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98% sure Hostile Aliens dont exist.(or if they do they most certainly dont have interstellar travel

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posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by Mayan2012
I never told you all to believe what im saying. I do not think of myself to be Pure,and Superior to all others.

What you are doing is putting words in my mouth,persay.

Putting words in your mouth? My mistake. But I would like to share with others how I came to these conclusions and where I got my source from.

My View of the Universe,And What We Are.
posted on 17-4-2007 @ 04:11 AM (ID:3119888, Post Number: 3,019,998)
by Mayan2012

Originally posted by Mayan2012
Not Everyone will Ascend. Only a few. I will be one of the few that Ascend into my true form. Which is? Energy. The same energy that you become when you die.

the people that Dont Ascend,will have to wait till they die. Because the next Ascension isnt for another 26,000 years.

Originally posted by Mayan2012
those who are open minded and are WILLING to accept Anything that the universe has to offer will be ascended.

Those who are Spiritually enlightened.

Basicaly anyone who Believes Anything is possible within the universe is ready Ascend.

Religious fanatics LOL hell no they wont Ascend. Way 2 close minded lol

Originally posted by Mayan2012
As for me and the other 10% of the world, We will be Ascending on dec 21st 2012.

Simple as that


These are post made by you from that thread, I bold the parts that have made me come to this conclusion, for those who are interested.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by NGC2736
Any race that developed their own star travel would seem more likely to be aggressive than one that got it through treachery or trade. They would have earned the stars, and their big brains , in a long ago past.

Power corrputs, I hope that they are guilded by a strong sense of moral ethics. Otherwise, they might use their superiority, power, knowledge, technology, and use treachery or deceit to dominate and control other more primitive but intelligent species.

In that case, they would have hostile intentions.

[edit on 18-4-2007 by ixiy]

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 12:29 AM
What can i say?

Cry more dude. Cry more.

thats all your doing is bitching at me.

So cmon do it all you want i dont care. You have your own opinions and so do i.

Lets leave it at that.You can think what you want of me. it doesnt change anything, i know my place in the Universe, do you?


*Edit* Im going to sleep. Way too tired to even think right now.

[edit on 4/18/2007 by Mayan2012]

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 12:55 AM
NGC2736 has said what I think but was unable to explain because I'm not cleaver enough!

There are just so many posibilities, Aliens can be both hostile, or friendly. We do not know anything about them, what they think is valuable or not. Even if they are not technically hostile, they may just see us as advanced as we see mice to be advanced. Maybe they want to make Earth their new space resort, and there seems to be an infestation of life on the planet, they may purge all life, would seem hostile and evil to us, but to them it would be the same as calling the exterminator to get rid of that rat problem in the basement.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 01:04 AM
I believe the original poster has a point with what he is trying to discuss and he's on the right path.

You need to achieve equality, obedience, intense understanding and appreciation for life and the universe.

Not be plagued by poverty, fear, tyranny.

For those that cannot see this, I am not to say you are close minded but just take a look at what it is doing to us and really ask if it's a real viable method of survival and expansion.

We can only make it so far like this and we are only going to lead ourselves to extinction or a point of change in which we progress socially/physically etc in ways that aren't harmful.

You are not going to have extraterrestrials visit us and impose harm upon us.

Some may go through hypnosis and believe their experiences (provided they are real) to be scary but I don't believe anything is harmful or threatening.

We're still here aren't we... how long have they been around? Ages more than we can recollect.

Always keep the opin inquistive objective mind
You find more truth with it!

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 01:06 AM
I am not ruling out the posibility of a non-hostile alien race, in fact, I think the chances are better that the race would be friend as opposed to hostile. But to say that ALL races that have achieved interstellar technololgies are not hostile just sounds rediculous.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 02:17 AM
The universe is most likely much larger and older than our telescopes can detect which is now somewhere around 13 billion years give or take. Just going by numbers alone it would be a safe statement to say "I am 98% sure that Hostile aliens with interstellar travel do exist."
Considering the sheer number of planetary systems out there (billions and billions) it's just about guaranteed that somehow somewhere a hostile civ has developed this ability w/o destroying themselves. A billion is a very large number. They say there are more galaxies than grains of sand on the Earth.
That's a LOT of chances for bad guys to make some cool toys.

[edit on 18-4-2007 by Ace_SD]

[edit on 18-4-2007 by Ace_SD]

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 07:11 AM
I too am not ruling out peaceful aliens. I hope and expect that contact will be a nice gentlespecies...(?) affair. But to think that those who tread the void are pacifists would be foolish on our part. I was not saying that the aliens would arrive with warships and ray guns.

When contact occurs, the visitors must, IMHO, be met with friendliness and an open mind as to their motives. Having said that, we should not be so naive as to bet the future of mankind on the assumptions of those like 2012. There is no evidence that aliens are either peaceful or hostile. In the absence of any clear idea as to their nature, I think to err, if that's what it comes to be, on the side of caution is extremely prudent behavior on our part.

