusation. It's possible that each
individual charge can be rebutted, but the essence of it is shockingly apparent: We were being manipulated.
It is something of a joke that Washington is now transfixed by l'affaire Wolfowitz. This is the contretemps at the World Bank in which an architect
of this misbegotten war stands accused of favoring his girlfriend. Do not be concerned with the details -- this is a parody of a Washington scandal --
but concentrate instead on what else Wolfowitz has done in government and how, now, it is a salary increase awarded to a companion that might do him
in. This is tantamount to getting Al Capone for tax evasion.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
Punishment time coming up!?