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Mars Anomoly Smoking Gun?

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posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 07:31 AM
The Gnomes live! Someone find the king!

Ah well... if these are the creation of ancient intelligence, it's nice to know they were as bored as we are. You've really gotta have nothing better to do to go around carving gigantic faces into the surface of your planet.

And I don't think they did her boobs justice in their outline.

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 09:09 AM
someone has been looking at mars surface images a little too long me thinks.

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by greatlakes
Not sure but when a crater is formed the land solid act like liquids, like a milk drop, additional material (in this case in the form of a heart hehe) is deposited into the center of some craters. Depending on angle of incidence, mass, material etc?

Yup pretty close... the central upheaval can make weird shapes.. (I have the golfball... that one even the scientists can't explain yet)

But what is more interesting is how craters form in that shape... like the triangular ones like Ukert. I have even got a few square and rectangular craters and so far 10 more heart shaped ones and my favorite is "Eve's Apple"

From Mars with Love

Think there is a good golf ball in crater mars image similar to ...

That would be this one...


[edit on 6-4-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Jimmy910130I will totally believe in alien life when I either see one alive, or well, actually that's it.

I doubt it... I am sure you would say it was a costume

By the way. Why the hell would the aliens make a drawing of Nerfertiti or wtv on Mars?

Who says its Nefertiti? Someone in here that thinks it looks like her... Who knows what her name really was... Egyptian looking? Why on Mars? Well if the Anunnaki truly existed, and the ancient tales of war on Mars are true, one would expect to find similar themes and structures on Mars.. IE pyramids in Cydonia.

Our planet is full of Pyramids (I would really love to get at the ones in China) Huge stone faces have been carved all over the planet... Egypt, Easter Island etc... We have no idea why the ancients made these huge megaliths, but they did...

And why would they make faces? Aren't they smarter than us?

Why not? And what does being smarter have to do with anything? I suppose you are implying that the ancient civilizations on Earth were less intelligent when they created the monuments? Or is it that we don't know their motivation? And what makes you presume that a more intelligent race would not create giant structures for reasons of their own?

In about 10 years, all those faces on Mars will be gone, and new ones will have surfaced due to sandstorms.

We have sand storms in the Sahara, yet the pyramids and the Sphinx have been exposed for thousands of years... wind can blow sand over something, it can also blow sand away to expose something... your argument is invalid

As a matter of fact there is proof. Spirit Rover. The Rovers had an expected life span due to the thinking that they would soon be covered in dust and thus be unable to function... well it seems Spirit got a gust of wind that blew away all the dust and its been running fine ever since..

Dust Devil Saves Spirit Rover

People, this does not prove anything, get over it.

Quite true it does not prove anything... until we can go look ourselves... but that doesn't mean we will stop seeking. I would suggest that you get over that. The fact that you are drawn into these threads to look means that you truly wish to believe... so perhaps one day if we keep looking we will find the picture that convinces you...

Could someone tell me how it's possible for a lifeform of anykind to live in such temperatures as there are on Mars? it is IMPOSSIBLE. And even if they somehow got underground, what do they eat? drink?

Ah so you are an expert on exobiology now? Thats quite a statement to make IMPOSSIBLE. A simple google search will show you that many NASA and other scientist do not agree with you and are actively seeking signs of life...

But hey you already know its not possible...


For those who are not so positive...

Malin Space Science Systems...

Mars News - NASA Reports -- Exclusive: NASA Researchers Claim Evidence of Present ...

NASA Astronomy Pic of the Day
Today a team of NASA and Stanford scientists announced the discovery of strong circumstantial evidence that microscopic life once existed on Mars.


I hear tell someone once said it was impossible to fly or to break the speed of sound....

yeah right... THEY knew what they were talking about

Someone in one of these posts said they would believe if there was a picture of Marvin the Martian in one of the Rover images...


Couldn't resist :ccol:

[edit on 6-4-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 11:50 AM
reminds me of the grilled cheese with the virgin mary

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes

The Earth has been bombarded by many many meteors over the millenia but the erosional nature of Earth has obscured deteriorated the craters. Mars on the other hand has a scant (arguable) atmosphere, little to no water action (arguable) and has retained the craters observable. The wind action is another erosional mechanism...

