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Imus on his knees begging

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posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by ImpliedChaos
And i only did it when i was provoked.

[edit on 4/9/2007 by ImpliedChaos]

Ah, well, then. I guess that makes you the better person, and I hope you can continue to feel secure and superior in your belief that racial insults when provoked are somehow better than those done in an attempt (lousy) to be comedic. Hard to believe that no one else called you on that remark.

[edit on 4/9/2007 by centurion1211]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by mdzialo
So what's it all about then? Well, it's about what happened earlier; the thing that nobody is mentioning. You see, Imus and his guest had the courage to reference directly and obliquely, and as a fact, that 9/11 was an inside job.

I nearly flipped when I heard it on TV and immediately thought that he had better shut up fast or he's going to be in big trouble. If you work in the MSM, you know that you can not talk about it.

Imus had the courage to bring it up. Now all this.

Thank you, now I understand. I've heard Imus and Howard and they both talk like ignorant racists frequently so I couldn't understand why this time it was a big deal. Now I get it.

Please feel free to label me a racist now. Labels are meaningless.


posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 02:21 AM
Imus should be fined at the most. What he said was stupid. Very stupid.
Who here never said a stupid thing at work. He's just joking laughing and boom! You have just offended a good portion of the nation. OOOPS! I don't believe that there was any hate motivating his statement. I believe he made a crude reference in bad taste. But while were on the subject of Racism, how about the reversed racism seen often in television and movies. Take the Wayan's movie White Chicks for instance. Dress two white guys up as black girls and call it Black Chicks, and see how fast Al Sharpton is there with a pen a paper calling for your job. If Racism is gonna die then lets kill it every direction in my opinion.

[edit on 10-4-2007 by kleverone]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 07:12 AM
Without intent to get too far off course, here...

ImpliedChaos, I feel I owe you an apology of sorts, for my poorly worded comment earlier.

My intent was to call attention to the use of stereotypes, not to get on your case. If you feel what Imus said was stupid, insensitive and racist, I'd be the last one to argue with you. What caught my attention was the further categorization as 'redneck'.

Some rednecks are no doubt racist bigots. Some are not, but share other attributes of the term - conservative, prefer to mind their own business, frugal, self-reliant, etc.

I am not personally offended by your use of the word, even though I am a self-described redneck of sorts. So I hope there are no hard feelings here; there are certainly none for my part.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by kleverone
If Racism is gonna die then lets kill it every direction in my opinion.

The thing is, racism can't be "killed" with a hammer. Education, experience, discussion and time are the only effective tools against it. Having some authority suspend Imus (and it's just for show) isn't going to do a thing to rectify the situation. MSNBC's action is just to show the public that they're doing something about it. Nothing effective...

They should have a few of the Rutgers women on the show. Or make Imus take them out to dinner and talk about how they felt when they heard it. I'm curious to see what they have to say.

What if Imus had said, "Old, fat, pasty criminals," when talking about Congress? Would everyone be calling for his head? I don't think so. And what's the difference?

There's nothing wrong with the words he said. I used "nappy" in a post yesterday talking about a black girl. The words are used by black people. Many rap lyrics refer to women as "hos". But when someone who's not black says it, all of a sudden we have a national case. Why do we treat a segment of society differently than another as far as words they can say publicly?

And if Chappelle or Mencia had said it, it wouldn't even be news. Sure, they're comedians, but that's where it gets slippery. We're making a context call. That means we each have to use our own judgment and since all of us have different contexts and different judgments, some are going to be offended and some aren't. As far as I'm concerned, the only people who should have any say about what happens are the Rutgers women.

Imus is a shock jock. He's no David Brinkley. He's foul-mouthed and he doesn't much care what people think of him. I like him. Not because I agree with everything he says, but because he doesn't bow to public pressure to conform to the scary, unspoken rules of a "polite" and "politically correct" society.

People who don't like his sense of humor or his brashness shouldn't be on his show, they shouldn't patronize his program. They should let him know they don't like it. But he's probably laughing his ass off behind closed doors about this. Does anyone know if his suspension is with pay? He's probably getting a vacation.

I LOVE how Sharpton handled it! He's so cool in the face of it all and he makes so much sense (although I don't agree with everything he said). I love how Sharpton comes out and deals with these things face-to-face.

Thanks Centurion.

[edit on 10-4-2007 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 07:22 AM
IT WAS A JOKE..... bottom line.... it was funny, I laughed my butt off.

EVERYONE and I mean everyone knows he wasn't trying to be racist.

Imus is very funny, he always has been and yes he is edgy, but my goodness people, let it go already.

