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Did Cho Seung Hui View A UFO?

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posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Obsidian_Butterfly
Looks like a helicopter to me too.

Although, it would have been crazy for a ufo to pop up right when this sick freak went on his killing spree. I know people would claim 'the aliens made him do it.' lol

Yeah, because we all know that aliens are "demons" and stuff.
I seriously doubt that UFOs made this guy do anything. there were other things going on with this guy that we can't even begin to imagine. Perhaps he knew something that the rest of us don't... That certainly doesn't justify him killing innocent people though.

[edit on 19-4-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by The_unraveller
That is what fascinates me... when a certain individual gets fed-up with someone/group (to the point of killing them)... they classify the person as crazy/mentally-ill... Maybe he was fed-up with the kind of people and couldn't take it much longer. And thought of killing them is the only option.

True. We will never know anything, other than what the FCC controlled media feeds us. I suspect that there is much more to this story than what will ever meet the eye.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 12:01 PM
Oh Please, Enough Already. Let's get one thing straight. The shooting of 32 people in the USA this week had absolutrly nothing to do with UFO's Ailens or anything else. It was just a very sick man who had a gun and went round shooting people. he should have been sectioned yonks ago from what i see comming out in the news. The real question you should be asking yourselves is this. Should the availability of guns, assualt rifles, machine guns be banned? I certaintly think so. How many more people have to die? Here in the UK noone has a gun. Not legally anyway. So as such shootings are very rare here and only happen in a drugs gang killing or something of that nature. Sure we had the Hungerford Massacre and Dumblane but in the States these shootings happen on a frequent basis.

So let's start a thread on the USA's gun laws and not trash the serious issues of UFO's and ailens by suggesting this sicko somehow had a UFO connection.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Wirral Bagpuss

So let's start a thread on the USA's gun laws and not trash the serious issues of UFO's and ailens by suggesting this sicko somehow had a UFO connection.

No where did I suggest that. However, I do not presuppose that the drivel mainstream media feeds us about anything is gospel. As far as our guns are concerned, they may try to take our guns away, but there sure will be blood shed in their doing so. Americans, or the ones I know, are not meekly going to turn over their weapons to BIG BROTHER. No way.

[edit on 19-4-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by The_unraveller
go back a couple of years...was he crazy then?

Uh, yeah... Almost two years ago (November and December of 2005), two separate women on the VT campus reported Cho for harassing phone calls and emails of a stalking nature. He was questioned by police later and, when a friend of his reported that Cho might be suicidal, police recommended that Cho seek mental health counseling, and he was actually held in a mental health facility for 2 days under a temporary detention order.

Cho Mental Health Article

So, yeah, the boy was already unstable, he didn't just suddenly snap, in my opinion.

Originally posted by The_unraveller
As far as I've read, nothing was mentioned about him being paranoid (towards the government).

As I mentioned earlier, in his rambling Manifesto, Cho makes angry references to 911, Osama, Bush, Kim Jong Il and some sort of Revolution, which sounds like his mind was entrenched in politics & military issues. This led me to think that Cho was railing not only against society in general but at the government in particular.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 12:24 PM
It was just a very unstable man who went on the rampage. Thats it.
Trying to tie him with a connection that a UFO sent him over the edge, or it had anything to do with him slaughtering people is ridiculous.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 12:24 PM
It was just a very unstable man who went on the rampage. Thats it.
Trying to tie him with a connection that a UFO sent him over the edge, or it had anything to do with him slaughtering people is ridiculous.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 12:24 PM
Have they released this Manifesto video to the public?

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 12:36 PM
Bueller. Bueller. Does anyone know if this Manifesto has been released to the general public or not?

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 01:16 PM
Why would he take a picture of the sky?

He had to have seen something interesting to take a snap shot of the sky. The object looks like floating ball in the sky. In the night these balls have been known to light up. In World War II they were nick named the Foo Fighters. These "balls of fire" both chased the Allied pilots and the Nazi pilots during the 1940's. What is similar to then and to now is that Hitler and Cho were doing Caste cleansing.

Cho hated the rich kids. Cho executed a mass killing.

Hitler hated the Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies, disabled and Jehovah's Witnesses. Hitler executed a major mass killing.

The Foo Fighters appeared in both cases.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Wirral Bagpuss
The real question you should be asking yourselves is this. Should the availability of guns, assualt rifles, machine guns be banned? I certaintly think so.

Cho didn't use assault rifles or machine guns, he used two handguns, the same as any of us might use for home defense. This case has nothing to do with the availability of guns — it has to do with the mentality of people who go on rampage. Consider the murder just yesterday of the mayor of Nagasaki, Japan.

Nagasaki Mayor Gunned Down

Japan has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world, yet the mayor was shot down by a member of organized crime. No amount of gun control could have saved that man, because you can only ban guns from those who already obey the law — Criminals are never affected by your gun control efforts.

Beyond that, since Japan effectively banned the ownership of guns by the public many years ago, there has been a steady increase in crimes committed with knives, swords and even scissors, including one of the most horrendous knife massacres ever:

Eight Children Murdered in School by Knife-Weilding Attacker, 21 Injured

So much for gun-free Utopias.

Originally posted by Wirral Bagpuss
Here in the UK noone has a gun. Not legally anyway. So as such shootings are very rare here and only happen in a drugs gang killing or something of that nature.