It is good that there are those with a pure heart that will meet the stranger with open arm. It speaks well for mankind. These good folks are a source of pride to our species, though sadly enough, they are often buried at a young age.


posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 05:26 PM
I also would like to speculate on the nature of just more than one race of aliens visiting us.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 06:34 PM
No one said Only one race of aliens has visited us


[edit on 4/18/2007 by Mayan2012]

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 09:27 PM
I wasn't making any accusations Maya

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 12:56 PM
Just a thought... all Alien civ's could be hostile towards us, all they must do is look into our history then they can comprehend the security risk the human race would present to the galaxy.

Being the potential threat could manifest frinedly ET's into hostiles ... Just looking at how countries operate on the same planet and how segregated we make each other could be enough for an alien race to evaluate how we would operate within the galaxy.

I mean the way the weston world operates with regards to the third world and some contries in the east... if given power on a galactic level who says we wouldn't let entire worlds starve to death for financial gain.

If I was an emissary for an Alien civ.. I'd try and wipe us out ASAP

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 03:26 PM
Interesting thread – though some, especially the OP, seem to react with the belligerence and hostility our interstellar-traveling aliens apparently do not possess. *sigh*.

Just MHO, but a few possibilities to consider:

• There are countless species of aliens in the universe, and our local group of galaxies has a substantial variety of them, many of which are interstellar-faring, and some that are intergalactic-faring as well. Within our own galaxy, especially among those closer to the galactic center than we are, the interstellar travel is teeming and buzzing with activity.
• There are technologies utilized for interstellar travel that Earthlings have as yet no concept of and may never even acquire the knowledge for reasons postulated below. For especially great distances, travel is made almost effortless (but not without peril) through the manipulation of space-time. Chemical-based propulsion as we are familiar with it is never used in interstellar travel. For shorter distances between stars closer together (a few light years or less), fusion-based propulsion works well (at about 10e6:1 ratio), but it has some drawbacks, among which is passenger discomfort, resource intensity, and temporal suspension.
• The Earth is being visited by a large contingent of alien species and has been for millennia. Most, nearly all of them actually, have no hostile intent toward humans per se, but that does not mean they do not have self-serving agendas that ultimately do not serve the best interests of Earthlings. “Hostility” is a relative term (as can be surmised by some of the responses in this thread), and the visiting aliens are no different in this respect: their purposes may be considered hostile to some, benevolent to others, dispassionate to many – especially among their fellow alien visitors.
• Most, but not all, of the aliens that are here (or have come and gone) have evolved many thousands of generations beyond human’s primitive state. They communicate with each other (and sometimes with us) telepathically, they don’t need to wear military insignia to identify themselves or to establish rank or order, and have gone far beyond our socially imposed divisions of race, intelligence, intention, or esoteric religions.
• Most of the aliens try not to interfere or even interact with the human population on Earth whatsoever. Many are here to observe and study only: the Earth, although one of billions of inhabited planets, has some very exclusive and inimitable qualities that are rare and unique. We also are lucky (or unlucky) enough to live on a planet that has such a large quantity of these unique attributes that it has drawn the attention of many alien species eager to understand and experience it for themselves. Because there are indeed several alien entities present, each with their own agenda, some opinions amongst them differ with respect to appropriate involvement. This is one source of considerable consternation among them.
• The living laboratory of Earth provides a wide variety of rich resources that tempts some species to violate protocols and cause dissension. These resources are mineral, chemical, botanical, biological, and many others. To some, humans and other animals of Earth have (or contain) prized physiological assets which some alien species go to extraordinary lengths to acquire.
• Earth, by far the densest planet in the solar system, and indeed more dense (and rare) than the typical terrestrial (as opposed to gaseous) planet of other solar systems, also harbors an incredible wealth of heavy metals. The quantity, variety, and multiplicity of these elements all on one planet intrigues them incalculably. Earth also has an immense proportion of water, an extremely valuable resource we tend to take for granted, but that aliens appreciate as vital to most forms of life in the universe – even highly advanced ones – and that on many inhabited worlds is depleted and must be manufactured synthetically or harvested elsewhere.
• Some of the aliens in the proximity of Earth are here to protect us (or their interests) from other species with less patience, virtuosity, or fortitude. Similarly, and consequently, to avoid detection and repercussion, some aliens have resorted to clandestine methods, deception, and concealment in order to advance their motives. Whether some of these actions constitute “hostility” is dependant on one’s perspective.
• Most of the alien species, even the majority benevolent ones, don’t care as much about humans as we pretend to believe. The consensus is that humans are barely beyond their own intellectual and societal infancy, that we have an enormous disregard for the well-being of our planet and for each other, and that we are on an inevitable and imminent trajectory toward self-destruction. They are not hostile towards us because they don’t need to be. For the observers, we are merely acting out the final scenes of a short-lived but fascinating drama. For the resource-harvesters, they believe they only need to wait another decade or so and then can swoop in and take what they want. For the benevolent species, we are providing them with an almost unbearable dilemma: do they interfere and offer a course-correction of sorts (which violates their own mandates but is not unheard of in Earth’s history), or do they stay behind the scenes and watch the immediate future of Earth unfold with its attendant consequences?