This is just another opportunity for Sharpton and Jackson to get their names in the news and get in front of a camera. ooops was that racist of me...

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 09:55 AM
Don't miss the Rutgers women in a Press Conference at 11 Eastern (10 minutes from now).

[edit on 10-4-2007 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:12 AM
Ugh! I wish I had missed it! Can anyone explain to me how such strong, beautiful, talented, intelligent woman could let the stupid remarks of a bigoted person "steal their glory"??? Can anyone explain to me WHY these women totally gave their entire power away to a few seconds of ignorance spewed on a radio show? Can anyone explain to me why these women didn't come out and say... "Well, you know, Don Imus must have pretty low ratings to have to resort to saying something so stupid to get attention... GO RUTGERS!!!!! Woo-Hoo"! with her fist pumping in the air??????

Sadly, I think I know the answer to my questions. Society's Victim Mindset encourages these women to give up the pride. power and strength in everything they've achieved and everything they are in exchange for the sympathy of the public.

I was SO hoping these women wouldn't let Imus have the power that they'd worked so hard for. But they just flopped over and handed it to him.

I am DEEPLY disappointed. They should have stood up strong and proud instead of hanging their heads and looking downward as if defeated by a scrawny little white punk (irony intended)...

I know I sound cold and heartless to some. But that's ok. These girls deserve to feel proud IN THE FACE of ignorance. They shouldn't give into it, in my opinion. They shouldn't give their personal power away so easily. And the adults around them are nurturing their sadness and hurt. :shk:

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:34 AM
I think you're right on, BH... American society is steeped in victim mindset, it seems.

I just heard one of the team members say she is "scarred for life" by this. Scarred for LIFE? A highly intelligent, strong, accomplished young woman is scarred for life by three seconds of drivel from some white guy she doesn't even KNOW?

I just want to ask this woman "why exactly are you giving this clown your power"?

And where are the adults in all this? Hovering around saying "Oh you poor thing you must be so demolished"! Great, good job, people... Why not say "Man, what an ass this Imus guy is, eh? Good on you guys for your work"!

I am more disturbed by the abject rolling over posture being taken by the Rutgers women, instead of standing tall and proud as they deserve and giving Imus a swift metaphorical kick in the back side and going on to shine in their lives than I am by the stupidity of the original remarks!

Scarred for life??? Why not "Geez, what a jerk!"

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by cpdaman
MSNBC "postpones don imus show for two weeks"

That's LAME.

IMUS can afford a two week vacation. This is just a 'token' slap on the wrist to appease those who are upset.

I have tried to watch IMUS in the morning on MSNBC (there is NOTHING good on in the morning) .. but he is soooooo CRASS, I just cant' deal with it.

One thing though - he's an equal opportunity offender. He bashes everyone. That doesn't make it right, but at least he's even handed in his vile-ness.


posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:44 AM
I would have said "I have no problem with what Mr. Imus said. He obviously has his beliefs and nothing I can say or do is going to change that. It's too bad because I think if Mr. Imus knew me he'd really like me!".

That way you take the high road, stand proud, and at the same time make Imus look even worse.........if that's possible. You always kill with kindness.

The NAACP needs to hire me because they're sorely lacking in talent.


[edit on 10-4-2007 by Dr Love]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:50 AM
This is all about EXPLOITATION. How much mileage Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton can ride out of this. Those two and anyone else making noise out of this could give a darn about Rutgers or their female players. It almost makes me as sick as the way Rutgers laid down in the finals.
Worry about those gals from R? Forget that, they are a bunch of thugs and they know it. I doubt any of them where truly offended.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
This site chronicles Howards on air misdeeds,

Excellent find Mirthful Me.
on Imus. In fact, he earns a double

As far as 'redneck' goes. I don't think it's always a bad term. In fact, many people consider it a badge of honor to be a redneck. I will even go so far as to say that usually, when someone calls themselves or another person a 'red neck', it isn't being said in a negative manner.

When I lived in Alabama for nine years (*shudder*), most everyone who considered themselves to be red necks were proud of it and enjoyed the 'redneck lifestyle'.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Can anyone explain to me how such strong, beautiful, talented, intelligent woman could let the stupid remarks of a bigoted person "steal their glory"???

I don't know about 'stealing glory'... but if I had been on the team and those kind of things had been said about me I'd be very hurt and very embarrassed.

In the end, I think the women on the team will come out AHEAD of Imus in the minds of Americans. But I have no doubt that it is painful for them. It would be for me.

Originally posted by ImpliedChaos
And i only did it when i was provoked.

Understandable. However, it's a slippery slope.