I guess im confused, I would assume it is questionable at least to know for sure the erosional nature of Mars as compared to the Earth.

I don't think enough information is known about the erosion vs time of mars surface to state that some features would be long gone... Am I wrong?

Yes. We know that wind erosion has dominated on Mars for a very long time, with bombardments taking second place. There is sand and dust everywhere,and we can see it accumulating on the surfaces of the rovers. A long time ago, water and lava were important. While we don't know the exact history (we need samples to do that), we do see evidence for erosion everywhere.

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes
So wait...There is intelligent life on Earth?

If you consider humans to be intelligent, yes

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by DarkSide
If you consider humans to be intelligent, yes

I frequently find myself musing on that......

zorgon, your latest exchange with jimmy(bunch of random numbers), points out how both sides of the discussion often fall into the 'absolute' trap. This is the way it is, and it cannot be any other way. That's what riles me up....the declaration that some thing or action is factual and occurring, when its really not been conclusively established.

As to meteor craters that take on odd shapes....I suppose a mundane explanation could be that differences in the surface composition of a planet could cause the explosive force of a meteor to direct itself in other than a spherical direction. The cupid heart shape craters are neat, but I don't see that a unique cultural reference from Earth, a relatively young reference I believe, would migrate to other planets well.

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by DarkSide

Originally posted by greatlakes
So wait...There is intelligent life on Earth?

If you consider humans to be intelligent, yes

Dude, your avatar is CREEPY! Cool

Seriously, I don't get the people who keep trying to find signs of life on mars. Once I see remnaments of a great pryamid or perhaps a skyscraper or some other object that HAD to have been built (and not made by nature) then I'll believe.

I don't even waste my time searching for stuff on mars....anyway don't you all know that the good stuff is edited out by NASA?

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 01:04 PM

Proof Earth may have sustained an intelligent civilization some time in its past!!!!!

HA!! Great line. To bad all the intelligent life has died off and left the makers of the coming hell on earth.

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes
Came across this awhile back, now it seems it has been enhanced (to show the outline more clearly)...What do you think about this anomoly?

Pareidolia. Definately pareiolia.

In fact, it looks nothing at all like Nefertiti (wrong sort of face, and she shaved herself bald, wrong sort of clothing) or Sumerian woman, or any other historic goddess or person... except perhaps a cartoon of some movie star from the 1920's.

When someone suggests these things to you, most people will try to see the image and then say "oh yes!" ... but the don't take step 2, which is to go look for the real object and see if it truly compares

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 03:28 PM
You know, it looks like both images of faces posted in this thread look remarkably similar. One is a side view of a female with a hat and the other is a front-on view of the same female wearing the same hat. She must have been a very important figure in that time.

Regarding having the entire image eroded away by sandstorms, that would take millenia if these structures are hundreds of feet in height. It's hard to guess their vertical dimensions when viewed from above. Too bad there's not enough support/interest for a manned mission to the Red Planet. Last night on a local Radio program (WGN Radio with Milt Rosenburg) the NASA expert being interviewed stated that it would only take one day for a human to accomplish what the Mars Rovers have done to this point. That was an amazing revelation for this listener.

Also, if Mars has an atmosphere dense enough to create sand storms, is that atmosphere made of Oxygen, or something else? As a life-long Earth dweller I'm having a hard time comprehending something else blowing the sand around so forcefully.

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 06:27 PM
Thanks to the OP for this. It is a striking similarity, almost too good to be true.

The thing that bothers me with these "faces" and other anomalie spotted from probes, satellites and such.. Would any civilization build a structure that would only be visible from outer space? Have we? I can think of a few that can be seen from space, but none made with the intention of being picked out by an external viewpoint, or giving any kind of communication with anything "out there". Am I short of some information?

On the other hand - why would a physical life form be responsible for this, if it is not a natural formation? Maybe one of the other "dimensions" we are not aware of could be responsible?

Again, great find!

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by greatlakes
Not sure but when a crater is formed the land solid act like liquids, like a milk drop, additional material (in this case in the form of a heart hehe) is deposited into the center of some craters. Depending on angle of incidence, mass, material etc?

