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On a broader scale, expect a coup involving the USA and its president, in the year 2003, in march, which will stun the entire world. Additionally, lengthy deliberations will increasingly take place regarding Islamic fundamentalism, which will mesmerize the entire globe. Uprisings, revolutions, wars and other diverse forms of unrest will escalate tremendously, with Islamic fundamentalism playing a very sad part in the scenario.
first steps will be taken for a flight to Mars, but will not be blessed with good fortune. However, the next flight, which ensues very soon, will have better luck although it will encounter certain difficulties due to unexpected technical problems.
The world war will begin in November of a specific year, after 5 years of intensive effort are spent reaching this goal which is preceded by 4 years of unspecified preparations. Should war actually break out, it will last for 3 years and 11 months and will therefore end in October of the fourth year. By this time, Earth's northern hemisphere will be largely destroyed by nuclear fires and radioactive radiation that will annihilate the entire animal and plant world unless Man sees to it that the prophecy proves itself to be just a prophecy without fulfilling itself. Should this not be the case, the world will face some additional 11 bitter years of poverty, misery, starvation and many other ills. The nuclear radiation will cause the crippling and mutation of the children born at that time, and multitudes who survive the war will be contaminated and burned by radiation. Chemical warfare will cause horrifying and atrocious skin diseases, and biological warfare will produce festering sores and many other ills, not to mention vicious human freaks, etc.
With the melting of the polar caps there also looms for Earth in the not-too-distant future another severe economic crisis that will spread throughout the globe. And another global war, World War IV, will once again threaten this planet and its entire terrestrial population because of their own unreason. However, several reasonable individuals are able to neutralize the threat, which is again abetted by the invention of new weapons with great striking power that will be the materialization of those weapons existing now only in science fiction novels. They are deathray throwers, ray canons, ray rifles and ray guns, among others. In the midst of these developments, three scientists will generate an incredibly inexpensive energy source, although this will not be the only new form of energy, for another will be found as well, that is based on sound vibrations. And again, new and deadly weapons will be developed from this. Scientists tend to utilize everything they can get their hands on, and for this reason it is inevitable that Man will stop the Greenhouse Effect and utilize its effects in reverse, thereby preventing a further melting of the polar caps.
These actions, in turn, will lower the highly elevated water levels of all oceans. During this period, terrestrial Man will increasingly dedicate himself to space travel, which he had neglected for many years. Venus will be particularly interesting for terrestrial human beings during this period, and for this reason Man will contemplate sending a manned space capsule to the volcanic planet. Simultaneously, Man will avail himself of a new energy source by exploiting the Earth's interior energies. He will develop two new, dangerous weapons. The first weapon's high-pitched, humanly inaudible sounds will be able to destroy any material and will have the capability of absolutely destroying all life forms ... - an ultrasound weapon in other words. The second weapon will have as its basis high frequency energies which, too, will be capable of destroying and killing everything. Discoveries and inventions in the field of gene technology or gentic manipulation, respectively, will continue, for events must unfold - contrary to the desires of the foes of genetic manipulation who even now persist in ranting and raving against it.
Precipitated by the previously mentioned climate weapon, the entire Earth will be subjected to very problematic climatic changes when overall temperatures fall, that is, they drop dramatically. The result will be that land masses and oceans will freeze because of Man's insanity. Consequently, a new invention will be developed that, powered by the most economical of energies, artificially heats the Earth's atmosphere. This is the moment when Japan and China will discover that the prevailing physics is not the last word in knowledge, but that there exists yet a higher level of physics which extends into fine-matter spheres. Upon this realization, science will be discredited for some time. Nonetheless, space exploration will continue and a new world discovered in this process; a new Earth that will be suitable for maintaining human terrestrials.
The discovery, refurbishing and renewed operation of ancient extraterrestrial artifacts and stations on Mars in the not-too-distant future, and much later in other places as well, will be accomplished by our more distant descendants. These events are also associated with grave danger, however, for dangerous diseases and epidemics will be brought back to Earth by way of space travel, along with the exceedingly vicious 'wolf' as one prediction calls this horror, which could be a horrifying animal or a deadly epidemic. The definition of the "wolf" is not clear yet and its explanation is still pending. According to the prediction, this deadly factor will be introduced or carried to Earth either by ordinary space travellers or lawbreaking space travellers.
This "nocturnal dawning" will be a new technological achievement whereby the dark side of planet Earth is illuminated by an artificial sun affixed to a space station; this device will not create full daylight, but a bright, dawnlike condition.
The artificial sun in the sky will virtually ring in a new age, the Age of Space Conquest on a grand scale. From here on, space travel definitively will become commercial and turn into a significant, powerful institution by which Man, through science, will pursue the enigma of Creation and with it the origin of life and all existence. Of course, these events will make science very respectable again especially as they relate to the institution of space travel, which will control the scientists. Ultimately, this will not turn out well and will transpire as it must: This space travel institution will increasingly ignore the terrestrial governments and science, deal with them unfairly, and will generate conflicts again that provide the most auspicious base for a new war. All of this will come into play barely 15 years after the aging gene is isolated and neutralized, when the human biologic aging process is largely surmounted, and the related previous vicious genetic manipulation finally remedied again. A looming new war will break out and last for approximately 40 years. During this period or about 6 years prior, humans will be converted into machines, that is, robots for the first time by connecting their nervous system to microscopic electronic-biologic gadgetry and machinery that will serve to guide them.
Because of Man's intrinsic attitude, induced by his degeneration, wars and revolts will occur on Mars. These events will transpire when humans, after conferring with extraterrestrials, construct residential buildings beneath the oceans which will dangerously interfere with the ecologic equilibrium of the oceans, land masses and the air. Once again the time will arise when another new, dangerous, fatal weapon is invented that will disintegrate the bones of life forms. Simultaneously, the artificial sun created about fifty years prior will drift from its orbit and over a mere seventy-two hour period will plunge to Earth. The Earth's own rotation and orbit around the Sun will change then and result in the reduction in the length of years, days and nights. Unfortunately, this will also be the time when the first space conflict - a space war - takes place between terrestrials and those humans who will have migrated to Mars by then. The gigantic space station in orbit behind the Sun will be damaged. At this time a new terrestrial chronology will be contemplated because the altered lengths of the days and seasons on Earth cannot be utilized in the old system.
Regarding the Earth itself, a fact not mentioned in the predictions is that, all along, the scientists were unaware that this planet was not expanding over the millennia through the accumulation of falling star dust and meteors, etc., but that, imperceptibly, it has been expanding internally. This means that an imperceptible expansion process is ongoing for millennia whereby, slowly but surely, the Earth's internal riches are transported to the surface. Over time, this expansion process will accelerate in correlation with the Sun's decreasing nuclear fusion rate through which all gravity fields within this entire solar system will change, in particular those of all the planets.
Anyway, with Vogel's honest assessment that HE couldn't put the alloy sample together himself, due also to the micro-machining and the probable manufacture through cold fusion, various parties suddenly took the case quite seriously. It is also said that certain superconductors came out of IBM about a year after Vogel's analysis.
Originally posted by DrJay1975
Guys seriously. That is obviously a ray gun of Pledian origin. Ask any of the aliens on the board. And the suit isn't aluminum foil. Its an unknown allow used to reflect harmful UV rays which inhibit the aliens superpowers. And the 6th finger is on the back of the hand. Duh. And that's not an earth perm either. Thats her hair being frizzy from rolling the window down on the flying taco and the solar wind frying her hair.