In any and all respects, my fellows Earthlings, there are obvious lessons to be learned here. Every poster to this thread has had a valuable comment or opinion, each of us is a contributor, we’re all in this together. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us - and good luck to us all: I have a feeling we’ll need it…

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
That is pretty reductionistic, Mayan. First, you are assuming that non-imperialism is always the path of an advanced species, regardless of the circumstances. Second, you fail to consider the possibility that a span of "millions of light years" (do you not know there is a star a little over four light years away that is potentially supportive of life?) could not be bridged by advanced race in mere minutes.

Way too many conclusions on much too shaky ground.

Im With you man!

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 07:39 PM
Hey Mayan
I found this post something of immense interest but just felt I should point something out about the Romans. The only reason that the Roman Empire of sorts fell to pieces was two things it could not deal or handle inflation and this was it's undoing and also by the time it fell apart it was full of corruption.

Another factor to add in is the rise of Christianity and the fact people's of various provinces wanted the Romans out and wanted to be able to run them as countries who no longer needed dependence on Rome and a great many of these fledgeling countries that are European states had better weapons and had begun to organise themselves into Military powers that or the Romans where getting hit hard by the Vikings and Norse Raiders and in fact the Germans deposed the last Roman Emperor and took power from him and gave him the chance to live his life out in retirement under his protection.

As for Aliens being non hostile I am going to say 50/50 since how can we assume they are not aggressors. It's plausible you have peaceful races out there but there has to be war like one's as well other wise that would not be seen as a fair balance. If they are of higher intelligence than us then they may not adopt warlike attitudes. We are known for trying to destroy are selves an perhaps if they do watch this planet they likely think that this is the last place they want to come to let alone set foot on!

I would like to think as you do but some how I feel it is unrealistic and it is not possible for any of us to know the real answer to such a massive question!

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 07:41 PM
Okay where to start.

Well religion is the cause of 90% of all wars, you pulled that statistic out of you ass. Yes religion can cause conflict, but name five major wars started becuase of religion. I mean the two biggest wars in human history (WW1 and WW2) weren't based on religion.

Next, well I don't think you can say advanced races would become peaceful. There is no evidence or precedent to support that. We as a species hace only become MORE violent as we have prgressed inventing new and more powerful weapons to kill ourselves.

And everytime an "advanced" culture on our own planet has visited an undiscovered country, the native population have always been slaughtered, exploited, enslaved, wiped out by disease or a combination there of.

It seems to me that it is more likely they will use us to benfit theyre own race (if indeed conbtact is ever made).

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Far Beyond The Sun
Okay where to start.

Well religion is the cause of 90% of all wars, you pulled that statistic out of you ass. Yes religion can cause conflict, but name five major wars started becuase of religion. I mean the two biggest wars in human history (WW1 and WW2) weren't based on religion.

Yes I agree Far Beyond...this thread is full of that, pulling statistics out of arses.

Religion was the reason for war centuries ago, now we kill others for other reasons, like oil, money and power etc.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Far Beyond The Sun
Okay where to start.

Well religion is the cause of 90% of all wars, you pulled that statistic out of you ass. Yes religion can cause conflict, but name five major wars started becuase of religion. I mean the two biggest wars in human history (WW1 and WW2) weren't based on religion.

Next, well I don't think you can say advanced races would become peaceful. There is no evidence or precedent to support that. We as a species hace only become MORE violent as we have prgressed inventing new and more powerful weapons to kill ourselves.

And everytime an "advanced" culture on our own planet has visited an undiscovered country, the native population have always been slaughtered, exploited, enslaved, wiped out by disease or a combination there of.

It seems to me that it is more likely they will use us to benfit theyre own race (if indeed conbtact is ever made).

The Chinese Civil War known as The Taipeng Rebellion is believed to be the Second largest conflict in human history after World War 2. It took place at the same time the US Civil War was occuring. It was started by a man claiming to be the Messiah and brother of Christ, who tried to create a Heavenly Kingdom and destroy the Chinese Empire.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 11:46 AM
It could also be argued that the National Socialism was a type of religion with Adolf Hitler as its Messianic head.

Imperial Japan was a theocratic empire with the Emperor as Divine King. So maybe WW2 wasn't that non religious.

[edit on 21/4/07 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 05:40 PM
Sorry to jump in here but i think intelligent species go through war and hostility as a natural thing to lower numbers being the height of the food chain and also we seem to progress technologically faster as a result of war, mainly to build better weapons yes -but that tech is later used on other home conveniences.

I can only guess as time goes on we become less hostile but its always going to be a factor purely because its in our nature as i think its going to be part of an alien species nature. But its going to be more under control as the the more advanced the alien species is -just my opinion

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