Yup pretty close... the central upheaval can make weird shapes.. (I have the golfball... that one even the scientists can't explain yet)

But what is more interesting is how craters form in that shape... like the triangular ones like Ukert. I have even got a few square and rectangular craters and so far 10 more heart shaped ones and my favorite is "Eve's Apple"

From Mars with Love

Think there is a good golf ball in crater mars image similar to ...

That would be this one...


[edit on 6-4-2007 by zorgon]

Hey Zorgon
Thanks for all those links and pictures!! I didnt know much about the heart shapes found on Mars.. Thanks to your post I was able to brush up a little bit more on the subject.. And when I said Mars was the planet that was Considered the God of War, was just from what I have read and watched on some videos such as this.

Mars, the Roman God of War, was one of the most worshipped and revered gods throughout ancient Rome. He was the son of Jupiter and Juno and according to legend, fathered Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, with the vestal virgin Rhea Silvia. Because of this mythological lineage, the Roman people felt as though they were also the children of Mars and he was regarded as their protector. Mars held a special place in the Roman Pantheon not only for his patronly influence, but because of the importance of military achievement in the republic and the Roman Empire, conquering Northern Africa and much of Europe and the Middle East.

Thats the short end of what I have learned from Mars comming from old text and history teachers.. But its sure interesting to see all those formations on the ground. I would have to agree with most of what you have said threw this post.

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by adjay

The thing that bothers me with these "faces" and other anomalie spotted from probes, satellites and such.. Would any civilization build a structure that would only be visible from outer space? Have we? I can think of a few that can be seen from space, but none made with the intention of being picked out by an external viewpoint, or giving any kind of communication with anything "out there". Am I short of some information?

The term 'visible from space' is kind of outdated or just a phrase that isn't very pertinent or useful anymore. Unless your talking about just visibly with the naked eye 'visible from space'. However that's not what's being discussed here, the images were snapped via basically a camera with a telescopic lens attached increasing the focal length, enlarging the image. So therefore any object on any planet would be 'visible from space' when 'viewed' via a camera with a long lens.

I believe many of you may have heard the: the only man-made objects on earth that are naked eye viewable from space is the great wall of china. This is kind os a myth and misnomer, see here:

China's Wall Less Great in View from Space

It has become a space-based myth. The Great Wall of China, frequently billed as the only man-made object visible from space, generally isn't, at least to the unaided eye in low Earth orbit. It certainly isn't visible from the Moon.

You can, though, see a lot of other results of human activity.

The visible wall theory was shaken after China's own astronaut, Yang Liwei, said he couldn’t see the historic structure. There was even talk about rewriting textbooks that espouse the theory, a formidable task in the Earth’s most populous nation.

[edit on 6-4-2007 by greatlakes]

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes

Originally posted by adjay

The thing that bothers me with these "faces" and other anomalie spotted from probes, satellites and such.. Would any civilization build a structure that would only be visible from outer space? Have we? I can think of a few that can be seen from space, but none made with the intention of being picked out by an external viewpoint, or giving any kind of communication with anything "out there". Am I short of some information?

The term 'visible from space' is kind of outdated or just a phrase that isn't very pertinent or useful anymore. Unless your talking about just visibly with the naked eye 'visible from space'. However that's not what's being discussed here, the images were snapped via basically a camera with a telescopic lens attached increasing the focal length, enlarging the image. So therefore any object on any planet would be 'visible from space' when 'viewed' via a camera with a long lens.

No, I was talking about "probes, satellites and such" which would imply any photographic device with telescopic cabapilities, of course, which is where all these "face" pictures come from.

I think there are a few, one posted in this thread already - that can be proven to be naturally occurring, coincidental, and none that we have have made ourselves.

So, have we built anything for the purpose of it being seen by satellites/probes/visiting species?

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 09:23 PM
Well how does anyone prove that a species built a monument for the sole purpose of being seen from above? I mean the pyramids? can be seen from above from a camera or instrument on a satellite or probe.

Also, I think you're getting at that images or line drawing made in the sand are meant to be seen from space or from an aerial view. That these "Are Built Specifically to be seen from Above, from an aircraft or probe". I argue that people can build these types of monuments (or like the nazca lines) possibly as a tribute to their gods that a particular species may worship.