Have you read about the 'black rage' defense? It was first used in a major way by the lawyers of Colin Ferguson - a black man who tried to mass murder 25 people on the Long Island Rail Road in 1993. He ended up murdering 6 and wounded 19. All the victims were white or asian american. His attorney, William Kunstler, claimed that Ferguson wasn't guilty due to "insane rage of a black man suffering racial injustices of an oppressive white society".

The jury saw through his 'provoked black rage' defense and convicted him.

We all get upset at idiots who provoke us. The key is to not let them change us, or else they (and evil) win.

** That's not directed at you impliedchaos .. that's just part of the discussion here.

[edit on 4/10/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
These girls deserve to feel proud IN THE FACE of ignorance. They shouldn't give into it, in my opinion. They shouldn't give their personal power away so easily. And the adults around them are nurturing their sadness and hurt. :shk:

Amen and you got a WATS from me.

You have voted Benevolent Heretic for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

That's exactly how I felt. The best response would have been to negate the whole thing by saying "Who's Imus and why do I care?" They shouldn't have taken 15 minutes of their lives by even addressing it. But like most situations, it'll be used for someone else's ends - publicity for the show (no publicity is bad, after all), publicity for the pundits, more face time for Jesse Jackson, etc.

I saw Rev Jackson on the Today Show this morning along with James Carville. Jackson being the firebrand and Carville an apologist. It's a circus and as annestacey said on page 1 of this thread, used as a diversionary issue. Much like a gay marriage ban or ban on flag burning.

Ooh a comedian made an ill advised, stupid racial epithet. Stop the presses.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Ikema
Worry about those gals from R? Forget that, they are a bunch of thugs and they know it.

Do you have some information on that, that you would like to share? Or are you basing that on the ratio of male basketball players in the NBA who have police records (extensive!!) and you are doing a guilt by association thing.

Sincerely. Why do you think that??

Edited to fix NHL to NBA (hockey on the mind!!)

[edit on 4/10/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Or are you basing that on the ratio of male basketball players in the NHL who have police records (extensive!!)

Personally, I don't think the basketball players have much of a chance in the NHL what with the ice and sticks and all.

>Just yankin'<

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by yeahrightI don't think the basketball players have much of a chance in the NHL what with the ice and sticks and all.

Oh goodness ... you can see where my mind is! NBA NBA !!!!
Thanks yeahright .. I needed a good laugh!

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Open_Minded Skeptic

I just heard one of the team members say she is "scarred for life" by this. Scarred for LIFE? A highly intelligent, strong, accomplished young woman is scarred for life by three seconds of drivel from some white guy she doesn't even KNOW?

I just want to ask this woman "why exactly are you giving this clown your power"?

You can't win money in a lawsuit if you aren't emotionaly scarred. Hate to point that out but its painfully obvious to me.

edit -sp

[edit on 10-4-2007 by kleverone]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
The NAACP needs to hire me because they're sorely lacking in talent.

You and me both, Dr. Love.

The other side of this is that no doubt millions of people who would have previously asked, "What's an IMUS"? now knows who he is and can't wait to tune into his show. I bet his ratings SOAR this week! The attention he's being GIVEN by the MSM makes me think something else is really going down in the world to have cnn SO focused on this.

Perhaps it's the death blamed on Rat Poison in a China Hospital or maybe it's the fact that 10 soldiers died in Iraq Yesterday, but SOMEONE wants us to focus on Imus...

In any case, they're doing Imus' life story on cnn... :shk:

And let's not forget where we first heard women referred to as "hos"... For years now, black men have been degrading black women and women in general and making millions of dollars doing it. But the minute a skinny white guy says one little comment about it, these same women are now "scarred for life"!

Originally posted by FlyersFan
if I had been on the team and those kind of things had been said about me I'd be very hurt and very embarrassed.

I would have, too, FF. There's just no way in hell I would have given anyone the satisfaction of letting them know that they got to me. And there's no way in hell I would have let some dude's opinion override my pride, self-esteem or sense of accomplishment like these girls obviously have.

Originally posted by kleverone
You can't win money in a lawsuit if you aren't emotionaly scarred.

Interesting. I wonder... I guess we'll hear in the upcoming days and weeks.

[edit on 10-4-2007 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 12:15 PM
I also find it ironic that this all comes about at the same time that we're honoring Jackie Robinson for breaking the color barrier.

Also, my definition of a redneck is basically any white person that pisses me off while driving. Actually they're effin' rednecks.


edit: I can't imagine that these girls have any kind of legal recourse, financially speaking. I don't see how.

[edit on 10-4-2007 by Dr Love]

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