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No Alternative Theories are Required for 9/11 to have been a Conspiracy

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posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 05:33 PM
The exterior of the WTC was made of thin steel panels - 3/8" to 1/4" thick
(thinner higher up) bolted and tack welded together. Wall at Pentagon
was limestone facing about 8" thick with unreinforced brick wall behind
it. WTC planes were able to punch through steel panels and penetrate
deep into building (United 175 able to punch all way through and emerge
on other side). Because of greater resistance of the Pentagon the plane
wings were sheared off close to the fuselage and folded back against it
The hole, some 90 ft across (not 16 ft as tin foilers insist) was smashed
by the fuselage and the engines/landing gear, the heaviest and strongest
parts of the aircraft.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by thedman
The exterior of the WTC was made of thin steel panels - 3/8" to 1/4" thick
(thinner higher up) bolted and tack welded together. Wall at Pentagon
was limestone facing about 8" thick with unreinforced brick wall behind
it. WTC planes were able to punch through steel panels and penetrate
deep into building (United 175 able to punch all way through and emerge
on other side). Because of greater resistance of the Pentagon the plane
wings were sheared off close to the fuselage and folded back against it
The hole, some 90 ft across (not 16 ft as tin foilers insist) was smashed
by the fuselage and the engines/landing gear, the heaviest and strongest
parts of the aircraft.

Well, if you watch the video, you can clearly see the wings slice through the concrete at least over 8 inches. Plus, the wings don't fold back into themselves, they stay attached. Could be the difference because it's a fighter jet, I'm not sure.

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