Originally posted by adjay

I think there are a few, one posted in this thread already - that can be proven to be naturally occurring, coincidental, and none that we have have made ourselves.

So, have we built anything for the purpose of it being seen by satellites/probes/visiting species?

Um of course there are going to be naturally occurring formations visible from above that appear to be artificial. Your statement that NONE that "we have made ourselves" is brought into question. What are you trying to say here, that there exists no man-made formations on Earth visible from an aerial view?

[edit on 6-4-2007 by greatlakes]

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by zysin5And when I said Mars was the planet that was Considered the God of War, was just from what I have read and watched on some videos such as this.

LOL its okay I wasn't trying to dethrone the God of War, but thats a lot of hearts for a warrior... You can see all the Martian images I have so far, but anomalies and natural enigmas here..

And more to come soon...

I find it interesting that so many come in and say "its all in your heads" so don't bother looking, yet also say that if something really tangible came up they would believe...

DOH So if we stop searching how would we then find that tangible piece of evidence? And yes we know NASA tampers with images... but they miss things... besides I believe they are on the verge of "leaking" stuff out a bit at a time... but thats just my opinion ( and a few others)

Oh and its supported by my emails

So until I can hitch a ride up there, I will keep digging through the photos

Now for anyone who is really interested in craters on Earth... I found a few

Australia, S America, Africa and some of N America are finished but thats a lot already

Here is one taken from space...

Manicouagan Crater, Canada

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 12:03 AM
Jimmy, this is how it went down. Me and my wife go into this book and salvage surplus store. The Mars guy the owner, has a few UFO books laying around the store and I ask him if he has any more books on UFOs. After talking with him for a while he said, are you really interested in aliens and UFOs and I said, yes. So the Mars guy says follow me and he takes me and my wife to the back of the store down a hallway.

He proceeds to open a locked door with keys of his personal library approximately 18' long and about 8' wide and 10' tall with book shelves on both sides of the wall with books going all the way to the ceiling. We came into the library and he locks the door behind us with a dead bolt I asked why did you lock the door? Needless to say I was diffinetly uneasy especially with my wife being with me. He says I have secret info on Mars and documentation as well as pictures of aliens that I do not want people to see.

He then tells us the story of him being taken to Mars by a spacecraft that left from a field near his home in Labelle, Fl. We both thought he was wacked in the head, but he starts to tell about an underground base he was taken to on Mars. He said Americans had been there on Mars since the 1960s again I thought he was a nut.

In this base on Mars he said there were blond headed humanoids he called Nordics. He also said some wore skin tight uniforms with an emblem with a grays head being part of the emblem. He said there were 4 foot grays as well as 10' Reptilian looking beings. He said it scared the holly hell out of him. The Mars guy said there were humanoids also wearing what looked to be military uniforms similar looking to military uniforms on Earth but again different.

He said you would not believe the incredible technology and the elaborate underground installations on Mars. He showed me and my wife these books and pictures of aliens and supposedly secret documents he had acquired about our Solar System, constellations, aliens and space craft.

This was in 1993 and the Mars guy lent me a book to read about Montauk that I repeatedly tried to return, but his store was always closed when I came thru Labelle. He died like I said before, but I do not know how he died. Again he said he would be killed because he knew to much about Mars and the underground secret operations.

I have a friend that sold used books at fleamarkets in Florida and we were talking and I mentioned The Montauk Project Experiments In Time book. I proceeded to tell her about this crazy Mars guy in Labelle and to my surprise and shock she said she knew him and used to buy and sale used books to him. Labelle was quite a drive for her from the flea market where she sold her books.

I asked her if he had mentioned anything about Mars to her and she said all the time. I asked her did he say he would be killed because he knew to much about Mars and she said, yes and she also said he died but did not know how. At least I had one other person beside my wife to varify this guy existed, supposedly went to Mars and that he died.

Why did this Mars guy take me into his confidence, do not know some times people you have not met before click. Rik Riley

[edit on 7-4-2007 by rikriley]

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 12:12 AM
intresting. If it both are the same, mabey its some mark of something/someone.

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