We have a saying here in the USA: When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. Seems that you're only now discovering the truth of the matter. And do you know why an all-out gun ban will never work in the USA? It's because our government would suddenly be faced with over 80 million outlaws carrying 285 million firearms.

But perhaps the British military would like to come over and assist with enforcing such a gun ban? Oh, I don't think so.

The point is, our guns keep the government in fear of the citizens, just the way it's supposed to be, just the way it's written in the Second Amendment.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Does anyone know if this Manifesto has been released to the general public or not?

Not the entire thing, because some of it is still being investigated, but MSNBC has released some snippets and compilations.

Cho Manifesto

Probably be a few weeks (months) before the whole thing is released.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 01:43 PM
I don't think anyone here is saying Alien's were part or influenced this tragic event, but the curiosity of the "sky photo" is bringing up questions.

Such as, why was it included in the set of photo's Cho sent in? Was it just a "bad shot" that was developed and he just left it in with the rest of the photo's that was on the roll of film and didn't really care to sort through them before sending them to NBC? Did he see something worthy enough of aiming upward and taking a picture of what he thought was "them" again off at such a far distance enhancing his delusional and paranoid thoughts?

As a graphic designer for 10yrs , back in the day, it almost appears to be just a "spec" that I so commonly photoshop'd out of many scans being prepared for digital printing. Dust on a lens or even "ink" from the photo process can easily "mock up" a photo, reasoning enough for it to be "cleaned up" before used in some sort of other application or purpose. Nonetheless there is "something" there making "blurry" pixels almost identical on each side of the "black dot" as well as above and below it in Cho's sky photo that he sent to NBC.

There is a Manifesto video here: If I pasted this incorrectly you can look it up on the yahoo video tab on the yahoo home page.

Anyway this is my first ATS post/reply ... Ive been a ATS reader since early 2005 and well for some reason this year I decided to join. Hi all

Not sure why I chose to comment here, maybe it's because I've lived in Virginia, (about an hour from Virginia Tech), for about 6 months now and seeing VT sweatshirts and t-shirts has always been a common site so I guess these topic's strike a little close to home. Today's work memorandum had a flier attached that is being distributed via the VT family's regarding " Orange and Maroon Effect Day". To show support for the victim's family's they are inviting the community to wear orange and maroon on Friday, April 20, 2007. I think I will.

edited to correct: reader of ATS boards since 2006 not 2005

[edit on 4/19/2007 by BuzzingOn]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by chetinglendalevillage
Did anyone happen to get a look at the picture NBC had posted earlier appeared to be on one of the pages of the manifesto (I think it was page 2, but definitely one of the five pages they did show). It was a picture of the sky.

The picture of the sky had something in it. Possibly ... a satellite.. or ufo. Or, even more obvious... was it a helicopter? Did anyone else catch this?
Take a look and tell me

Helicopter, you can see the blades. I would go along with the current theory it was an act of violence. This picture is shown to show America's aggression, and how he feels that his country was torn with Civil War. In which, we fought.

U.F.O., accordingly.
Satellite, a little close.

Spirit, yes. Fight on.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:14 PM
This kid had a "Messiah" complex. It shows in his statements and it also shows in the fact that he didn't feel like he was treated the way he thought he should have been treated. He thought he was "special."

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by BuzzingOn
Such as, why was it included in the set of photo's Cho sent in? Was it just a "bad shot" that was developed and he just left it in with the rest of the photo's that was on the roll of film and didn't really care to sort through them before sending them to NBC? Did he see something worthy enough of aiming upward and taking a picture of what he thought was "them" again off at such a far distance enhancing his delusional and paranoid thoughts?

As I understand it, Cho sent several pages containing photos and his 1800-word manifesto (presumably printouts) along with a DVD containing 27 QuickTime movies of himself. As far as I can tell, the still photos were built-in to the manifesto document, which I believe they [MSNBC] said was a PDF file — so, Cho actually selected these specific photos for the doc and many are accompanied by captions (which are mostly profane and pretty much senseless).

I think that the sky pic is of a military helicopter at a distance — on that same page he mentions a "hummer safari" [meaning the Iraq War], so there is possibly a military connection to the photo. The chopper may have been perfectly visible to the naked eye, but his digital camera couldn't capture it clearly. Judging by the fact that the dot is off-center, I think that he couldn't find and center it in his LCD viewer, even though he could see it clearly with his own eyes. But he still knew what it was, and it apparently meant something to him, which is why it was included.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity

Probably be a few weeks (months) before the whole thing is released.

— Doc Velocity

Actually, I continued watching and MSNBC said that they refuse to show the entire thing. One guy said, that the video was too "disturbing" to release on national T.V.I imagine that it will only be a matter of time until they show the entire thing on google or something.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:25 PM
Like I said, the spot looks like a "black" helicopter. He probably thought that the government was trying to get him.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:27 PM
His teachers described him as being "extremely intelligent." I suppose that isn't really much of a surprise...

[edit on 19-4-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:41 PM
i want to see his whole manifesto because its complete bull if they can hide it from us. what are in thoes missing pages that he could of said? what if he does mention what the 'dot' is in pages 3 and 4 but msnbc refuses to provide us with that?

is their a way to obtain the whole thing through FOIA?

if not and they refuse to share its gonna piss me off

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